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The Big MI Discussion Topic

Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
moose laying down the law.

he is right though. A lot of people are secluded and they pick on people. If it werent for lain getting me into the community I would have never wanted to be anywhere near it. I mean obviously its better now because I actually know everyone and can joke with people now, but take it from me, when youre not known in the community, nobody is very welcoming. My first few tournies I would ask people for friendlies and they would act all confused because nobody knew me. The only person who welcomed me to play when I asked was darklouis. And fzk of course but I already was friends with fzk.

Apasher I think its good you take an interest in the community and get your friends to take an interest too. Its good to have young people wanting to get in on it. Its just a video game tutu. I wouldnt consider anyone to be at the "cool kids table." We all are just ****ing around playing a video game having a good time, well thats how its supposed to be at least. Otherwise youre doin it wrong
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
These have nothing to do with evaluating game play. These are the posts I have an issue with. They are unnecessarily rude. I don't condone bullying. I like you as a person, and I will have no beef with you...as long as you apologize for these two posts.
Actually those 2 posts were in relation to evaluating gameplay, or to be more specific his mindset... Idc how good or bad someone is if they at least have a decent mindset but when people say things like "I do better when Loe1 isnt there" all im hearing is "I'm actually quite good at the game and want you all to recognize that I'm good" I don't see a desire to improve, I see a desire to be recognized. That by itself pisses me off... but like... whats worse is that the man constantly belittles LOE1, and Zeldamaster to try and do it. "Hey guys Zeldamaster is bad because i beat him in some friendlies" "LOE1 is a scrub" etc etc. Sure I don't mind things like joke trash talk, but those 2 don't even post on smashboards. The only thing I see out of that is an even more disgusting desire to recognized, and the willingness to **** talk his own friends to satisfy his own ego. Now that hes coming here with **** like "zeldamaster is beating me now why have I gotten worse QQ" I'm upset that 1. He's not respecting someone who put forth the effort to improve, 2. That he has failed to put forth even the desire to improve and 3. That he wants the people here to baby him and tell him "o its okay you're just having an off day, you'll get him next time."

That kind of crap disgusts me.

But whats worse is that even when I tried to point it out to him... he comes back with the "I played so bad in that vid." In that vid aka we're back at the first phase of, "I'm actually a really good player, but for some unknown reason I can't beat anyone" mindset.

I really don't feel like having to type out why this mindset is a bad one, and im sure that the majority of the people here already understand why its bad. So if someone really doesn;t understand ill type it out... but I'd much rather just move on.

Dissecting my analogy:
The popular kids in a circle at lunch are the good player's.
The kid that tries his hardest to fit in with the popular kids, and in the process abandons his own friends is Apasher in this case.

Sorry for picking you out of the crowd Tutu, I think the MI smash community in general needs to be less *******-ish.
Well I feel like I inadvertently started this crowd... my goal wasn't to be mean for the sake of being mean or to like show off that I can be mean if I want too. I was really just tired of having to read the same "I'm actually good at this game, seriously it's true!" posts everyday. I was actually heavily considering putting him on ignore since that attitude really pisses me off... but like hes still a part of the MI smash scene... and it doesn't look like anyone else was going to comment on his horrible mindset so I took the initiative. Maybe I should have just said the things I said in this post to begin with, but I really hate having to spell things out for people cause I feel like if I do that then the odds that they'll actually take it to heart are a bit lower than if they came to the conclusion themselves (with a bit or direction)"

Why don't I put my hand on a hot stove? Cause I did it once and it hurt like hell


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
moose laying down the law.

he is right though. A lot of people are secluded and they pick on people. If it werent for lain getting me into the community I would have never wanted to be anywhere near it. I mean obviously its better now because I actually know everyone and can joke with people now, but take it from me, when youre not known in the community, nobody is very welcoming. My first few tournies I would ask people for friendlies and they would act all confused because nobody knew me. The only person who welcomed me to play when I asked was darklouis. And fzk of course but I already was friends with fzk.

Apasher I think its good you take an interest in the community and get your friends to take an interest too. Its good to have young people wanting to get in on it. Its just a video game tutu. I wouldnt consider anyone to be at the "cool kids table." We all are just ****ing around playing a video game having a good time, well thats how its supposed to be at least. Otherwise youre doin it wrong
Anther played friendlies with me at my first MI tourney. He also just sent me a new controller recently. And a poem. We should all strive to be more like Anther. But not find a Mrs. Anther to take all our time.
Well I feel like I inadvertently started this crowd... my goal wasn't to be mean for the sake of being mean or to like show off that I can be mean if I want too. I was really just tired of having to read the same "I'm actually good at this game, seriously it's true!" posts everyday. I was actually heavily considering putting him on ignore since that attitude really pisses me off... but like hes still a part of the MI smash scene... and it doesn't look like anyone else was going to comment on his horrible mindset so I took the initiative. Maybe I should have just said the things I said in this post to begin with, but I really hate having to spell things out for people cause I feel like if I do that then the odds that they'll actually take it to heart are a bit lower than if they came to the conclusion themselves (with a bit or direction)"
I was loling at your posts, but you should calm down a little bit as Apasher is still relatively new to the community and taking babysteps. I do think he is trying to improve, and I think it's important we don't scare players such as him, LOE1 or Zeldamaster off. We could really use the growth in the community, for both games.

EDIT: Also, Omni was definitely the one to start the movement.
oh drama for yo momma in hur?


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
There's a big difference between legitimately trying to get better and simply trying to get a mark of recognition. It usually happens more often at the mid-levels (like when it could mean getting power ranked, or even listed on HMs or something), and it's kind of irritating for me to see that attitude. I kind of agree with Tutu's views, though I also agree that he's laying it on pretty harshly.

The important thing for everyone is to stop gauging yourself against the three guys you play all the time, and start gauging yourself against the whole region (or if you're already at that point, THE WORLD!) so you don't lose sight of the real target. :)

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI

Reading Tutu's post makes me remember to stop getting excited when I come close to beating someone good but still losing. I've started to realize as of late to stop being infatuated with my progress and keep going. Mediocrity isn't something to be celebrated. Progress is though. Regardless we're still behind as a state because we're accepting mediocrity with the exception of a few of us. I know that many of us don't have a consistent way of practicing but there are still ways to improve.

But yeah I'm kind of past the days we're I'd be geeked that I keep getting 9th. It's not impressive. I don't even see why I should settle for 7th..or 5th for that matter. I've totally been going about my "goals" incorrectly. I shouldn't even be worried about the fact that I COULD be HM if I keep solidly performing. I shouldn't be geeked that I beat ONE PR'ed player from a state that is arguably worst than ours. I should just strive to be the best and let the barrier breaks and improvement come naturally instead of going "Hey I almost beat this guy..."

lol...I'm done with mediocrity.

But hey Tutu stop being so harsh with the newcomers. This kid is literally still a kid also. It's uncalled for. Your intentions are cool but your execution is all wrong.

/drunk rant complete

Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
whats wrong with celebrating something that youre happy about? Why do you play smash, for fun or for the status? If its for the status then I can assure you there are easier and more effective ways to gain a status for yourself. People play smash for fun, which is what the game is about. Playing competitively for us is fun, but being competitive doesnt mean forgetting about fun. This is kind of supporting what tutu said. Play for fun, theres no need to say im better with this or i did bad then etc etc. Tutu isnt saying you shouldnt be happy with how you do tech, You should by all means!

From what I say ill paraphrase tutus post for all those who dont want to read it. In a nutshell:

"stop johning" ...simple, yet elegant.

Rizk chiming in with the hard truth there.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
i dont swing that way no thx
I'm sorry. I just thought that since you like Nickelback and all......:awesome:

whats wrong with celebrating something that youre happy about? Why do you play smash, for fun or for the status? If its for the status then I can assure you there are easier and more effective ways to gain a status for yourself. People play smash for fun, which is what the game is about. Playing competitively for us is fun, but being competitive doesnt mean forgetting about fun. This is kind of supporting what tutu said. Play for fun, theres no need to say im better with this or i did bad then etc etc. Tutu isnt saying you shouldnt be happy with how you do tech, You should by all means!

From what I say ill paraphrase tutus post for all those who dont want to read it. In a nutshell:

"stop johning" ...simple, yet elegant.

Rizk chiming in with the hard truth there.
This game is way too much work. I'm just going to shut off my brain and ****.
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