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The Heavenly Scriptures:A Pit Q&A thread!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2011
what's our worse matchup?

It's worth it to spam pit's arrow?

To meteor smash with dtilt, where does the opponent has to be?

Best finisher?

Recovering? remember that if pit's up-b is hit, he's not coming back.

What move should i do to cancel vertical and horizontal momentum?

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
-MK, G&W, Marth, Wario are the main 4 to me, mostly noted, lame MK.

-By all means abuse it against certain characters, but not completely against speedy chars (to me), or those who can compete with Pit's own camping, say like TL, and maybe Samus. You have to use them sparingly against some of them.

-To be touching Pit, but mostly noted right at his feet.

-Sweetspot B-air and Fsmash, provided one of em isn't stale. B-air sweetspot is stronger though.

-It varies with the MU and stage sometimes. You can recover high, you can recover low, or even glide/fly under a stage (like BF) and get to the other side. With stages like YI where you can't fly under it, you're pretty much more limited.

-I guess you mean Pit's DI. For me personally, I just stick to B-airs since it's the fastest aerial.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2011
-MK, G&W, Marth, Wario are the main 4 to me, mostly noted, lame MK.

-By all means abuse it against certain characters, but not completely against speedy chars (to me), or those who can compete with Pit's own camping, say like TL, and maybe Samus. You have to use them sparingly against some of them.

-To be touching Pit, but mostly noted right at his feet.

-Sweetspot B-air and Fsmash, provided one of em isn't stale. B-air sweetspot is stronger though.

-It varies with the MU and stage sometimes. You can recover high, you can recover low, or even glide/fly under a stage (like BF) and get to the other side. With stages like YI where you can't fly under it, you're pretty much more limited.

-I guess you mean Pit's DI. For me personally, I just stick to B-airs since it's the fastest aerial.
Isn't nair?
well, since you said it works, i'll use it :D

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
nair, dair, uair and bair, then fair. if i get hit horizantal i do bair>jump dair. vertical i just do bair> dair

learn how to land bair on people, it's OP.

recovering under the stage is usually your best option if hit out, if hit up just slow glide to the other side and see what you should do from there

don't just spam, switch up the timing

MK is the worst hands down


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2010
Paris, France
For the WoI plarform cancel, you have to dair a little after a regular platform cancel. It isn't that fast, I honestly never use this AT.

Recovering from the ledge isn't fun, it's hell in some MUs... Kepp doing ledgedrop Uair/arrows to pester your opponent. Make him understand that you could stay there all day.
-You can auto-cancel every aerial (perhaps not bair... not the most useful anyway) by doing a ledgedrop>aerial onstage. If youre opponent's shield is weak you can go for a multi-hit and hope it'll shieldstab. Otherwise use the aerial accordingly to the opponent's placing/height.
-you can ledgedrop>mirror shield onstage. Pretty good option when you predict attacks that leave the oppoent open if he ends up back to you. Marth's nair come to mind. It can backfire pretty horribly though, but if your opponent is acting on reaction, you'll get away with being grabbed. Then again, you don't have to land with the shield onstage, you can always drift back.
-the regular get-up/roll/attack... I personally mix'em up as well as I can, they're necesserary to divert the attention from...
-ledgedrop>airdodge>buffer stuff. Dumb but great. Airdodge Utilt, airdodge roll, airdodge WoI...
-ledgejump WoI cancel (probably not the exact name). I don't find it useful.

been a while since I typed that much <<

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Well, you can use any aerial to get back on the stage with, though I seem to use F-air and N-air most, sometimes Side-B (it depends), or a sneaky B-air against nearby opponents. The catch with using U-air is that you have to be like frame perfect so you don't get landing lag from it. I probably wouldn't waste my time with D-air though, but it all depends since various MUs are just sickening. Heck, getting back from the ledge against an F-smash spamming Lucario is tough, with that hitbox, and that F-air can't reach em with a proper spacing.

It's certainly not fun, and I've experienced a lot. Sometimes I just hope the opponent is dumb enough to come close and get knocked off the stage from a U-air.


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD
Plank until they leave
Glide to the other side
Use all your jumps and woi high and recover from above
Ledgehop airdodge
Ledgehop back, glide onto stage into buffered roll/attack/dodge
Ledgehop ART
Ledgehop aerial
Roll on stage
Get up attack (only good under 100%)
Normal get up
Ledge jump
Ledge jump wing cancel

I feel like that's a decent amount of options. Pick and choose accordingly to the situation and you'll eventually get on stage without taking too much damage.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
above the stage:

glide to the other side and land with a glide attack cancel

use your jumps to get away and then divebomb

land with bair and nair (both auto cancel)

loop an arrow (been working really well for me recently)

from the ledge:

obviously we can plank if they get close

do a ledge hop and then immediately cancel it with a WOI and then cancel that (the wind box makes this work really well)

same thing but just go through them with WOI's incredible speed (this works if you know they are gonna jump to punish your ledge hop)

land with auto cancel nair>jab

jump away>breverse arrow>auto cancel fair


fair>landing and buffering AR

drop>hop dair>hop dair>ff fair

get on with mirror shield (try to turn them around with it)

these tend to work for me

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Easy theory. Think of a Wingdash: You need to D-air quickly to do it. As you know, doing D-air close to the ground (but not touching it unless you're doing a quick wingdash, or if you wanna do a platform cancel like you want to on SV or Lylat) does cancel the move without any landing lag at all. Knowing that while you have your wings out after the Up-B start-up animation, you can't do it unless you are slightly above the ground. Just before the Pit goes straight to jab, look at Pit doing a quick animation from his wings as if he was moving upwards. It's showing that the Pit wanted to move up (based on Pit's wing fluttering fast for a bit)

In other words, use Up-B, move a direction, and before Pit decides to land, rise up and quickly C-stick down for a D-air to cancel Up-B. You gotta do the last 2 pretty quick though, or you'll suffer from landing lag from D-air. You cant do it too fast, or too slow, but you still gotta do it fast.

For the tl;dr types, or those who want an easy explanation...

Controller format:
Up-B > Move left or right > Up > quickly C-stick down for a D-air

Again, make sure you do this all before Pit lands. I'm working on the precise timing.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
or it could be this since this isn't that hard

hold shield while doing a wingdash

cancel it with dair

hit up on the c-stick and buffer a walking grab.

it's really easy

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
if we run off a ledge with WOI cancel or reverse WOI cancel and hit the c-stick in any direction at literally the exact same time, will that buffer an aerial faster than just running off and doing and an aerial?


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2011
BC(Vancouver Island) Canada
I (think I) have a reactionary playstyle. How do i get better over wifi? I just can't seem to deal with things like marth's spacing or G&W bairs.

Reason I said over wifi is because I live in BC and to go to a nearby tournament (monthly) would probably cost me $100 or more.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
so i was going through the old guide yesterday and like all of the old and still useful threads just don't work anymore. anybody know why that is?


if we run off a ledge with WOI cancel or reverse WOI cancel and hit the c-stick in any direction at literally the exact same time, will that buffer an aerial faster than just running off and doing and an aerial?

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
well we already knew that though. i just meant like would it take less frames overall in the transition. man i wish we had something like cape or teleport that we can use at the ledge and just launch hella far off

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
ptzr (and others but i know you know a lot of this stuff) im gonna update my cg thread to a cg/ combo thread and i need to know if you would test and tell me who else besides kirby we can bthrow>dsmash. also if anything else is true out of bthrow (including aerials, AR, pivot jab, try it all.)

also if someone could tell me who we CANT bthrow>dash attack i would appreciate it

i would also appreciate it if someone could test all of the combos we can get out of back hit dsmash because i know that combos into fsmash but what else can we combo it into (including aerials, AR, pivot jab, i need info guys)

does anyone know if we have true combos out of an auto cancelled nair? all i know is at 5%-8% if we hit with just the last hit and they don't tech we can do ftilt>jab lock animation>dash attack (the lock animation unfortunately doesn't do forced get up)

when we fall on someone with an "auto cancelled" AR does that combo into anything at all?

what are all of the true combos out of a weak bair? also does weak bair give us enough frames to footstool (on the ground or aerial i need to know both)

now i DO NOT want ANYTHING that isn't GUARANTEED (unless it's something that involves them missing a tech>lock as it can at the very least set up a tech chase).

yall know i would test these myself if i had access to a wii but i don't and it's honestly time we looked into stuff like this. marth boards had this done and done ages ago. we need to step this up and start getting hard core with our gameplay. when i have access to a wii i will test some of these myself but until i have access i am incapable. free damage is free damage.

so to make sure we don't get a bunch of people working on the same stuff this is gonna be a first come first serve on testing choice. so pick a category to test and state that you are testing it. to make it simple for you all the categories of interest are

Bthrow> regrabs (aside from the PS1 grab), grounded attacks and AR, aerials moves, and who we cant dash attack

auto cancelled nair> ANYTHING

"auto cancelled" AR> ANYTHING

back hit dsmash> ANYTHING

weak bair aerial combos + footstool

ff weak bair autocancel> ANYTHING

throw me a bone on this guys and ill throw you back a better overall character

please start signing up as soon as you read this. also, im fine with one person doing up to 2 categories max. i don't want one person doing everything because then it will never get done. that's how it always ends up and im not gonna stand for it this time

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
bthrow combos into tipper dash attack (on most characters) unlike fthrow which is why it's generally safer to use. i should have stated that. in the thread i made i will list what is generally safe and what is true but also stupid so that people don't get screwed


Sinbad: King of Sindria
Dec 13, 2007
Chicago Illinois
What moves should I use OoS?

What moves should I use to retreat?

Do you have any suggestions on what to do as I'm landing?


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
What moves should I use OoS?

What moves should I use to retreat?

Do you have any suggestions on what to do as I'm landing?
1) no restrictions. Depends on far too many variables. You simply must know through experience.

2) fair/dair are really good. Nair is good. Bair is alright. Depends on what you mean by "retreat". If you'd elaborate what definition you're aiming for i can help better/elaborate better.

3)Learn to utilize WoI. Learn to space while using multi jumps this is the most valuable tool that so few pits use effectively. FF dair can be used in some situations (e.g. i condition ppl to think i'll ad at low % if it's against someone like zss since ik most likely she'll hit me anyways then i just dair them lol) Last minute ad uptilt. First two are beast and much more important.

Don't forget retreating mirror shield and pivot mirror shield and pivot arrow.


Sinbad: King of Sindria
Dec 13, 2007
Chicago Illinois
For the retreating part, I guess what I'm trying to say is what I move to use as my opponent approaches from air/ground? Also, figuring out what to do as my opponent is hanging off the ledge.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Jab is still the best and one of his fastest OOS moves. We need to use that more, also his aerials are good, but I feel they are a bit on the slow side. Up-smash(hold shield, up on control stick, and c-stick) can be used instantly OOS so that's another move to rely on. Shield grabs are pretty standard, but I find Pit's grab range a bit lacking at times. Dsmash is the same speed as jab, but the more I think about it--Jab is all around better, but dsmash can be used for attacks that are far from range--but then d-tilt becomes a better option.

Moves to retreat with:
*B-reversal arrows
*Pivot grabs
*B-reversed Mirror Shield
*Retreating Side-B(can be a bait)
*Jump, then up-b fly away

Lately, I've been landing with up-b because there is more maneuverability, but I'm not as safe that way. I usually up-b, then do a quick dair landing to cover any jumps/attacks, and you can also up-b to fake-them out and play to their reactions. It has worked so far, but I wouldn't' rely on it. I think because of my nervous habits while I play, I find myself using that move.

*Jumping away
*Landing with a bair, nair or dair
*Mirror shield reversals
*Airdodging, but making sure you rarely land inside them--away or behind them are better options.
*Up-b tricks/stalls/aerials
*Side-b at the last moment(they can't grab you)

I believe I see Masashi/Earth landing with an Airdodge at the last moment and following up with a run away b-reverse arrow, fox-trot away, roll, or spotdodge.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
i am surprised by the matchup thread to see that we beat ROB. someone explain this to me. He seems to be the only character in the game that forces us to actually approach.


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD
Olimar forces us to approach, possibly Samus too. ROB not so much, his gyro is easy to dodge and his laser can be shielded easily as well. Plus our reflector is better than his.
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