@MageNinja: he has muscles??? *sigh* just like everyone says, Lucario's main reason for wanting in Brawl is because of how he looks. i mean i do want him in, but his looks are the last reason why i want him in.
1. he has a likely moveset that could get him into Brawl. the Squirtle one in the beginning is cool n all, but seriously, Lucario is a Steel/FIGHTING type. wut sand_man said in the beginning with fighting types being boring, well ok thats his opinion. IMO, isnt Brawl supposed to be about fighting, hence the name Brawl? ok some people could say that with something different could be more unique, but that still doesnt change the fact that the game is about fighting basically.
2. he is popular was popular as hell in Japan
3. he was one of the first shown 4th gen pokemon
4. he looks cool