There is no proof - thats why I say "safe assumption," not a "known fact." Many things people take for granted are just safe assumptions - Luigi, Captain Falcon, and Ganondorf being in Brawl, for instance; no proof, but given the facts surrounding them, certainly a safe assumption. And yes, given the facts of the case, it very much so is a safe assumption that FE:DS will be brought international.I'd love to see the proof, and also you cannot just assume that. Most Japan Only games are Japan Only because they're too difficult for other country players, yes, Japan is racist. I read that from somewhere, I forget where but it's a trusty source I bet.
And that assertion about Japan-only games is just plain bull - its a ridiculous, illogical notion with no facts to back it up. Hell, just look at the most recent Fire Emblem game, Radiant Dawn: international, and probably the hardest one since Thracia 776 (FE 5, which was the hardest FE game ever), particularly on its hard/maniac mode, which is supposed to approach Thracia 776's difficulty.