That's not true. Except you, everyone actually cares to hear what he says, as everyone wants to resolve it. That is a very rude and irrational thing to say. Also, at least he has guts to say what is on his mind, which is a good quality (that you lack it seems).
His own supporters have told him to cool down because he's making this bigger than it originally should have ever been. And I don't know how much more "say what's on your mind" then I'm doing right now.
Also, he's confusing "having the balls to say something" with "being an utter douchebag to the moderators".
He does need to calm down, but again name calling? You must be a child.
Chill out, if you can't take a simple insult than GTFOff the internet.
This is true, but then again, you were the final straw. You should probably feel a bit more guilty.
Oh lawdy lawdy, PokeGod, please repent my sins!! I have been evah so bad!!
I don't care that the Snorlax Room is closed. Apparently other people do (very much) enough to completely disregard the moderator and make ANOTHER one.
The truth is, the moderators have TOLD you guys what you need to do in order to get the privileges back. There is NO USE fighting against what they say, whether it's right or wrong, because that's the way the cookie crumbles.
You doom yourself with the ways you try to slide through the loopholes, only to be caught by your britches and yanked back farther than you started.
It's just aggravating, because EVERYONE in this thread is ignoring the parts of the moderator's comments that have (basically) DIRECTIONS to your destination. Ulti, you specifically nitpicked Firus' post AROUND the actually important bit.
Not meaning to target you MK I just don't get your deal. You act so odd, and you seem to love to point fingers and act important. (Not to mention people laugh at the fact you threaten to leave, which is never really a good thing) You should stop placing yourself on such a pedestal before you fall down =/.
I told you through a Private Message what my intentions are. Since it's been so publically debated as to why I act the way I do, I might as well post this here:
In the era of the CPS and moderators like Jesiah and Umbreon, we had our share of professionalism and modesty. I found the environment to be more....professional, and quainter. Sure, we had our share of drama, but nothing that was I should say, immature as some of the things I see now.
Now, when I look at the PC, I see no heart in anything. All the projects are that needs to be done. I don't see any passion being put into anything specific, and that makes me pretty sad. I mean, I have nothing against a solidly well-thought out project that is carried through with huge support. Rather, I see fault when somebody starts so many that they become unmanageable. Granted, you may call Tery overambitious, but I suppose I find it rather annoying that these threads are clogging the boards.
Sometimes I look at the projects that he begins and ask myself "for what purpose does this thread serve?". One day, I actually went down the page to find 8 of the threads on the first page started by Tery. Granted, if these were interesting threads, I'd have no problem, but they just aren't. Most are projects in the early stages, or half-thought out projects, or threads with no backbone whatsoever.
I'll be honest with you, I've heard alot from moderators. I talk to them alot, and it's fun to hear some stories. However, when I tell you that Tery pretty much is demising himself by asking for modship on multiple occasions (which he has via PM to mods), it's no lie.
And rather lately, I've found that his projects have been less and less thought out, which makes me feel like there is some ulterior movement behind what he does, which I believe is just..becoming a moderator.
I know he's trying to build up a fanbase among the PC. Which, he has, but with people who had never known a PC before him. They think....that the PC is as active as ever....and it may be active, but it sure isn't, should I say, productive. And yet, some people blindly follow him because he makes these projects, and it's annoying, because (as you saw) you can't say anything against him without feeling the pain from....alot of people >_>;;
This should rather be the way I went about things earlier, but my emotions got in the way. I hope you can understand that my nostalgia from a previous era of the PC is souring the current PC's mood. There are alot of people that have PM'd me in the past with these same sentiments, so I'm not alone, but it's just the way I handled it that I regret the most.
Might I remind you that to the above, you responded that you completely understood and if I had posted this in the first place, you would've been more likely to understand.
So there, that's everything I have to say about everyone. Tery, this was still back when I was FUMING at you, so don't take what I said as incredibly personal. It's just what I have to say.
I'm not a spiteful person, I'm REALLY not, but this community has gone so downhill that it's VERY stressful trying to find time to repair it. Sometimes I question why I come back, but alot of my roots are here, and I CANNOT deny that.
I'm not on a pedestal as you claim, I simply KNOW what it was like before this era, and I prefer that so much that my emotions get in the way. After 10,000 idiotic, one-liners, your brain just snaps, because you can't take it anymore.
Anyone can tell you that I'm not a mean person, and I'm very sorry that the community sees me as worthless, but I'm not at all.
Yes, I was one of the original members of the CPS, the best project that the PC has ever had. Do I use this as leverage? Of course I do. Is this right? Maybe, maybe not, alot of you seem to disregard the amount of success we had in the past as a driving force behind the PC.
Yet, I see nobody standing up and asking "Well, how did you guys make the CPS work?" or "How can we change to be a more successful/productive/intelligent community?".
No, everybody just wants to stand around and say "This is what I want, this is how I demand it, and I'm IMPORTANT enough to receive that, and it's final."
When someone says "No, and here's why." you say "No, This is what I want, this is how I demand it, and I'm IMPORTANT enough to receive that, and it's final."
Do you see the continuous cycle that you all are putting yourselves through? Get out of the cycle and BE PRODUCTIVE.
You can't honestly tell me that after starting god-knows-how-many projects in the past, you honestly have NO idea how to centralize your thoughts into a newer, productive thread? How to manifest the energy of your urge to socialize into a project benefitting the Poke Community? C'mon guys, even I have the faith in you to do that.
The truth is, I'm a cold-hearted person because of what I've seen through the years. I've been here since 2007, so after 3 years, I've never seen the PC in such a rough, unkempt shape. And that is
very very hard to take because it's stressful and saddening. That's why I come off the way I do. I don't want you to look down upon me, and I feel horribly insulted that I'm worthless to the community, but I suppose it's just the way I've come off. V_V
And guys, don't be so hard on Firus. On multiple occasions so far, he's contacted me telling me how difficult it has been to resolve this situation. You are making this VERY difficult for two people to sort through, and it's very tedious work responding to all of your claims. Firus is , essentially, overwhelmed. The guy has been a moderator for like, what, a week? Cut him some slack for goodness sake.
So yeah.....that's me in a nutshell.
Hi, I'm Meta-Kirby, how are you?