Smash Hero
in that download, no it does not rise. there is no lava in that pac. also, we are most likely using PC's plat layout int he final version.Is there lava on the bottom of Norfair+ ?
Also, do the ledges work on the two outermost platforms?
If the ledges work, get rid of the lava floor due to 2 recovery options for sweet spotting. It'll make an amazing neutral I'd bet.
Metroid series neutral needs to happen.
I'd test the stages but.... pkmngold is too fun
we already discussed this, but GHZ+ wouldn't be replacing PS2 as a neutral. removing the box does make it the same, but veril, among others want to leave ps2 frozen. similarly, a lot of people like the box in that it can be used for interesting tricks.We don't need more neutrals... The only reason I suggested GHZ back then to be a replacement for frozen PS2 is to add a counterpick via a fixed, unfrozen PS2; the Sonic stage as a neutral is just a bonus for me. You shouldn't have a bias for a particular series for these sort of things.
And a hazard-less Norfair in that layout wouldn't be a neutral, anyway...
that... my be hard to do... i agree that it would probably be the best solution, but given how difficult it is we may have to settle for multiple lava hazards appearing at a time.But it's absolutely vital that the stage is made so that only one type of hazard can exist at a time, or else there will be instances where the fight area is as small as a platform on Battlefield (with lava within touching distance on two sides). Not to mention the small possibility that a fire-stream will come from the background, hitting the remaining small area. It'll just be an absolute nightmare if multiple hazards come; it was so in the original Norfair, and will be even more so in Norfair+.