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The Lucario Shrine


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Really now? A bandana would make more sense than a headband because of Mystery Dungeon so I believe you... Thats a relief. But still, between Jigglypuff and Mewtwo being cut for Lucario, Jiggs would go first, despite what most believe.

Heres to hoping Sakurai allows Pokemon to have 5 selectable Pokemon characters!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2006
I like your Lucario movelist (I too think Lucario is pretty much the only other pokemon that deserves a playable spot) but I think Sky Uppercut should replace hi jump kick...or hi jump kick should be reworked, since the actual move in the game is supposed to be the pokemon jumping high into the air and coming down with a knee kick (in-game description).

If it were sky uppercut, I would imagine it working like a higher knockback, lower ranged version of Marth's Dolphin Blade. If it were still hi jump kick, I would imagine it like a slightly reworked version of Ike's Aether; Lucario launches himself high into the air, then plummets at an angle (possibility to aim, perhaps?) to attack, and if he misses then he takes the damage you described already.

Other than that, pretty nice movelist.

The Red M

Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2007
Lucario has a better shot over mewtwo. But lets see.
1. Both have had their own movies recently.
2. They are both Psychic.
3. They both played a major role in the anime and the games.

1. Mewtwo is first gen. Lucario is 4th gen.
2. Lucario has different powers in a sense. Mewtwo's powers have dulled recently.
3. Mewtwo looks freakin awesome and his voice is amazing. Lucario is an ugly **** and ive not heard his voice.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Lucario has a better shot over mewtwo. But lets see.
1. Both have had their own movies recently. Mewtwo's was a while back
2. They are both Psychic. Proof you've never played the game...Lucario's Steel/Fighting
3. They both played a major role in the anime and the games. Gotta give you this one

1. Mewtwo is first gen. Lucario is 4th gen. True
2. Lucario has different powers in a sense. Mewtwo's powers have dulled recently. Amen
3. Mewtwo looks freakin awesome and his voice is amazing. Lucario is an ugly **** and ive not heard his voice.O_o...was that necessary...:rolleyes:...you are SO shallow!
Move along, nothing to see here...it's all in the quote...


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Ah, when will people realize that its Jigglypuff who is facing replacement by Lucario and not Mewtwo? **** Mewtwo and being low tier... made everyone think he is high on the chopping list... -_-


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Ah, when will people realize that its Jigglypuff who is facing replacement by Lucario and not Mewtwo? **** Mewtwo and being low tier... made everyone think he is high on the chopping list... -_-
Yeah, Jiggs is in danger...but I honestly don't care, as long as Lucario gets in...

btw...you act like Lucario HAS to replace Jiggs or M2...can they both not be in? We could do with 5 Pokemon reps (counting PT as one and assuming Pichu's out)...


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Mewtwo AND Lucario for brawl!
I wish that were true, but for some reason I don't think they'll put both of them in. I know close to nothing about Lucario, but doesn't he have a move that's similar to Mewtwo's shadowball?


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
I wish that were true, but for some reason I don't think they'll put both of them in. I know close to nothing about Lucario, but doesn't he have move that's similar to Mewtwo's shadowball.
Somewhat...but there is a difference...Shadow Ball travels in a straight line, and is rather large at full charge, but Aura Sphere (Lucario's move, obviously) would probably gain speed instead of size, and would follow an opponent...so the only real similarity is that they are both balls of energy (and with Samus, that's a bogus argument)


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2007
Orlando, FL / Pittsburgh, PA
Mewtwo AND Lucario for brawl!

I wish that were true, but for some reason I don't think they'll put both of them in. I know close to nothing about Lucario, but doesn't he have a move that's similar to Mewtwo's shadowball?
Yeah, but not really.
Shadow Ball is medium sized and moves in a wave motion.
Aura Sphere would probably be more similar to Samus's homing missile.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
I have a feeling Jigglypuff will still be in.

Lucario still has a good chance. He's the most famous 4th gen Pokemon besides Munchlax.
Oct 23, 2007
Rochester, NY

Standard Special <Dark Pulse>: Fires three bursts of dark energy from his hands. They move at speeds similar to the uncharged Super Scope shots, and have similar power. If used in the air, the first and last shots travel at a slight upwards and downward angle.

Side Special <Metal Claw>: Lucario turns a clear metal color and takes a swipe with a single claw to the side. This is similar to Bowser’s side special. This attack multiplies in power by one and a half if it hits successively. It loses its built-up power if it misses or if the user takes damage, or if it isn’t used in some time.

Up Special <Extremespeed>: Dashes in a direction very quickly. This attack has the speed and distance of Fox’s side special, but its direction can be controlled like his up special.

Down Special <Detect>: Lucario tightens focus, and cannot flinch or be sent flying by any attack (though damage still increases). This can be held indefinitely, but you cannot move, and you are not protected against grabs.

Final Smash <Aura Sphere>: A shining aura surrounds Lucario, and any character that comes into contact with it takes massive damage. Lucario’s attack and special buttons let him fire smaller balls of energy with great power and speed. Lucario remains in this state for fifteen seconds.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2007
Hickville, Wisconsin
Lucario's Specials

B-(The suck move) cuz he sucks
>B-(The suck move two) cuz he sucks (again)
^B-(Fanboy Tears) Fanyboys cry at Lucario not being in SSBB
vB-(Gym Class Failure) Gets picked last (or not ever?) because he is so worthless

In all seriousness you guys are dreaming and I don't think he stands a chance.

Just my OpInIoN

Oct 23, 2007
Rochester, NY
Lucario's Specials

B-(The suck move) cuz he sucks
>B-(The suck move two) cuz he sucks (again)
^B-(Fanboy Tears) Fanyboys cry at Lucario not being in SSBB
vB-(Gym Class Failure) Gets picked last (or not ever?) because he is so worthless

In all seriousness you guys are dreaming and I don't think he stands a chance.

Just my OpInIoN

Who else is a better choice? Nobody. He fits perfectly.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Lucario's Specials

B-(The suck move) cuz he sucks
>B-(The suck move two) cuz he sucks (again)
^B-(Fanboy Tears) Fanyboys cry at Lucario not being in SSBB
vB-(Gym Class Failure) Gets picked last (or not ever?) because he is so worthless

In all seriousness you guys are dreaming and I don't think he stands a chance.

Just my OpInIoN

Geez, man, WTF is your problem...just go to hell! It's fine if you hate Lucario, but this is just too much...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Lucario's Specials

B-(The suck move) cuz he sucks
>B-(The suck move two) cuz he sucks (again)
^B-(Fanboy Tears) Fanyboys cry at Lucario not being in SSBB
vB-(Gym Class Failure) Gets picked last (or not ever?) because he is so worthless

In all seriousness you guys are dreaming and I don't think he stands a chance.

Just my OpInIoN

Opinion=/= facts

saying were dreaming is like saying it will never happen, thus not an opinion, fact is Lucarion has one hell of a chance, saying we should keep dreaming doesnt change the fact that what u say with no support, is absolute bull...


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
In all seriousness you guys are dreaming and I don't think he stands a chance.
Okay, okay...I'm calmed down now...*deep breath*...but in all seriousness you are a ****in' ***hole who has nothing better to do than flame innocent Lucario supporters...let me ask, who do YOU want in? Picture that moveset being proposed for YOUR favorite character...how would YOU feel? *deep breath*...I gotta admit, seeing your failure is quite amusing...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Who else is a better choice?
I guess RB starters, Red and who ever else gets in if the thing doesn't get in.

LMAO, you all should read his last part. He was clearly making a joke and stated that in his opinion you all are "dreaming" if you think Lucario is going to be in. He doesn't think Lucario will get in. . . .simple as that, but you all can't seem to take such lil humor.


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
I'll never understand why people will post in topics with the purpose to flame and not back-up their reasons. If Mewtwo could be in a SSB game, then Lucario more than stands a chance.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I'll never understand why people will post in topics with the purpose to flame and not back-up their reasons. If Mewtwo could be in a SSB game, then Lucario more than stands a chance.
. . . Que??

Sorry but I have no idea how your comparing those 2 as = pokemon but w/e. Im gone (goes back to Krystal's thread)


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
Lucario is just as popular, in both the US and Japan, as Mewtwo is/was, they both have impressive movesets that can be carried over into Brawl, some people claim that Lucario could easily be a clone of Mewtwo.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Lucario is just as popular, in both the US and Japan, as Mewtwo is/was.
Im sorry to the fan-boys here but I have to say this. Mewtwo and any populare 1st gen pokemon to this day is, was and will always be more populare than 4th gen pokemon regardless of how many web smash nerds want w/e pokemon for brawl (670 something really aint alot compared to M2). I will put money on a bet that some random person recognizes Pika, Char, Squit, Ivy, Mewtwo, Jpuff or Meowth over Lucario anyday.

And not only that, Mewtwo actually has a title all his own. It's the pokemon villian. . . . Pokemon's Bowser/ Ganon. Lucario is nothing more than a random pokemon with a hand full of trivial appearances in merch compared to Mewtwo. I can see your new to this subject so I will go back to the Krystal or Megaman thread right after this and leave you + the fan-boys here to rant all yall want about my post.


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Im sorry to the fan-boys here but I have to say this. Mewtwo and any populare 1st gen pokemon to this day is, was and will always be more populare than 4th gen pokemon regardless of how many web smash nerds want w/e pokemon for brawl (670 something really aint alot compared to M2). I will put money on a bet that some random person recognizes Pika, Char, Squit, Ivy, Mewtwo, Jpuff or Meowth over Lucario anyday.

And not only that, Mewtwo actually has a title all his own. It's the pokemon villian. . . . Pokemon's Bowser/ Ganon. Lucario is nothing more than a random pokemon with a hand full of trivial appearances in merch compared to Mewtwo. I can see your new to this subject so I will go back to the Krystal or Megaman thread right after this and leave you + the fan-boys here to rant all yall want about my post.
Its foolish to compare Mewtwo and Lucario's chances, I know (Mewtwo wins peeps, but Lucario beats Jiggs). But, I just dont agree with Brawl sticking to first gen for playable representation. It would be a subliminal message from Sakurai that only the original games were worth anything, and thats not true! Pokemon still sells to this day, Diamond and Pearl are huge cash cows, and must be paid tribute...

Yes, some 4th gen repping is needed (and only Lucario is really feasible), and no, Sakurai should not cater especially to ex-Pokefans. If people cant recognize the newer monsters, then tough! Theyre not the ones still playing and ensuring that the series stay successful! The current Pokemon fans are the ones that Sakurai should cater to more when it comes to Pokemon content in Brawl. THAT is what you Lucario haters are missing!


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Lucario does not beat Jigglypuff he doesn't have a quater of her recognisablity or even half of her popularity. She is a great, well known and well loved pokemon.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Jigglypuff and Pichu are just random Pokemon. You can say that they aren't because they're popular, but then you just shoot yourself in the foot because Lucario is really popular too. He even has his own film.

No other Pokemon stands in his way right now. His chances are really high. 5 Reps for the Second Biggest Nintendo Franchise isn't really that much.

And if you don't play Pokemon, and you're here flaming Lucario, get over yourself. Pokemon has moved on from when you were little, there are new Generations. Like Chepe said, why would he only cater for he people who don't play Pokemon anymore? By the looks of things, he isn't.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Well, Bidoof is one of the more popular 4th gens out here.

Although for the wrong reasons...


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Jigglypuff and Pichu are just random Pokemon. You can say that they aren't because they're popular, but then you just shoot yourself in the foot because Lucario is really popular too. He even has his own film.
Which he co-stars in with Mew and was released about two years ago.

And if you don't play Pokemon, and you're here flaming Lucario, get over yourself. Pokemon has moved on from when you were little, there are new Generations. Like Chepe said, why would he only cater for he people who don't play Pokemon anymore? By the looks of things, he isn't.
look at my sig. That's my Pearl team, I use Lucario. I just think that he doesn't stand more of a chance than Jigglypuff.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Which he co-stars in with Mew and was released about two years ago.
Have you even seen the film? If you have then you know that he doesn't Co-Star with Mew, Mew Co-Stars with him. And the Mewtwo film was released how many years ago?

look at my sig. That's my Pearl team, I use Lucario. I just think that he doesn't stand more of a chance than Jigglypuff.
Jigglypuff isn't even that popular anymore, not like she used to be, she doesn't even appear in the Anime anymore. Nor does she have her own film. Even in the games she's treated as a random Pokemon, but Lucario is rare, and is even used by the Champion. GameFreak have clearly been making Lucario popular.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Have you even seen the film? If you have then you know that he doesn't Co-Star with Mew, Mew Co-Stars with him. And the Mewtwo film was released how many years ago?
Mewtwo's film was infiantly more popular than Lucario's could ever even hope to be, Mewtwo's was released in theatres, Lucario's was released on Cartoon Network.

Jigglypuff isn't even that popular anymore, not like she used to be, she doesn't even appear in the Anime anymore. Nor does she have her own film. Even in the games she's treated as a random Pokemon, but Lucario is rare, and is even used by the Champion. GameFreak have clearly been making Lucario popular.
The anime and Film don't really count anymore really considering how much it has declined in quality and popularity and I am aware that Lucario is rare and used by the champion, please do look at my sig. Jiggly still holds her fame and popularity mainly because of SSBM but still it was good for her and she has been in every single main stream pokemon game to date and has remained steady in the series.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Mewtwo's film was infiantly more popular than Lucario's could ever even hope to be, Mewtwo's was released in theatres, Lucario's was released on Cartoon Network.
Not in Japn.

The anime and Film don't really count anymore really considering how much it has declined in quality and popularity and I am aware that Lucario is rare and used by the champion, please do look at my sig. Jiggly still holds her fame and popularity mainly because of SSBM but still it was good for her and she has been in every single main stream pokemon game to date and has remained steady in the series.
And of course they count, where do you think Pikachu and Co get their voices for Smash Bros? And that Jigglypuff stuff doesn't really have anything to do with Lucario.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Not in Japn.
Mewtwo's movie still would have done better over there.

And of course they count, where do you think Pikachu and Co get their voices for Smash Bros? And that Jigglypuff stuff doesn't really have anything to do with Lucario.
I have no doubt that Lucario will get in but I'm saying that Jigglypuff will get in first because she's way more well known and more popular because she's more well known.
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