You need help on the MK matchup, Nicole?
This match up is a game of cat and mouse. You are always the mouse and can never be the cat, at all. You dare try being the cat, you are asking to get the crap beating out of you. (this applies to Marth as well) how does a mouse come out victorious from a cat? If you ever watch tom and jerry, the way Jerry handles tom. thats how you are suppose to do it here.
You have no buissness approaching meta. At all. Let him come to you. You can attack him from distance. He can't If he wants to hurt you, he has to come to you. Plus need to keep your Kill moves fresh. Meta is not that heavy and lucky for us, he can die well from us.
Lot's have been said here so I'll just add what you need in this match.
- Patience. If you play aggressive, throw this match out the window, you are not winning. Patience is important here for you don't need to be approaching meta. learn to be defensive, playing aggressive will have meta end you sooner than you expect. Certain characters you need to play aggressive. meta is NOT one of them. He is not having that.
- Evasion. You need to have good evasion when Meta is all over you. Once meta gets his hits in and is on you, he can stay on your *** and even kill you for it. So you need to know how to break away. With platforms this makes it hard, but easier at the same time. Learn how to break free him his pressure/rampage. Once you do, you can start the process of getting damage from turnips and having him come to you.
- Spacing. This is also important. With you have good spacing, it will make it hard for meta to touch you. His range is not that good. Only time he has decent range is his Ftilt and and think Fsmash. Bait his moves and space yours. Done right, you can break his crap and hit him. Add turnips to your spacing if in fear you kill moves will get weak. Just don't pick them up at the wrong time.
- Speed/quick relfexes. This is one of the reasons I find meta fun to play against. Cause with him, I have to play so fast. somewhat reminds me of melee. Don't stay in one place for too long. Don't roll alot, you will just eat a Dsmash or move into his attacks. Make it hard for meta to pin point you. This can reduce the chance or stupid kills he can get on you. This is also important cause his range is not all that. Meta hits your shield, recat as fast as possible with a counter attack. Meta sidesteps? short hop Dair or FC>bair if looking the other way. See meata rolling on to the stage? Reverse Fsmash him. But be quick about it all. The faster you are, the more problems meta will have. More than expected. Even for a character like Peach.
To me these are the 4 most important factors for beating this broken character. The most important one to me I would say is patience. Even if you suck at the last 3, patience can make up for it. Use these 4 things and use them as combinations. Or all at once if you are good at them.
Becareful when you have distance. Cause most will tornado to you. really when you wanna glide toss. so that is why when there is distance, I move in slowly and don't really bother getting a turnip. Cause they would tornado to you. And if he spamms Nado, limit the use of turnips and be aware of a tornado when you have a distance between you two. Turnips are a must and do help. But careful when getting one, really when he is at a distance he can reach you with tornado.
This pretty much goes for anything else you do, cause he you can do an air attack and meta can just tornado you out of it. Keep your eyes on meta all the time. Also I don't see many people doing this, and I seriously don't get why. But when Meta tornados your shield, aim it to where he is. Done right, Meta can NOT shield stab you, then punish out the shield with a grab or dash attack out of shield. Hell, even Jab him out of shield. This is what I always do to meta,s who tornado me and I shield. Seriously, your shield is more godly then you think.
And Metas to spot dodge to Dsmashes are typical metas. They will do anything to that move cause it is quick, so of course people will abuse it. Thats why I just short hop Dair and tell them to p[ack it up. But smart metas would replace that with Up-B out of shield or Nairs. Sometimes Fairs.
Ways to Deal with the Tornado:
(Distance tornado rush)- This is when a Meta spaces or camps moves like down air and know you won't move into them. So at this time a Peach would usually get a turnip. Then they move in with a tornado and hit you. Or if you are close to them and run away to get space or a turnip, a tornado would follow. So be aware of this. And get ready to Fsmash him.
(Tornado wall)- Ok I don't see many people doing this and I seriously don't know why. When Meta tornados your shield, MOVE your shield to where he is. Do this and meta will NOT, thats correct, NOT, shield stab you. No matter how small it is. Peach is not a big, fat character. She is one of the many few that can get away with this. From there, Dash attack out of shield, Ground float out of shield to an air attack. Or grab. Depends on how far he lands away from you.
(Tornado counter reversal)- If you ever get caught in it, Tap the contol stick up as fast as you can and the jump button. You will be able to jump out of it. Things I do is I jump out and float. Then Dair him and hits him out of it. Or jump and when he tornado is over and he falls to the floor, I fall right after and Dair or Nair. I can break out of that move like 80% of the time now.
(Tornado Break)- You can break the tornado by aiming for the for corners of the move. While People like Edreese do it with Bairs. I do it fair airs (just easier for me). All turnips can break the tornado. You have to play basket ball now. If you can shoot a turnip in the center of the move, it will clap him out of it. No matter what turnip it is. You gotta go for them three pointers. I was telling Mikey about this. Also if you are on a stage with platforms and he tornados, you can use the platforms to get above him and throw one straight down inside. Sometimes I just jump over meta and throw a turnip down. Really them spammy ones.
getting back on the stage is a pain. Don't test metas moves while recovering. Just leave them alone. To avoid a fight is not to start one. So don't Cause you gonna leave yourself open and take hits. Just chill out and move in and out in the air. Screw trying to fight him in the air cause you mostly likely gonna lose when returning. Just worry about getting back and don't abuse your air dodge out of fear when he is near you, you will take easy hits. Just move in and out and don't rush to get back on stage. You will be surprised on how this simple crap works.
Don't keep trying to get or focus on turnips so much. Cause you will just be open for a tornado. Most of these metas will just space moves and see if you would try and rush in and get hit. If not then the next thing is to see if you would run off to a turnip or float to some air attack, thats when they go in for the tornado. So just keep your eye on meta at all times.
If meta glides attacks you, toad it. screw trying to go and hit him with an air attack. Just toad it. if he does it out the shield and goes to glide attack. Toad it. If you seem him recovering to the stage glide attacking, go out and toad him. You 2 things can happen
- Meta takes the hit
- he does nothing and goes through you (In fear he would get spores to the face)
Ether way it is good for you. Now if he wants to cancel his up-B, You already got him where you want him. Why? Cause not you got that ******* second guessing wether or not to strike or not. And tokk away one of his best killing options. Not if you feel he catches on and he would cancel his glide attack when you go near him, you can just go out and nair him. I say Nair cause that move is not all that for killing, so why burn a kill move and stale it if he is not gonna die to begin with, save that free hit for a move like Nair. Now you can mess with his head about glide attack. or even attack out of the shield with up-B. Mindgames
Space your moves correctly. Make sure your spacing is good. Not ok but GOOD. Go beyond good and you are in better shape. meta can't punish you at all if you shace your air attacks. For Fsmashes it depends on distances with what ever Fsmash you get. A fsmash can push people back, and if then wanna come in after you from shield, Jab meta. He can't hit you. The slick thing he would try to do is the typical up-B. Weave when meta gets near you or roll away. No punishment for meta to take advantage of there. Space glide tosses out of shield too.
The next thing is master ground floating your air attacks. I was doing thise to metas and it becomes hard for meta to hit you or punish out of shield. the best way to take on meta is on the ground. His ground game is not all that compared to his air game. This applies for Marth and lucario. You see how good they are in the air compair to the ground? his is where they start the ****. So best thing to do? Not give them that option. This can also apply to having a good ground game.
So if you people don't ground float alot, I suggest you start busting out your wiis and get to doing that. Do that until it is second nature. Increase your reaction time. And start dound it out of shield. Sometimes when you do it out of the shield, people can shield before your attacks hit. This is dude to the distance of the spacing of the enemies attack. So pat close attacking to this. If this happens roll away. Don't stay near meta. Though this may not be a wise choice ether, and I will let you know why.
Your shield is really important to beating meta. After you ground float a move or space one, shield cause meta would usually attack. There is no way the are grabbing you. After they attack, you can dish out yours by jumping out of shield or ground floating out of it. Not this is if meta goes in on you. if he spaces the moves, just get the hell out of there. Leave meta alone swining at the air. he can't do anything to you and you should not be greedy to wanna hit him. Go get a turnip Or just watch what he does next.
I know you Peach's love the air alot. If you wanna beat this clown, limit that. Learn to take him on the ground. Even if you are in the air, you can fight him on the ground. Meta is not that quick in the air. and it is hard to beat his moves in the air. Remember this. What goes up. must come down. Meta has to touch the floor some times. You can bring your air game to the ground and it makes your spacing and combat speed much better if you was air born.
His shield, gets beating up bad and he becomes easy to hit out of it. his shield does not hold out long to pressure. Anyone who can pressure meta well can pund on him. and arent we lucky that Peach is a beast at pressure? But learn to do it right.
As for recovering, this may sound stupid as hell ut it works, and when I told a few of my other students to do this, they see a difference. When you are comming back and meta is near you, don't do anything at all. Just move away. Most metas (that are smart anyway) love to just sit there and abuse air dodges, and since ours is utter crap, thats what they look for. then get you. remeber, he is not quick in the air. if you have good reaction time, you can see an assult comming that hit him. Don't **** your pants and get scared, then air dodge. Your air dodge is not atool for evasion. it's mind game. the best thing you can do with this character is pull away. You give meta nothing to react too. So he has to make the first blow. Then you can ether air dodge or time an attack.
If you can ane meta is not near you when coming back, recover low. its not that easy for characters (yes even meta) to hit you from below. Now if meta is under lil tip of pulling away wont do much. So you have 2 choices. Timne a dair, or time a air dodge. Some times in this case you CAN pull away to get that postion to do what I just said above. So don't think you alway can't when he is right there.
And learn my trick I call the turnip juggle. You grab a turnip, toss it up, grab another one, toss that up, then jump and Z grab the first you toss and toss it up again and do the same for the second. Then grab another. If you want you chain 2 turnip juggles and toss it off stage, so you have 2 turnips going out at the anemy, then you can follw up with an assult. You can aslo link a turnip juggle to a turnip cancel off stages. To cover more vertical range. And even horizontal range. Then go in for an assult of bait moves/airdodges and attack. You can have about three turnips guarding the air at once. Even 4. You would have to tunip juggle, Then platform cancel a turnip and toss it up. Then run back and quickly do it again as the turnip is about to come down and durnip cancel to a Z drop and grab the air. Do you realize how much you have covered? Just picture it for a min.
Spacing can Make it hard for meta to hit you. His air moves don't have much range. Dsmash is quick but can leave him open. And Fsmash is not that fast. but does have range. His Ftilt and Dtilt have range. So look out for that. But he has to be in a netural position for that. Now with these moves let turnips geat with this, not your hands. if you can't get one at the time, just leave him alone. You dont always have to swing at meta. And you reallt dont need to be in the air against him nether. Seriously, you don't.
Tunrips slow him down and he is not quick in the air to begin with. so start using my turnip juggle. wether on stage or on stage. Get to work on that. And learn to fight with a turnip in hand. People expect to many typical things from this character, like a turnip toss to a Fair then jab or Dsmash. You don't always have to those the turnip first. Fight with it in your hand. i can increase your pressure game . For if you are ground floating and spacing moves, you can tossa turnip inbetween and thencan start more pressure, stop an attack or bait moves. metas don't like thier shield being pounded alot. To Bad Blondes in Pink dresses dont give a damm.
Meta is not a lost cause when Peach fight him. He seriously is not. He is hard to deal with. But what people fail to realize is that Peach has alot of tolls that can do seriously damage. Thing is, no oneis abusing them at all. and even have typical game play with Peach. and people have already gone seen all this crap. So give them something that they can see, but can't figure out or deal with at all. Or something they can't expect.
So outside the typical match up on meta, you really wanna take this fool down? Use all that I said here. But you will ailat this if
- You have poor control of Peach
- Reaction time is slow
- Spacing is not good.
- Ground floating and doing it out of shield is not good.
And most important. Don't let this character get to you. If you see a big d\man or some player using meta on you, who gives a ****. They can feel safe all they want and have all that confidence in the world cause he is meta fighing a Peach. Cause I beat when one finds out they have to play a Peach, they are so relaxed, and like. "yea, I got this not much to worry about, I'm a big name and I have meta, it's all good" Don't worry about all of that, thats how big names or high tier placers are. Just wild out on them. Worry about your game. All that will turn into sweat drops on your opponent when they are about to lose and wonder wtf just happend. Underation is the greatest weapon. And feeling safe is the worst feeling you can have. Lets see if you can understand what I mean by this...........what, I can't give you all the answers. Gotta learn how to think for yourselves.
There is three things you need to know and get good control of.
The first is spacing. Space your moves correctly. Make sure your spacing is good. Not ok but GOOD. Go beyond good and you are in better shape. meta can't punish you at all if you shace your air attacks. For Fsmashes it depends on distances with what ever Fsmash you get. A fsmash can push people back, and if then wanna come in after you from shield, Jab meta. He can't hit you. The slick thing he would try to do is the typical up-B. Weave when meta gets near you or roll away. No punishment for meta to take advantage of there. Space glide tosses out of shield too.
The next thing is master ground floating your air attacks. I was doing thise to metas and it becomes hard for meta to hit you or punish out of shield. the best way to take on meta is on the ground. His ground game is not all that compared to his air game. This applies for Marth and lucario. You see how good they are in the air compair to the ground? his is where they start the ****. So best thing to do? Not give them that option. This can also apply to having a good ground game.
So if you people don't ground float alot, I suggest you start busting out your wiis and get to doing that. Do that until it is second nature. Increase your reaction time. And start dound it out of shield. Sometimes when you do it out of the shield, people can shield before your attacks hit. This is dude to the distance of the spacing of the enemies attack. So pat close attacking to this. If this happens roll away. Don't stay near meta. Though this may not be a wise choice ether, and I will let you know why.
Your shield is really important to beating meta. After you ground float a move or space one, shield cause meta would usually attack. There is no way the are grabbing you. After they attack, you can dish out yours by jumping out of shield or ground floating out of it. Not this is if meta goes in on you. if he spaces the moves, just get the hell out of there. Leave meta alone swining at the air. he can't do anything to you and you should not be greedy to wanna hit him. Go get a turnip Or just watch what he does next.
I know you Peach's love the air alot. If you wanna beat this clown, limit that. Learn to take him on the ground. Even if you are in the air, you can fight him on the ground. Meta is not that quick in the air. and it is hard to beat his moves in the air. Remember this. What goes up. must come down. Meta has to touch the floor some times. You can bring your air game to the ground and it makes your spacing and combat speed much better if you was air born.
His shield, gets beating up bad and he becomes easy to hit out of it. his shield does not hold out long to pressure. Anyone who can pressure meta well can pund on him. and arent we lucky that Peach is a beast at pressure? But learn to do it right.
As for recovering, this may sound stupid as hell ut it works, and when I told a few of my other students to do this, they see a difference. When you are comming back and meta is near you, don't do anything at all. Just move away. Most metas (that are smart anyway) love to just sit there and abuse air dodges, and since ours is utter crap, thats what they look for. then get you. remeber, he is not quick in the air. if you have good reaction time, you can see an assult comming that hit him. Don't **** your pants and get scared, then air dodge. Your air dodge is not atool for evasion. it's mind game. the best thing you can do with this character is pull away. You give meta nothing to react too. So he has to make the first blow. Then you can ether air dodge or time an attack.
If you can ane meta is not near you when coming back, recover low. its not that easy for characters (yes even meta) to hit you from below. Now if meta is under lil tip of pulling away wont do much. So you have 2 choices. Timne a dair, or time a air dodge. Some times in this case you CAN pull away to get that postion to do what I just said above. So don't think you alway can't when he is right there.
And learn my trick I call the turnip juggle. You grab a turnip, toss it up, grab another one, toss that up, then jump and Z grab the first you toss and toss it up again and do the same for the second. Then grab another. If you want you chain 2 turnip juggles and toss it off stage, so you have 2 turnips going out at the anemy, then you can follw up with an assult. You can aslo link a turnip juggle to a turnip cancel off stages. To cover more vertical range. And even horizontal range. Then go in for an assult of bait moves/airdodges and attack. You can have about three turnips guarding the air at once. Even 4. You would have to tunip juggle, Then platform cancel a turnip and toss it up. Then run back and quickly do it again as the turnip is about to come down and durnip cancel to a Z drop and grab the air. Do you realize how much you have covered? Just picture it for a min.
Spacing can Make it hard for meta to hit you. His air moves don't have much range. Dsmash is quick but can leave him open. And Fsmash is not that fast. but does have range. His Ftilt and Dtilt have range. So look out for that. But he has to be in a netural position for that. Now with these moves let turnips geat with this, not your hands. if you can't get one at the time, just leave him alone. You dont always have to swing at meta. And you reallt dont need to be in the air against him nether. Seriously, you don't.
Tunrips slow him down and he is not quick in the air to begin with. so start using my turnip juggle. wether on stage or on stage. Get to work on that. And learn to fight with a turnip in hand. People expect to many typical things from this character, like a turnip toss to a Fair then jab or Dsmash. You don't always have to those the turnip first. Fight with it in your hand. i can increase your pressure game . For if you are ground floating and spacing moves, you can tossa turnip inbetween and thencan start more pressure, stop an attack or bait moves. metas don't like thier shield being pounded alot. To Bad Blondes in Pink dresses dont give a damm.
Meta is not a lost cause when Peach fight him. He seriously is not. He is hard to deal with. But what people fail to realize is that Peach has alot of tolls that can do seriously damage. Thing is, no oneis abusing them at all. and even have typical game play with Peach. and people have already gone seen all this crap. So give them something that they can see, but can't figure out or deal with at all. Or something they can't expect.
Meta is a joke to me. No matter how many times I lose to this fool, he does not annoy me and is a chump. I have no right to quit or complain about this character when I have not used mines to her full extent. No one has. So me wasting time counterpick other characters and saying Peach just can't do it when I have not even unleashed 100% fury is something I can't do. When I do that and still get whooped, then I'll say it. But until then, hell no. Punk *** can't scarme me away. and if I go 100% with Peach and actually start giving meta the biss, then I will be happy. and hard wok pays off. Typical mind of this community with tiers and character match ups is not gonna stop me from being a beast and doing **** people would not dare to think could happen with Peach. And the reason I don't counterpick characters. That be a waste of my time I could be investing in Peach to actually maybe find and learn things to work and use for the future and see how it goes.
So outside the typical match up on meta, you really wanna take this fool down? Use all that I said here. But you will ailat this if
- You have poor control of Peach
- Reaction time is slow
- Spacing is not good.
- Ground floating and doing it out of shield is not good.