Heh, I didn't do too good there. But when I said your mom was liberal, I wasn't talking about political parties; I was talking about lifestyles.
I've seen you around a lot more than Ice Puff, so I should be able to go a bit more in-depth. I'm guessing about 70% of the things I say about you are correct (and many of them will be pretty specific).
Don't have the best home life, but you make up for it by reaching out to your friends. Prefer longer, more serious relationships over short flings. Have loved a girl who rejected you. Decidedly unreligious. Play an instrument, most likely guitar or keyboard, but are not that serious with it. You enjoy the performing arts (have most likely been in a school play). You most likely play a card game like Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, or Yu-Gi-Oh (I'd put my money on Yu-Gi-Oh, though I'm not sure if you still do it). You don't have much tolerance for ugly or fat people (you tend to think it's their fault, at least subconsciously). Your favorite animal is most likely not cute and cuddly, but dark and dangerous, like a spider or snake (but probably not a big, strong animal like a panther or bear). You definitely enjoy the Pool Room here at Smashboards (you probably dislike the Brawl Subforum because it's too chaotic). You enjoy listening to music very much. I have a feeling you enjoy the classic guitar rock songs, though I'm not sure about that one. You most likely do not enjoy most recent pop music, though, especially hip-hop and rap. You like to laugh. You probably have longish hair that you have either seriously contemplated dying an exotic color or have actually dyed it. You definitely like being the leader and being in charge, although you tend to be quiet and behind-the-scenes (hence "Silent" Jester). You can be argumentative at times, but you don't debate with people for fun.
Also, you've got some kind of feud running with me (hence you constantly saying, "I'm the mascot of the Pool Rooms, not Jammer"). Can we end that, somehow?
That's all for now. How did I do?
wow... just wow.... you got my life perfect. Yeah I want to end the feud, so lets be fourm buddies. You got it right.
1. "Don't have the best home life, but you make up for it by reaching out to your friends." I HATE my family, but would do anything for my friends.
2. "Prefer longer, more serious relationships over short flings." True
3. "Have loved a girl who rejected you." Still love her
4. "Decidedly unreligious." Right. I take care of myself first.
5. "Play an instrument, most likely guitar or keyboard, but are not that serious with it." I play guitar and im not that serious with it, but I think I should be.
6. "You enjoy the performing arts (have most likely been in a school play)." I love the performing arts, and yeah I have been in a lot of school plays.
7. "You most likely play a card game like Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, or Yu-Gi-Oh (I'd put my money on Yu-Gi-Oh, though I'm not sure if you still do it)." I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh, but quit.
8. "You don't have much tolerance for ugly or fat people (you tend to think it's their fault, at least subconsciously)." False actually. I know im ugly, but its the heart that counts not the body.
9. "Your favorite animal is most likely not cute and cuddly, but dark and dangerous, like a spider or snake (but probably not a big, strong animal like a panther or bear)." Nice, Spiders, Snakes, and Ravens are my favorites.
10. "You enjoy listening to music very much. I have a feeling you enjoy the classic guitar rock songs, though I'm not sure about that one. You most likely do not enjoy most recent pop music, though, especially hip-hop and rap." The classic rock songs are the greatest. Hate rap and hip-hop.
You got it all right, its a bummer that you searched under my username and found all my old topics. I've posted all of this on SWF. Nice try, but FAILURE.