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The Botanical Gardens of the Mushroom Kingdom

Are you awesome?

  • Well DUH!

    Votes: 160 30.8%
  • lolz no I'm a minority

    Votes: 245 47.1%
  • I'm confused :c

    Votes: 115 22.1%

  • Total voters


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI
I know the mu. I just hate it. There's nothing that makes me more salty. <_<
It's just annoying to deal with.

Falco is douche MU for a lot of chars. Even though no one mains him that I know of in MI he's still an MU that makes me quite salty as well, along with Olimar (more for with Samus than Peach).


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Or people like him, in case you were playing in a place that was like Arizona but not actually Arizona.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Peach/Falco is doable. If the matchup is still utterly frustrating to you, chances are you don't know it as much as you might think lol - though even I hate the fact that he turns the game into something comparable to Street fighter footsies against the Hadouken characters: laser/hadouken to force approach (though no chip to worry about in our game THANK GOD), jab/light footsies, u-smash or grab/Shoryuken to blow up any miscues or aerial approaches on the opponent's part.

P.S. Just went on a first date with this girl yesterday after talking with each other for quite a while - I won't even lie...it was really nice (in a genuine way). Ended it off at the park on a double-seater swing with some Strawberry shakes, then of course a knee-weakening kiss (haven't had one of those in a long time). A second date is in the works, pronto. :)


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
I wish I went on dates :,D I always seem to attract the crazies.

This one girl who had this giant crush on me, memorized my schedule and found out what books I needed to get for my classes without me ever telling her. I remember i didnt get my next japanese book and she came up to me and reminded me to get them. I never really tell my schedule, so that freaked me out like crazy, cause I have an irrational fear of being followed or watched (in a stalker way)

Not only that she was a pathological liar and tried to tell me that she knew more about things I have been studying for years, because she has an aunt that lives in that country.



Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI
That's really creepy Peachkid, I feel bad for you.

When it comes to girls I seem to always go past the potential relationship threshold straight into just friends. It doesn't bother me a ton but it will make things interesting and possibly difficult when I find a girl I am interested in.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Give him five more years on the Lautner workout and hubba hubba.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
For a character that supposedly flung around huge bags of flour all his life, he looks like he's lifted... twice.
Jan 30, 2010
Carousel Boutique, Texas
For a character that supposedly flung around huge bags of flour all his life, he looks like he's lifted... twice.
That was a gripe I had with his character.
He was supposed to be stocky and big, as he was described in the book.
I was really hoping for someone bigger.
Hopefully they make him bigger in the next movie.

But not comparing to Peeta, he is so damn adorable.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2011
Roanoke, VA
I liked her better in X-men first class to be honest.

Regardless, shes so sexy OMG!!!

I get in there and be all like


This gif is godlike btw.
Aug 6, 2008
I never saw the movie, but I read the book finally. I think it was an interesting idea for a book, but I sort of do not want to read a repeat of the hunger games for book two and three.

Is that exactly how the read ofthe series plays out? Its nothing except the 78th and 79th hunger games now, but with different people and some cameos from people from the first?

I think you'll probably always land up there as a top peach D.pch if only for the fact that you actually place in tournaments (even if not like top 8) which is better than probably most other peaches. Then again, I am not shadowing your tournament experiences, but from a few times I recall you placing like upper-mid in tournaments usually I thought. And to be honest, there are not a whole lot of peach mains out there who can claim that sort of thing I believe.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Most of my tourny results are below 25th. if people keep recommending me as a top Peach, it is usually to fans or people I am cool with. its usually not legit. Even with all that, people still consider me top. I havent not placed like I use too.

I tell people I am no where near top and I keep being in debates about it. Even when I place like crap all the time. I just recently placed 7th out of 49 and a tourny here. That's nothing for me to brag out. Can i do it again? That could have been the reason I was not added to that top 5 list. I failed so much and apex came and I did fine. It could have been my lucky day. Am I able to do it again? results past that showed I could not and went back to failing.

I am not consistant cause of my mental problem. which I think seriously kills it for me. I think with what I know about this game and my character, I could be the best with her despite what others might say to that. That wont happen unless I fix the problem in my head, thus can't execute what I know.

But I think I came up with a way to actually deal with that. Which lead me to getting 7th at the tourny. So thus that dont know, my bro past away a year ago. Hw took his own life out of depression. So for this tourny I had an idea;

"For those that were wondering about that shirt I had where I put 2 cube comtrollers on it. That was a shirt of my brother who past away a year ago. He took his own life due to depression. And he was like a best friend to me. My mom had that shirt made for us. I decided to bring this shirt to the tournament and see if it would help me with my tournament nerves. I would have it near the tv my match is in and but 2 cube controllers on it. One from me to my bro and the other for my bro himself. Make a quick pray I made up and then go to my match. I lost my first match to link X but did not have the shirt. I wanted to joke around with my match with him to lossen myself up and see if that would just not remind me of tournament nerves. I did not have any at that point cause I was having fun, But had a bad controller. This point on I decided to use helprs (thanks again) and I just was doing better game 2. he got the last hit though. From this point on I decided to get my shirt.

This really helped with controlling my nerves and making so many cluch moments. the nerves were not as strong so this might help me destroy them once and for all. So I like this idea I came up with. I as gonna do this for Sktar but forgot my shirt a home. So was really pissed and not in high spirits to play. This game seems more interesing when my nerves are not hardly there in tournament. I wonder just how far I can get wit Peach once the nerves are seriously gone.

I am pleased with that set even though I lost. I felt I lost that cause I was going a lil too agroo and not being patient. My tourny nerves kicked in a lil but it was no as bad as usual. So controlling my nerves is getting better. I have a feeling I could have have if I was patient and could have hit top three. So with that I m not salty for losing to Jtails. And there was alot of matches I was losing cause I was getting a lil nervous and starting to play aggressive. but near the end I fought to control my nerves and make the comebacks.

Most of my matches I was playing so patient, really against snake and I been losing to all snakes cause of me bring aggressive.Being patient against campy characters is what I have to be doing to beat them. Cant just rushing them down cause then sending projectiles at you and wanna stop them. "

I have a tourny this weekend, so I am gonna try this again. I still had the nerves, but they were somewhat able to be control. Much better then my usually experience with them. I don't expect as of now to beat anyone good. There is no way in hell I am gonna beat anyone good with this problem. And I would keep losing to people I should be beating by now. I have to first kill the problem for these results. When I do, I'll target for top Peach.

As of now, I kinda wanna be left out of it. it kinda leads to me looking like a fraud and all fan based. Also gets me into alot of debates and useless insults. Kinda annoying.
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