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The Mog squad presents:The ultimate and final Mog/moogle thread.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
OMG! I forgot how many options they had back in those days... having your game ported to the NES in the 80's is such an accomplishment.[/sarcasm]

Gimme a break, don't try to make believe that having the game ported is so significant and that it justifies Snake being on what seems to be a "Nintendo all star" game, his history with Nintendo wouldn't be enough to get him in Brawl with your logic, specially when his most popular and current games are nowhere to be found on Nintendo systems, so no, I'm not trying to brush it aside, unless you have proof that a character has to have an immense history with Nintendo then don't even use that argument.
What you are forgetting is that the Metal Gear series used the NES as a launching pad for greater success! It wasn't nearly as popular on the PC. Thats not even mentioning the GC exclusive remake of the first MGS game! Yeah Snake has had his history with Nintendo. Wheres Cloud's? Lets not forget that Snake qualifies as a retro character as well! So you could even apply the justification that went behind the selection of the Ice Climbers, but in Snakes case, he was popular too!


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Moogle is more likely than Tails.
In your dreams he is.

2nd, saying like "Mog sux" good for you!
No one is saying "Mog sux"

4th, if you read the op, this is discussing about sse and other ideas.
No, that's what you people want it to be.

What you are forgetting is that the Metal Gear series used the NES as a launching pad for greater success! It wasn't nearly as popular on the PC. Thats not even mentioning the GC exclusive remake of the first MGS game! Yeah Snake has had his history with Nintendo. Wheres Cloud's? Lets not forget that Snake qualifies as a retro character as well! So you could even apply the justification that went behind the selection of the Ice Climbers, but in Snakes case, he was popular as well!
So, now you also think that Snake's history with Nintendo is big? Wow! Snake has had six games on the Playstation and three on Nintendo with practically none of them being exclusive, as their only re-releases and remakes and since 2004, zero appearances on Nintendo consoles, you do the math.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
[rant] Alright I've had enough of this ****. First of all, go bash the Tails thread. Moogle is more likely than Tails. 2nd, saying like "Mog sux" good for you! Go to gamefaqs. 3rd no character is imposible except for a few exceptions. 4th, if you read the op, this is discussing about sse and other ideas. Not to bash around Moogle. Go make an anti-Moogle thread, just leave and leave Moogle alone.[/rant]

please do that^!


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2007
The letters in ''Mog'' can be rearranged to say "OMG!! This thread reeks!"


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Like how you become Sakurai vesperview.
Says the guy claiming that Mog is more likely than Tails to begin with, you're trying to play mediator here and you're failing pretty hard at it.

Im the topic creator I decide what its about! ITS ABOUT SSE AND MOVESETS! NOT ABOUT HIS CHANCES!
Unless you're pointing a gun to our faces you stopped having a say in this thread, pages ago, just like in the previous two ones.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
So, now you also think that Snake's history with Nintendo is big? Wow! Snake has had six games on the Playstation and three on Nintendo with practically none of them being exclusive, as their only re-releases and remakes and since 2004, zero appearances on Nintendo consoles, you do the math.
Snake's history with Nintendo exceeds that of the Ice Climbers, hes just as retro, and he only truly became a star when Metal Gear was ported to the NES where it sold over a million copies. His history with Nintendo may not be as big as it is with Sony, but it is still very relevant and thats something you will never admit. :rolleyes:


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Snake's history with Nintendo exceeds that of the Ice Climbers, hes just as retro, and he only truly became a star when Metal Gear was ported to the NES where it sold over a million copies. His history with Nintendo may not be as big as it is with Sony, but it is still very relevant and thats something you will never admit. :rolleyes:
I never said it wasn't relevant, I said it wasn't big compared to his history in PlayStation and it's true, so what are you arguing? The only thing a third party needs is a Nintendo appearance, period, and stop comparing Snake to the Ice Climbers please, it doesn't help you in the slightest.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2007
Rigging the enemy base with explosives, which is l
Im the topic creator I decide what its about! ITS ABOUT SSE AND MOVESETS! NOT ABOUT HIS CHANCES!
if I recall this is the mog/moogle ultimate and final thread not the mog/moogle ultimate and final thread about sse and movesets and im pretty sure the mods would perfer us talking about his chances here not in an entire new thread and Ardeekay are you for or against mog because if your against why argue with vesperview


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
if I recall this is the mog/moogle ultimate and final thread not the mog/moogle ultimate and final thread about sse and movesets and im pretty sure the mods would perfer us talking about his chances here not in an entire new thread and Ardeekay are you for or against mog because if your against why argue with vesperview
He wasn't arguing with me.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
stop comparing Snake to the Ice Climbers please, it doesn't help you in the slightest.
Oh but it does. The Ice Climbers were relevant characters in a game that was on a Nintendo console. Cloud made a cameo in Chain of Memories. Not exactly the same thing.

The only thing a third party needs is a Nintendo appearance, period
This leads me back to the point made earlier about precedence and how every character on the roster has had relevant history with Nintendo.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 30, 2007
University of Michigan
Wow, too open...where's your BB?
What? What's a BB?

And about the topic at hand--I sure as hell don't think of Mog when I think of Final Fantasy, and I know for a fact that a hell of a lot of other people don't either. Why should a semi-obscure character represent the series he's from?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
In your Nintendo Wii
What? What's a BB?

And about the topic at hand--I sure as hell don't think of Mog when I think of Final Fantasy, and I know for a fact that a hell of a lot of other people don't either. Why should a semi-obscure character represent the series he's from?
Because you obcisouly didn't read the op.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
What? What's a BB?

And about the topic at hand--I sure as hell don't think of Mog when I think of Final Fantasy, and I know for a fact that a hell of a lot of other people don't either. Why should a semi-obscure character represent the series he's from?
Because the semi-obscure character happens to be a series mascot.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Oh but it does. The Ice Climbers were relevant characters in a game that was on a Nintendo console. Cloud made a cameo in Chain of Memories. Not exactly the same thing.
No, it doesn't help you and it is very idiotic, comparing retro first parties that only had a game in 1985 to a third party that has an upcoming game.

This leads me back to the point made earlier about precedence and how every character on the roster has had relevant history with Nintendo.
No, Snake's history with Nintendo doesn't justify his appearance at all by your logic and I stand by that, Snake's games represent absolutely nothing to Nintendo, unlike Sonic's which rivaled even Mario's during the SNES days, that's relevance, that's significance, a ported game and two remakes are not relevant history, they're just what Snake needs to fulfill Sakurai's rule, that an appearance is all that is needed and really we'll be going back and forth with this unless you actually show me proof that a character has to have had a huge history or a leading role in a game in order to be playable then this discussion is pointless, because not even Mog fits those conditions.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
In your Nintendo Wii
SSE con't:

The group enters the ship, looking for Fox. Many primids and robots are attacking them. As they get deeper into the Halberd, they find Fox's ship.....but where's Fox? They look around, when they find a vault full of the trophy'd allies. They find Fox, DK, Zelda and Jigglypuff(just go with it, it could be part of Pika's story's), and they try gathereing all of them to heal them. Suddenly, the vault shuts, and a siren goes off. The group looks back, and Kefka reappears! This time, he's got backup, and a giant door opens to reveal Kraid(plot twist from Metroid!). The group prepares to fight....

Is that any good?
Now to get back on topix, the qoute above was our last sse scenario. Care to continue it platnum or krystal?


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2007
SSE con't:

The group enters the ship, looking for Fox. Many primids and robots are attacking them. As they get deeper into the Halberd, they find Fox's ship.....but where's Fox? They look around, when they find a vault full of the trophy'd allies. They find Fox, DK, Zelda and Jigglypuff(just go with it, it could be part of Pika's story's), and they try gathereing all of them to heal them. Suddenly, the vault shuts, and a siren goes off. The group looks back, and Kefka reappears! This time, he's got backup, and a giant door opens to reveal Kraid(plot twist from Metroid!). The group prepares to fight....

Is that any good?

No........don't ever become a writer.:laugh:

SquareEnix Rep1: Oh yeah, nintendo called us today they said they wanted one of our characters to be in brawl

SQ rep2: Which character did they want? Cloud?, Sora?, Black Mage?..

SE rep1: No they said they want.... Mog?

SE rep2: wtf??? why.. I mean.. really?

SE rep1: Yeah.. they want mog.

SE rep2: Uh which moogle do they want?

SE rep1: they want the moogle mog.

SE rep2: wait.. theres a difference between the moogles?

SE rep1: Oh look I just got an email.. hmm looks like they changed their mind.

SE rep2: oh who do they want now?

SE rep1: the only logical SE character for brawl... Geno

SE rep2: Ok that makes sense.. hmm.. sushi later?

Now that's glory!


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
No, it doesn't help you and it is very idiotic, comparing retro first parties that only had a game in 1985 to a third party that has an upcoming game.
The thing those first party and third party characters have is: relevant history with Nintendo. Something Cloud does not have. The comparisons are justified and Snake being far more popular than Ice Climbers doesn't erase what those two have in common.

No, Snake's history with Nintendo doesn't justify his appearance at all by your logic and I stand by that, Snake's games represent absolutely nothing to Nintendo, unlike Sonic's which rivaled even Mario's during the SNES days, that's relevance, that's significance, a ported game and two remakes are not relevant history, they're just what Snake needs to fulfill Sakurai's rule, that an appearance is all that is needed and really we'll be going back and forth with this unless you actually show me proof that a character has to have had a huge history or a leading role in a game in order to be playable then this discussion is pointless, because not even Mog fits those conditions.
My proof is precedence. Your proof is your personal feelings. BTW, Mog has more relevance on a Nintendo console as an optional character than Cloud does as a cameo character on a Nintendo console and he also happens to be a series mascot.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 30, 2007
University of Michigan
Because the semi-obscure character happens to be a series mascot.
How is Mog the series mascot? Chocobo is more of a mascot than Mog. And if you talk about how Mog was in such and such Nintendo crossover, think before you post. I highly doubt they'd put a Chocobo in Mario Hoops.
You know what it is don't play dumb.
I literally don't know what the hell you're talking about, but whatever.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
The thing those first party and third party characters have is: relevant history with Nintendo. Something Cloud does not have. The comparisons are justified and Snake being far more popular than Ice Climbers doesn't erase what those two have in common.

My proof is precedence. Your proof is your personal feelings. BTW, Mog has more relevance on a Nintendo console as an optional character than Cloud does as a cameo character on a Nintendo console and he also happens to be a series mascot.
Your supposed to continue SSE! not argue with vesper, just add him to the ignore list and stop arguing.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
My proof is precedence. Your proof is your personal feelings. BTW
No, your proof is twisting quotes to your benefit, what I have been arguing all this time is that in no way has it been said that a character has to have had a significant history with Nintendo, all that it says is a Nintendo appearance, you're the one that seems to be making up stuff and denying things.

Mog has more relevance on a Nintendo console as an optional character than Cloud does as a cameo character on a Nintendo console and he also happens to be a series mascot.
You know who has more relevance and history with Nintendo than both of them?

If you deny that, you're hopeless.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 30, 2007
University of Michigan
Now that's glory!
Nothing by DeuceBlade is ever glorious. Unless you mean glorious failure, of course.

You know who has more relevance and history with Nintendo than both of them?
That's what I've been trying to say, but they're too fanboyish. Although it's hard to believe anyone would actually be a fanboy, let alone a FAN, of Mog.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
In your Nintendo Wii
Nothing by DeuceBlade is ever glorious. Unless you mean glorious failure, of course.

That's what I've been trying to say, but they're too fanboyish. Although it's hard to believe anyone would actually be a fanboy, let alone a FAN, of Mog.
Moogle has been on more. Also to people who are arguing, we put you on our ignore list. Its really not something I want to do, but I just want thhs arguing to stop now.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
How is Mog the series mascot? Chocobo is more of a mascot than Mog. And if you talk about how Mog was in such and such Nintendo crossover, think before you post. I highly doubt they'd put a Chocobo in Mario Hoops.
Chocobo also never joined your party in the main Final Fantasy series. Mog did and he is a series mascot. I will also say that Moogles have appeared in nearly all the Chocobo spin-offs Chocobo supporters use when championing their character.

Oh and if you highly doubt they would put a Chocobo in Mario Hoops then what makes you think they will put a Chocobo in a fighting game like Brawl?


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Chocobo also never joined your party in the main Final Fantasy series. Mog did and he is a series mascot. I will also say that Moogles have appeared in nearly all the Chocobo spin-offs Chocobo supporters use when championing their character.
Since when does a character have to join your party in the main series to be considered the series mascot? Chocobo is the series mascot, he has his own game in a Nintendo system and there is nothing you can do to argue that, plus he was the most requested third party on the Melee polls and the most suggested characters in those polls, Metaknight and Wario are in, don't tell me Mog has more relevance than that, it's Chocobo, Cloud or noone for an FF rep.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 30, 2007
University of Michigan
Chocobo also never joined your party in the main Final Fantasy series. Mog did and he is a series mascot.
Uh, yeah, as a part of another character.

I will also say that Moogles have appeared in nearly all the Chocobo spin-offs Chocobo supporters use when championing their character.
And yet the name of those games still had "Chocobo" in them. Odd.

Oh and if you highly doubt they would put a Chocobo in Mario Hoops then what makes you think they will put a Chocobo in a fighting game like Brawl?
I never said I wanted Chocobo for Brawl, nor that his chances are good. I'm just saying that, logically and franchise-wise (<-- weird wording), Chocobo has a better chance than Mog.
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