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The eternal debate: How will Brawl be controlled? CONTROLLER DISCUSSION HERE


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.

Yes! God, where has it been all my life! Now I can finally get the complete accuracy that I've needed for Link's arrows and Samus's shots. Oh praise God!


No way Caael, we're being completely serious.

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
It couldn't possibly be because it's a Wii game. That would make too much sense entirely.

They never said anything about control schema, at all. Nothing has been confirmed, although most people (who pay attention and have thought things through) believe it will use at least the CC and the Wii remote/nunchuck combination. Personally, I think those are the only two it will use, while others (GAW, I believe) thinks it will utilize all of them.

And I want to say that I think it's awesome you can play Smash one handed and still win...single-handedly. Pun most certainly intended.

It looks like you went striate from addressing me to Chaos_Tyrant... :ohwell:

Never the less as I was saying it's just crude speculation on what they would do do address the entry level players control needs... You know... The one's who have never picked up a console before the Wii & even then only have the controls it came with...

*A quiet voice from within the walls whispers* "Casual gamers"


It's merely the easy way out to address that issue besides for packing the game with a better controller or even worse forcing pepole who could be potential buyers to look for & purchase one just to play the game... Mind you they will still have to to play the game well...

The control Icon showed the D-pad, A, and 1 & 2 buttons... Not the best way to play for sure but it would get the job done for casual play...

It could also possibly mean D-pad support on the Classic Controller... That's something I would look forward to experimenting with...

Again though... It's all just speculation & reading to far in between the lines to find answers we don't actually have yet... That's all...

I guess I was wrong, it must blow to be so to the competitive scene, yet so far. Aren't any treatments available for your neurological problem? I've never heard of anything like it before so I don't know anything about it.

Hopefully online will help us out.
Well while there are simple enough treatments the side effects often far out way the positive implication's... And in a country full of self obsessed individuals our drivers are about as bad as they come...

To somewhat address that issue I would have to prove to the doctors that I have gone seven years without an episode wile taking the medication before I would be aloud to drive... (As to not endanger anyone else anymore then they do themselves already...)

Though despite that I still find myself tempted to want to go through with treatments...

As much as I love games there the least of my issues... Not being able to drive over here is like having a limb cut off... There are LARGE gaps in some areas between city's & towns like mine... And my neurological problem also makes it impossible to work basic jobs no matter how much I might want to...

I'm given good state benefits over here to give me the money to eat & a little bit to save up for fun every now and then if nothing go's wrong but It's not exactly a good existence...

No real money & no transportation in a world that piratically takes those things for granted makes friends & relationships imposable to find... As such I never really had ether one except over the Internet... People over here just tend to wright me off as a burden they don't have the time or the desire to want to deal with...


Anyway enough EMO crap spaming/ranting... :dizzy:

I'm not normally this winy... Sorry...

Basically the medication I would be taking to deal with this would make it nearly imposable to be awake for more then a few hours a day in addition to nightmares & mass vomiting & diarrhea... I'm... Kinda opposed to the desire to want to take the stuff again... :urg:
May 23, 2007
No offense taken, but I don't even understand what you're trying to say.

I said no they didn't because, well... they didn't. Dunno why you hate that.

Don't throw our your GCN controllers just yet"-Sakuri, and since he wanted to keep things true to the original, motion controls won't likely be implemented.

"Miyamoto and Sakurai, who were there to make the announcement, hinted that the game could have full compatibility with the GameCube controller. Sakurai said that the reason was because he did not want to "alienate those familiar with the pad." In an interview with IGN, Sakurai said the Wii's motion sensing features might not be included because, "we found that trying to implement too much motion-sensory functionality can get in the way of the game."b


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Jesus, how many times do I have to say it?

Just because motion sensing isn't going to be used doesn't mean the Wiimote won't. I don't know why the hell people assume that.

Also, the CC and GC controller HAVEN'T been confirmed. What you posted didn't say anything about CC's and that didn't confirm the GC controller.

Why the hell wouldn't they just tell us if they knew for a fact we could use GC controllers? They WOULD, they wouldn't just hint at it. They don't say that stuff just to mindgame us, they say it because they are obviously not 100% sure yet.

God, get your facts straight.

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007

Don't throw our your GCN controllers just yet"-Sakuri, and since he wanted to keep things true to the original, motion controls won't likely be implemented.

"Miyamoto and Sakurai, who were there to make the announcement, hinted that the game could have full compatibility with the GameCube controller. Sakurai said that the reason was because he did not want to "alienate those familiar with the pad." In an interview with IGN, Sakurai said the Wii's motion sensing features might not be included because, "we found that trying to implement too much motion-sensory functionality can get in the way of the game."b
While that's all true it doesn't mean that the Wiimote won't be used at all... At least for casual game play... But it likely rules out motion sensing features just as the announcement did say...

That announcement is one of the main resins I believe we can expect to see all three controls being implemented into the game...

EDIT... Actually Mr.GAW said it beast even though facts are sadly allot more vague then speculation is...

Al Calnos

Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Nowherespecial, Arkansas
I'm not going through the whole thread to see if something like this has already been posted, but....

Melee GCN controls:
Analog stick = movement
A = normal attacks
B = special attacks
Up Analog/X/Y = Jump
R/L = Shield
Z or R+A = Grab

Can this work on the Wiimote/Nunchuck?...

Analog stick = movement
A = normal attacks
B = special attacks
Z = Grab
C = Shield (or vise versa for Z and C)
And if you absolutely MUST have have a seperate button for jumping... Down on D-Pad, its right above the A button...

I see nothing wrong with that, it actually seems a little more simple if anything... of course we'll just have to wait and see what happens...


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Well, you didn't address Super Smash Attacks or crouching, and you have nothing that works as a c-stick.

That scheme really isn't that good.
May 23, 2007
While that's all true it doesn't mean that the Wiimote won't be used at all... At least for casual game play... But it likely rules out motion sensing features just as the announcement did say...

That announcement is one of the main resins I believe we can expect to see all three controls being implemented into the game...

EDIT... Actually Mr.GAW said it beast even though facts are sadly allot more vague then speculation is...
Sorry, I meant motion sensoring.

I finally found the quote I was looking for...

Famitsu asked if Smash Bros. Brawl won't be using the controller's special functionality at all. "At the very least, you won't be using it during normal play," responded Sakurai.

And your control scheme, I'm not the one to judge. I haven't played, touched, or smelled a Wii. Yes, I know it's sad...

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
If you use the Wiimote by itself without motion sensing you could use holds, taps, and double taps for walking & running with the D-pad almost as well as the tilt & jam based movements with the analog stick... (A) attacks with the (1) button would work just as well as the (2) button would work for (B) button attacks...

And the Wiimotes (A) & (B-trigger) buttons would work good enough in place of the (L) & (R) buttons for shielding, garbing, & rolling...

The (C) stick & (Z) button might get the job done better for a few things but to a base level gamer there not a MUST for casual game play...

And the (-) Button would work just as well for taunts as the D-pad ever did...

As far as Smash attacks go we are still unclear as to how they work but it might be just as simple as picking up one of those Smash orbs...

Al Calnos

Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Nowherespecial, Arkansas
Well, you didn't address Super Smash Attacks or crouching, and you have nothing that works as a c-stick.

That scheme really isn't that good.

As far as I know, we don't know how Super Smash attacks will be activated, something tells me they don't need an entirely separate button for it...

In Melee the C-stick was used for the camera in Single Player and to do uncharged smash attacks in Multiplayer. I never use the C-stick, so forgive my noobness...

And I'm sorry if pulling the analog stick down to crouch was too much of an effort for you in the last game. I guess I'm just a fool and don't know what I'm talking about...

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
I don't spam the C stick myself but It's a MUST for doing any A smash attack out of a run (Taping down first) or an Up-A out of a shield...


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
As far as I know, we don't know how Super Smash attacks will be activated, something tells me they don't need an entirely separate button for it...
I believe that it was confirmed that Super Smash Attacks aren't used right away, as in, you can store them. (Actually, I think it was in Nintendrone's blog, which hasn't been proven true quite yet.)

But if you think about it, it's kind of ludicrous to think that as soon as you touch it it activates. What if it falls on your head? What if you're at the wrong angle? It just doesn't make sense.

In Melee the C-stick was used for the camera in Single Player and to do uncharged smash attacks in Multiplayer. I never use the C-stick, so forgive my noobness...
I hope to god you're being sarcastic, because you truly are a n00b if you don't use the C-Stick. Also, camera controls and uncharges smashes are kinda crucial, Ninty wouldn't just take that out.

And I'm sorry if pulling the analog stick down to crouch was too much of an effort for you in the last game. I guess I'm just a fool and don't know what I'm talking about...
I'm sorry, I meant crawling, and that surely will need some type of button.

I'm not against using the Wiimote +Nunchuck for Brawl or anything, in fact, I made my own scheme at the top of page 2 of this thread, and I think it works a lot better than yours, no offense.

I don't spam the C stick myself but It's a MUST for doing any A smash attack out of a run (Taping down first) or an Up-A out of a shield...
And SHFFLCing, and smashing out of a wavedash, and pivoting, and rising aerials, and ledghopped aerials, and....


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
I don't use the C-stick much. I suck with it horribly and it tires me to do it.
(I am lazy...I know. I am not sarcastic and not a n00b. I can play differently if I want.)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 23, 2006
Playing Wii
I don't use the C-stick much. I suck with it horribly and it tires me to do it.
(I am lazy...I know. I am not sarcastic and not a n00b. I can play differently if I want.)
Question: how can you be lazy to move your thumb to use the c-stick?

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
And SHFFLCing, and smashing out of a wavedash, and pivoting, and rising aerials, and ledghopped aerials, and....
Actually... I prefer to use the (A) button for those as Fox & Falco as well as a few others have good N-Airs & it's a PAIN to switch back & forth from the (C) stick to the (A) button on the fly...

But yah it's good for most situations...

EDIT - Broken quote lol...


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
^^ Well, you simply can't smash during a wavedash with the A button. Nor can you do ledgehopped aerials (unless you're really floaty) I can understand being able to not use the C-Stick for SHFFLCing and rising aerials though, although I don't see why you wouldn't.

Burning Lava

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2005
^^ Well, you simply can't smash during a wavedash with the A button. Nor can you do ledgehopped aerials (unless you're really floaty)
Actually you can. Well, I can anyway, and do on a regular basis. Ledgehops too.

But thinking about all of this... maybe that's why I can't pivot very well. Maybe using the C-stick would make it easier.

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
A smashing out of a wave dash won't work well for most as the game thinks your still holding L or R for a few frames after you hit the ground during the dash... (Even if you have god hands)

Best scenario on average you grab your opponent... You can B attack out of a wave in my experience but for the most part you need to use the C stick to counter the lag of the controls response's...

Most pros seem to spam the C stick & only take there thumb off it to preform a N-Air...

I'm not dumb enough to think I'm good or anything but I don't do that as I tend to use tilts allot which the C stick can't do...

I also only use wave dashing as a B-doge or to fast approach & U-smash, D-smash or grab out of a shield or shine after being knocked back or blocking an attack... Which is where most of my C stick work go's into...

Besides for that I don't pivot and instead tap down to quickly down cancel so I can do any attack wean I'm in my foes face... Which for me is normally taping the A button once or twice as it's the fastest entry attack for most characters before going into a series of tilts or smashing my opponent away... Which is why I keep my thumb on A as it's to hard to rapidly switch place's with it & the C stick... Timing is my best friend...

Burning Lava

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2005
^^Well, I guess it doesn't work well for most, but it does work. You just have to snap L (in my case) on and off extremely quickly. When I first started trying to Smash out of WD, I thought it was impossible, as I could only grab or B out of them... but then I just kept trying, and got faster. Eh, whatever.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
A smashing out of a wave dash won't work well for most as the game thinks your still holding L or R for a few frames after you hit the ground during the dash... (Even if you have god hands)

Best scenario on average you grab your opponent... You can B attack out of a wave in my experience but for the most part you need to use the C stick to counter the lag of the controls response's...

Most pros seem to spam the C stick & only take there thumb off it to preform a N-Air...

I'm not dumb enough to think I'm good or anything but I don't do that as I tend to use tilts allot which the C stick can't do...

I also only use wave dashing as a B-doge or to fast approach & U-smash, D-smash or grab out of a shield or shine after being knocked back or blocking an attack... Which is where most of my C stick work go's into...

Besides for that I don't pivot and instead tap down to quickly down cancel so I can do any attack wean I'm in my foes face... Which for me is normally taping the A button once or twice as it's the fastest entry attack for most characters before going into a series of tilts or smashing my opponent away... Which is why I keep my thumb on A as it's to hard to rapidly switch place's with it & the C stick... Timing is my best friend...
When you wavedash, let go immediately off the L or R and press the cstick the way you want to smash. I read the post but had a hard time figuring out what you were trying to say in terms of wavedashing to smashing. I do not use the cstick either except to do stuff like the smash out of wavedash/jab or if I want to do an upair shffl and do not feel comfortable using control stick and A.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
lol As for activating Super Smash attacks or anything additional for the GCN controller, what did we use the D-Pad for again? TAUNTS?

D-Pad for SS Attacks.

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
When you wavedash, let go immediately off the L or R and press the cstick the way you want to smash.
Yah that's what I do wean I use the wavedash as a dodge... But wean I approach my opponent I keep my shield up more time then not to limit them to a grab which they can't do quickly enough after being knocked back...

But using the A to do that instead of the C stick seems nearly imposable to get the timing right for whatever resin...

I read the post but had a hard time figuring out what you were trying to say in terms of wavedashing to smashing. I do not use the cstick either except to do stuff like the smash out of wavedash/jab or if I want to do an upair shffl and do not feel comfortable using control stick and A.
Oh?... Sorry about that... :urg: Was my spelling to bad or was it my grammar?... My neurological issues kinda make it next to imposable to remember what words are supposed to look like let alone how they are supposed to go together... Kinda like a dyslexic memory... I can read at a college level but I can't even spell or wight at a fifth...

To compensate for that I'm using a spell checker but it miss' allot of stuff here & there...

Sorry if it come off looking to ******** or anything... :dizzy:

Anywhoo... Yah that's pretty much what I do... although I'm always more comfortable with the A button then I am with the C stick for some resin... I need more practice I guess... :psycho:

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
The c-stick is so important for me, it's as important as the jump buttons... I use the C-stick for nearly all my arials (cept nair of course) for most all character... I would really hate to see it go, but with super attacks and crawling... I am afraid of the stick's purpose remianing.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
No. C-Stick will stay.

A part of what makes games frustrating is the inability to do what you want your characters to do. Creators want the physics of their games to be used creatively and without restrictions, and the C-Stick allows for just that.

Plus, think about it. Who uses R? Do we need X and Y to jump? WHAT IS THE D-PAD FOR???

There are plenty of extra buttons on the Gamecube controller that can end up being more than just a waste or a duplicate.

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
lol As for activating Super Smash attacks or anything additional for the GCN controller, what did we use the D-Pad for again? TAUNTS?

D-Pad for SS Attacks.
Actually while faint theres a good chance we will finally be using the D-Pad for movements... (I'm basing this off that control Icon on the Smash Dojo's how to play page)

The GCN control is wired differently for a few buttons then the rest of Nintendo's controls anyway though...

It's D-Pad is actually more like a series of select buttons... Weird stuff...

But never the less where did you ever hear anything about SS attacks?... :confused:

If you mean those big visually intensive attacks I'm none to sure but for all we know each character will only have one... Though I hope for multiple ones too...

I kinda tend to think it would be triggered by pressing A & B (OR 1 & 2) at the same time... As there the two shiny buttons on the Classic control & there the two most visible ones on the NGC... Not to mention you use them for every important offensive move in the game for the most part during basic standard play...

The c-stick is so important for me, it's as important as the jump buttons... I use the C-stick for nearly all my arials (cept nair of course) for most all character... I would really hate to see it go, but with super attacks and crawling... I am afraid of the stick's purpose remianing.
You know crawling might just happen by pressing down twice or just holding the control stick in a downward motion...

I wouldn't count the C stick out just yet... :)

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
You know, the Classic Controller has two analog sticks....

Just a thought.
Well the left one would be the same as C stick... They still need one to function like a camera during one player games...

Unless that fetcher is out now for whatever resin... :ohwell:

Dark Shard

Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2006
Um... I use X + Y to jump, and R to shield. I don't see myself abl tofunction without those buttons.

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
Um... I use X + Y to jump, and R to shield. I don't see myself abl tofunction without those buttons.
Same actually... But we don't technically NEED them as there purpose is being served already...

Not to say I don't like the extra options just as much as the next guy...


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Ya know...I don't think the camera controls from the last game were really necessary...

And maybe they could make it so you could customize what duplicate button any new move replaces...like if you only jump with X you could make the new thing Y and vice-versa. And make it so, for Classic Controller users, you could have the option to have B is for physical (A) attacks and Y is for the special (B) attacks.

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
And maybe they could make it so you could customize what duplicate button any new move replaces...like if you only jump with X you could make the new thing Y and vice-versa. And make it so, for Classic Controller users, you could have the option to have B is for physical (A) attacks and Y is for the special (B) attacks.
As good as that would be for solo & online play you couldn't possibly expect to go into a tournament & have them address each & every players custom button layouts just so they could play the game more comfortably...:urg:


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Well, if it was done in the same manner and/or as quickly as inputting your name I'm sure it wouldn't be much of an issue. If you're using the classic controller you could also maybe save it to your Wiimote.

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
Well, if it was done in the same manner and/or as quickly as inputting your name I'm sure it wouldn't be much of an issue. If you're using the classic controller you could also maybe save it to your Wiimote.
True... But we would have to see how excepting tournament play is to that... Even my small hole in the wall town game shop tires to get tournament play done & over with as quickly as possible...

Anything sort of your CC idea wouldn't work in my experience... But maybe that's just because our store clerk is a jerk... :dizzy:


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Earlier,(level9) you said the C-stick was on the left... It is on the right but whatever.

I say CC controller would work great.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
I find it hilarious that people are complaining about the CC before they've even tried it for this game. I mean, it has two analog sticks, and enough buttons for Smash, so I don't see what the problem is. I've used it for VC games, i'll probabl use it for the new MK game, and I'll use it for smash because it was made for games like that.

Level 9

Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
Earlier,(level9) you said the C-stick was on the left... It is on the right but whatever.



*Reads again*



*Reads one more time & looks at the NGC control pad*




*20 years from now in some padded room in an abandoned mental institution after some crazy dream about being treated with sock therapy by Dr. Mario & getting the life beaten outa himself by a giant rubber trout welding Master Hand*


And what's up with this time machine made outa toilet paper and other unmentionables!?!?

Ah heck with it... I need to correct this mess!...

*Go's back in time and kills his younger self*

Hold on just a tick... I don't think it works that wa.... *Time & space warp*


OK... What was I just saying?... Something about some controllers layout?... I just blanked out here for a few minutes...

And who wrote all this crap?... :confused:

It's like some buffoon tried to make a half baked play by ear log of the events of his life in a sad attempt to try to understand something he was confused and or wrong about...

Ah heck with it... *Submits*
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