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The Big MI Discussion Topic

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Smash is starting to piss me off.

I can't improve, can't find ways to mix up my approach, I let people hit me, I can't punish approaches and I do the same thing every goddamn time.

Even LOE1 just said that I'm bad.

I think I should just stop playing just because of how garbage I am.

Just play to learn the next few tournaments in both games. You need to get yourself in the mindset of being receptive and open to learning. Ask experienced players to sit down with you and go over what your bad habits are.

Also stop looking down on LOE1 like you're supposed to be better than him. He got better than you. That's the simple truth. You are not in a position to be able to look down on others. But don't let him saying you're bad get to you either. You just need to work at it harder. If how you are practicing is not yielding results, you need to get a new way to practice.

Also stop being your own worse enemy. Self negativity destroys players and is detrimental to your growth and development as a player. Confidence is everything. If you don't have confidence in your skill right now, have confidence in your ability to learn and grow. Trust me on this.

Also Oro that may be a MI based store but the clothes were made in Illinois.


Oh and WTP is close again now.My plans for a sexy party are now complete.

P.S.: Skittles Vodka.


¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
So mi brawl. I hacked my wii and now have infinite replays with tags. Ill be putting some music and a few not over the top stage textures on also.

I have a hd pvr at home so i can record games that are saved to my wii in hd. Ill trst out my wuality later to see how it is.

The reason i cant do this straight at the tourny is because if yall didnt know a hdpvr can only record using component cables.



¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
I guess I was overreacting earlier. Sorry for being so negative.

Marth is really hard to learn. I actually didnt play him for a while and got pretty good with him. Next tourny you go to apasher ill help you out again no problem. I saw you trying to utilize some of the things i taught you at the last tournament.

The thing that makes marth hard to learn is you need to space every sigle one of your moves or you get punished for it. You also need to make good hard reads your you will never edguard a character. I noticed you fish reall hard when they are in kill range. Just keep throwing fairs out and spacing them correctly. Condition your opponent to air dode onto the ground then shff into a up smash.

I said this at the venue. You need to f throw more and read what your opponent does. When ever i saw you f throw someone youd just run under them and up smash for sh fair. Wait for them to air dodge and punish it.

Theres way more to learn but thats some basics to go off of. Go into training and practice retreating fairs and mixing up when you double jump. The worst thing you an do is go on auto pilot and just sh dounle fair all day like i saw ou do multiple times when we where doing friendlies. Stick with it though you are improving every time i see you. Although i dont main marth anymore im going to make an effort to keep him practiced incase mk does get banned so i wont be in the boat and not have a character to wuickly fall back on.



¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
Marth is not hard to learn.
hes not hard to learn as in understanding his move set. Hes hard to exicute because you need to be so precise with what you do in order to be good with him. If you dont exicute well you get punished because of his bad recovery.



Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Here's a summary of Marth:
You get heavily rewarded for demonstrating strong mechanics and understanding of the game.
You get heavily punished for demonstrating poor mechanics.

Marth does not actually require precision so much as give a lot of benefits for it... this is in comparison to other characters, which either do not benefit all that much from precision or are completely all-or-nothing on precision - that is, you're precise and you get something, or you're not and get nothing. Marth isn't quite like that because he's actually a good character.

As for recovery, it's definitely not even close to the worst I've experienced.


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
I lose to precise marths who do nothing but space and wait for the moment when they could get me in the air and **** me there and then GRAB ME WHEN I LAND WTFF most annoying piece of trick ever. Good thing theres no marths like that in MI :awesome:



Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
compared to the characters I use, as well as diddy and a few others, I see learning to be "precise" with Marth as a cakewalk.

EDIT: I pretty much agree with Tony's post.


King Arthur
Aug 13, 2010
Southfield, MI
Marth isn't hard to learn. You just need good spacing imo. But if you have bad spacing, like me, then that's a different story.

Marth is like MK but no nado, one recovery option, two jumps, and a TIPPPPAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I lose to precise marths who do nothing but space and wait for the moment when they could get me in the air and **** me there and then GRAB ME WHEN I LAND WTFF most annoying piece of trick ever. Good thing theres no marths like that in MI :awesome:


That's not really a trick that's just how you **** Snake in general.


Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
to be good at marth you have to be good at the game overall. imo its hard to get good at brawl playing marth.

heres how you will get better apasher: get ***** by someone a lot

oh and stop playing ganon or falcon or all those jank characters. I always pass by you and loe1 doing the most random *** matches. Just play your main until you get good enough so you dont feel bad playing after every tourney.

oh and kalle if youre bored sometime can you make me a sig? I just want it to say "I lost to ori bro"


¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
Here's a summary of Marth:
You get heavily rewarded for demonstrating strong mechanics and understanding of the game.
You get heavily punished for demonstrating poor mechanics.

Marth does not actually require precision so much as give a lot of benefits for it... this is in comparison to other characters, which either do not benefit all that much from precision or are completely all-or-nothing on precision - that is, you're precise and you get something, or you're not and get nothing. Marth isn't quite like that because he's actually a good character.

As for recovery, it's definitely not even close to the worst I've experienced.
Im not saying marth is a bad character. You make good reads you get heavily rewarded with either dancing blade or tippered x move. Hes a really hard character to be good with because your spacing needs to not be perfect but really ****ing good or you get ***** hard core by a shield grab or something like that. Its really easy to start getting frustrated and not space properly and get bunished for it because if they make a good read while you are recovering there goes your stock.

Playing marth effectivley is a lot difderent from any other character (besides mk) you need to learn how to be in their face but not so much in their face where you are gettin punished for things you do. Well i mean thats general spacing with marth but when i tried picking up msrth this was one of the hardest things for me to understand. Granted i was newer to the competiive scene back then. Honestly i never really understood marth untill recently.


Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
apasher: yo i mean I do agree with that, im just sayin'

next tourney that we both go to (who knows when that will be <3 ) you go mk and ill go marth and ill **** YOU UP then youll be like yoooooo I know how to not get ***** now


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
You make good reads you get heavily rewarded with either dancing blade or tippered x move. Hes a really hard character to be good with Brawl's a really hard game to be good at because your spacing needs to not be perfect but really ****ing good or you get ***** hard core by a shield grab or something like that. Its really easy to start getting frustrated and not space properly and get bunished for it because if they make a good read while you are recovering there goes your stock.
Hey, look at that.
Again, Marth is pretty much a direct measure of how good you are at the game, with practically no tricks or gimmicks attached.


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
Ggs apasher, gifts is right you go autopilot with those fairs end even nairs. Whenever I was close to you you'd always resort to those moves. You should probly grab and dancing blade more, but especially grab. Whenever I was in the air you'd automatically go for the first option, which is fair me right away, bait the airdodge and hit me with an aerial or grab me when I land. Also bait more spot dodges cause alot of people do that when they're next to marth, I see lain do it all the time when he uses marth. You also panic alot when the momentum isn't going your way, and would throw out random backairs when i'm running towards you or even shielding next to you, both with your Marth and mk. Oh and don't be scared to go offstage with marth, I hope you noticed how my marth was following you offstage and apply it to your own. You can def get better, I saw a glimpse of correct marth play during the first two stocks of our last marth ditto.

Dat Ganon though

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