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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
Dude, put on a pair of skinny jeans, a band t-shirt, and all the girls will want to do you. No lie, you have like the perfect body for that shiz.
Or I could put on a band uniform and march around with my clarinet...then girls would be like omg i want him...

naaaa but i wish it was that easy


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
can we ban junglejapes please? i hate to sound like a broken record but it encourages camping, the water ruins many characters recoveries, and crocs are constantly jumping= instant death. (i've seen a couple tourney vids where someone just recovered and grabbed the edge and then a croc popped out ftl)
Theres no reason this could ever be a good, fair level.

We should all know how ******** ROB is on that level, and if falco gets a grab on half the characers he can spike them into the water on the left side for the KO...

Many characters, even if they just touch the water on the left side CANNOT make it back! Others have extreme difficult or can't if someone just egehogs.
Mario, Ike, Link, Samus, Marth, Squirtle, Ivy, Ganon, Ice, Ness, Olimar, Capt, Lucas are the worse off for this.

Several characters ways of recovery are from underneath the level (capt, ganon, ice, olimar, etc) this completely cripples any chance of not getting punished.

I know the stage was "banned" last tourney, yet due my forgetfulness, lost my 3rd round to Sudai on it. I'm sure i've made my argument objective and not so bias, though.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Thanks for the support

Its not really that I feel unatractive but like this compulsive delusion that theres sumthing wrong with my body that only i can see. It consumes my life and makes me unable to work,be around people,leave the house. Major deppresion and anxiety go along with it and thoughts of suicide. I dont think regular people would understand it because its more complex than sumthing like anorexia.

Shyguy, we're a close nit group. Everyone has their own individual burdens, so don't put yourself on an island alone in the sea.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Randall decided to put it back on CP after seeing our match, if I'm not mistaken. I'm still sorry about that CP though. It's always a flip of the coin over whether it's banned or not.. I'm not for banning the stage, personally, but I'm not really for keeping it. I'm gonna use it if it's there, but I can see points from both sides..so yeah.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Batto, that only works in your lower years in high school. Oh, and it won't actually get you someone that cares about you. Oh, and it's bound to attract gay guys to you too.

Omg, why does all of Batto's advice lead to attracting gay guys? D:

As for the topic of Stages..since it was brought up..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91aBhGQNQnU (around 1:00)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvLVH0XBl0E (around 1:25)

There's more but I don't feel like grabbing all those links. "SSBB Delfino glitch" is all you really need to find a bunch on youtube.

Do we really want a stage with such horrible clipping problems in the starters?

Edit: Oh, and this one, just for Vaughn. : )


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Batto, that only works in your lower years in high school. Oh, and it won't actually get you someone that cares about you. Oh, and it's bound to attract gay guys to you too.

Omg, why does all of Batto's advice lead to attracting gay guys? D:

As for the topic of Stages..since it was brought up..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91aBhGQNQnU (around 1:00)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvLVH0XBl0E (around 1:25)

There's more but I don't feel like grabbing all those links. "SSBB Delfino glitch" is all you really need to find a bunch on youtube.

Do we really want a stage with such horrible clipping problems in the starters?
Ahh, well I am in high school, so yeah... also, as for the gay guys, iunno. Coincidence?

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
that level needs to be BANNED.(jungle japes) No excuse. I'm sorry but i have even lost at fc6 by getting grabbed by the croc 3 times in a set which i had 3 stock zero percent against a player who had 1 stock 110% and i lost. that level is in no way fair whatsoever. your more likely to get eating by a kroc that by the fish on the ice climbers level and thats banned so i mean wtf!?!! ban PLZ. its ridiculous.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
as a general rule, if you're not sure if something is fair or deserves to be in.........why risk it? more logic to ban jungle japes. (i can promise all of nola want it banned as well)

I dont see a problem w/ Delfino, as long as we're using the level strike rule randall has. I like this way of choosing a 1st level alot. I wonder why noone used it before (unless cuz it takes a lil longer)

just so everyone knows, this tournament is going to be the biggest (good) brawl tournament ever in LA.
from houma alone you're probably going to get 8. All the nola guys are coming as well (unless ray gets stuck at work)


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Batto, that only works in your lower years in high school. Oh, and it won't actually get you someone that cares about you. Oh, and it's bound to attract gay guys to you too.

Omg, why does all of Batto's advice lead to attracting gay guys? D:

As for the topic of Stages..since it was brought up..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91aBhGQNQnU (around 1:00)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvLVH0XBl0E (around 1:25)

There's more but I don't feel like grabbing all those links. "SSBB Delfino glitch" is all you really need to find a bunch on youtube.

Do we really want a stage with such horrible clipping problems in the starters?

Edit: Oh, and this one, just for Vaughn. : )
I see what you're saying, but if that flies than it should also apply for Castle Siege. Too lazy to upload now, but I was playing there and somehow fell through the floor during the transition. Maybe Delfino and Castle Siege should be cp instead of starter. Personally I don't care as long as I don't get f#cked over.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2006
fake, what are the chances of you starting singles after teams or whatever? have you already made your decision?

i have a physics test at 5 pm. should take me an hour or a lil more, ill be in br at about 730. my number is 9857885760 talk to me


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
I get off at 5:30 on Friday, and so we'll be hitting the road at around 5:45. So we should get there for 7.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004

i wont be there unless there is meleeeeee
i am off work tho. i expect my house to be full of people. if you dont clean up after yourselves ill kick ur ***. i know houma will. they are awesome guests. plz dont tell jon ricky ray and dj about it. anyone else is welcome, just be respectful ofcourse.
and i especially hope pritch stays the night



Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
I differ in my stance on iffy stages. Japes is pretty close to the CP/ banned line, I think. Still, I'd rather allow it before I outright ban it. We won't know if it's really bad unless we try it. Since the last tournament, a few things have caused to want to not ban it.

First off, the Back Room ruleset has it in CP (with a 0-14-1 vote). I do not agree with the whole stage list from the SBR, but I do agree with Japes.

Secondly, it was counterpicked against you last tournament when it was banned. You agreed to play it/ thought it was legal, so I'd imagine that it isn't too blatantly banworthy for you. I say we give it a try, and if someone rips through and wins using Japes (I mean, anyone who picks Japes would have to win on a starter or opponent's CP as well anyways), then we'll talk a ban.

I'd really like to try Japes and see. Sure characters have trouble with the water, but it's like a really low floor. The monster comes by in set intervals, so stage familiarity should allow one to avoid it. Maybe a slightly different strategy is necessary to recover, but I don't think it changes the way you'd have to play the game.

Finally, we have stages bans for a reason. If you really don't like Japes, then ban it during your match.

As for Delfino, I think it'll be fine in the Starter section. You can strike Delfino if you're really worried about walking through a column when the platform lands. I saw the spot where it happened to Mario and Bowser (the roll and crawl, I think). If the glitch only occurs right there, then we know better. Wasn't Poke Floats like this? I think if Fox started all the way on the left of Seel and tried to run across, he'd fall through. It was something like that, I believe.

Testament, I know you're good on actually making it to Gameware, so I'll sign you up. When you get here, we can take your money. Until then, I'll just hold/ skip your matches. Sound good?


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
If anyone claims to die by the kroc at 0% you're exaggerating.

You just get dunked super low in the water, then float back up. It's only until above 30% or so that it kills. Still low of course, but not a fresh stock. Just make your way to the right while you float back up so you have plenty of room when the current takes you left.

Of course, that's with my ROB. Lighter characters might die sooner or something.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
OK, so smashboards is stupid... XD Goes down for 24 hours later than they said they would, then deletes my avatar and won't let me put a new one up? How random and annoying... -_-

Anywho, as for the Japes discussion, I did some testing yesterday on the stage to see how ridiculous or not ridiculous it was. We all know about the camping issues with the stage, so I won't get into that. What I mainly studied was the klaptrap, it's killing % range, and its frequency. Firstly, the klaptrap occurs about every 7 seconds for 3 seconds. That's pretty darn often, and at 6 times a minute with matches lasting somewhere between 4-6 minutes, that is 24 to 36 klaptrap bites. He only bites in the two areas between center-stage and the two outer. Now for killing %s. I did the lightest character, Jigglypuff, and the heaviest, Bowser. DI is a factor in klaptrap and helps a little. For Jigglypuff, without DI she dies at 10% and with it she dies at 15%. Bowser, on the other hand, dies at 21% without DI and 33% with... That's ridiculously low. Also, Vaughn pointed out that a smart Falco could time chain grabs -> dairs with this stage as their CP. That's like instant death. My vote: ban it. The car's in Aero don't even kill at that low.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I'm not bring anyone. Patrick (he'll post in here eventually) has to go help his family move and Benin just doesn't want to spend/have the money to spend on the tourney, so I'll be down all weekend. See you *****es in like..6-7 hours. : D


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Okay, a couple of things about the tournament today:

1. 55/25/15/5 split in Singles. I like the idea of 4th getting something back. It will probably just be entry fee, but maybe a few extra dollars if we have a good turnout. As usual, I'll probably round to accommodate ease of distribution.

I think 5% is too close to nothing for this to work with the typical Teams entries. Maybe if we have a lot of teams, I'll do this split for it. Otherwise, 60/30/10 teams.

2. Japes is legal. I want to try it. I think it'll turn out to be a stage that looks worse on paper than in actual game-play. It's quite possible that I'm wrong, but I don't think there will be any serious upsets because of Japes.

3. I don't really know what Wiis we have lined up, but probably the usual. If anyone wants to bring a TV/ Wii, then please do.

That said, everyone should be there tonight!


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
just as a heads up randall..
Car 1: Brelyn (one of my friends)
Car 2: lee, ricky, jtown, myself

New Orleans: Ju, DJ, ?
(to my knowledge the others aren't coming)

Laffayette: Blaise, ?

Sudai: if i ban a different level, are you still going to Japes me?


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Okay, a couple of things about the tournament today:

1. 55/25/15/5 split in Singles. I like the idea of 4th getting something back. It will probably just be entry fee, but maybe a few extra dollars if we have a good turnout. As usual, I'll probably round to accommodate ease of distribution.

I think 5% is too close to nothing for this to work with the typical Teams entries. Maybe if we have a lot of teams, I'll do this split for it. Otherwise, 60/30/10 teams.

2. Japes is legal. I want to try it. I think it'll turn out to be a stage that looks worse on paper than in actual game-play. It's quite possible that I'm wrong, but I don't think there will be any serious upsets because of Japes.

3. I don't really know what Wiis we have lined up, but probably the usual. If anyone wants to bring a TV/ Wii, then please do.

That said, everyone should be there tonight!
I can bring TV/Wii but I have to leave right after singles though so I'd be taking it with me then. Also are singles first? I'd like to know in advance since I'm rollin solo this time


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Sudai: if i ban a different level, are you still going to Japes me?
It seriously depends on what you decide to ban other than Japes. I have two stages I'd use against you that aren't japes, but one of them I most likely won't use due to comfort issues on it..so if you ban the other of those two, I might be forced to pick japes, but even then I'd probably go with the stage I'm uncomfortable with since I know your stance on Japes.


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
I'm heading over pretty soon. Just gotta mapquest the place and get my **** together.

Taylor, eet, and other people who play melee: Getting my **** together means getting my tv and cube, which means there will be at least 1 TV on the premises that has specifically a cube, and not a wii, attached to it. I'm sure you bright people can get the implications.:laugh:

Also, joe, are you coming to this ****, or just hanging around in the thread?

And since everyone else is talking about it...

(i can promise all of nola want [japes] banned as well)
Speaking for myself personally, I counterpicked that **** in melee fairly frequently. So as long as its not significantly changed from that then I'd probably vote to leave it in. Of course I'll be the first to admit that my lack of general experience with brawl means I may not be the best judge of these things.

Yay for throwing my opinion around on a game I know next to nothing about.:laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2005
Opelousas, LA
Sorry for not being at the tourney. Some of my close cousins were found dead in their house and... yeah today ain't a day to be doing stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2006
Good game to aero and dominic.

super good game to Lee. i thought we had an interesting set.

ultra good game to my rival, nikzor. hes improved considerably since early gameware and his dedede came out of nowhere to own some top tier players. congrats on a good tourney son.

Cyphus was right. competition this time was much more fun and anti noobish. random good people and noobs from earlier gameware tourneys have really stepped their game up and are able to seriously deliver interesting and engaging matches.

tournaments in general are more fun now imo. i had a brawl funk a while back, but the past two tourneys have been real fun for me. smash community in LA is awesome. real cool dudes. no joke, if i lived in BR or went to LSU, the br smash crew would be on speed dial. gary's tourneys bring variety and more fun to the scene as well.

Thanks for holding my spot randall. i appreciate it. hang in there blaise. my condolences


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2008
Nice to meet you guys <333 *hugs Sudai and Lee and Cyphus* :3

Oh yeah Lee... I USED MY SHIELD IN A MATCH lol. Ask Ran xD

Blaise, there's no need to apologise. Take it easy, I know how hard it is to lose someone you're close to. I wish you and your family the best in the coming weeks. >: *consoles*


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
First off, Blaise, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

Now, secondly...

Tournament was fun. We had some great friendlies, all item on, random stage/character matches. It was nice showing off my girlfriend [We caught certain individuals staring at her!]. Unfortunately, I was highly disappointed in my performance. I just never could get into the swing of things today. I believe part of it comes down to my desire to distance myself away from Snake, yet he is still my best character. For over a month, I tried to get my Marth to be better than Snake. When I took it out to Dibbz, it was pretty much trounced. I was disheartened, and forced to take up the mantle of Snake once more, begrudgingly. During the tournament, I couldn't help but feel detached from playing. My energy level was nonexistent, and my desire to play was low. I seemed to lack the desire/drive to go into the next plateau of playing. I was stuck in mediocre mode, a basic Snake that lacked style and mind games.

No Johns. I bombed today. I bombed hard. This is from a lack of playing skilled players [I hadn't gone to Dibbz since before Sara came], and a mental disjunction with my Main. I don't know what I placed, all I know is that it isn't worth mentioning. Everything I did was sloppy.

Deleted member

testament you're probably one of the nicest guys ive ever met. you're friends who play brawl sometimes are so cool too. you and them dont have to drive back to N.O. after every tourney. you're welcome to crash at my place any time. it's a little hilarious though, tonight we had 3 ppl that live here (1 stayed at his gfs house), and 6 guests lol. there is more floor space tho if you feel like handling a sleeping bag instead of a late night drive. i dont like brawl but i do love the people that play it.

but seriously, no more marth johns >.>

heart felt lovin goes out to blaise. havent seen you in a while man. hope you can come down sometime. you're welcome to stay too.

where are ffox and patrick?!



Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
XD I enjoyed my losses to be surprised. Cyphus I actually enjoyed losing to. Our match TL v DK was so friking close, though his Kirby didnt do me much good. And testiment, wow! never seen someone before that gave me so much trouble as toon link as Capton Falcon, good job. I enjoyed those matches too they were pretty close as well.

To those whjo might have herd, I was the annoying kid whjo chucked bombs alot, nonstop and annoyed the s*** out of people. LOL. WOOT for bombing.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
So yeah, here are basic results until I get the tio file from Vaughn:

1. Lee (MK/Snake?) $90
2. Cyphus (Kirby/DK?) $40
3. David (Snake) $22.50
4. Chimera (DDD/Kirby) $7.50
5. FakeGeorge (G&W)
5. Sudai (ROB)
7. Nickzor (DDD)
7. PKThunder (G&W/Wolf?)

I forget most everything after that. Good games everyone. Major thanks to those who came, and I hope everyone had fun.

I'll have info on the next one soon.
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