Go to the claus support thread and support him

. (Or learn about him there.)
I've read its first post, and while it is quite informative about his role in the game, I'm afraid I lack the kind of background knowledge of the series as a whole to know how he stands up overall. Clearly if the Mother series amounted only to Mother 3, he'd be the obvious choice. I just don't know if he is such in light of the fact that there are two other games in the series to potentially draw from, about which I know nothing.
thethirdkoopa said:
Oh and is it ok if i add you as a friend ? Just wondering...

*shrugs* If you wish. I've never been certain what function that serves on forums, to be honest. If it matters, you may wish to know that once Brawl comes out I'll probably spend minimal, if any, time here. With the speculation and conversation about who and what will be in the game when it comes out killed, my interest will go with it, since I'm not a competitive player and have therefore no desire to discuss the things these boards will turn to then. Perhaps friend codes and things like the map editor will keep me coming back every once in a while, but I can't guarantee such.
adumbrodeus said:
Add me.
I've been pointing out pretty much exactly what's in the first post since for what seems like forever.

. Yeah, I'm aware I basically summarized what most knowledgeable Fire Emblem fans have known from the start in that first post, but given such individuals are few and far between on these boards I felt it was worth doing.
@ Okysho - Very good post, you bring up some good points on that matter, particularly about how Sakurai had thought Melee would be the last SSB previously. I've added it to the section of the first post devoted to that theory - provided you have no issue with that, I feel it should stay there so that people reading up on the theory see it.
@ Xervah - Welcome! Nice to see another person with such insights to share. I certainly agree with your analysis. On the double post thing, you can always edit your second one to get rid of it more or less. These boards have no prerequisite to gaining that ability.