So I was digging across TV tropes and was looking across the article for the
Five Man Band. Life has a funny way of imitating art I suppose (or the other way around depending on how you look at it) because you can pretty much structure the Legion into a Five Man Band!
The Hero: JCaesar [he is the head of the Legion for a reason. Also tends to be the nicest and more 'heroic' of the bunch...for what that's worth since there's not much competition <_<. We're pretty much all ****s in our own way]
The Lancer: Waffle and I [this one is tough to call. Waffle definitely has the extremely-snarky-yet-well-intentioned personality that a lot of traditional lancers have and would be difficult to see him fitting better anywhere else, but I fit the bill for the standard definition as a direct foil to JCz's abilities. Smart, slower play vs technical, reckless play.]
The Smart Guy: Quinnydinny [Easily could out-code us all in anything. Also tends to be composed and rational. You have to be to hang out with me and keep from getting into something stupid

The Big Guy: Count Kaiser [You gonna finish that? Na, I don't mean it in a derogatory way, but you are the most physically imposing out of all of us. Also is almost perfect as a
Gentle Giant or a
Genius Bruiser]
The Chick: Bandit [Full stop. This is pretty obvious]
The Sixth Ranger: cmart [Late to the party]
Other dudes that fit outside the traditional mold:
Token Evil Teammate: Jason [Yeah, he's not technically in the crew. But he's got
Complete Monster/
Card Carrying Villain written all over him]
Team Pet: Guy [obv. What a monkey]