So in the morning I found my Green Ganondorf friend! That's like the only thing I cared for. Had a 1vs1 with a Marth. Lol at the Marth! I went DK and all I did was F-tilt and spot dodge to a follow up of a Down-smash. I won... I knew these 1vs1 matches we're not worth the trouble, Plus it was lag-gy -_- (not surprised!!) There was a Red Ike and Red Marth sepecting (didn't care). After like Three or Four O' clock, I found Ganondorf friend man did we have intense matches like always... I was Link I and had a Link Bomb in my hand, so I preformed a Zair air dodge to Zair to a follow of a Forward-smash with bomb. The Ganondorf was shielding the whole time, so I charged my Forward-smash with bomb and he didn't air dodge at the right time of the second Forward-smash with bomb. That led to a Shield break. So I've been praticing obscene Link Shield combo enders (in-case this day would ever come. So he's dizzy now, I throw the first up and wait a second to throw the second bomb in the air. I then foot-stool the first bomb and second bomb, then before the second fell to the ground, I pulled out another bomb but threw it in the air, and threw a Gale Boomerang the other direction. The Ganondorf gets up and right at that before you can put a character's shield up the bomb hits the Ganondorf while the Gale Boomerang comes in time to stop the hitstun and put him in the jab lock animation. I jab lock him all the way to the edge of the stage and I throw out a bomb. Once he comes up ( since he's very high in damage, the hit stun will pull him off the stage for a footstool) I then footstool him and the dair him to his death. My Green Ganondorf friend sat there for like a minute or two. He was in shock as everyone else watching was. It was a Blye Wario and a Blue Pikachu watching. Then after 1:00 minute he taunts and we begin brawling again. As always thanks for the games my Ganondorf friend. I'll try to come up with more funnier Link tricks. You actually had a chance this time to fight me. No Toonlink this time.) Just a Link main that tries his best to make Link look and fight amazing~