well, yes i won the 8th Barranquilla tournament ^^
the rules were, best of 3, 3 stock, neutral/counterpick stages, and it was like a league, i mean, 16 people, 4 groups with 4 people in it, and they fight each others, the two players with more wins in each group, goes to the next round, and so on
i used Lucas most of the time, G&W in 3 fights (vs Isaac's Peach once, and 2 vs JP's Wolf), and Luigi (vs Zero's ROB, awesome match!)
in the first round, i won 2 matches one Lucas vs Zero's ROB (2-0), the other one i won i don't remember, and lost one vs Isaac (Peach vs Lucas, he won 2-1), but Isaac lost to Zero, so we, Zero, Isaac and me, where in a tie, i had to fight again vs Isaac, and i chose G&W and i won, then Isaac lost to Zero again, and Isaac got eliminated. Then i fight Zero again for the first place of our group, and i won with Luigi.
In the second round, i had to play angaist Snes, best player from Barranquilla, and one of Roy_R's friends, and he beat me with MK vs Lucas, still, i placed second in that group so i went to the semifinal.
The semifinal was Snes vs Mario and APC vs JP, i choose G&W, but i could easily have won with Lucas, i just wanted to relax and save Lucas for the final.
In the final, Snes chose MK, and i chose Lucas, the stage was Pkmn Stadium 1, really close match, but he won at the end, both with high %, the second fight, same characters, but in FD, i won with 2 stock, i killed him with PK Freeze, after i froze him, he started to button smash, and used tornado accidentaly, and killed himself. The 3th fight, he used DK, and i used Lucas, the stage was YS, nothing special in this match, i won because he tried to edge guard, but failed. That's all

vids and results coming soon.
1- APC from Cartagena (but Bogotá crew) (Lucas, G&W, Luigi)
2- Snes from Barranquilla (MK, DK, Snake, Marth)
3- JP from Barranquilla (Wolf, Zelda)
4- Mario from Cartagena (but Medellin crew) (Link, ZSS, Toon Link)
here's the link of the tournament

EDIT: i'll post the results in the regin ranking topic, and the videos in my video thread