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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
just come here friday. no one get to kyle's until 5:30
I don't know where you live. :O

Well I'm gonna be busy today until around 5:00. It'd be really difficult to arrange anything. Plus, I was actually looking forward to our local teams tournament too. :O WE CAN WIN WORTHLESS PRIZES!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
NeoLink thinks my tournament will be trash... Or maybe he's just sad that he can't make it because it'll be awesome!

No matter, LAST is Saturday for anyone who has been in the dark for the past few weeks. The turnout is looking pretty cool. I'm thinking around 40ish at the least, if everyone comes who has said as much so far.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
hey cyphus call me asap when you see this. taylor what time can we arrive in baton rouge today? (friday)****
alright scratch that i seen you just posted 5:30 in the LAST thread. if it changes though post it on here baby. ;D


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006

thanks lee for reading something i post. unlike the other ***s.

i've said in the LAST thread a few times, we're meeting at kyle's house so all the br and oos people can play with each other, bring your setups so we can have alot of tvs to play on. when it starts to get a little late we're going to split up into where everyone will sleep.
addy: 1155 jim taylor apt. 6, baton rouge, la


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2005
Lafayette, LA
Wesley, call me when you get back home...when you see this message. I don't know when we're leaving or anything for LAST and when I tried to call you earlier you didn't answer.

Also send me a facebook message, buddo.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
most importantly, congrats to ****ing us for ignoring names and kicking ***. LA represented well from all regions of its smash scene and i'm sure proved itself the best yet to our regional brothers.
congrats especially to lee, john, myself, ricky, and taylor for holding 5 of the top 8 placements.

speaking on behalf of Nola, i think its good to acknowledge their feats this tourney.
DJ beat kyle, had a close game w/ spaceballs, and only got 1 and 2 stocked by taylor.
Ricky (5th place) beat ray, iori, and myself, and gave lee an impressive match.
john (3rd place) beat boomstick, spaceballs, and rice.

Taylor (7th) beat chaddly, DrummaBoi ,and RAM.
Setsuma beat Rook
Mocha almost beat me, lol
Tim beat chaddly and DJ.

Lee(2nd) beat patrick, ricky, cyphus, rice, john, and 1 of 3 sets against chad
Cyphus: i beat spaceballs and taylor

not everyone had good luck, so w/ that, i just say try not to care...not everyone can have a fair bracket. trust me, i know.
but moving on.
i don't want to jump the gun on "fixing" the tier list...but if i could do my share and give my 2 cents..i think it should be made as such:
Lee, John, Cyphus, Taylor, Ricky...
pretty much, i think this is a very solid start...its our top 5 players, w/out a doubt.
lee's the best, and john just seems to always get further than me and taylor these days...not that we can't beat him...(i'd say i beat him more than he beats me) but regardless...he has a pure consistency of getting further than us, and he has his own impressive victories to back that up, which is best shown in his LAST performance.
after Ricky...i think is where it starts to get picky...
kyle, ray, eet, tim, patrick, setsuma, flarefox, DJ, vaughn, and chaddly imo are all talented player and"elible bachelors" for this party.

for example...I think its easy to bash DJ because of his simplistic playstyle that appears to show no signs of "skill"...but if he can win w/ that, isn't that enough? The tier list isn't a direct reflection of "skill" anyway, since skill doesn't empirically exist since it can't be measured. The only logical way of going about sorting out these people is by shere performance. And before any bias-criticism starts, i think we should try to look at players from a fresh eye...forget how good we remember them, and look at what they do now. For BR's info, Nola has been playing and improving alot lately, and i think its shown. For Nola's info, BR has been improving as well..and both regions are commonly updated with me and lee's progress.
Beginning taking a stab at this, ill go on a whim and say: ...Ray, Kyle...
after that...i honeslty do not have as a strong opinion on how else it should follow...but it would be my guess: Eet, Patrick, DJ...literally no offense to anyone else...its my best attempt taking a blind stab...and, again, its anything but a strong opinion. (although my above 7, i'm pretty confident in)
compilling thus: Lee, John, Cyphus, Taylor, Ricky, Ray, Kyle, Eet, Patrick, DJ

Deleted member

no offense but tim > dj
not only did he beat dj, but he made an impressive show of beating rook's sheik and gannon, who chyphus almost lost too. he had a bad run with drumma where he kept trying to drill shine him into the wall on corneria and kept getting down smash ***** because he didnt know he could do that. tim definitely gives me more trouble than dj and tim is also > patrick.

i dont know why kyle lost to dj but everyone has a bad match now and again. kyle beat him like 10 times in a row after the tournament. he is really a great player. he was playing his hardest in teams and we were so close to beating you and lee both times. he wasnt caring as much about singles and even though he was trying, if you dont really care to win then it takes away from your game. me and him also 2-0'd ricky and ray in teams.

ricky shocked the crap out of me. he's definitely gotten better. i didnt get to play him except in teams but his fox was tearing us up half the time. we still won the match but he definitely put forth a good show.

dj ralph (ddraholic)

So... who the hell got first? Good job, everyone who entered and was proud of the way they played Saturday. Good job to LSU! Good job to Georgia for beating Nick Saban, and good job to Rex Grossman for leading a truly sucky Chicago team this year.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
1) Lsu > USC
2) lol saban *****
3) The hell does an organization like the bears keep a guy like him around . . .


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
ehh i didnt get to play dj in the tournoment, but i did however 4 stock him one of the times before at dibbz. and he doesnt rly do THAT great against me personally, although he def, did get better since i did that.. not saying he isnt good or anything, in fact his samus is pretty great. thats just my opinion. also he beat kyle and kyle usually beats my falco over half the time. i would say he goes 10-4 ratio lol, kyle that is, with me being 4 >.<. but kyle also has a weird mind set, just as taylor said, if he doesnt feel like trying that much to win, then anyone can beat kyle. i didnt think kyle rly cared as much as he should have to win in the singles tournament.

no bashing please >.<


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
I agree with both Freddy and Taylor on this matter. You gotta have the right mindset to do well in tourneys and stuff. I seriously think Kyle was much more focused on teams than singles, and he did a great job too. If you're ready and have confidence, you'll do well and have fun.

DJ is pretty annoying with that Samus. I've fought and beaten it before, but yeah.. Too many missles. Adaptations to more stages would really improve his game, but that's just me talking. I think he's a good player.

Tim and Patrick and FlareFox are really good too indeed. That's all I can really say. I always have good and close matches with them and always have fun.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
lee is the best i only beat him like one time
John has a better view of the game than anyone else
cyphus - experienced, real good, Doc
taylor i dunno hes earned his spot
Ricky - i dont really know
Ray- his style is effective at getting him wins
Kyle - Icredible understanding of the game,not only that but he can exucute, and is getting better faster than anyone else
Eet- ummm hes awsome
Tim- consistent techskill
patrick - good,( peach is g@y)
setsuma- crazy tech skill, getting better
flarefox - awsome player eveyone can learn from him
DJ - Nice Mindgames with samus, its a fun match up for me,hes got me beaT(slightly)
vaughn- i dunno experince,consistent,has fun with the game

shyguy- very inconsistent has alot of potential, complexmindgames i dunno i think im better than somepeople give me credit the onlything im not good at is winning,i think i have a good veiw of what to do i just have trouble sometimes with exocution, i dunno i suck even though my mario is like pro and my fox and falco are good


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
I'd like to be removed from the LA tier list.

Cool huh? And if possible, I'd like to give my spot to Flarefox, the legend. He did beat Eet.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
well..like i said, i don't really have a strong opinion which way anyway about the later end of the tier list..as far as i'm concerned we can just have our top 5: lee, john, cyphus, taylor, ricky...
afterward we just have so many good players..its just too hard, situational, etc..to really be correct about anything...and that way Kyle can be "removed" since he's prolly right after anyway..that way everyone is a winner?
lee's main is mario now (but he'll still use fox/marth for bad stages + character matchups, like i do w/ doc)

Lee: Mario, Fox/Marth
John: Marth, Fox/Falco
Cyphus: Doc, Ice/Ganon
Taylor: Falco, Capt/Marth
Ricky: Fox, Mario/Ganon

maybe this is good enough? iunno...this was our biggest and best tournament..and has moreso than any other tournament given us the best impression of all our skill..so if tier list was dumb, this would be the leastest dumb opportunity i guess to consider it. but yea, LA is awesome.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
so like tonight/last night i did something that i havent done in a really long time. practice.
i belive i practiced a **** load of different combos and went through atleast 200 stocks agains a computa

i gotta say, im really glad the florida guys came to the tourny, cause i learned a **** load of really insane things to do with my characters. my falco, fox, capt have all almost compleatly changed in playstyle.. i dont understand it but with mixing in some things that the florida guys taught me, it almost compleatly developed a new game for me.

i REALLY want to play smash today and to be honest i was kinda thinking if you feel like it "taylor,kyle,vaughn" one of you or all of you can come over and smash at my place if you like, if yall arent tired of smash yet.

well anyway, i just thought i would share my accomplishment with you guys :] im rly proud of my characters right now :]]]]]]


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
someone please post a serious results thread from the tourney for shoutouts and the like. don't wait too long, if nobody wants to do it..let me know the actual bracket results for teams/singles and I'll put one up.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Yeah, so I"m flying into LA on Friday but I can only play at Dibbz on Saturday. >_>

Anyone feel like coming? I'll probably aim to be there starting at like 1 PM or something.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
Uhm, I'd like to go play you, Sars. I want to see if you can still 4stock me.
Does this "Dibbz" place have an address?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
ROFL dude, I won't 4 stock anyone for a long time. Besides, you had pretty good spacing back then for not being in the smash community for long. Um, as for an address >_> I'll post it later lol Sorry.

But I'm sure if you searched the thread, you can find one.

Deleted member

so me and kyle are cool and recorded a bunch of matches. kyle ***** freddy's fox yoshi. it was awesome. we did some cool team combos on vid too. we're going to be the first to make double marth team combo vids. we ended up rly pissing freddy off, but i found out its alot more fun to trash talk him when he gets so mad rather than calling him gay for *****ing or something. he took a break for a few minutes and came back in cool headed though. we also had some close falco dittos, but as he got more angry the wins got worse and worse. ggs everyone though, today was fun.

shyg was also doing good in teams

200 posts on my second name woo.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
yeah, i get rly frustrated for some reason >.< i need to quit that **** though : /


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
It's really funny to hear you complaining in the video though. Especially the Marth vs Falco on dreamland where you were saying you 'd never play falco against marth and I forced you into it because I just picked marth and started the match.

Deleted member

the match ends with a fsmash then freddy's up+b to kyle's missed spike, to jump off the ledge and forward b to get spiked.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Yeah that was a really fun night. I finally realized how much fun SSBM was supposed to be. I had some really good fights that night. Especially with Kyle and Taylor. And I'm not getting completely killed by Marth and GW anymore!! And we beat MARF TRBL a few times!! YAY!!

*Fsmash your partner to your partner's spiking the opponent to victory* lol

Thanks for the confidence booster, guys. It helps a lot. We should play again really soon.

Also Kyle, always remember our Fox ditto. =D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
And I would go to Dibbz this weekend, but Alex, Randall, and I have to go beat the crap out of everyone at USPF '07. So maybe next time. =P


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
So I went ahead and made a results thread for LAST, for those who are interested.

Well, Alex and Vaughn will own everyone, but I just get to stand there and look stupid.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
kyle did u put any vids of me on youtube?

ice climbers pwn, theyre so obviously the best character in the game, i dont y the hell i havent been using them

Deleted member

lol. some 1v1s would show you why u havent been using them but w/e
no vids posted yet, i might work on that later today.
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