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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
I can't wait to see our GW vs. Zelda fight, Taylor. That was a really good one. Oh and don't post that first Zelda vs. Marth fight with Kyle. That one was bad.. =(


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
ice climbers are officially my main (they fit my style so perfectly- mindgames, crouch cancel downsmash, they have ice blocks, opponet has to worry about constantly avoiding grab, theres 2 of them, theyre fun to play, i feel my creative juices flowing when i play them, i feel confident playing them.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
ice climbers are officially my main (they fit my style so perfectly- mindgames, crouch cancel downsmash, they have ice blocks, opponet has to worry about constantly avoiding grab, theres 2 of them, theyre fun to play, i feel my creative juices flowing when i play them, i feel confident playing them.

$100 money match..you..any character..me..c.falcon

and if your playstyle is to wobble..then they'd fit ya.

and qdvs just monopolized truu


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
i dont wobble, i can beat u without that
me playing you at this tourney, would suggest otherwise../2stockeverycharacteryouhave and if you're so sure..accept the money match.

shyguy, boom would **** the **** out of you heh no offence intended.

^^edited and quoted for truth^^


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
qdvs your smilies will one day cause an asian kid a large epileptic seizure

Lobelia Boy

Smash Rookie
Jun 17, 2007
New Orleans, LA
Whoa whoa whoa hold the PHONE.
This crazy peachy woman is GOOD. I think I'mma play her.
The fact that I've been Peach's biggest fan since her name was Pauline just makes me want it more. <3

Deleted member

i wouldnt say wobbled the fsck out of rice at all
to me that would mean 2 or 3 wobbles to kills in 1 game
at fc:d i got wobbled twice in a 3 stock match, causing me to lose 2-0 to a scrub (even though i almost won both games) and get in a 3 way tie for 3,4,and 5th, but then not make it out of my pool due to a "head-to-head" ruling, and i STILL dont complain about wobbles.
in the match he got like 50% with a half ***** wobble. lee just spammed the atk button so rice broke out at like 75%. and it was only one time. lee won and it wasnt a fluke, sorry if yall are mad because he used ice but if rice had played better he would have won the match.

not that im particularly fond of wobbling, but it's a move, in the game, it shouldnt be banned, and it makes ic able to compete with the top tiers.

seems like all ive been hearing is how lee won with only wobbles and it seems everyone in fl is pissed for no real reason. i dont have anything against you guys i think its just an unfair judgement.

i had something else to say but i dont remember. ill edit later.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
ShyGuy, you should probably try not imposing on people who are letting you stay at their house. I mean honestly, tonight you were completely disrespectful to Eric and Phil. And you shouldn't talk about how great your ice climbers are, cuz honestly, they're not good compared to what I've seen.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Ohh.. He's just been at Eric's for nearly a week and stuff. And he was actually supposed to leave last night after we left Kyle's, but he decided to stay again. When Eric told him to leave today, he just waited around in his car. So his dad called and decided to just come pick him up. So he came back inside uninvited and decided that he wanted to play smash even though Phil said that he was watching TV and didn't want smash to be on. Regardless, ShyGuy turned it on anyway and once again bragged about how his ice climbers were awesome, even though Lee's and Cyphus's could tear his apart, and challenged Phil to a moneymatch.

That last part about the ice climbers wasn't so disrespectful, but it really bothered me though. The rest is self explanatory. Why are humans so crazy, Taylor? =(


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
Lee and Rice are both good players. There isn't any arguing about that.

The unfortunate thing is. That LA can't look past the fact that it's an LA player doing it to an OOS guy. I know, and so you all of you, that there's no way you would drive 4-5 hours in the rain..to get to a tournament just to get wobbled. and if you disagree with that. Then you're entitled to your opinion. but the fact is, We didn't do anything really gay/lame to any of you guys, and we weren't treated with the same respect. I'm pretty sure we won't be attending any LA tourneys in the future. Not even because of this incident..but because nobody from LA has said anything negative about it. All you do is justify it, without even suggesting that it would have been much better to see two good players play honestly against each other, and that didn't happen.

All we did was come to your state to support your tourney, and the southern circuit, and we were definitely dealt an injustice. Which is really unfortunate because LA has some of the coolest people we've ever met. It's just really unfortunate that not ONE of you guys can say that it was really uncool to use such a controversial technique on someone that drove 4+ hours to support your own smash scene. especially when they treat you with the respect that we thought you deserved. I sure as hell didn't see rice using pokefloats against LA..and we honestly thought that you'd do the same. We were very wrong, and wish LA the best. Because NFL will not be attending any more LA tourneys for quite some time.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
ive offered hospitality to eric and phil many times letting them stay at my apartment before in the past, and id expect that in this difficult time for me they would offer me the same. Its nice to know that im not wanted over. I realized i over stayed my visit.

Boomstick shut the f@ck up dude, u like seriosly are not that good, id beat the **** out of u if i tried, ur so frickin predictible.

Freddy, lol always sucking up to the out of staters y dont u just move there, and ya what a coincidence u start play ice climbers right after seeing me play them.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Umm. . . . you hate LA because they allowed wobbling. You could have bickered about the pools or time which were the only real problems (and not that bad of ones at that), but you decide that wobbling is an insult?

Seriously, there are too many scrubs in the Smash community. P.S. Like the tourney, I might go to more in the future if there are any more about that size. :)


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
Vaughn at first i was pissed off that u would basicly tattle on me, but then i realized u were probly right, its just i was having a really bad day, im sorry for being and *******, i cant be mad at u because uve always had my best intrest at heart and ur genuiley one of the nicest and most caring people ive ever met and have alot of respect for u. I dont care if think im lying or whatever because ive never really gotten a chance to get to know u...; but thank for having such high expectations for me as a person, i know i am a pathetic person, i have alot of work to do on myself

Im quiting smash for good, i dont know what im gonna do with my life but anything less than reaching my full potential in this lifetime is unacceptable


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i personally don't see what the big deal is. Its a tournament, so i thought players are suppose to use every advantage they can? Not wobbling is for friendlies, i figure....when you're competing for 360 bucks its a little different. I figure lee could have won using Marth that 3rd match...but used ice because he knew from friendlies earlier, that rice doesn't perform his best against them...so it was more a strategical move....because i'm sure he wouldn't "risk" ice against a fox, because fox has a natural advantage over ice w/ how easily they are to gimp if you know the match correctly.
My ice are probably a lil better than lee's and i can wobble w/out the blizzard technique, and his fox beats mine all the time. Rice didn't lose to the wobbles, i think he just lost the game, but i'm sure he woulda won if his fox was as good as his falco. but like...i love all your FL guys, but if ya'll don't wanna come play smash anymore from a single match of a set, i don't think it'll lurk on our concious.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Wobbling is part of the character that is Ice Climbers, so the way I see it is that if you get wobbled, it's your fault for getting into it. Lee was smart for using it and he messed up anyway, so I don't see what the big deal is.

And I'm not mad at you ShyGuy for wanting to stay for so long, just for the fact that you were completely imposing on them and being disrespectful. That just isn't cool, man. And it's not really tadling because you were there doing it right in front of them anyway. And what are we? In 2nd grade? We tell people about what problems are occurring.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
It was known well before the tournament that wobbling would be allowed. If you seriously had a problem with it, then you should have said something then, not after the tournament is over. However, don't think that your complaints are falling on deaf ears. For any large future tournaments that I hold, I'm definitely going to look at wobbling again. I won't unreasonably keep allowing it, but if won't unreasonably ban it either.

I'm sorry that a few instances of wobbling and our defense of it ruined your experience, but that's how we feel about it here. At least, for those of us who have said as much. Now, I really hope that when there is another large LA tourney, you won't simply overlook it because of this incident alone. The Florida people that I talked to were all cool, and it'd be great to see you all at a tournament again.

NES Noob, I'm glad you enjoyed it, even through the problems that were present. I'm sure those issues will be better addressed next time. I've learned quite a few things from LAST, so expect it to be a smoother in the future.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Because NFL will not be attending any more LA tourneys for quite some time.
Fuggin President of North Florida Speakin. Im honored.

Anyway, wobblin is a cheap azz tactic and so it should be. It ***** any good game right out the window. However, if a tournament allows it, it can be done. That's why most people hated the brawl release of the I.C. because of Wobbling. That shouldn't be any reason for NFL not to go back to Louisiana. Hell, since I live in Pensacola during the summer sometimes, I guess I'm techinically NFL smasher too. But I will be going back to LA. Even if Lee does wobble. I find it sexy, especially with all that hair.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Dang I am sorry I have missed all of the discussion in here. Most everything has been said already by boom....

shyguy dont talk trash to boom and boom wont talk it back.....

It was an awsome fun trip other than the drama of being Joo'd when we thought LA as a whole was a nice smash community. I met a lot of nice people and I remet a lot of nice people. Thanks for having us LA.

Fake George this wasn't your fault you didn't know anything would come from wobblez or no woblez. Even if you had banned it something can always go wrong at a tourney. So all you can do is run it and hope for the best. Over all it was a good one so props on having a good first tournament.

*hand hugs to freddy and boom*

I hope this incident won't ruin some of our relationships with LA but make us all learn from it. I hope to see you guys around eventually. Whether it be to smash or just hang out good times.

Also a thought that has been stuck in my mind since that happened is this....
Good players are good players because they don't need any other "east ways out" or "fall backs" other than their talent and determination.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
I hope this incident won't ruin some of our relationships with LA but make us all learn from it. I hope to see you guys around eventually. Whether it be to smash or just hang out good times.

Also a thought that has been stuck in my mind since that happened is this....
Good players are good players because they don't need any other "east ways out" or "fall backs" other than their talent and determination.
Indeed I also hope we see each other again, Drumma. I didn't get a chance to play many friendlies with you guys or anything. I also want to get a chance to hang and chill with you guys.

Deleted member

imo it wasnt an "easy way out" or even a "cheap tactic" especially since it was only 1 stock and not a full one that that. a great fox wouldve come back easily. fox ***** ic. freaking piere beat cyphus's ice with fox and he's a very subpar player, he just knew how to kill them. it's not a hard match up; fox shouldnt get grabbed using shine and he just shines them apart and ***** them. if he lost then he wasnt that good of a player. sucks you guys dont want to come back because of such a dumb reason but if thats how it is then im not really bothered, it just shows immaturity. playing better wouldve won the match for rice, and thats just the truth.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
Again, it's not that it happened. It's that not one of you has said it could have been handled better. and you're f*cking right I'm president of NFL

and drumma speaks truth, I never messed with you. but you call me garbage, and it's time to put your money where your mouth is.

and If I'm so predictable, why is it that 4/5 people from your state that I played. Got falcon punched.(edited for truth)

If you read the post I made earlier. I made it pretty clear that it wasn't the fact that Lee wobbled. It's the fact that Not one person has said a bad thing about it, all you do is call rice a scrub for getting beaten by it. and then chastize anyone that disagrees even if they're tring to be cool about it. I have nothing against the people in LA personally. I really disagree with the fact that nobody can say that it COULD have been handled differently, and it's unfortunate that we didn't get to see two good players play an honest match. ESPECIALLY since florida didn't do a single lame/gay thing to LA. No gay stages. Hell, we don't even use fox/falco for the most part. I guess I just expected a little more out of a group of people that I had alot of respect for. I'm really not trying to be an *******. but i'll be ****ed if Someone in my crew's going to have something like that happen to them, and nobody say anything about it. Rice is my boy, but the people in LA who hung out w/ us after the tourney know who they are. and you guys are too cool for words. i just wish that THIS INCIDENT had gone differently, or that LA would pull their heads out and say yeah it sucks.

::edit for Fake George making LA look really good. I really appreciate your response, Mad respect sir::

and lolz @ you saying Rice is a bad player.

/handhugs drumma and freddy

Deleted member

and If I'm so predictable, why is it that 4/5 people from your state that I played. Got falcon punched.(edited for truth)
not that i have any opinion on you predictability or anything (i didnt play you), i just kinda take that as an insult. it means you played the lesser players (fl didnt have it's scrubs at the tournament, La had everyone) or you played a good player so many times they let their guard down in friendlies.

i rly dont have much else to say about the ics. la think's its fair and fl thinks it's cheap. its like saying counter picking with marth on yoshi is cheap. we just play the game with everything in it. nothing singled out except banned stages, and any match is based on skill. we're used to chyphus using ice, they're just a normal char to us. if rice does a death combo on me then i just got pwnd that stock because he played well. if a ic can manage to grab a freaking fox and desynche to wobble before fox breaks (which can rly only be done past 20% or so), i say they deserve that stock (even though a whole stock wasn't taken anyway.). if rice would have won 2-0 then he wouldnt have had to deal with that anyway.

you keep saying you wish some la people would say it's cheap, but why would we lie just to make yall feel better. we just dont see it as cheap or unfair. it's just a difference in opinion, and i can see why yall are mad, thinking the way you do, but you shouldnt insult us for what we think about the game. guess i had a little more to say than i thought.

shyg go home.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
ram- will do sir

to be hoenst, nobody likes to get wobbled in a tournomet, yeah, it sucks, but i mean you cant do anything about it unless you ban wobbling from the tournoment. if ice didnt have wobbling they wouldbt be that much. but if you could ban wobbling to a certain extent say.. 70% you have to let go or you forfit the match. or something like that.

boom, drumma,rice, i love all three of you, but things that have already happend you cant change cause i mean.. it already happend. you guys should def come back, hell, maybe wobbling will be restricted to a certain extent.

shyguy- youre about to ****ing piss me off dude. you play ice for 2 days and all you do is wavesmash. then i come over last night **** THE **** out of you, and then you say you were sandbagging?? LOL get that **** out of here. oh and btw, ive been playing ice longer than you have, and i just recently picked them up. again.

by the way, i picked up mario cause hes an awesome character, not cause anyone else plays him ****.

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
ram- will do sir

to be hoenst, nobody likes to get wobbled in a tournomet, yeah, it sucks, but i mean you cant do anything about it unless you ban wobbling from the tournoment. if ice didnt have wobbling they wouldbt be that much. but if you could ban wobbling to a certain extent say.. 70% you have to let go or you forfit the match. or something like that.

boom, drumma,rice, i love all three of you, but things that have already happend you cant change cause i mean.. it already happend. you guys should def come back, hell, maybe wobbling will be restricted to a certain extent.

shyguy- youre about to ****ing piss me off dude. you play ice for 2 days and all you do is wavesmash. then i come over last night **** THE **** out of you, and then you say you were sandbagging?? LOL get that **** out of here. oh and btw, ive been playing ice longer than you have, and i just recently picked them up. again.

by the way, i picked up mario cause hes an awesome character, not cause anyone else plays him ****.

You sure told him!!!

Whoever "him" is.... O_O

*runs away*


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
Agree to disagree. Taylor, super respect for what you have to say, especially the fact that you didn't ZOMGWTFPOTATOSALAD! freak out. i guess it's just one of those things we'll all disagree on. doesn't mean that you guys are bad people, doesn't mean we are either. I still have alot of respect for all of you, and i'm gonna **** freddy.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
scissors sir=??

well said by taylor and boom. im glad this **** is settled.

**** me? nooo :[
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