I'm sorry to report but my co-to's just (and I mean just, like 2 seconds ago) let me know that there will be no Get Hype even after I was told weeks ago there would be one even in my absence for this month.
That being said, I'm just going to come out and say this. It's obvious that the past few months, Get Hype hasn't been doing what it's supposed to, for various reasons and snags along the road. As of right now, the biggest issue is reliability on partners to pick up the slack and a stable venue. So as of right now, I will no longer be the co-TO of Get Hype. I'm going back to being a solo TO. Things worked better that way. I will most likely still use Coscino's as my venue since I know the owner. Although slightly unstable, it is still a venue that has treated us right and done everything it could to work with us. I will host tournaments when I can (aside from the conventions of course). I can't guarantee my tournaments will be smashcon sponsored, I'll leave that up to smashcon (erick).
Once again guys, I'm really, really, 10000000x really sorry about this last minute cancellation. I'm just as disappointed as you guys are. I can assure you it won't happen again, at least not while I'm a solo TO again.