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The hero of Dragon Quest III, Erdrick, joins the battle!

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Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2019
I meant more fine-tuned drawn movesets ;)
I had a multi-weapon one too, and i really like that we made them. it's just super cool to see them visually and with charm.

Oh no I would definitely expect sakurai to make a new chibi female alt, no doubt, whether new or a spin on the nes and gbc versions.
But it's still a point that most people would be used to the more modern one. 90% of the fan art i see uses a tall one, so yeah, and i think there's definitely strong chances for one. I just think sakurai could do the less expected too ;p
Hm. Guess I'll forgive you for now :p

I wouldn't say it's entirely impossible for Chibi Erdrick to come with female Erdrick. There's a few official chibi female Erdricks out there. If not, they could just come up with a new design, taking elements from her SNES design.

I get what you mean about the older-looking design, though. Your introduction to DQ was through those designs, so I understand why you'd be impartial to the more adult-like proportions. Speaking personally, NES Erdrick was how the character was introduced to me (through videos talking about him, not through playing the game), so that's what I prefer.
If there is one universal constant I want is for Erdrick to be fully expressive. Like keep him silent, whatever, but make him very expressive.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Only time I would be disappointed unless it looks cool as ****
I think it could look dope, but rly as a fighter i think i'd rather see full design ;p

I was checking wikipedia for dq3 and it actually had some sale numbers for the mobile version and japanese collection:
"As of November 2010, Japan mobile phone version was downloaded more than 1,000,000 times. Wii Dragon Quest Collection sold 403,953 copies in 2011. "

That's the first I saw that, and it's a bit higher than i thought. Taking that it's an old figure, that'd mean that with the oriignal and all the ports, the game sold around 8 million or more in total. That's be over 10% of the series total :)
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Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2019
Can we get a female Luminary for DQ11S, I've been actually thinking about it and realized that I would love this a lot.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Erdrick is being rated in the RTC thread. Come show your support.


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2015
I'm on the side that'd prefer the taller design, but that's mostly because it looks cooler (to me) and is more in line with the series' current style. I wouldn't be upset if we got the chibi version instead, but I don't know... It just wouldn't feel right to me. I'm pretty particular about designs and portrayals, so it'd probably bother me more than most people (I don't like the way Mega Man is portrayed in Smash, for example). Either way, I'd just be happy that Erdrick made it, and I'd play the heck out of them regardless.

My ideal Erdrick design would look a lot like his Bring Arts Figure, though.
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Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2019
I'm on the side that'd prefer the taller design, but that's mostly because it looks cooler (to me) and is more in line with the series' current style. I wouldn't be upset if we got the chibi version instead, but I don't know... It just wouldn't feel right to me. I'm pretty particular about designs and portrayals, so it'd probably bother me more than most people (I don't like the way Mega Man is portrayed in Smash, for example). Either way, I'd just be happy that Erdrick made it, and I'd play the heck out of them regardless.

My ideal Erdrick design would look a lot like his Bring Arts Figure, though.
It's the best design. Imo.

Deleted member

There's always room to combine the classic and modern elements together when it comes to Erdrick's design. Kind of like how Modern Sonic has the classic smirk and Mario does the classic Donkey Kong death animation. What Erdrick looks like has been the thing I was most curious about next to how he plays


Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2019
Thanks my man.

There's always room to combine the classic and modern elements together when it comes to Erdrick's design. Kind of like how Modern Sonic has the classic smirk and Mario does the classic Donkey Kong death animation. What Erdrick looks like has been the thing I was most curious about next to how he plays
I'm very curious on how Erdrick will play. That is the most interesting thing for me.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
There's always room to combine the classic and modern elements together when it comes to Erdrick's design. Kind of like how Modern Sonic has the classic smirk and Mario does the classic Donkey Kong death animation. What Erdrick looks like has been the thing I was most curious about next to how he plays
Yup definitely that and the moveset are really in my mind in being curious about the character right now XD

Saw your post in the rate thread. Dont forget to add percentages to chance and want, i think they calculate it.

Deleted member

Yup definitely that and the moveset are really in my mind in being curious about the character right now XD

Saw your post in the rate thread. Dont forget to add percentages to chance and want, i think they calculate it.
I don't do percentages when I rate in that thread. I just give my thoughts on the matter and the people who read are the ones worth my attention.

Deleted member

fair enough. I like stats so im curious about it ;)
If I had to give crude estimates,

Chance: 99% relative to everybody else

Want: About 100%. I've spent six months on this topic. I want the dude in already. :laugh:
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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Also, AustarusIV AustarusIV , just to bring up something, it's interesting to note that the nes version sold more than any other version combined. The sales were around 4 million, when the snes version didn't even break 2 mil. So a lot of Japanese people would still easily recognize the chibi version.
Yeah, I get that. There's definitely a reason for them to go that route if they wanted to go as 'retraux' as possible.

But I was speaking from a Western fan's perspective who's familiar with adult-like proportions that started to become commonplace in DQ character designs since DQIV. The chibi designs don't really mean much to me since I tend not to see them often in DQ games aside from the Builders subseries (which, IIRC, has children as their protagonists). If one of the reasons why they want to make Erdrick playable in Smash is so that they can promote Dragon Quest overseas, why give him a design that's mostly familiar with Gen X Japanese fans and probably won't even be used for the hypothetical DQ3 remake SE likes to keep bringing up?

It doesn't seem right to me IMO.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2019
This scenario:
Erdrick(Or a pack of DQ Heros) and Banjo are the two characters announced in E3 for Smash. (And Brave(Erdrick) slot can be moved in the files between 72 and 73.)

What is your more realistic speculation about the announcement order and what is the one you think is less plausible but you would want the most?

Expect: Erdrick been announced with DQ Erdrick Trilogy for Switch in SE presentation and Banjo in Nintendo Direct in the beginning, they talk about both characters show DQXIS release date and Rare Reply. Erdrick release on July and Banjo in August.

Want: Erdrick been announced in SE with DQ Erdrick Trilogy for Switch, and with DQXIS release date and the official announcement of DQXII and it's official live date. A extension from Erdrick trailer start the Nintendo Direct and Update 4.0.0 is showed and stated to release with Erdrick after the Direct. Rare Replay and a new BK is showed in the presentation but that's it. At the end of the presentation is showed Banjo trailer out of no where and have at some point a friendly interaction with Erdrick. Banjo is released in August. (Also Slime as an Assist Trophy.)
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Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
What do you guys think of Erdrick and Banjo Being Dropped at E3 this year lots of people are saying something about those two what do yall think?

Deleted member

I feel its mostly the perception due to the whole leaks going on with Erdrick and the speculation going on with Banjo, so pretty much a its possible but don't hold your breath.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
It'd be a nice case to satisfy different crowds. I just want people to stop whining, lol. but a part of me knows whining by itself isn't a good reason for that, so eh..

I really dont know what to expect since a lot of the speculation is kinda iffy, but it does sound possible. Really curious to see what's really the case :)

Deleted member

Even if they announced Banjo the whining sadly won't stop, the people would move to another character and why "x" is not in the game. The whole ballot was a mistake as it gave fuel to this situation.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
i mean i'd say it would distract all the Erdrick hate but i think it's funny that people are mad that a Japanese company are gonna put it in characters from GASP Japananese Franchises


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Even if they announced Banjo the whining sadly won't stop, the people would move to another character and why "x" is not in the game. The whole ballot was a mistake as it gave fuel to this situation.
At least they'd lay off of erdrick a bit. People are impatient and they just want a character, and banjo is popular enough to shut them up for a bit. But yeah it shouldn't matter too much. I'm just tired of the whining lol. I dont mind the banjo speculation right now, I just think either way it can turn out in all sorts of ways, and since it's so close to e3 i think it'd be better for people just to be open and see what happens with wonder in their eyes ;p


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2019
What do you guys think of Erdrick and Banjo Being Dropped at E3 this year lots of people are saying something about those two what do yall think?
I think by all the speculation and calculation I did to winch would be the time span between each fighter and with the tradition of not announcing characters alone in the E3 since Brawl, that it proceeds. And make sense for the characters as each appeals for a different group. And the history of those franchises with Nintendo is fitting too as this will be the Direct they will change their hypeman.
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Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
I think by all the speculation and calculation I did to winch would be the time span between each fighter and with the tradition of not announcing characters alone in the E3 since Brawl, that it proceeds. And make sense for the characters as each appeals for a different group. And the history of those franchises with Nintendo is fitting too as this will be the Direct they will change their hypeman.
I just hope it's real and they drop already so we can go back to not knowing who's coming unless someone says it

Rumble Red

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2018
I think they'd be a sensible pair of announcements. Whether that's what we'll get, who the heck knows.

Banjo & Kazooie definitely feel like a good fit for Smash, anyway. I'd be happy to have them, and ports or remakes of the BK games might even be enough to get me to give that series a try, despite my allergy to collectathons.

Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC
If Erdrick drops Im gonna have to redownload Ultimate...the hype is eating me away rn.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
So it's looking like Erdrick & Kazooie seems to be the likely E3 reveals. As long as we get Erdrick, It's fine by me.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
So it's looking like Erdrick & Kazooie seems to be the likely E3 reveals. As long as we get Erdrick, It's fine by me.
I hope people dont get too into that possibility, because it could end up totally different. But it would definitely be a pretty good one :)
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2019
I hope people dont get too into that possibility, because it could end up totally different. But it would definitely be a pretty good one :)
Did you know something we don't know? XD
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