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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
taylor on kyle's comp-

yeah much love indeed.
i rly hope yall come back, but either way im sure we'll have to return the favor and maybe me kyle eric and tim will come down there when yall plan something.

for the record i dont play ics lol


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Boom, I've ***** him before. His butt hole isn't too tight. Might want to go for someone a bit tighter. I wasn't in Cyphus too long, but he was pretty tight from what I remember.

El oh el, the bi guy makes an anal **** joke~

Anyway...Wobbling is a *****, but it really doesn't matter anyway. Anyone that's awesome knows.. "Don't get hit." That applies to grabs as well. If you're gonna consider wobbling a crutch (which takes a considerable amount of skill to get the grab, start the wobble, and then continue the wobble to a KO percent) then you might as well consider Fox's shine a crutch, Falco's pillar a crutch, Marth's Double FAir a crutch, Shiek's tilts a crutch, Samus' missile canceling a crutch... The list goes on.

I know you guys settled it, but I just wanna get my little ***** nag in there as to why I don't consider wobbling cheap.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
So like..tomorrow is totally thursday, or you know I'd be there. I think like...Friday and Sunday are the only days I'm free this week, so like...I'm definitely wanting to smash one of those days.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
I'll be free Friday also, Sudai. We can have sexy fun smash and Supermegaultimatedeathpunchsmashtime.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
I remembered when Boomstick yelled at this kid for disturbing us in our match about "Roy is the best character Ever!" at one of the Ft. Walton Bi-weeklies. Good times. It put the fear in me.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Tis true Ram ran over nicknyte......

Everyone better come the the mufukin smash retreat go to the thread ram posted and express your deep inclination to go to it..... =]

hooray at uniting southern smashers!!!


Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2006
Valparaiso, Florida
Okay, i hadn't said anything about it before, But taylor. you are a ******. Did you not see me get to 150% last stock against lee? I mean nvm, he got me that high with normal attacks right? No, cause i woulda been dead. He also wobbled my entire first life. Its just seriously pissing me off that you guys justify it by saying i suck, well good for yourselves. I don't care what you say about me. But you to ****ign lie in front of everyone saying he only did it once, and for only 25% is complete BS. I didn't come on the boards and complain about it either. And in any case, if im a scrub, and i 3-stocked one of your mains taylor, i guess that makes you w/e you want to make yourself. I would say you are a really good player..... but then you say im bad and lose to me. Good for yourself. How many people heard me complain about being wobbled? I merely said it was complete gayness.
I've asked many people if i was in denial and asked if i only got wobbled once. Chad only saw parrt of the match, and he suggests he saw at least 2. I even had other people saying they saw more. I even had people tell me i shoulda paused the game, or slapped the controller out of his hand.
Im sure they told me to do that for a mere 25% right????
In any case, all LA tries to do is make themselves loooook so much better than they are.
And if you wanted to know, i ***** cyphus IC's with falco and fox in friendlies the night before. Hell im sure he wasn't even trying, but i don't care, i can throw it out there like most of ya'll do.
You guys just need to stfu about it and stop justifying that im a scrubby player.( which may be true, but i guess a scrubby player can almost beat lee in a set????)
Thanks for insulting me. Later


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
Boom called me out first, i was just posting how i liked the ice climbers and then hes like 100 dollar mm %$#%$#.......

Freddy im sure ive played ice climbers before u started playing them since ive been playing competitively longer than u, but what i did notice is when i played them at kyles i saw u start practicing with them. Im honored that by watching my ice climbers u would feel compelled to start using them, but then u go and say they suck ????????

Taylor r u telling me to go home?


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
I think both you and Freddy just want to play ICs cause you saw various players using them (and very nicely) at a major tournament.

And I'm kind of on the fence with the whole wobble thing. A part of me feels the wobble is nothing more than a "combo", that is, if you can land the starting attack you can thus combo it ... In relative terms it's no different from chain-grabbing, 0-to-death combos, or shine combos. Granted it's easier, but does difficulty affect fairness? not really.

And I don't think LA is justifying anything, or insulting anyone. If rice wobbled Lee, I would say the same thing.... I just honestly don't see an ethical fault in using the move. However, I can also sympathize with rice ... no doubt the move is gay. But it's a part of the game... just like the tip, the shine spike...etc.

If it was broken, ICs would win all tournies?


Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2006
Valparaiso, Florida
I think both you and Freddy just want to play ICs cause you saw various players using them (and very nicely) at a major tournament.

And I'm kind of on the fence with the whole wobble thing. A part of me feels the wobble is nothing more than a "combo", that is, if you can land the starting attack you can thus combo it ... In relative terms it's no different from chain-grabbing, 0-to-death combos, or shine combos.

And I don't think LA is justifying anything, or insulting anyone. If rice wobbled Lee, I would say the same thing.... I just honestly don't see an ethical fault in using the move. However, I can also sympathize with rice ... no doubt the move is gay. But it's a part of the game... just like the tip, the shine spike...etc.

If it was broken, ICs would win all tournies?
Ok, i don't know if LA can DI or w/e..... but most chaingrabs you can get out of with DI, but still, you are ****ign queer for doing it all thje way to death and they can't do anything about it. And normal 0-death combos, you get the chance to DI or tech a certain way, A shine combo is what? Im assuming you mean the 'infinite' in which case is very hard to pull off. You can mess up on just about every step. And if you mean basic ones like waveshine to up-smash carried on, you can DI out of those. But when you get a highly prioritized thing like a grab. And then can pull off easy shield grabs cause of two shields, and then be able to freely infinite is ********. I have no chance to DI, i have no chance to tech, the only chance i have is to punch the guy in the face. Like i said before, im not complainging about it, im just saying its really queer. =\


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
nah i didnt even really see anyone playing them,(i didnt fight one ice climbers the whole time) no ones really that good with them if they can only be good by wobbling or whatever

im playing ice climbers if u got a problem with that, its not my fault, if u think my ice climbers suck ur wrong, ur not gonna get me to stop playing them or doubt my skill level with them, so if it makes u feel better saying i suck then go for it

Deleted member

lol. way to become way defensive when no one insulted you personally, we just think it's stupid that you complain about something like that. i didnt see most of the match, but what i saw was lee grabs you at about 25% and spams wobble until like 80% when you break out because he spams A instead of timing it. there could have been more i suppose but that is all I saw, even if there was you still had opportunities to break because he doesnt wobble the right way. no player plays to their full potential every game, id say m2k is the closest it comes to a perfect game every time. all i said was if you had played better, you would have won; which is the truth. not that you're a scrub or bad at the game at all. grow up and learn to read what people say instead of jumping to conclusions and becoming randomly defensive. no matter how many times you got wobbled, it's still your mistake that caused it. you got grabbed vs ics, what a horrible idea. next time dont get grabbed and you might win.

no one said you suk, like seriously read what the fsck we say. true you did beat me badly in a falco ditto, but like i said in the first paragraph, no one plays to the best of their ability every match. im sure we would have much closer games in friendlies, even though falco dittos are one of my worst match. then in our second match we both were full of mistakes, but i had way more opportunities to win than you did. the cloud saved you from my death combo and alot of times i would fsmash on a platform instead of dropping through and fairing. these things are still my fault (except for the cloud) so i dont have any johns about losing, it was a close game. and i dont think either of us are bad players, i think you just need to calm down and learn to accept a loss, instead of jumping to conclusions about how we're saying you suk, because honestly no one thinks that.

and in the comparasions to chain grab and pillar combos and what not. true you can get out of chain grabs (except a few) but really good players can make it hard, and smash di can get you out of pillars but falco still has chances to keep hitting, so nothing is really safe to keep you from dieing. you messed up when you let combo start on you. you got hit, just like when playing ic's; you got grabbed. it's your job to play smart and not get in that situation.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
imo it wasnt an "easy way out" or even a "cheap tactic" especially since it was only 1 stock and not a full one that that. a great fox wouldve come back easily. fox ***** ic. freaking piere beat cyphus's ice with fox and he's a very subpar player, he just knew how to kill them. it's not a hard match up; fox shouldnt get grabbed using shine and he just shines them apart and ***** them. if he lost then he wasnt that good of a player. sucks you guys dont want to come back because of such a dumb reason but if thats how it is then im not really bothered, it just shows immaturity. playing better wouldve won the match for rice, and thats just the truth.
Lol..if he lost he wasn't that good of a player..I'm glad you're not insulting him. GG again LA.

Deleted member

i could say i miss spoke on that one line, and all my other phrases were like "he messed up" "he played badly," ect. i meant he didnt play well, that is all. u cant take one thing i say and use it against me even though the main idea of what i was saying is if he had played better he would have won.

but then again, i kind of agree with myself, not because he cant play an amazing game of smash or something, but to me, the definition of a really good player is preforming that consistent game every time. if he failed to do so he must not be an expert or anything, even if in some games he can preform really well. either way, thats not meant as an insult, it's just my opinion. and by that same definition im definitely not an expert either. i can perform really well, or like in my falco ditto vs rice, play a bad game.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
not that you're a scrub or bad at the game at all. grow up and learn to read what people say instead of jumping to conclusions and becoming randomly defensive.

no one said you suk, like seriously read what the fsck we say.

So..I do what you ask me to...and read what you say..and you jump my **** about it..especially after telling everyone that they need to grow up?

and I didn't know you write the bible.


Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2006
Valparaiso, Florida
hmm ok, please tell me where i complained about this loss. When i told lee Good game? When i didn't talk about this occurance to any of the LA people? All i merely said when people from florida asked me what happened. " i got wobbled some to most my lives". I even tried breaking outof the wobble, by pressing all the buttons. Just because i got out at 80%, just means he messed up as well, it could also mean he's doing it wrong the whole time. But also, he got me to 150%, and i tried my hardest to press every button on my controller, i didn't get out, the fact that i couldn't get out, and him not getting the 'timing' right doesn't make it any different.
I didn't make any excuses or complain about this loss, i just said getting wobbled is gay. And you didn't even watch most of the match, so your opinion on the match is meaningless.

Deleted member

to boom-
that msg was to rice becuase he seemed rly pissed about the whole thing. i wasn't referring to "everyone." i also decided my last post was a bad analogy so i edited it

none of my original posts were about you johning or complaining. everyone else in florida just thought it was rly gay how you lost, and it was more of an la and fl debate on wobbling and the gayness/fairness of it. you hadnt said anything to my knowledge as far as johns go or complaints until your big post where i was apparently, a ******. it seemed like you took it all very personally and were pissed off. thats when i talked about you accepting a loss and things like that, only because of your previous post. and just because you think my opinion on the match is meaningless, doesnt mean it actually is. its a matter of fairness of wobbling or not, and i happen to have a strong opinion on the topic.


Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2006
Valparaiso, Florida
No, the point of my whole post, was that you don't know how many times he wobbled, yet you continued to 'guess'. OK, he wobbled, good for him. I only talked up cause you didn't even give the real number of times he wobbled. And you didn't even watch the matches as you said to back up that claim. And i called you a ******, cause you claimed something without watching the match???
You don't even know me, so i wasn't even that mad. i just said something cause you give incorrect facts.

Deleted member

well then the argument should be over. i never claimed to see the whole match though, i said he only wobbled 1 stock because thats all i saw while i was watching. i should have made myself more clear. my opinion about wobbling still stands, but sorry for giving incorrect facts.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
I see nothing morally wrong with wobbeling.

I think the freeze glitch should be allowed too.

ICs for god tier!


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
So, on a topic about actually smashing, Freddy's falco got better. Oddly, he's better with one IC as opposed to two. And his pikachu owns!
Oh, and my name's not "Cal" or "Cow." Not sure which one was said. 0.o


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
So, on a topic about actually smashing, Freddy's falco got better. Oddly, he's better with one IC as opposed to two. And his pikachu owns!
Oh, and my name's not "Cal" or "Cow." Not sure which one was said. 0.o
haha that was jamie the skeik player :O
and thank you kindly for the props :D

me and eric have been going even lately. and vaughn is really getting better.
i think me might secoundary marth, i think he should its pretty **** good.


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2005
Lafayette, LA
Down, you heathen. And stop eating my ****ing pizza. Leave these kids alone. "Mooooo...," he says. What a *****y little cow. The fact of the matter is that everyone is right and everyone is wrong. And that Vaughn's Zelda is amazing. Why do I have to be attached to this cow for life? I bestow my hatred upon thou, Icecow.

ps.) I saw two wobbles in that match, btw...OK now I'm out of the convo, though.

--Down, cow!

Deleted member

vaughn = best zelda in la

freddy you can play a good game but when you lose your lead you start doing worse and worse. i think the next step you need to work on is a consistent game in all situations.

and you may go even with eric...

except for 4 stocks in that mm lol



but not rly.

mind games?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
hey taylor, i need to speek to ya about some stuff, so whenever youre free you should come over and play smash and talk to me about ****.. lol

btw, i sincerely apologize for my behaviour at kyles house.. i promise it wont happen again. if it does i wont say anything and just go smoke a ciggerett lol.

ps. tell kyle im sorry for being an a$$hat at his appartment as well.
also ive been getting alittle more consistant :] me happy.
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