Teeb147 was talking about how she'd like some more female characters playable, which made me curious: what female characters do you want playable that aren't in yet?
I'll make a small list. You can include characters that have the option for multiple genders as well as female ones.
- Dixie Kong (from Donkey Kong Country)
- Reporter and Wrestler (from the most well-known Rhythm Heaven minigame)
- Shop Assistant (from the Style Savvy games. "Shop Assistant" is just what Smash Ultimate calls her in her spirit, she doesn't have a canon name)
- Pauline (from both Mario and Donkey Kong games)
- Toadette (from Super Mario Bros. She can be an alt of Captain Toad (who I also want in), or even an Echo Fighter.)
- Captain Syrup (from Wario Land)
- Ashley or Mona (from WarioWare, Inc.)
- Zelda (the Breath of the Wild version, I appreciate ALttP / ALBW Zelda but I wanted BotW Zelda more, oh well)
- Midna (from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Krystal (from Star Fox)
- Caeda (from Fire Emblem, specifically Marth's game)
- Lyn (also from Fire Emblem)
- Viridi (from Kid Icarus: Uprising, I just want another Kid Icarus goddess to use some of the moves Palutena had back in Smash 4 that were lost forever in Ultimate due to custom moves being left behind)
As for third-party ones...
- Chun-Li (from Street Fighter)
- Erdrick (duh)
- Jill Valentine (from Resident Evil, Leon could be an Echo Fighter)
Interesting to see the lists. ;p
I wont remention some of the individual ones that already were, but there's a few series I like a lot of girls from.
1. Final Fantasy -> Tifa, Yuna, Rikku, Lightning & Serah, Terra, Yuffie, Rydia, & more.
-there's also the
Viera race and the
Miqote that I like.
There's a character I've been wondering about, Fina, which i might not be as attached to because it's a mobile game but I absolutely love her design:
2. Dragon Quest -> All the heroes, but also the party members.
I havent played DQXI yet but I'm sure I'll like Jade and the other girl is really cute. The female builders are cool too.
3. Warioware -> Yes Ashley & Mona, but also Kat & Ana, and might as well say the other ones too, though they're less known (including by me)
4. Kirby -> Adelaine,
Susie, The
3 Mage Sisters, and a few enemies besides that maybe.
5. Fire Emblem -> There's too many options. But Lyn and Tiki are pretty good. Micaiah is another one. Then there's Edelgard coming in hot. ;p
6. Persona ->
Chie is probably my favorite. And now we know about Kasumi, so that's probably my #2. There's the other girls too.
7. Soul Calibur ->Bolderrousness mentioned some. There's also Sophitia, Cassandra, Amy, Tira, Xianghua, & more.
8. Blaz Blue -> Another fighting game. Really good one. I'm really a fan of Taokaka but they're all cool

-here's another
9. Touhou & Vocaloids -> Both kind of unknown in the west, but lots of ones there. Reimu is just scratching the surface. ;p (+vocaloids like Hatsune Miku)
10. Sonic -> Amy, Blaze the Kat, and a few others.
11. Shantae & co of course
12. Others. There's too many good games with some. Castlevaina had Shanoa in order of ecclasia, she'd be cool. Faith from Mirror's edge. Kat from Gravity Rush. Sakura from street fighters too. Aqua from Kingdom Hearts.. And then there's tons of anime games that could have some. Etrian Odyssey, Neptunia games, other rpgs and stuff. The Tales of Series would be great. More from Xenoblade could be cool too, though i havent played much of it.
I'm running out of brain power so it'll have to be it for now XD
Well there you go, my side on it,