I'll set up this metaphor...
The Poké Center is like a school. Each thread is a classroom. The Snorlax Room was 'the commons' and a bunch of students chose to break a lot of school rules there, and in the fray, a lot of tables and what not were broken. That area is now under construction and until the students of the school can prove that they've matured, the level of strictness will not falter.
Also UltiMario, if I had been infracting you guys like I should have, you would have easily been banned two times by now, if not more. I avoid infracting a lot because I hate banning people, so I try and find another way around the issue; the "other white meat" of modding so to speak. Sometimes instead of infracting, I personally PM people about the issue at hand, but that still doesn't always work. Do you see the position I'm in? As a Super Mod, it's my job to not only help coordinate other mods, but to watch over the entire website and to keep it in order. The infractions are created to punish those who break the rules for the sustenance of order. I've pointed it out many times now that there has been much disarray in the Poké Center, yet like I previously said, instead of infracting you guys to hell, I tried warning you in personal ways, namely by posting in the threads themselves. That never worked, especially in The Snorlax Room. This is why it was closed. I wanted to get a message across to you guys without having to ban you. I appreciate the time and effort that you guys spend helping keep the Poké Center alive, but not all of that time is spent as efficiently as possible, rather quite the contrary with all of the spam.
I'll say this one last time: keep the spam—meaning weak content one-liners and such—out of here. There is no minimum rule, I will not permit it. So long as you can do this, you can be sure that you won't be receiving infractions within this room. Flaming and trolling of course is outright prohibited, but spam is my main concern. It's just clutter and that leads to nothing but having to clean up which is a waste of our time. Firus and I are human too, we go to school, we have jobs, and we have a lot of responsibilities both on and off Smashboards, yet we devote a lot of time to maintaining this place for you guys. The least you could do is comply by the global rules and if you have it in you, abide by our needs. If not, I won't hesitate to infract and/or ban you if your actions prove distasteful enough.
Thank you.