OK, here's a moveset I thought about for
I think that Dragon Quest has tied classes and weapons enough for me to make a moveset that's vague enough about whether it's a class or a just the weapon, since Erdrick is not known to class change. I'll include some class skills along with weapon skills, but they don't have to be part of the moveset, it'll be more like 'if' there's an extra skill that would change on class/weapon change, then I've thought of a few that could work and be interesting.
So, here are the weapon changes and skills i thought could change for the b-moves. Only 1 or 2 moves would change, that being side b and potentially neutral b. I only included a few details about the A attacks. I included more than one weapon in some spaes for ones i think would only have slight differences. (in example knife could have the same attacks as a sword, but with less range. I decided not to include a knife though)
Bear in mind it might still be a bit in conception.
Side B: Gigaslash -> Could cost mp (or not), Has big range but might have a bit of startup.
Neutral B: Zap or Extra sword/warrior-hero skill -> Zap could be universal to any weapon, or the extra skill could be on holding neutral b longer. Sword could have a hero or warrior skill like double up or a block.
A buttons: All attacks would be sword ones or a few fisticuff moves here and there.
Side B: Wind Sickles -> This move would cost no mp, and be decently fast projectile, but would have very little or no hitstun, and instead could have a slight hit wind box that can push a little opponents while dealing a bit of damage. or a dashing claw skill.
Neutral B: Zap or Extra claw/fighter skills -> The fighter skill could be psyche up, which would raise tension. I think this would be a very cool way to make use of tension somewhere. Alternatively it could be one of the claw skills that strikes multiple times.
A buttons: Claws would be like an extension of the fisticuff skills. They'd stay equipped when doing normal fisticuff attacks and make them deal a bit more damage, and extra attacks for the rest of the moves. Would be fast attacks that dont have as much range as the other weapons. (claws could have a tad more than fisticuffs alone).
Note: If there are moves that would be punches or kicks anyway, no matter the weapon, they would be more powerful when using fisticuffs (and the other moves would become new melee ones)
Side B: Axes of evil -> This would be a slower but powerful projectile that could travel not as far as the wind sickles, but it'd be a heavy one. If hammer instead, then it could be Heart breaker, which would be a swing that has a chance to stun someone for a little bit.
Neutral B -> Zap or Extra axe-hammer/warrior or paladdin skills -> This could be a chance to another stun like attack from the axe skill 'parallax', that is if there's no hammer. It could also be a chance for some protection, or even heal.
A buttons: The skills that aren't kicks would probably have to be all be the weapon, since this is two-handed for sure. It would be heavy hits that are slower.
Spear (Extra idea)
-This would be for maybe instead of claws or axe.
Side B: I haven't decided on a spear skill yet.
Neutral B: Zap or spear skill, or a class skill from either warrior or paladin, or even priest.
A buttons: Would have the greatest range, but not as good up for up close.
Extra idea#2:
-I'm putting the idea for a bow moveset, but I think this could be a hard one to do (tho would be very interesting), so I'm not gonna talk about moves it could have for now, but it could still be fun.
The Final Smash would still be Gigagash in any case
Mechanics (Weapon switching)
The Weapon Switching would occur on down b. There'd be a cycle it goes through for tapping b, or holding b for a menu to show up where someone can select which weapon they want to equip.
Someone would be able to switch at any point, making variety and combinations for follow ups possible. It'd be very diverse and interesting to play
Up B would be the usual, Zoom or something else, but maybe there could even be some influence based on the weapon equipped, like an extra skill of it at the end of the zoom or if you cancel it by doing something. Just an idea for something possible, else just the regular one.
I might do extra movesets at some points for each weapons A attacks, but this is the more important part of how it works.
Hope you enjoyed