ya pretty much this. i'm not that good yet but i'm excited to play with everyone up here and learn the right way to play matchups, cause i'm actually pretty slow to learn them..takes me alot of practice. sometime kinda soon i'll probably take a tirp to vinnie's area and enter the hyperbolic time chamber lol.
You should come to poly brawl. Big tourny in brooklyn, NY. It's next month.
Lol, I remember when Dark Pch. suggested that Snake vs Peach was an even match-up. Good times.
Is D3 vs Peach still considered even?
I still feel that way. Though I have stated that I could never quite figure out how I can expose this and been working on it for a while. So until then, snake slightly wins. Not sure what is funny about it. Thats my opinion on it. Just like you and the rest have yours. Snake has some weak points that Peach can abuse hard. Im not in a mood to get into a debate or egotisic fights in here, thus I left this place. So I am not gonna get into it here. I wuld talk to Nicole about this though.
DDD I feel that match up is even. And Vex once told me long ago is if Peach players gay enough, she takes the match up by a small amount. What I think Peach players lag is a solid way to pressure DDD. He can't to a damm thing OoS to Punished placed moves. If you Dair then do a Falling bair, from behind on his shield, You can Buffer a reverse jab. It still takes frames to jump out of shield. So if he goes for an bair or uptilt, he is gonna get slapped. Big characters like him should be pressured to a degree where you control and cover his option to punish you. Peach is one of those characters that can due to her frame advantage on her air attacks. And Low cool Down time on many of her other moves. There is also 2 things Peach should be doing Vs DDD.
-If at any time He is not near you and he tosses his minions, Jab them. You will be freshining moves. Dont use any other attack on them, not even nair. Just jab. Jab aint killing at all. So use it for a refresh.
- Limit DDD Chain grabbing. You need to realize the ways Peach has to limit this. One way is obviously good spacing. You may notice that even if you space, you still get grabbed and think His grab is godly. That is not the case. Same goes for Lucario. Reason you get grabbed is cause You fair too soon. For Peach to be able to auto cancel, She has to touch the floor. You can't jab if you did not touch the floor yet right? common sense. Make sure you are leveled with the characters height when you swing. That way when you hit the shield, you fall soon after, thus you can advantage of your frame data. You have 2 frames to protect yourself from a shield grab or counter attack. And thats where her Jab comes in. Those done right, you can't be touch. Only thing that breaks this rule is
- Marths,bowser,G&W and I believe DK's up
Now this goes back to pressure on DDD. People except 2 jabs,then grab. I have falling for this many times. And I have also realize this. So What you can do is 2 things. One is Jab cancel. This can screw DDD over for a times shield grab or attack out of it. Then Do a Jab cambo. Maybe Jab to Dsmash, or dash attack. Maybe a Ftilt. hell, even Fsmash to space well and push you away in case he wants to retaliate OoS. DDD Has no Range in front of him Besides his Ftilt, and it is not fast. His quick GTFO move is behind him. So if you can keep the pressure in from of him, you are on the good side.
Another thing you can do is what I call, Jab mix up/pressure. Now when you Jab a shield, people might expect 2 jabs, or sidestep/roll. So I been doing this type of pressure i do in melee to bair reactings and punish them. Also confuse people. I usually do things like one Jab, then quickly bair them, to maybe a Jab or Dsmash (payting attention to shield to make sure they can't block my Dsmash) examples of this would be:
Jab>bair>jab cancel<grab
Jab cancel>roll behind>Jab>nair
Jab cancel>roll behind>Jab>Dair.
Jab>side step>Jab cancel> bair>Dsmash
Jab cancel> Roll Behind> Jab cancel> Floating Dair>Bair/Nair>Dsmash
The point of side stepping or rolling behind is cause Your opponent may expect you to stay in front of thing with your assault. Thus they roll behind you or side step, to punish you. or attack out of shield. So with in your pressure, Side step or roll behind. This confuses your opponent. And they might attack leaving themselves open. Like I once Jab canceled snake on his shield and then rolled behind him. He side step my second Jab And then tried to punish that with his Ftilt. Since I Jabed canceled, I had time to roll behind him and escape his counter attack. Thus I kept the pressure on him and baited him to throw out a move. leaving his *** open for me to grab or attack him. its good to switch the times you will evade within a pressure. That way your enemy wont catch on and think you would roll or side step after a jab cancel and he waits for it.
Stuff like this should be applied to alot of characters. But big characters get it the worst. So doing this on DDD will help tons. And one other way to reduce the chain grab on DDD is to throw a turnip in the air if you think he might grab you. So when he goes for the chain grab, the turnip will break it. You can do this when approaching him. if you can, have 2 in the air and go for the pressure. So incase you screw up, the turnip can stop the chain. Now if he thinks he is slick and wait for the turnips to hit the floor before he goes on with the chain grab, You can use this time to wiggle out.
Stages like Lylat and YI are good. if you hold the stick away on lylat on a slope (downhill), DDD will wiff his grab. He will not be able to grab you at all. Same with YI. And castle seige.