I wasn't quite sure if this would be the right topic to post in, so please forgive my ignorance, should I have made a mistake therein.
I had checked the brawl+ stage legality discussion, but hadn't found anywhere a list of pros and cons of the indiviudal stages. Actually, I suppose it would be nice to have a listing of all the stages in regard to what hazards, specialities, quirks and uniquenesses are found on the stage. Then would need to be listed how desirable, or not, these individiual features are. Then comes the part more relevant for this thread: What should be done about more severe grievences of the stage and what options are even given considering the momentary hacking status. Such a list would require time to make, but if everyone contributes a little (and we use a portion of the knowledge already provided... whereever it might be in the moment), we could have a nice list regarding Brawl+ and its respective stages. I suppose a second list would be good to discuss the bugs and advantages and disadvantages of the respectively hacked stages... but I guess that would fit into the stage legality discussion (I'm sorry if I'm seeming to have difficulties separating the two threads in full... they somehow coointeract in my mind :/ )
Anyhow, theory is all fun and good, but I start a simple example (most likely not good example :/ ):
Bridge of Eldin (original status):
Background info: The stage is taken from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Eldin Bridge where Link fights King... etc...
Stage characteristics:
Death Boundary: Large
Stage Size: Large
Has no platforms, has no ledges*, has walk off edges.
* has ledges when the central section of the bridge is removed for a short time
King Bulbo rides and attacks players, commonly a bomb is thrown onto the stage and removes a large segement of the stage.
Negative effects on play and severity: (Hhm, here I'm assuming that game play should be kept quick, but more importantly, flowing)
Walk off edges (okay, I admit, I personally loath walk off edges... camping can be such a pain and it disturbs the game flow) - severe (needs to be changed as they are permanent), King Bulbo riding - none to minor (is easy to avoid, announced half an hour early, gives little damage and hardly combos, play can continue with hardly any problems), Bomb - minor to moderate (the bomb can admittably kill, making players take the time to avoid, as it's in the middle of the stage, but it's not surprising or hard to avoid), Level gap - moderate (the big gap in the middle is quite tedious, often players are on the opposite sides... not fun for fluid gameplay)
Stage appeal:
King Bulbo riding on the stage is win :D . That a section of the bridge is destroyed
is an interesting idea, would be nice to keep. Stage has a nice Zelda feel
Propositions for changes (my personal stage editing capabilities are non existant, so please correct, or bear with me on this point... and it's only an example

Walk off edges (even though I hate them) can remain if there is an istance which forces players often enough towards the center of the stage (the momentary Eldin+ does this... on one side of the stage). Is it possible to create two bombs (mainly for grapical and logical reasons), and is it possibily to temporarily remove two segements of the bridge, so the walk off is gone? (just need something grapical to make it look like something is holding the bridge up...) etc, etc...
Well, that was just an example of how the stages could be discussed and input could be given for the stage modders (sorry, if I'm not giving you credit, I'm aware a lot of work has been done

That said I'm liking the stages presented here, even if I'm a Pal player (curses at only being at version 4.1...), but I've gotten all the stages here to work on pal Brawl+ (using riivolution and Pal Brawl+ codes). Maybe I can even be off some use in that way as I can help find some bugs, if they appear differently in Pal...
I'll leave it at that for now. Most people don't like reading long posts containing too much bla, bla...