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The Mog squad presents:The ultimate and final Mog/moogle thread.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Platnum, it just isn't worth it. Just ignore all the opposers, and let's talk about Mog in peace. So, what should we discuss?


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Final Smash: Rage Of The Yeti

Mog whistles and then Umaro appears from the sky holding Terra in his hands. Upon landing, Umaro proceeds to throw Terra across the stage doing massive knock back to whoever she hits. Once Terra reaches the end of the screen, she then becomes an esper and flies in the opposite direction in which she flew slicing any characters in her path with the Atma weapon for large damage and moderate knock back as she exits the scene. After the initial throw, Umaro will continue to throw any thing he can get his hands on (including Mog) at other characters for massive knock back. He does this for a good 10 seconds after Terra is gone.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Final Smash: Rage Of The Yeti

Mog whistles and then Umaro appears from the sky holding Terra in his hands. Upon landing, Umaro proceeds to throw Terra across the stage doing massive knock back to whoever she hits. Once Terra reaches the end of the screen, she then becomes an esper and flies in the opposite direction in which she flew slicing any characters in her path with the Atma weapon for large damage and moderate knock back as she exits the scene. After the initial throw, Umaro will continue to throw any thing he can get his hands on (including Mog) at other characters for massive knock back. He does this for a good 10 seconds after Terra is gone.
lol @ Terra being belittled to a simple move.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Crying? I'm barely shaking my head at you for even coming up with such an idea.
Because its a Final Smash thats involves Terra? Omg what a crime. :rolleyes:

Well platnum, it looks like we aren't allowed to defile the sacred three (Terra, Locke, & Celes) with FS roles. Its against the law. =o)

*Writes more FS ideas that use aforementioned characters as helpers in FS smashes*

Its a good thing I don't care for fanboy made laws. =o)


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
*sigh* I really wish I played more FF games. Then I could understand what the hell you all are talking about. And maybe I could be annoying and take sides for the lu--I'm not gonna say it...I really hate that word.
Theres always emulators out there if you want to play the earlier Final Fantasies. It doesn't suck as much if you get a controller for it. Using a keyboard sucks. :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
In your Nintendo Wii
Maybe cause I've played every single FF game but XI to know that Mog is a minor character that doesn't have priority over any main character in the series. :rolleyes:
But why should i admit it! why cant you just leave us alone!

mog isnt a shoe-in but he is abit more likely than ALOT of FF characters.

Supporting =/= Arguing hopelessly that that character is a shoe in

If Geno was a 2nd party or deconfirned, then Moogle would be a better choice as a se rep.

The fact that you can't accept that Mog is not the first choice for an SE rep or that he doesn't have a big chance, shows your denial, it's ok to support off the wall characters like the Blooper supporters, but unlike you they do know that the chances for Blooper to make it are slim to none.

Dang, Platnum get's no love, lol. Oh and about Mog; if Nintendo and Square simmer down, Mog can have an appareance in any shape or form.
Unless Geno becomes our se rep.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Like your fanboy made law that Cloud would never get in Brawl because he doesn't have a history with Nintendo? Right!
When a character has to have been on a Nintendo system for consideration, that stuff kinda matters. Cloud has minimal history with Nintendo and you know it. BTW, never said Cloud would never get in Brawl.

As for your FS's, supporting characters get implemented in movesets, like Toad, not starring characters like Terra, at least that you should know.
Says who? FYI, Toad deserved to be more than a Peach "B" move since he was part of the big 8 that was critical to the Mario franchise, but that didn't mean much to Sakurai did it? Lyn was also a starring character in a Fire Emblem game but ended up as an Assist Trophy. If you ask me, you should be thanking your lucky stars that Terra is part of my FS idea.

If you don't like it, then tough beans. Heres a tissue for your tears.

That's illegal. I have morals, hard as it is to believe...
Ok, then buy it for the VC (if it comes out) when you finally get a Wii. :)


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Final Smash: Rage Of The Yeti

Mog whistles and then Umaro appears from the sky holding Terra in his hands. Upon landing, Umaro proceeds to throw Terra across the stage doing massive knock back to whoever she hits. Once Terra reaches the end of the screen, she then becomes an esper and flies in the opposite direction in which she flew slicing any characters in her path with the Atma weapon for large damage and moderate knock back as she exits the scene. After the initial throw, Umaro will continue to throw any thing he can get his hands on (including Mog) at other characters for massive knock back. He does this for a good 10 seconds after Terra is gone.
Thats a great FS! good job!

*hands out kupo cookie*


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
yeah but they can't just have popularity on the internet they have to have among gamers who might buy brawl
Alsosquare said that if they were to have a character in brawl that they would not come from fianal fantasy
Minds can be changed, and if sakurai asks for an FF character, more than likely they WILL give him one!

btw internet popularity=gamer popularity, considering(almost)EVERY gamer uses the internet!

Dolla Billz Don't Lie Nygga

Smash Apprentice
Jan 1, 2008
Dartmouth College...pymping the 603 straight up
Ok, then buy it for the VC (if it comes out) when you finally get a Wii. :)
I was just kidding about the morals thing...well with regards to downloading anyways. I've just been paranoid lately ever since my school's IT department caught my IP downloading Spider-Man 3. So yeah I'll more than likely just be content with my PC versions of FF7 & 8, get FF9 for my trusty and commercially-legal PS1 emulator, and pray to God FF10 and FF12 (screw 11) eventually get ported to PC. I guess it wouldn't hurt to get FF1-6 on VC as well when I finally get Wii-ed up.

*hands out kupo cookie*
Funniest thing is that they probably taste like crap.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2007
Rigging the enemy base with explosives, which is l
Minds can be changed, and if sakurai asks for an FF character, more than likely they WILL give him one!

btw internet popularity=gamer popularity, considering(almost)EVERY gamer uses the internet!
yes but non-gamers use the internet to so there ha. Also I doubt sakurai will call square up and say "Hey I want to use an obscure character from an old final fantasy game for brawl" sora and the chocobo have a way higher chance.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
When a character has to have been on a Nintendo system for consideration, that stuff kinda matters. Cloud has minimal history with Nintendo and you know it. BTW, never said Cloud would never get in Brawl.
Has to have been on a Nintendo system =/= having a huge history with the company.

Says who?
Common sense!

FYI, Toad deserved to be more than a Peach "B" move since he was part of the big 8 that was critical to the Mario franchise, but that didn't mean much to Sakurai did it?
So why should the Final Fantasy character that serves pretty much the same role as Toad be playable then?


Your denial is pathetic, not only you don't accept that Mog doesn't have priority but now you even think that the minor optional character from FFVI could have the most important one as a mere move :rolleyes:.

If you don't like it, then tough beans. Heres a tissue for your tears.
You're the one belittling characters in favor of your hopefuls, as usual, if you don't like people telling you how wrong you are for doing that, then don't post crap like that.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
In your Nintendo Wii
Minds can be changed, and if sakurai asks for an FF character, more than likely they WILL give him one!

btw internet popularity=gamer popularity, considering(almost)EVERY gamer uses the internet!
But we don't know that until we get a link that shows se won't bring in ff characters.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2007
Rigging the enemy base with explosives, which is l
But we don't know that until we get a link that shows se won't bring in ff characters.
yeah its kinda funny how he is basing his whole argument around the fact that their minds might change because really that makes no sense I could start a master chief thread around the idea that sakurai could change his mind about having to on a nintendo game


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
yes but non-gamers use the internet to so there ha. Also I doubt sakurai will call square up and say "Hey I want to use an obscure character from an old final fantasy game for brawl" sora and the chocobo have a way higher chance.
1.non-gamers wouldnt take the time to draw mog fan art and then upload for all to see, would they?

2.thats EXACTLY the kinda person sakurai is.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2007
Rigging the enemy base with explosives, which is l
1.non-gamers wouldnt take the time to draw mog fan art and then upload for all to see, would they?

2.thats EXACTLY the kinda person sakurai is.
a person who played mog's game may not even own a wii, sora has more fanart than mog and because sakurai could change his mind about the rule that characters who have never been on a nintendo game can be in I now think master chief will be in and before you say sakurai wont do that I'll counter with thats just the kinda of guy he is.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
You're the one belittling characters in favor of your hopefuls, as usual, if you don't like people telling you how wrong you are for doing that, then don't post crap like that.
Oh I don't mind, but at the same time I don't mind telling people like you that I could care less about what you think a character's role in a game should be. So I think I will continue to post "crap" like that.

So why should the Final Fantasy character that serves pretty much the same role as Toad be playable then?
One of Toad's major roles was helping out Mario with Luigi and Peach in SMB2. Either way you slice it, thats not something to be sneezed at. It showed that Toad was capable of doing the same things Mario and the rest could and it showed he was more than worthy of standing alongside them in their quest to stop Wart.

Same goes for Mog. Helping stop Kefka is a big deal even if there are 13 other playable characters. Not as small of a role as you think it is. You can't even say that Terra was the main character, so what makes you think storyline relevance would even matter when selecting a PC from FFVI?

Has to have been on a Nintendo system =/= having a huge history with the company.
Every other character on the roster has had noticeable history with Nintendo. Snake, the guy with the least amount of history had his first game ported to the NES! What does Cloud have? Thats right a cameo! Precedence says history matters, so don't brush that aside.

Your denial is pathetic, not only you don't accept that Mog doesn't have priority but now you even think that the minor optional character from FFVI could have the most important one as a mere move
Mog is more than an optional character from FFVI. He represents every Moogle that you played as in tactics, every Moogle that you used in spin-offs, and every Moogle that you faced off against. The first one to communicate with humans, the first one to be playable, and the one who is a series mascot.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
a person who played mog's game may not even own a wii, sora has more fanart than mog and because sakurai could change his mind about the rule that characters who have never been on a nintendo game can be in I now think master chief will be in and before you say sakurai wont do that I'll counter with thats just the kinda of guy he is.
I meant sakurai is the kinda guy to stick a character no one expects in Brawl because they would be a unique character!

and microsoft will NEVER give away their cash cow.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2007
Rigging the enemy base with explosives, which is l
I meant sakurai is the kinda guy to stick a character no one expects in Brawl because they would be a unique character!

and microsoft will NEVER give away their cash cow.
microsoft no longer owns halo because bungie is a seprate company and master chief is unexpected and unique I mean no thinks he has a chance and no other character would use lazers, grenades and a beam sword all in one.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
I meant sakurai is the kinda guy to stick a character no one expects in Brawl because they would be a unique character.

1. It's not his decision alone to make.

2. We know next to nothing about the mysterious character that is Mr Sakurai.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 30, 2007
University of Michigan
Platnum, there seems to be a problem. In the first post, it says unintelligence won't be tolerated, and yet this thread is allowed to exist.



Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Every other character on the roster has had noticeable history with Nintendo. Snake, the guy with the least amount of history had his first game ported to the NES! What does Cloud have? Thats right a cameo! Precedence says history matters, so don't brush that aside.
OMG! I forgot how many options they had back in those days... having your game ported to the NES in the 80's is such an accomplishment.[/sarcasm]

Gimme a break, don't try to make believe that having the game ported is so significant and that it justifies Snake being on what seems to be a "Nintendo all star" game, his history with Nintendo wouldn't be enough to get him in Brawl with your logic, specially when his most popular and current games are nowhere to be found on Nintendo systems, so no, I'm not trying to brush it aside, unless you have proof that a character has to have an immense history with Nintendo then don't even use that argument.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007

1. It's not his decision alone to make.

platnum:it is mostly.

2. We know next to nothing about the mysterious character that is Mr Sakurai.

platnum:true, but we DO know he said popularity wasnt the only thing he carred about for choosing characters.(that also goes for third parties)
i marked my reponses.

Dolla Billz Don't Lie Nygga

Smash Apprentice
Jan 1, 2008
Dartmouth College...pymping the 603 straight up
1.non-gamers wouldnt take the time to draw mog fan art and then upload for all to see, would they?
Why is it that every time you post, you prove that you really can't argue your way out of a pile of leaves? First you tell me I said Chocobo would be a Yoshi clone yet you still can't even quote me where I allegedly said that. And now, you think FANART will sway Sakurai's opinion? Fanart is everywhere. Hell, I bet Paris Hilton has fanart is you search Google long enough.

And in vesperview's defense, I don't think Sakurai will weigh "history with Nintendo" nearly as high as he weighs character popularity. If Cloud was in high popular demand and easily relinquished by Square, I think the fact that it was a cameo appearance would be overlooked.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
In your Nintendo Wii
[rant] Alright I've had enough of this ****. First of all, go bash the Tails thread. Moogle is more likely than Tails. 2nd, saying like "Mog sux" good for you! Go to gamefaqs. 3rd no character is imposible except for a few exceptions. 4th, if you read the op, this is discussing about sse and other ideas. Not to bash around Moogle. Go make an anti-Moogle thread, just leave and leave Moogle alone.[/rant]
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