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The Lucario Shrine


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2007
The Cold north! even though it is pretty hot...
Please can i join this place? Im 100% for lucario in braw and i love him no matter what :D Even though I usually dont like Overated pokemon!

I would guess his B^ would be extremespeed,but its just a faster version of sheiks ^B.
And his B should be different,either be like lucas B^ or Pits B that you control it, but its general weaker then mewtwos attack, i want them both in :D


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Hey guys, I'm a Lucario Fan, I've got a pretty good one made in my pokemon team :)

I really hope he makes it in. Though putting him in would make ALOT of pokemon if Jiggs and Mewtwo are still in..


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 3, 2007
McKinleyville, CA
If Lucario does make it, he's probably going to have a few sweetspots(those paw spikes scream sweetspot)in his moveset.

@Cinder recolors, I like the all red, black and grayscale ones, nice job.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
He would be a cool character, but I don't want him if it means replacing Mewtwo.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007

Power: ***
Speed: ***
Weight: ****
Jump: ****
Floatiness: *
Traction: ****
Size: ***
Recovery: **
Range: ***+Projectile

Jab: Bullet Punches
Dash Attack: Metal Claw
Ftilt: A right-handed punch
Utilt: A weak uppercut
Dtilt: A downwards punch

FSmash: Force Palm
Lucario slams his palm forwards at an opponent
USmash: Metal Claw
Lucario uses the spikes on his hands to slice opponents
DSmash: Earthquake
Lucario stomps the ground, summoning a small tremor and turning the area around him into a hitbox

Grab: Vacuum Wave
A: A weak punch
Fthrow: Focus Punch
Bthrow: Fling
Uthrow: SHORYUKEN Sky Uppercut
Dthrow: Iron Tail

Nair: Crunch
Fair: Cross Chop
Bair: Iron Tail
Uair: Stone Edge
Dair: Hi Jump Kick

B: Detect
Luke's eyes glint, and any attack headed at him will be repelled. This attack is short (~4 frames), so timing is key

>B: Aura Sphere
Standard Aura Sphere is standard. Not much to say here. Non-chargeable, does about 10% and is as fast as Samus's Charge Shot.

^B: Extremespeed
See Aura Sphere comment and Fox's >B

VB: Option 1: Metal Sound
A screech that stops the opponent from moving for a few frames. Good for those with fast reflexes to exploit those frames.
VB: Option 2: Counter
Counter is counter is counter. Blah.
VB: Option 3: Dragon/Dark/Water Pulse
Lucario sends out a shock wave of energy around with changing effects
Dragon Pulse is the strongest and has no extras
Dark Pulse is medium strength and can stun the opponent
Water Pulse is the weakest, but has a chance of switching the functions of the buttons for standard and special attacks.

FS: Close Combat
Lucario traps an opponent using Aura and hits them with a barrage of punches and kicks.

I'll improve it tomorrow. Later.

Not bad, but I though close combat could be is repetitive A, and also, good choise on the force palm for foward smash, Thats exactly what I thought he should have!!
I wouldnt pu crunch, Id put something similar to what sheik does.. some sort of swipe. Pretty good thoughts tho


Smash Ace
May 31, 2007
I just can't imagine Lucario not making it... He's so different from the other pokemon. I'll cry if he doesn't make the cut.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 10, 2008
I think he will make it. There were pretty many demos up until now and nobody ever comfirmed that Lucario came out of a pokeball.

Sure, there's the chanche he won't be in the game AT ALL, but I mean ... come on ... PICHU was a playable character. Pichu.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Well, you guys are getting your wish...at the expense of the only newcomer I wanted to return...

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
Not bad, but I though close combat could be is repetitive A, and also, good choise on the force palm for foward smash, Thats exactly what I thought he should have!!
I wouldnt pu crunch, Id put something similar to what sheik does.. some sort of swipe. Pretty good thoughts tho
I think Close Combat should be >B.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2007
Orlando, FL / Pittsburgh, PA
Not bad, but I though close combat could be is repetitive A, and also, good choise on the force palm for foward smash, Thats exactly what I thought he should have!!
I wouldnt pu crunch, Id put something similar to what sheik does.. some sort of swipe. Pretty good thoughts tho
1. Close Combat seems more like it would be a Comboing move to me, and it would it would be best suited as an FS imo
2. Thanks ^_^
3. I swapped Crunch and CC's places

Well, you guys are getting your wish...at the expense of the only newcomer I wanted to return...
I think you meant veteran, but w/e. M2 FTW.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Viridian City
How exactly does one become a brethren of this thread? I'd like to be one. I fully support Lucario for Brawl. I really don't want to loose Mewtwo..but I would be fine with it if he gets a spot in the Subspace as a boss. If he becomes a Pokéball I'll be a bit annoyed. Anyway..Lucario would be an awesome addition to the brawl roster. I originally wanted Blaziken, but My opinion has changed to Lucario, as I heard rumors of Blaziken as a Pokéball Pokémon. Still I would gladly take either as Playable, but I prefer Lucario more.

I had a few Idea for his move set.

His B should be Aura Sphere. Making it chargeable as long as you hold B. Once you release B it is fired.
Forward B should either be Force Palm or Brick Break. Brick Break has a secondary effect in the RPGs where it shatters walls such as Light Screen or Reflect, but not Protect. They could show this effect by either having the move be able to break shields or be un-counterable. I think that is more suited for a Smash attack to be honest as it is a bit too powerful for a B move. Unless they added lag or something. Close Combat also works, Iron Tail Works, Metal Claw, Quick Attack. Any physical move where he lunges forwards.

Down B is a hard move to set. I've seen all of the Pulse moves as well as Counter, Protect and even Inner Focus. To be honest it doesn't make sense to have his ability as an attack. Pikachu doesn't have Static. Mewtwo certainly didn't have pressure...
I had a few Idea for Down B.
One is Focus Punch. Lucario would take a knee for a second. If he gets hit then the move fails and he gets a bit of lag, for which he is left open with his guard down. If he succeeds he unleashes a strong punch forward. Think Marth and Roy's B moves.
Another is Dig. While not very fitting to a Fighting Pokémon, he can learn it. Lucario would burrow into the stage and then Pop out a few seconds later. The move would be able to be directed like Fox's Up B.
Another Idea I had is Payback, which would basically be a counter move..sorta. If Lucario is hit in the time he is charging the attack he deals double the damage he just received. Otherwise it does little Damage.

As for Up B I had a few Ideas. Some have already been said, one is a little odd.
Both Sky Uppercut and High Jump Kick are Egg moves for Riolu (Lucario's Pre-Evo). Sky Uppercut would shoot him straight up and deal damage to anyone caught in it, sweet spot on his Paw. High Jump Kick would involve him jumping up and kicking. He does alot of damage if he hits someone, but if he lands without hitting anyone, he receives some light damage (done to reflect the conditions of the move in the RPG).
Lucario, like many Pokémon, gets the HM move Rock Climb. While it's pretty useless in the RPG I can see it as a Recovery move. Charizard has Fly and Rock Smash after all. How this would be implemented I have no idea. Perhaps Lucario does a quick climbing motion upwards and small rocks fall? I dunno. Theres also the option of him shooting a beam attack downwards and then being shot up by the force of the blast. Maybe Hyper Beam or Focus Blast.

All of these are just brainstorming ideas I had. Lucario could wind up with something we didn't expect..like Bite..



Smash Ace
May 31, 2007
Well, you guys are getting your wish...at the expense of the only newcomer I wanted to return...
I wouldn't mind Mewtwo, as long as they completely change him. I hated him in Melee.

I just would prefer Lucario more. xP Lucario is badass and would we warmly welcome.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Lucario rules!

By the way, isnt a high jump kick an attack going up? the moveset I saw made it go down..


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Lucario: The Best Choice for a Pokemon Newcomer. Period.

Lucario is most likely the most well-known Generation Four Pokemon, starring in a movie and being a good Pokemon in the games. I can't see anyone else repping Pokemon newcomer-wise, with Mewtwo maybe coming back. Pokemon COULD get five reps, what with Brawl's disc being dual-layered, and it being more popular, sales-wise, than Zelda. So Pikachu, PT, Mewtwo, Lucario, and something else if Pokemon gets lucky. :)


Section One: Normal Attacks

A: Punch. 2-3%.
AA: Second Punch. 2-4%.
Rapid/Held A: Bullet Punch. 1-2% per hit, plus the previous attacks.

Dash Attack: Close Combat. Lucario punches wildly, causing 2% for each hit out of a possible 7, meaning a maximum of 14%.

Side Tilt: Roundhouse Kick (Just like Mario's). 4-7%.
Up Tilt: Metal Claw (Faster, less-ranged Bowser Up-Tilt with shiny claws). 5-9%.
Down Tilt: Psychic (Sends out rainbow-colored shockwaves in front of Lucario; as much range as Falcon's Melee D-Tilt). 5-10%.

Forward Smash: Mega Kick. Lucario charges power, one leg glowing white. He then kicks powerfully forward. Range is like Fox's F-Smash. 14-24%. Medium knockback.
Up Smash: Mega Punch. Lucario charges power, this time in a fist. He punches above his head, sending opponents straight up. 15-24%. High-medium knockback.
Down Smash: Dark Pulse. Lucario sends dark shockwaves around him, which is like Mewtwo's Down Smash, but on both sides. Multiple hits, up to five. 4-25%, medium knockback.

Section Two: Special Attacks

B: Aura Sphere. Who would doubt this? Lucario charges an Aura Sphere behind his head, which acts much like Mewtwo's Shadow Ball. But, it travels straight, slightly faster than Super Missiles, and does horizontal knockback, unlike most moves in SSBB. 6-26%, Low to medium-high knockback.

Side B: Force Palm. Lucario shoves his fist forward, making him move in that direction slightly. It's a lot like Marth and Roy's Forward B's, but without the combo. Does larger-than-normal damage to shields. 5-13%, medium knockback.

Down B: Earthquake. This move is like DK's Down B, but has slightly larger range and purely upwards knockback. Lucario jumps up as high as his normal jump, then slams the ground with his legs, causing shockwaves to spread out. They can go across Battlefield combined, but get much weaker towards the second half of their range. 3-18%. Low to high knockback. Also note that Lucario goes straight down if used above the air, making it like Kirby's Up-B... Without the recovery.

Up B: Sky Uppercut. In case someone doesn't know, it's an Egg Move of Riolu (Thank you Ultimate National Pokedex... :) ). Lucario jumps up high, fist encased in blue light. If he contacts someone, they get hit, and Lucario swings backwards, able to use another Up-B, much like Captain Falcon. As much range as Ganondorf's Up-B. 13-17%.



Lucario charges up power in the form of a huge orange-red ball of energy. He releases it after you let go of B, or automatically after four seconds. Anyone recognize that charge time? Yup, I'm talking about Flare Blade here. The Focus Blast attack splits up into as many different spheres as there are enemies; even a partner. Only Friendly Fire can protect them. Anyway, it locks on to a foe and does 50%, but that's in a one-on-one match. 40% to two people, and 30% to three. No matter the damage, it always does high knockback. All spheres lock on to a different enemy. Can KO heavy characters at 95% or above. (Remember, Gimpyfish said that people live longer in Brawl.)

As for his stats...

Walk Speed: 5 of 10. A leisurely walk, like Mario's.

Dash Speed: 7 of 10. Lucario IS a fast character in the movie, after all. About Young Link speed, a bit higher.

Air Speed: 2 of 10. He's about the floatiest of floaty characters, even in Brawl!

Attack Speed: 8 of 10. His moves aren't that laggy.

Recovery: 7 of 10. Ganondorf's recovery, with the auto-sweetspot and floatiness!

Strength: 6.5 of 10. Some moves are weak, but a lot are strong.

Shield size: 3.5 of 10. Relatively small, actually...

Roll distance: 7 of 10. He's a total ninja, dudes! I mean, seriously! :laugh:

There you guys go! My opinion on Lucario's moveset... Did I forget anything?

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
If I may... I wish to put my cards on the tabe in terms of Lucario's moveset.

STATS (Out of 5):
Power: 3.5
Speed: 4
Jump: 4
Shield: 3
Weight: 2.5

A: Standard punch
AA: Backhand
AAA: Many quick punches and then a kick

Up A: Flip kick
Down A: Break spin :D
Side A: Forceful Backhand


Standard: Sex Kick
Side: Bone Rush (spins a bone in his hand, his multiple times)
Down: Punch Down
Up: Flip Kick


Side: Aura mini-explosion
Up: Double uppercut
Down: Another break spin :D


B: Aura Sphere
Standard chargeable projectile attack.

Side B: Close Combat
Lucario rushes forward. If he runs into an opponent, he releases a barrage of punches and kicks on them.

Up B: Hi Jump Kick
Pauses midair for a moment, than kicks hard.

Down B: Iron Tail
Spins around multiple times, tail glowing silver. Similar to the Mario Tornado.

Final Smash: Focus Bomb
Now, this one really kicks ass. He charges up a giant red Aura Sphere that becomes ridiculously huge (anyone that touches it gets shocked). Lucario then jumps off screen with it. About 3 seconds later, he crashes down with it and it explodes. Needless to say, it does a freakin' ton of damage.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
If I may... I wish to put my cards on the tabe in terms of Lucario's moveset.

STATS (Out of 5):
Power: 3.5
Speed: 4
Jump: 4
Shield: 3
Weight: 2.5

A: Standard punch
AA: Backhand
AAA: Many quick punches and then a kick

Up A: Flip kick
Down A: Break spin :D
Side A: Forceful Backhand


Standard: Sex Kick
Side: Bone Rush (spins a bone in his hand, his multiple times)
Down: Punch Down
Up: Flip Kick


Side: Aura mini-explosion
Up: Double uppercut
Down: Another break spin :D


B: Aura Sphere
Standard chargeable projectile attack.

Side B: Close Combat
Lucario rushes forward. If he runs into an opponent, he releases a barrage of punches and kicks on them.

Up B: Hi Jump Kick
Pauses midair for a moment, than kicks hard.

Down B: Iron Tail
Spins around multiple times, tail glowing silver. Similar to the Mario Tornado.

Final Smash: Focus Bomb
Now, this one really kicks ass. He charges up a giant red Aura Sphere that becomes ridiculously huge (anyone that touches it gets shocked). Lucario then jumps off screen with it. About 3 seconds later, he crashes down with it and it explodes. Needless to say, it does a freakin' ton of damage.
Not bad.. but not good either, I wouldnt use that lucario in smash.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
This thread still lives!? Way to go people!

kaid, if it's not too much trouble, may I become one of the brethren as well? I'd love to support Lucario, even in the final stretch towards the Japanese release, where his fate will be decided. I shall stand by our boy till the end!

Lucario for Brawl


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
...Oh yeah. Thanks for that.

Grab: Lucario holds them with his paws.

Jab: A small jab to the stomach. 2%.

Up Throw: Lucario tosses the victim upwards, performing a flip kick as well, sending them backwards slightly. 5-8%.

Forward Throw: Lucario holds the foe in front of him with Psychic, then swipes at them, sending them forward. 6-9%.

Down Throw: Lucario slams the enemy down onto the ground. CAN be a Meteor if used while in Lucario's on-the-edge pose. 5-7%.

Back Throw: Lucario flings the enemy backwards. 7-9%.

Only his Back and Down Throws can really KO, and his Down Throw only because of it being a Meteor.

NOW my moveset is finished. :)

And in case no one saw it, may I be in the Lucario Shrine please? :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2007
Miami, FL
with so many leakers confirming Lucario's role, do the rest of you think that this further improves Lucario's chances of being playable or not at all?


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Viridian City
You have been added, Tyranataur.
Awesome, Thanks. Spelt my username wrong though. Tyrannotaur.

I had a good idea for Lucario's entrance, other than the standard "Pokéball is throw on stage, Lucario comes out" thing.
Aaron's staff would be thrown onto the stage. The crystal on the staff would glow and then Lucario would emerge from it. The staff would then fade away. Got the idea from watching the movie again.

Dark Meta-Knight

Smash Apprentice
Dec 4, 2007
I'm loving all the moves you're coming up with. I think they should have him in. Pika, PT, Lucario. Sweet.

EDIT: Err, add me?

Dark Meta-Knight

Smash Apprentice
Dec 4, 2007
And Mewtwo :p And Jiggs :p Why so low on pokemon reps?
I was naming a few. There's a BUNCH more Pokemon that could be added. Having a Flying type would be kinda interesting. Dang, I know all the Pokemon, just can't name them now...

EDIT: On the flying, I know we have Charizard, but I mean like, Staraptor or something.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI. GO BLUE!
Aren't all Lucario haters? All they do is counter our good arguments...Lucario haters are like mules, you can't make 'em change their minds...but then again, it's impossible to win an argument...'cuz these haters will always think they're right...the only thing left to do is sit back and wait for Lucario's confirmation...

Lucario haters piss me off. They're all like "0mg lcuario 15 0v3rated!1!11 loL", but then they go and like some Pokemon like Mewtwo or Gallade, that have a ******* huge fanbase that is EXTREMELY annoying.
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