So we all heard the myth right? What you never heard about it before? Well it goes as follows....
According to the old Ness testament there is a range of percents, a retreat on a D air or U air that completely allows a perfect PKT2 swell surprise that kills...
The problem is, what is that percent? How far does Ness retreat the aerial?
It is up to you to master...
Here is the catch too... We need to list it.
There is a relationship here though, the higher the percent the higher the enemy goes, the stagnation on the d air the lower the enemy goes... And the further you retreat the more tail you get in, the further you retreat the later the pkt2 hits... And of course gravity and character a long with how you move the thunder...
Another variation to the death range is the aerial one, which is probably much easier but takes higher percents, and has another effect, how high you cancel your DJ or jump into pkt2...
So how will we do it? Well, we are a strong community of well put together heads, the goal is simple take replays of the percents, report them. Record them. Rate on efficiency.
The most important step.... Practice them...
Sometimes this range relies on something else, fear and how your opponent reacts...
Some even say it's a Myth... Today I tell you it exist.
The list...
It is better if we focus on one character at a time...
My current research...
Meta Knight
Fresh D air : 32%
Retreat: All after D air hits
Fresh U air fast falled: 35%
Retreated: None
Fresh D air: 42%
Retreat: None
Fresh U air:
Final goal, list it for every character, and get a video on it for every character.
According to the old Ness testament there is a range of percents, a retreat on a D air or U air that completely allows a perfect PKT2 swell surprise that kills...
The problem is, what is that percent? How far does Ness retreat the aerial?
It is up to you to master...
Here is the catch too... We need to list it.
There is a relationship here though, the higher the percent the higher the enemy goes, the stagnation on the d air the lower the enemy goes... And the further you retreat the more tail you get in, the further you retreat the later the pkt2 hits... And of course gravity and character a long with how you move the thunder...
Another variation to the death range is the aerial one, which is probably much easier but takes higher percents, and has another effect, how high you cancel your DJ or jump into pkt2...
So how will we do it? Well, we are a strong community of well put together heads, the goal is simple take replays of the percents, report them. Record them. Rate on efficiency.
The most important step.... Practice them...
Sometimes this range relies on something else, fear and how your opponent reacts...
Some even say it's a Myth... Today I tell you it exist.
The list...
It is better if we focus on one character at a time...
My current research...
Meta Knight
Fresh D air : 32%
Retreat: All after D air hits
Fresh U air fast falled: 35%
Retreated: None
Fresh D air: 42%
Retreat: None
Fresh U air:
Final goal, list it for every character, and get a video on it for every character.
I now have a good approximation for each character. I checked out Fox, Sheik, Ivysaur, Charizard, Kirby, and a couple others myself and these percents appeared to work. Jigglypuff's is really wrong though because she falls so slow it throws off my assumption that they should all be at the same height. Anyway...
Ness down air – grounded opponent – 12%
g = 18.62
b = 2643.388
c = 161.83656790795
w1 is weight, w2 is fall speed acceleration, t.f.v is top fall speed, t0 is time required to accelerate to top speed, t is total time required to fall 0.3 units, a.f.v is the average fall speed over 0.3 units, l. v is the launch speed required to make the character end up at 0.3 units above the ground, and damage is the damage before the hit required to make the down air launch with that launch speed.Code:Name w1 w2 t.f.v t0 t a.f.v l. v damage Bowser 1.111 0.91 1.08 0.28 0.49 0.61 3697 41.49 Chariz. 1.061 0.33 1.05 0.39 0.58 0.52 3645 41.4 Dedede 1.071 0.29 1.52 0.59 0.64 0.47 3619 40.84 Diddy 0.975 0.55 1.12 0.36 0.54 0.56 3667 36.33 DK 1.091 0.2 1.23 0.51 0.63 0.48 3624 42.95 Falco 0.919 1.23 1.33 0.3 0.45 0.67 3727 31.06 Falcon 1.030 0.92 1.43 0.37 0.49 0.61 3697 37.47 Fox 0.910 3.41 1.42 0.16 0.33 0.9 3855 19.64 G & W 0.884 0.01 0.97 0.48 0.67 0.45 3608 33.12 Ganon 1.056 0.91 1.28 0.34 0.49 0.62 3700 38.96 I.C. 0.970 0.07 0.94 0.44 0.65 0.46 3616 37.46 Ike 1.035 0.28 1.29 0.5 0.61 0.49 3631 39.81 Ivysaur 1.010 -0.16 1.05 0.63 0.75 0.4 3581 39.64 Jiggly. 0.849 -0.78 0.77 1.75 1.7 0.18 3461 30.42 Kirby 0.899 -0.44 0.94 0.84 0.95 0.32 3536 33.96 Link 1.030 0.46 1.25 0.43 0.56 0.53 3655 39.24 Lucario 1.010 -0.4 0.94 0.78 0.91 0.33 3544 39.78 Lucas 0.980 0.49 1.07 0.36 0.55 0.55 3661 36.78 Luigi 0.995 -0.32 0.95 0.7 0.84 0.36 3558 39.07 Mario 1.000 0 1 0.5 0.68 0.44 3606 39.09 Marth 0.944 -0.25 1.17 0.78 0.84 0.36 3558 35.84 M.K. 0.904 0.68 1.08 0.32 0.52 0.58 3679 32.31 Ness 0.980 -0.12 1.02 0.58 0.73 0.41 3588 38.14 Olimar 0.919 -0.47 1.02 0.96 1.02 0.3 3525 34.67 Peach 0.960 -0.37 0.83 0.65 0.85 0.35 3555 37.5 Pikachu 0.904 0.4 1.17 0.42 0.57 0.53 3650 33.15 Pit 0.980 0 1.11 0.55 0.69 0.44 3602 37.86 R.O.B. 1.040 -0.32 0.94 0.69 0.84 0.36 3559 41.45 Samus 1.051 -0.54 0.83 0.91 1.04 0.29 3521 41.9 Sheik 0.935 2.21 1.23 0.19 0.39 0.77 3785 26.76 Snake 1.076 0.16 1.35 0.58 0.66 0.46 3612 41.87 Sonic 0.985 0.33 1.14 0.43 0.58 0.51 3643 37.47 Squirt. 0.884 1.05 1.02 0.25 0.48 0.62 3703 29.65 T.L. 0.970 -0.16 1.01 0.6 0.75 0.4 3583 37.68 Wario 1.045 0.3 1.09 0.42 0.59 0.51 3641 40.65 Wolf 1.020 1.84 1.4 0.25 0.4 0.75 3772 32.94 Yoshi 1.045 -0.05 1.01 0.53 0.7 0.43 3599 41.48 Zelda 0.935 -0.26 0.94 0.63 0.8 0.38 3569 36.02 ZSS 0.914 0.44 1.12 0.39 0.56 0.54 3656 33.59