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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
I think Arcadia deserves some credit by giving his brother the desire to actually time out matches. xD

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
??? I know the d3 matchup?.. If your talking about fogo i kind of sd'ed and didn't care about the tourney anymore bc it lasted like 30 hours.

and you know im jk dskinny :) I would have done it too probably. I just like saying it. I also like saying I 2stocked your mk with Yoshi in tournament!!! xD ON HANENBOW <33 do me


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Guys, Official Smashboards Combo Video Tournament


Now's the best time to make the LA combo video. They said it's better to use a variety of characters and players to represent smashboards and it would make sense to show a specific states skills. It would make people curious to see other states, good advertising, etc.

So, I have a ton of clips from you guys, I'll still collect a couple more. I have a mac, so I got a program called iMovie. Now the only thing left is the capture card. I have $100 lying around from when my parents left so I'll have to use it to buy the capture card for mac. It would hook up to my hdtv and would be recording on my mac so the quality couldn't get better (which is another criteria).

Edit: Yeah roni is waaaay old news XD

and I'm 100% is was me and sars since he picked up wario that SAME DAY in front of us. Ask him
Hyro do it, and make sure u integrate the late great MJ into this one too. Yeah i'm comin for my bag sometime soon. Late i know but I had too much fun at hyro's, I had to leave early due to my friend bein trashed and stranded downtown. Kinda lame but this same friend picked me up from BR when my car broke down and i had a physics test the next day when no one else would. And I originally told Jnig to pick Wario, no explanation necessary...


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
The Diamond in a Rough Challenge
Find one person that has not placed on average in the top half of a state tournament and see how good you can make them before LAST. During LAST we'll have the trainers drop money [5-10 dollars] on their pupils in a round robin against each other. This should be a team effort of your local community.

Function: By investing time in a player that has interest in Smash and focusing each city's effort on them, we can create at the very least three competitive smash players in the course of a mouth. This is assuming that Houma, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans equally participate. Furthermore, as a team effort it would create solidarity in the local crews, while providing an inner state competition of sorts that we could perhaps continue on a monthly basis.

Recommendation: Nothing says that you have to only train one player in your group,; however, only one will be able to represent your local community at LAST for the Diamond in the Rough Challenge. It'd probably be best to train multiple that way the one with the best growth would be able to represent, or you'd have an alternate.


So interested we have:

Ran Iji
Maybe Vaughn? =p
Not Lee.

It seems that doing individual teams of people would be better than crewing it up, or crewing it up and having whoever shows up round robin it out.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I've seen DPhat plank with his feet before. Game on.

Lee, I don't feel your efforts were wasted on me. You've spent maybe 3 hours total helping me out and my MK has seen vast improvements because of it. We just can't spend enough time training to make it worth it, imo.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Lee's an excellent teacher imo. I learned the basics of MK in just 20 minutes with him. lol

If I do this, I call Bomber.

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
Guess what? All credit of my changing mains goes to....

HYRO AND YAWARA!!! YAY!! Now, my learning how to play Wario? That credit goes to everybody I've played, so the amount of credit is proportionate to how much I've played you. Bonus points for verbal comments.

It was bad enough we didn't do doubles at either tourney last weekend. This means that Lee, Roni, Hyro, Sudai, Arcadia, AND Randall are candidates for the next dubs tourney!

Well, if Roni counts in the DITR challenge, then NiTEZ DEFINITELY gets to take part as my pupil. You better find a lot of rides, boy. I can't wait to teach you Wario! **** secrecy, I want yall to be afraid!

And Hyro, maybe if you woulda gave me the CD FOR DAZZLE, YOU'D HAVE A COUPLE MORE REPLAYS!

EDIT: Wait, are yall saying yall are JNig fanboys? Awww...


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Lol. Roni doesn't count. Bomber BARELY counts. He's at a 54.1% in terms of placing. Aka, he's just barely on the 'right' side of the coin to do the tournament, and that wasn't counting scrubbing out for Last 2.

Regardless if it was 48% or whatever, it falls in the spirit of the concept. Bomber gets the stamp of approval.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Daaaang. So much interest already. I <3 you guys. We might have to do double elimination for them at LAST if this keeps growing. I already have my pupil in mind. +)

For the tournament... I'm thinking 5 dollars per trainer, and 5 dollars from the student. 10 dollar tournament basically for them.


Smash Cadet
Jan 25, 2006
Hey, I'm a melee and brawl player (although i don't like brawl, I much much prefer melee) originally from CT but I am currently at Tulane for college. I played in several tournaments before I left, including the Revival of Melee, and I'm basically going through smash withdrawal down here. Whats the melee smash scene here in N.O.? Anyone at Loyola or Tulane on here? If your from N.O. feel free to message me. I play fox, jiggs and peach


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Hey, I'm a melee and brawl player (although i don't like brawl, I much much prefer melee) originally from CT but I am currently at Tulane for college. I played in several tournaments before I left, including the Revival of Melee, and I'm basically going through smash withdrawal down here. Whats the melee smash scene here in N.O.? Anyone at Loyola or Tulane on here? If your from N.O. feel free to message me. I play fox, jiggs and peach
Welcome to Louisiana.

Our main Smash hi-jinks occur in a place called Dibbz. It's located on Veteran's Blvd, in Metairie. There are a few devoted Melee players in New Orleans, but our Melee 'core' lives in Baton Rouge. You can find a list of Smashers on the first post of our thread. For Nola Melee, I'd get in contact with Pritch.

And Vaughn, the fee is for you backing your student. =D Being in his corner and all. I'll draw up some rules about how a coach can help during a match, etc.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Hey, I'm a melee and brawl player (although i don't like brawl, I much much prefer melee) originally from CT but I am currently at Tulane for college. I played in several tournaments before I left, including the Revival of Melee, and I'm basically going through smash withdrawal down here. Whats the melee smash scene here in N.O.? Anyone at Loyola or Tulane on here? If your from N.O. feel free to message me. I play fox, jiggs and peach
Come to our Melee social group. You can meet and talk to all of our Melee players.

Ran, that sounds cool. This should be pretty fun.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
The Diamond in a Rough Challenge
Find one person that has not placed on average in the top half of a state tournament and see how good you can make them before LAST. During LAST we'll have the trainers drop money [5dollars] on their pupils [who would also pay 5 dollars] in a round robin against each other or if we have a large amount a full double elimination tournament. This should be a team effort of your local community.

Function: By investing time in a player that has interest in Smash and focusing each city's effort on them, we can create at the very least three competitive smash players in the course of a mouth. This is assuming that Houma, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans equally participate. However it has become clear that individuals want to show how amazing they can make someone. So this is going to be a matter of mostly one Coach and one Player.

Recommendation: Nothing says that you have to only train one player in your group,; however, only one will be able to represent your local community at LAST for the Diamond in the Rough Challenge. It'd probably be best to train multiple that way the one with the best growth would be able to represent, or you'd have an alternate.

Coaching Rules: During an actual match the only thing a Coach can provide is encouragement to their player; however during the counter picking process they will be allowed to speak to their student to provide ANY information that they see fit. Also, they are obviously able to help their student prior to the start of the match. Essentially they'd be able to help their student with strategy, counter picking, encouragement and whatever other insight they could muster. Mum's the word once a match is in progress though.
Ran Iji

Also, Dmanwon, it's all pretty random. The best thing you can do is get in contact with Pritch through PM and keep checking the boards.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
I'm gonna do it, Dominic. It'll be fun.
sweet XD

thank you good sir. Hmm I was thinking about it today. I'm going to come if GameWare this Friday to hang out if I can get a ride. It would be a good way to wind down the week and I have no obligations for the weekend which makes me a free man :p I may not enter though due to lack of cash but w/e, that won't bother me. I need to save up my $ so I have enough for LasT, registering and my MM with Curlz (which is gonna be a blast).


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
If someone thinks I'm worth teaching, I'm in. It'll be weird though, since I'm older than any of the remaining trainers.

I also take responsibility for JNig. No, I didn't make him go Wario, but I did make him start Crossova, and really, what's more important?


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2008
Also, how serious are you about doing this?

And Ran it's not Old news i did everything i could to make Roni amazing and now he like destroys everybody in the state besides me. He's better than all of you. (like he would say) LOL. I'm just trash talking not trying to come off as an AHOLE. :)
your right, i am 2cd best ;P
thanx to you, since i listen to u ^_^

and fine, if i get in on this, i wanna teach fahey metaknight


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
Also, how serious are you about doing this?

And Ran it's not Old news i did everything i could to make Roni amazing and now he like destroys everybody in the state besides me. He's better than all of you. (like he would say) LOL. I'm just trash talking not trying to come off as an AHOLE. :)
I have yet to play this "new" Roni and seeing as I don't get "destroyed" by anyone, I guess I'm an exception to this. As for my pupil, I'll need someone who's in BR and someone that I could meet with regularly.


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
Double Post
Also, another important note that I need to discuss is concerning the Halloween Voodoo Smash. Now over the past few weeks, we've been posting about it, reminding people, telling people to atleast give us a heads-up, etc. We have yet to get a reply from anyone, as to whether or not you plan to come, who's bring set-ups, and whatnot. I mean ffs, the Georgia players replied more than any of you guys did. I know that Halloween is on the same day as the Tulane-LSU game(why bother watching when LSU pretty much ***** them every year), but I'm pretty sure you guys have had enough time to know if you're going to stay where you are for the game and etc. If not, then I don't care, I'm not trying to be an *** about this and I'm not trying to spaz out at anyone, but it's ridiculous that we have yet to hear from anyone, yet we post and continue to remind everyone about it. The date is slowly approaching and I was the one to find this new venue to have tournaments at, since everyone was complaining about how the Brawl scene was dying. Then again, this venue isn't guaranteed, because if we don't have a good headcount, we're simply just not going to do the tourney or use the venue. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Man, **** all of y'all.

Everyone in Kenner got better when I got there.

Also T_T I wanna be in the Louisiana combo video


Also, if you want my input, the best way to raise competition is to do NO vs BR vs Houma. Just cause you can't really individually train people up to certain levels, you know? It's collective, and it's easier to have city rivalries anyway. Especially since you guys aren't nearly as like starggered as you think.

Lee and Cyphus and Roni do make up Houma and are probably the strongest regions, but NO has like Ran, Hyro, and more competent players than any other region and have the least amount of work to do to raise talent. BR has Nick, Randall, and Jnig as well as the rest of the online crowd who'll get better regardless.

The competition's there, you just have to foster it to make LA stronger. Go New Orleans. Even though Houma probably will **** everyone lol
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