It very much an idea, And i might know of a place or two...
But its not the Lucario boards we come to, not the Lucario Boards Alt. It wont have the same posts to look back on, the new ppl that say things, or the out bursts of awesomeness.
Sure we can Copy and Paste those thread.
And we can tell everyone we're moving.
But If we leave, then the Lucario boards will lose a lot of those ppl that actually do something. Then who knows what will happen.
I mean look. This Chat is the most posted thread here, and the 2nd most looked at.
And its not even sticked.
Hell, This place has been running strong for a long time. Then some ppl come in here, cause havoc, then report "Spamming" and guess what? Possible Closure.
If people weren't butt hurt, and no im not talking about simna either, then this wouldn't have happened.
Yes, We spam. But no we dont flame. We are quite renown for not flaming. Sure it will happen. But 9/10 times we crack down on those ppl that do, even if it be ourselves.
As I've said before, "The Lucario Boards; Awesome, Off topic in 3.4 posts, and takes out the trash."
(back to original statement)
Yes, its always an option. But Its not the best one, nor Personally is it the Right one.
but thats just me saying my two cents.