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The Lucas General Discussion


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2010
Aurora, CO
I now see pika being a better dubz partner for us now.

By the way, it hits twice because pika's thunder has a sourspot and sweetspot and lucas was in range of both hitboxes; thus showing that he heals 57% (at least i think that's why it works).

In other news, I'm starting to get the hang of zair jumping. most times in succession: 3 :D


Jun 7, 2009
Pika's thunder actually has specific multi-hit properties that you rarely see happen. This is just absorbing those multihit hitboxes so that way you absorb more.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I knew it had at least 2 hits at the base from bucketing with game and watch, but I didn't know how wildly it fluctuated. Good to know :awesome:

Deleted member

Dajayman, FAE is my boy, just so you know.

Also, welcome back to SWF.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
Just got back guys from Ktar6! Pretty happy with my performance.

Singles(33rd): I had to face atmosk(wth!! lol) second round in winners and he went DDD and sent me to losers.
I then fought long and hard and won some clutch hype matches through losers. I finally met Malcolm and took him to game three but lost. I was actually about to win and was way in the lead. He cp'd YI and he had like 120% to my 60%. Then I made a bad mistake and picked up his bike at the edge of the stage and well...we all know malcom has the best farts! He farted on me!! Then for the rest of the match I had to chase him. Man me and M2k were talking and agreed brawl singles is all about who gets the first kill most of the time. Cuz after that the other player basically camps and only picks super safe options. (I think the matches might be uploaded).

Doubles(7th): I still have the worst luck. I got dropped two days before the tourney lolol. I ended up teaming with patg and did my best to train him in dubs and teach him some strats and tactics. We did pretty well and got 7th. Dubs was so tuff. I had to play so consistent and couldn't make any mistakes for various reasons I won't say lol.
SN: M2k and I might team for Xanadu. But knowing my luck in dubs it prob. won't happen :(.

Overall the tourney was fun!!
Oh and guys I bought a capture card. Imma upload some genesis 2 vids of me and fow in dubs later. The matches are so sick!!

Oh and Heytallman alot of people talk to me about the part of me in your genesis 2 vid. That is so funny! "That black guy over there" hahaha lmbo

OH YEA! And in losers I had to fight Viva. I'm pretty sure he is a wifi player. And umm when I went to go get him he was like "yer Mekos...Yes!!". (As if it would be an easy win for him).
I took his energy as trolling as he made his tag FAE! lolol. Well I two stocked him every game. I don't know if I've played him online but uh this is a lesson for everyone everywhere. Wifi means nothing really, is just for fun, and is alot different than offline. Game 2 he changed his tag lolol.

I'm out.


Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
If I was a pedophile why would his age of like 16 matter to me? Maybe if FAE was an infant than he'd be too young for me if I was a pedophile.


Jun 7, 2009
Mekos, you really need to work on the nair through the nado... I saw a few times you could have save patg from some nado damage/knockback if you just nair'd
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