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The Big MI Discussion Topic

Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
Ok you ready?
1. Look at all you MI "tourney" players who have prolly only attended 1 or 2 small tourneys defending a player whom is one of you. seriously if things were like the old days you would all be auto ignored by real players.
2. TV's do matter quite a bit go ask lain to do IC BS on a HDTV i'm sure he will say HDTV RULE!
3. You're all retarted.
obviously tvs matter. But rizk is a wifi player lol. He is used to lag.

Dog I dont want to argue with you I barely know you, gio tells me youre a cool dude thats all i know lol. And we friendlied WAY back in the day but you probably dont remember. anyways Im not very into the smash scene I just point out when I see people being *****es. None of this actually matters to me.

YOOOO the only reason i care about smash is because real players got me into it soooooooooooooooo WORD!

oh and everyone watch the siis5 livestream. m2k is ****** with one hand. Priceless. Poor WTP :(
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
Read about 2 pages back... but yeah

My thoughts on the matter are well,
1. Rizk is making a large mistake in using Gameyard as Venue
2. He's not prepared to be a T.O. yet
3. You're hosting this tournament for a selfish reason.

1. Using a venue that another T.O dropped due to issues with space and such... isn't a reliable venue. Knowing that there's even a chance of us getting ***** out and being super cramped detours people form going to touraments. It's one of the main reasons I stopped going to Gameyard/TCSC, I hate feeling cramped and pushed off to the side as if we don't matter. It dampens the whole mood of a tournament.

2. I made this same mistake... Me and Roller hosted a tournament in early January, and to be quite honest we really had no idea what we were doing, the tournament ran over super late and all sorts of other things went bad there. If you really want to T.O. a tournament, you'll be much better off co-hosting with a well known T.O. until you really get the process down.

3. The only reason you're hosting this tournament is because you can't find rides to anywhere else. Instead of hosting a tourny in a bad venue perhaps you shoudl think about the reasons why people won't give you rides. I'll give you a hint it's not about your location. I've talked to people who've said to me "Even if Rizk was on my way I wouldn't pick him up" I'm not gonna drop names or anything... but damn that's pretty cold. Why would anyone be that cold? Well some of these are people that go out of their way to pick up other people so clearly these people aren't just cold people. So what's with the difference in treatment? My guess is that it's you. You antagonize a lot of MI players, and thats perfectly fine... but what ends up happening is that you offend player X. Player X is friends with players Y and Z who happen to own cars. Now why would players Y and X pick someone up that's insulted their friend? Now add the fact that the MI Brawl community has a relatively small scene and fairly close knit and you get one possible answer for why people choose to not pick you up.

Well not everyone is like that though, there are some drivers that arent good friends with the people you insult... so why don't they pick you up? Well the majority of those people at one time or another have been raged at by you after trying to give you advice. Not advice about the game, but generally advice on how to not come off as a raging douche-bag on the boards. Let's face it, your online presence is really intimidating and seems perpetually angry. If I hadn't ever met you offline and knew you were really chill I wouldn't consider picking you up either, not that I have a car with which I could do so... but the general idea still stands.

to sum it up, Try being a bit more gracious, present a friendlier exterior and people might actually give you rides.

Now to the rest of you *******s... Sometimes we have to give people 2nd and 3rd and 4th chances. Almost all of us know what it feels like to not be able to get a ride to some event that we really wanted to go to. And Rizk is actually really chill in person. So come on guys, I'm sure someone can find an open spot for him for BAMF2 or T.C's next AA Tourny.

When are those btw?


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2006
obviously tvs matter. But rizk is a wifi player lol. He is used to lag.

Dog I dont want to argue with you I barely know you, gio tells me youre a cool dude thats all i know lol. And we friendlied WAY back in the day but you probably dont remember. anyways Im not very into the smash scene I just point out when I see people being *****es. None of this actually matters to me.

YOOOO the only reason i care about smash is because real players got me into it soooooooooooooooo WORD!

Hmm this post gave me some mad respect for you bro. very nice post +++++++

I'm just the muscle.


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2008
Dearborn Heights,Michigan
I just don't understand why everyone starting acting like little b*tches when I said I was having a tourney. People got grudgy and homocidal and all that jazz. Like I said, this is my only option for tournies atm. I've already accepted the fact that I will not recieve rides from people here. Yes I know that it seems like I am hosting it for a selfish reason.(even though i dont think its selfish because i've asked many people for rides and they turned me down) I really want to go to one and since it's just not possible for me atm I want to host one at Gameyard. Everyone is welcome to come but i'm not going to sit here and beg people like a little b*tch to please attend my tourney. You come then good for you, you don't then it's your loss. And if this tourney does end up having 8+ people it would qualify for the PR so yeah.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
I thought you already canceled your tourney.

EDIT: Oh, you're canceling it tomorrow. Okay.


Smash Master
Jul 13, 2006
8623 Hickory Drive, Sterling Heights MI 48312
I loled at the fact someone told Rizk a long time ago since he couldn't get a ride to host 1 himself at gameyard and now he did. Will I attend probably not if I cant get a ride. Bringing up the Aus thing to say how our communitys mean is kinda *** backwards because they jumped on him for being mean to his friends and it actually got him to stop making the community seem a bit better.

I expected the first responses because since being on this board the only things I've read from Rizk is that his penis is big and a bunvh of douche baggery. Why wouldn't people respond to him telling him the things they already see him doing wrong in a douche bag way? the comment about laggy TV's is saying hey we dont like HD TV's it might hurt your attendance but in a Rizk kinda way.

And good luck Rizk hopefully the problems TC had there dont happen to you


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
I don't think the community doesn't want the tourney to happen, I think that they would enjoy a good tournament. The way this explosion looked like it started to me was the following:

1) Rizk announces tournament at Gameyard
2) People express remorse for past events at Gameyard (of which I know nothing)
3) Rizk explodes like everyone is attacking his tournament in a very put-off fashion
4) People argue back to Rizk over his attitude.

edit: just cause I'd like some evidence here, here are all the posts at the start of this topic:
Guys I am proud to say that I am starting my own monthly series of tournies back at Gameyard:) I know there are some people that hate that venue due to the space shenanigans, but I talked to the manager and he's already reserving 6 tv's thats without other people. So yeah:)
A respectable post announcing a tournament.

There is a point where we can have too many tourneys in Michigan, and I think an additional summer series would push things over that edge...
An honest and professional response because there are already a lot of tournaments in MI, and Rob probably feels that his (and maybe others) attendance may suffer if you do add another tournament. You responded with "Brawl Only", a fairly reasonable thing to do so. This was handled well by both parties.

OH GOD GAMEYARD. not only that i didnt like the venue, but i had a bad first tourney experience there x_x

A typical complaint about a venue.

I'm sure everyone is thrilled you reserved 6 laggy HD tv's.
Another complaint about the venue.

If you complainers don't want to come then f*ck the hell off. No one is forcing you to come. God how unappreciative can people be.
None of those things were particularly *****y, none of them were attacks against you, none of them were were offensive nor douchey. Maybe a bit witty w/ respect to Gifts' post, but certainly not insulting or tool-ish.

Also note: complaints aren't intrinsically "b*tchy" They're merely feedback to a proposal with the aim of getting something changed for what they believe to be the better. Complaints are part of almost every normal system that involves people. They are expected and wanted. They're not intrinsically whiny or "b*tchy". This being said, they CAN be whiny, but none of the complains voiced here were in the least.

back to the original topic==========

I think the problem here is just the attitudes and responses of different people. Rizk, no one has that you shouldn't run a tournament. They've just expressed opinions that Gameyard sucks. They aren't attacking you as a person, there's actually been very little flaming targeted at you if you read through all this stuff and none of it was before you exploded like a complete tool.

Almost everyone here doesn't want you to not run a tournament, they just want you to run a good one. The most common way to help a TO is to let them know the stuff that might suck about what they're doing so they can fix it (i.e. laggy TVs, crappy venue, etc), so try to actually correct these things to the best of your ability w/o outright flaming people about it if you want a good tournament.

Every TO, no matter what they actually want from their tournament converges on wanting these two things: 1) A large attendance. 2) The Attendees to enjoy the event. These two things will achieve anything you might actually want out of the tournament almost entirely by themselves, and are commonly viewed as the keys to a good tournament. These two in particular are exceptionally important for new TOs, because those are exactly the two things that will get people to come back to other events you host. You should probably try to achieve these two things. How you do that is relatively simple: you fix any problems that might occur with the event, and you advertise it well. Remember that your behavior when hyping your event is part of its advertising. For instance, If I were to run a Rock Paper Scissors tournament and ban Paper, naturally people would probably complain about this. I could either responsibly respond w/ something like "These are the reasons why I banned paper, if you would like to discuss reasons to not do so, I'm all ears", or I could respond like a complete and total assbag of a tool with "If you don't like it, **** off. This tourney is not for you" . Obviously people would much rather deal with the former, and while the latter may be true that the tourney is not for them, without them, it's not really for you either. You should probably put some thought into how you handle your events if you want to meet those two goals.

I'm going on the assumption that at least one of the reasons why you're hosting this event is that you want more tournaments that you can attend. That 's a very good reason that is both why I hosted tournaments, and what I typically recommend to people who whine about not being able to make it to other tourneys. So, I'm assuming you'd rather have a good tourney that a crappy tourney that you get to go to, so you should probably consider the two goals to making a successful event more carefully. Furthermore, from some of your comments, you sound like you're not on very good terms with a fair number of people here. If you host a good tourney that meet those two goals, that might change for you.

Now, Sorry some of this may have come off a bit frustrated. Smashboards gave me an error when posting this and I lost almost all of it and just now retyped it because I think you can actually get something good out of this experience.

tl;dr: Rizk read this whole thing.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Oro, wouldn't you be driving in the direction opposite me if you met halfway with SCOTU?


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
Hm, if I met halfway w/ an Oro and Ankoku, that would probably put me somewhere in the US that would make it difficult to give you a ride to Rizk's tourney. That being said, Since I'm there and not here, I am far more likely to have a car.


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2008
Dearborn Heights,Michigan
I read your whole post Scotu and I'm glad I did. The advice was good and I learned things about being a TO. Yes one of the biggest reason's I am hosting this is because I want to attend tournies and atm I can't go anywhere else. I know Gameyard may seem crammy, but this is my first tournament and I have to start somewhere so why not here? And if I do plan to continue my monthlies hopefully if it succeeds, i'll try harder to find a better venue that's close to me also and one that people will like.

Btw Ankoku, meet him halfway, right at the borderline that's where he's gonna wait....for you :yeahboi:


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Oro, wouldn't you be driving in the direction opposite me if you met halfway with SCOTU?
Yes I think so.
Hm, if I met halfway w/ an Oro and Ankoku, that would probably put me somewhere in the US that would make it difficult to give you a ride to Rizk's tourney. That being said, Since I'm there and not here, I am far more likely to have a car.
Now I'm just confused.
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