Fox is arguably one of the best damage-rackers in the game. (If you want me to explain I can.) If all Lucas has is the occasional PKF and up-tilt "lock", I don't quite understand how he can keep up...
Also, I don't get how you guys can't see how us forcing you to use PSI magnet puts you at a disadvantage. Unlike Fox's reflector, PSI magnet, if hit, can not be canceled with a jump, and if we're approaching with SHSL/SHDL you have to either anticipate a punish, or hold out your magnet correct? This situation forces a response from you, and since none of Lucas' moves outranges his magnet, Fox creates sort of a safety zone for himself. We either wait for you to lower your magnet, or you have already lowered your magnet allowing us to retreat with more lasers. We don't even have to shoot your magnet as some of our laser options allow us to shoot over your head. Either way, this causes you to worry a bit about your defensive ability, which is the whole point of lasers in this MU. In very little MUs are Fox's lasers supposed to rack the majority of damage.