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The Big MI Discussion Topic


Deleted member

Well Joe, I have good news for you. I just found out that my brother has tomorrow off of work so he can give me a ride there. Thanks anyway. Does it matter what time I come over? I was planning on 12:30-1:00ish. I'll bring a cube again just in case. Well I'll see all you guys there.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Yeah it's a smashfest! Like I said, everybody who's coming, just come on in the back door and down into the basement like always. Whoever's first in will wake me up, but let me warn you....If I awaken with a sore A hole, I'm gonna be pissed!


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
better watch out if i get there first im nabbing the scrumbtralecent outfit, other than that ill be there round 1ish.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
ScrumtralesssSSSAAHAHAHAA, whew, i got lunch with my girl then ill be there after thatish. id say around 2ish, hopefullyish


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Sweet, I got about a 3 hour nap in from about 4am-7am, so I think I should be good to go for the day. It's 9:20 right now, I just showered up, and I'm ready to take on the friggin world!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
YOU JUST SHOWERED UP?!?!?! Dont you mean... lathered up your bodacious bod? You should feel zest-fully clean.

Anyway, I will try to be there today, I have these final presentations for my GM internship which I have to stay the whole time those start at 1. I might have some after, unless my friends might invite me out for drinks afterward. I will give either Adam or Joe a call to see if there is anyone playing over there that can give the toe a challenge.

Hey Joe, thanks for the rank increase..... that must of happened right after my Bowser wupped ***. lol

Needle of Juntah

Smash Champion
Nov 25, 2003
Rochester, Michigan
Hey guys i finaly got my internet back ^^
Maybe ill take some time to read this thread... james and nario are iffy on the whole FOB thing but you know im down still plz dont tell me you gave our seats away either


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2004
dang, I should REALLY read this thread more often. Would've come to that last smash-fest!

Is there one THIS Saturday, as in, the 17th? 'cause I have it off.....and so does Toppercool. MAKE one. :)


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
joel, yeah u still gotta spot. Let me know when james/nar know. Cause well adam aint going, dave r aint going, justin aint going. So with gas being expensive its prolly better if we gotta lot of people to split it up. So i dunno if u wanna pay half on gas if its only 2 people. And im not so sure i wanna go if its only 2 people. Gotta think about it, so just keep me updated n i will keep u updated. But at least we would both have a partner n teams

And if anyone else wants 2 go speak up


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2004
adam and lipton arent going, wtf, those guys are my ****!

Rar, come jv3x3, my luigi is t3h marth slayer now;)


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2004
heh, like 50/50 u beat me with those c haracters, and i still beat ur peach like 1/10 so bla!

and i made up t3r0xx0rsaurs rex u *****, go finger urself

im t3h t3-r0xx0r-saurus rex, Rar!

heh, nice sig vidjo, u sound like u wana butt **** me now, i never knew u were like that


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Get your friggen GG arguement out of the MI thread efore i cross the border and eat you *****es alive. . . ill do it, i swear.

Besides, the real arguement here is, well actually no arguement exists because im sure everyone will agree that, IM THE **** AT THIS GAME NOW !!!, man, i dontknow whats going on but im on fire, im white hot.

Joe, after the 8 bucks, and after the after all the pride points i won back, i wouldnt think youd play me for the # 1 spot, but i seem to recall you agreeing to it, it went a little something like this "how bout this ones for the *cough* #1 spot *cough* and you were all "fine". Looks like you better move me up Joe. . . no im so kidding, you know i love ya Joe, plutonically of course (dont want to give Justin any ideas) but were you a little upset when you left, i mean i dont know why you would have been, i mean you didnt lose or anything before that, did you ? OHHHHHHH, no im kidding.

IM THE **** !!! (no im kidding)


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
OH YEAH ! Everyone start throwing out dates that theyll be able to make it to MMIII, im thinking June or July, keep in mind that the V games are arounf that time, i dont want them to get in the ay of this.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Adam, beat me n a set that was set before and u can have it. U did go like SS though

Justin, u up for a practice session tom.?


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Only kidding about the trash talking fellas, its not deserved whatsoever, but what time is the practice session today if it goes down ? I get off of work at 6ish so ill check the boards after that and see whats going on.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
adam, hit me up when u get off work if nothing is set... u are welcome 2 come by my place if nothing goes down at justins


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
A little friday night smash fest? You know I'm down! I'm on a semi-decent sleep schedual (been getting up at like 4:00 in the morning for 2 days), so I should be up and ready to go whenever's good for everyone.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
ungh, sorry about not calling you Joe, i got home from work and fell asleep for hours on end, i think im sick, a matter a fact since i feel like im dieing i KNOW im sick.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
first topic...........

who the **** are you... PiMacleod?

not to be offensive...... just curious who you play and if you have been to any tournaments...... are you one of the Rochester guys that we have heard good things about? See ya dude.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
Next topic.....

I would like to discuss the battle that happened in Liptons basement.....

(speaking in an intelligent and deep monotone voice.... which is calming and relaxing... kind of like those discovery channel shows)

Justin...... my unintelligent pupil...... you must learn from the ways of the phatass.... you must apply what I have tought you from the endless deaths I have cause on the 'Final destination'.....you must learn to wave dash and ground dodge....... and you must apply those tactics when certain bros. (Mario or Luigi... ----I dont know his name-----) try to attack you. ..... when you see your opponent throw a fireball at you in the basement (you saw I immediately paused thy game and air dodged it)....... next thy brother ran at you..... the error in your logic was exemplified when you did not use your light sheild or even your z-sheild.......I am utterly dissappointed in your actions... because as you approached the drum set on the stage....... your repeated neglect to ground dodge....(Down + R as I have tought you ... my son) .....that action led to that particular brother to grab you...... from there he kept pressing A..... causing a fat lip on thy body......you must know to smash and crush thy A button and also spin to insanity thy analog stick to get out)..... yet in the heat of battle .... thy fellow smashers had to get him off of you..... please practice more on your smashing skills..... MOTHER ****ER

(end voice)

For those of you who werent there when this happened..... justing got his *** wupped by his brother who thought we were being too loud. (Mainly my loud yelling) He ran at him in the middle of a game when fighting my Doc and beat the crap out of him. Apparently the deuche bag didnt sleep for 48 hours and needed sleep. Anyway man.... sorry for being loud... I hope you enjoyed my intellectual smash poem. I hope you learned to L-Cancel, Ground Dodge and frickin wave dash that **** next time.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Hey u a.hills post the **** up

For real, havent anything all today. No phone call, no post, no online. I need to figure out what the **** is going on sooner than 5 ****ing minutes before i gotta leave. Theres other things going on this weekend and i got other stuff going on so i need to make frickin plans

So post up or if anyone has talked to them post up


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Originally posted by phatassesrock
(you saw I immediately paused thy game and air dodged it)
HAHAHAHAHA!!! When I read that, I was laughing so hard!

Crap! Only if I would have side stepped his grab! He would have had some bad lag, and I could've followed it up with a short hopped, fast falled, L canceled sex kick or something.

Funny story about my bro - I guess after he pulled that crap, he called my grandma, then my sister, then he went over to my mom's house to talk and stuff, and I guess with each person he was crying like a little ******! It made me chuckle with the delight of a 10 year old boy recieving a scrumtrulescently large bag of candy!

Back on track....It's 5:40 in the A.M., and I just woke up like 5 minutes ago, so I'll be ready for all you fellaz (notice the gangsta-riffic z?) when you decide to show up. Like always, just come in the back door and head downstairs. If I'm not down there already, I'll be running down there as soon as I hear the back door open. So if you get down there and you're like, "Oh my God!?!?! Where's Justin???? I hope a harem of beautiful women didn't abduct him again like they always do to carry out their deepest sexual fantasies." Don't worry my friend, I'm probably just upstairs ****ing around on the computer. Maybe I'm in the bathroom pooping, because we all know, sometimes it just feels good to poop a little bit. Maybe I'll be chatting it up 15 year old girl style with the Prime Minister of Malaysia. We just don't know yet, and will find out when the first person shows up, whoever that forsaken soul might be.

So when can I expect all you hobags to show up, hmmm?

Needle of Juntah

Smash Champion
Nov 25, 2003
Rochester, Michigan
Hey joe i can make it Nario cant and im not sure about james hes at work right now and wont get off of work untill around 3 PM and he should be home around 4pm
I can make it tho just tell me what time you want me over justins house and ill be there
BTW, is it me and you for teams now since nar cant make it?


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Joel, hmmm... ok. Talk 2 james when u can, we cant leave till dave r gets done round 5. They could maybe ride over 2 justins together. Yeah, teams would be me and you, really we should get some games in 2night though.

So yeah leave justins round 5:30. But im prolly gonna go over earlier 2 get some matches in, u can 2 if you went. Gas is gonna be like 10 bucks a person though (well whatever it costs divided by 4, but somethin round there). Thats gotta be cool with u and james. Otherwise just go over justins whenever, post, or call my cell round 3. Ill pm u the number.

Deleted member

I'm not going to be able to make it to today's smashfest. I'm playing basketball with my friends today. I would have needed a ride anyway.

Good luck to you guys that are going to FoB. Hopefully you can represent MI well.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Im jealous this sounds like its going to be a blast, I got really sick and was like yeah im not going to work so im going to FOB, but then i found out that i might have spinal menengitis. . . so i figured id sit this one out. Good luck *****es


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
How come no one has posted anything about FOB yet, ****it i want some commentary !!!


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2004
once again, i fall behind on my checking of the forums....

someone asked who I was??? Don't worry....I'm not important. ;) I play Ness, so...with said, there's nothing to worry about from me. :)

How much advance notice can we get on these get togethers? It'd be nice for those that have to 'request' off days at work (example: me), in order to guarantee my presence. And, do you guys know when the next one is? Thanks.

back to more work....


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2003
Yo Joe, I beat phatasses and monstro in offical MI matches, so I'll take my spot you gave away thank you. Anyone up to come to my place on Saturday, its my weekly party. Justin, I might come and pick you up if your interested in it, and Joe V, the guys all miss you especially Steve so ya got to come back again. Adam, you have to be running out of excuses, and the rest of you your invited too so don't act like your not.

Anything else planed for this week? What happened at FoB? Will Justin ever get that bag of candy?


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
pi there will probably be a smashfest this saturday... dunno where, i will go where ever everyone is going

FOB. I did pretty good in general. Teams me and nar got 5th and joel and vidjo got 3rd. I dunno what place i got in ones but it was the highest outta mi people and the matches i lost were 2 top 5 people in 3 matches on the last stock type matches. I did well in real friendlys and money matches too. But i dont feel like typing it all, im still kinda tired for the weekend. Ill tell you more this weekend. A lot o good people there, plus some funny **** happened

Needle of Juntah

Smash Champion
Nov 25, 2003
Rochester, Michigan
i didnt like the fact that me and joe had to fight first round, i think i could have made possibly top 10 or 15 ranking had i not had to fight joe first because those matches could have gone either way it basically put Michigan at a loss no matter what and we are trying to make a name for our selves i could care less about the money i want to do good in ranking and in singles i prolly got somthing like 25th or higher and anyone who has played me knows im not a 25th or higher player :/ and then i lost to Eddie who won the tourney in the losers brackets. There was alot of good competition there tho.
Also alot of people there bithcing about sheik like shes god mode or somthing. Yes she probably is the hardest char to kill but vidjo seems to have no problem killing my sheik, neither does joe heh
And i REALLY REALLY dont wanna go off on a rant since i dont think i ever have on smash boards about this whole bann sheik thing or even a handicap. Honestly i dont even care if you guys ban sheik i guess jiggly and peach will have to be my new chars lol :)


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
yeah big time sucked me and joel got each other first round... i mean one of our top 3 were going to losers right away, that didnt help things at all. Joel looked good in friendlys, teams, and losers 2 from what i saw
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