-_-; i have to stop meeting you like that dark, its not good for my health.
it makes it more frustrating because i know very well that i could take you in a legit match with no bs stages or idiots getting in the way(or at the very least i'd do far far far better than what happened in those matches) but each time i find you its your either running away just trolling me on a broken stage like temple, one or two idiots getting in the way like the C.falcon, or both.
ugh....least just like the other time i got a good kill on ya that made it worth it in some regards, in this case, my nana got a revenge kill on you with her uair at the top of the stage.
tomorrow after 10am central time but before 4pm central, face me. No bs stages, no idiots to get in the way. Win or lose it'll at least give me peace of mind knowing that its not a ******** basic brawl match.
also ironic and strange that you praise my ice climbers when i don't even really main them, the character in my avy is still my main. In fact I only just recently within the past year and a half picked up the icies and that was simply because i know my main is too disadvantaged against brokenknight to even bother using him in the matchup.
....guess maybe its a sign i really should take a shot at using the ******'s more frequently and seriously...