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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
So, does FL not have Ice Climbers or do they ban wobbles?

Honestly Ice Climbers barely match up with some of the top tiers even with their wobbles. That Lee's ice climbers caused you trouble is just funny for most of us in LA because we didn't even know he used them untill that tournament. Alot of us don't like it but it is just part of the game to us. Whenever I play Cyphus' Ice Climbers in a serious match I expect to lose if I get grabbed 4 times. But playing Ice Climbers against someone who knows how to fight against them must be one of the most frustrating things in this game. Basically, it seems to me like FL wouldn't take this stance against them if they had more experience against Ice Climbers specifically.

Deleted member

just send me a pm if it's urgent? idk when we'll end up together.

btw kyle you're a little late on the topic...


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
sudai- just come over today whenever ill be at my house.
taylor- nah its not super important or anything

anyone that wants to smash today just come over or give me a call.

also im thinking about doing bi-weeklys at my place

anyone interested?


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
Hey, about what time do you want us coming over?

I'll be interested in the bi-weeklys, freddy. Day/Time?


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
@Entreri: FL's got Uber Ice & Hozart and they tend to rank among top 5 in tourneys, so yeah we've got some good ones.

They don't wobble though. FL's got class.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
Geesh. I'm assuming you're all males here, right?
Then quit whining about some insognificant technique in a game.
First off, it's just a game. Secondly, you sound like a bunch of girls complaining about something so stupid.
Maybe we should just make tournaments more friendly and have the two players draw hearts on each other before the match and kiss & make up afterwards to get rid of any hard feelings...
This is a competitive game. You play (within the rules) to win. If you have such a huge problem with this either quit, learn how to deal with it, or go play Disney Princesses. I heard a lot of the 12year old girls are playing that nowadays.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
anybody that seriously wants to complain about my ice or wobbling cant just stop bc its getting annoying. dont think anybody will ever have to fight it again though because i'll probably just go mario and gay somebody out worse with a cape or mario's fsmash beings its the best forward smash in the game. yeah blah blah that statement will probably start another fscking argument. but i really dont care. its just a game everybody can drop it this argument is seriously getting pathetic. two different states have different opinions, ok so what. just everybody shut up about it because everybody sounds like a bunch of fscking babies like kenalleman is saying. i agree with his logic more than anybody else's. you know im sorry if FL ice climbers dont wobble or if yall have a certain amount of class. quit attacking me about it because i dont even Fscking play the ice climbers seriously in the first place.

_besides that i had an amazing time with the fl crew after the tourney and we really had a blast. i really hope everybody will drop this because i probably wont check this thread for another month if everybody doesnt stop. a bunch of grown men b1tching and complaining about a GAME.

wah wah wah wobbles is fscking cheap, marths fsmash is cheap, marths spike is cheap, the Shine is cheap, fox upsmash is cheap, falcos lasers are cheap, Stfu.

mario's fsmash is God tier. im about to go masterbate to my avatar because i can.

Ps. im a jehovah's witness seriously. if anybody wants to ***** about something, complain about that.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
if theres over five pages in this la thread concerning it. theres a problem.
for every single post that somebody posts about the "issue" i will post a horrible picture of some of the grossest beastiality porn you have ever seen. and it might even include me.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
FL has all the vids and they're uploading when they can. currently there is a team set out and a few friendlies of iori's mewtwo against some people.
youtube "last ssbm" then click "date added" to find the most recent and you should find them having been added within a few days at least.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
So, does FL not have Ice Climbers or do they ban wobbles?

Honestly Ice Climbers barely match up with some of the top tiers even with their wobbles. That Lee's ice climbers caused you trouble is just funny for most of us in LA because we didn't even know he used them untill that tournament. Alot of us don't like it but it is just part of the game to us. Whenever I play Cyphus' Ice Climbers in a serious match I expect to lose if I get grabbed 4 times. But playing Ice Climbers against someone who knows how to fight against them must be one of the most frustrating things in this game. Basically, it seems to me like FL wouldn't take this stance against them if they had more experience against Ice Climbers specifically.

dang man that is cold that you would think FL has no IC's.... do some reasearch first please.

Uber Ice and Hozart are not only 2 amazing climbers players (that dont need to wobble) they are also on the top 10 list in FL. FL does bann wobbling just for that reason..... it is easy and anyone can sit there for 30 mintues, learn it, and shield grab their way to a win. Lee on the other hand did play smart and tricked rice into grabs as best he could. He didnt just camp and shield grab. Lee is a much more smarter player than that, but I am saying people that will camp shield grab and wobble to win do exist. That is why FL banns wobbling for the most part. Also it is in the game and part of the game well I will IC freeze glitch someone then since it is in the game..... doesnt make sense. Wobbling is just a contriversial technique and it will always bring bad vibes where it goes. I loves me some LA tho and I do want to see all of you guys at the smash retreat Ram and our NFL brew is hosting in Feb or March of next year. That will be really fun just hanging out with smash players from the south and then ended the few days with a tourney. All I can say is save up money now for that cause it will be a good bit of pocket change. Also check out the thread. Wobblez discussion from me is over and once again sorry for any bad blood it is scraped as far as I am concerned.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
Yeah. No hard feelings. In honesty, LA completely thanks all the OOS for coming to the tourny. All of you guys made the tourny. So thanks. <3 Fla, Miss, and Tn

p.s. I like touch little boys!


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
FL has all the vids and they're uploading when they can. currently there is a team set out and a few friendlies of iori's mewtwo against some people.
youtube "last ssbm" then click "date added" to find the most recent and you should find them having been added within a few days at least.
Links please. D:


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
wes, after you do your search for "last ssbm" click "Date Added" (which is below the text box to sort them by most recent submission. You'll see iori's matches right there. Currently no updates since then yet.


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2005
Lafayette, LA
I went through the first 5 pages, and all I saw were the same 2 matches that were already posted of Jon Wu and Lee. I don't see any other videos.
oh, gripe. in general, "a intersect b" =/= "a union b" :) [yay set theory!!!]

you were supposed to type in "ssbm last" AND click "date added." ... :) if you did both of these things then please forgive my insolence, o deified one...

at any rate, cyphus -- i met someone at the cc ping-pong table who knows you...hmm...i think he said his name was aaron (from houma) and he had really long hair and he's a philosophy major and he plays magic the gathering.

that reminds me that i've developed a mean 2-handed backhand in ping-pong. defying the limits of human creativity, i am. i already have about 10 varieties of 2-handed backhands...for those of you who care :)


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
yeah too bad nobody gives a fcvk.

my cousin is brining me up to get my car tomorow anyone want to hang out or play smash? Im a fun guy ( im up for anything and i do mean anything)

(is my car still there?) somebody stoled it oh **** :ohwell:

r u gonna be home tomorow eric?

Deleted member

lol. next time cyphus and lee are going to dibbs let us know, me and kyle will probably show up.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
I forgot I got ran over by Ram. Good times, good times. Um.

Battosai, Why are you talking about Halo 3? Although fun, this is a smash board. There is no time for "Halo 3s".

Everything is good RAM, Uh, Im in Arizona, I cant play Pro smash often so I get by.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i didn't go to dibbz..instead me, john, ray, etc just played at ricky's house. At first everything was going pretty evenly-ish, then we played a buncha FFAs w/ items. Afterward we started up again, and then john got in his zone with marth and took turns beating me, ricky, lee until he got around 10 wins, until i finally broke him. He like became mew2king or something. I tried Ganon and then DK for fun but i totally got obliteraped.
ah well. John's fox is really good, too. I think he should train it to be his sheik counter.

Its gotten to the point where i cannot mess up the wobbles (at even 0% w/out a blizzard) and i find myself grabbing people twice as often. It'd be personally fine w/ me if it were banned it from future smash tournaments. Either way, i main doc...and the matchups i use Ice for (falco/capt/sheik) i can grab-KO them w/out wobbling anyway)
I find I sandbag the worst when i'm iceclimbers, cuz i honestly feel bad for my oponent if i try my best (and wobble). Its ackward to try your best without wobbling and i find it throws off the rest of game because it throws off your mental game to "go easy" once every minute.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
Ok, I'm going to assume that those Iori videos on youtube were removed. I had already searched "last smash" and clicked date added the first time that I tried, and checked date added from 1 second ago to 2 weeks ago.

Deleted member

i dont think really not wobbling in friendlies would be considered sandbagging. but at the same i can see how you'd feel that way, but i still think wobbling in friendlies is lame lol.
(but not in tournaments ofcourse.)


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
flarefox!Q@)(#!!!!!!! its "last SSBM"
not 'last smash' >:o
then u would click "date added" but here....

the search query: http://youtube.com/results?search_t...&search_category=0&search=Search&v=&uploaded= scroll slightly below and you will find...
Iori vs drumma: http://youtube.com/watch?v=6gLvfSzDStU
Iori vs zero(ness): http://youtube.com/watch?v=sewmR6HfXnI
Iori vs zero(ness)2: http://youtube.com/watch?v=wLLWDBMtyqc
once you're done viewing you can exit out by clicking "x" in the top right corner.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
i got my car :/

phil doesnt like me :( he was like get the *** outta here bytch not littererally but......

phil <3

is anyone going to dibbz tonight?

cyphus show me how to find porn on the internet
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