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The Basic Brawl Friend Finder [It's like a diary of replays!]


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2006
Great games to a TB group I just dropped out of. Link and Ness mains were awesome!
Yes, good games! That was definitely the scariest Ness I've ever played, lol.

All the matches were on FD, right? I was the Link.

I recall a Marth, Wolf, Jigglypuff, and a Ganon. Were you any of those?


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
Ggs to the group earlier that happened to be a 1v3. If I remember correctly there was a P3 gold Ike and someone else (I can't remember). We were against a P4 neutral Link. He later changed to characters like Sonic (don't remember what color), tan Ike, dark Ness and a bunch of other people. Since I was pink Zelda, the Ike changed to white Marth then he stayed that the rest of the time. We were all together for like 30 rounds. The other person, P2, changed to characters like dark blue Falcon, dark blue ZSS, and dark Pit. Me and that Marth would mess around a little bit whenever that P4 wasn't trying to fight us.


I was just in a group with a pink Zelda (fighter) a dark Wolf, and a red Peach. After a few rounds the Zelda left and was replaced by a neutral Toon Link. When we were fighting, Peach would just sit at the edge of the stage and crouch the whole time. Wolf mostly fought as dark ZSS. When Toon Link came in we all just started messing around. Peach left and was replaced by a Daisy/Peach 3 rounds later. After that we got D/C'd :p I was the neutral Zelda.

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
stay free red marth and feel free to run away after a win in shame kmowing you used items to beat me and i never did

attn link in bb yea you in green use ya projectiles bro dont nair me all day

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
I was just annoyed from that Ike/Marth player. Yet he still won xD I tried to do my flashy moves and stuff... but of course lag likes to rain on that. Anyway you were fun! My friend-code: 0903 5382 1196
was this ike a default color and marth white?


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
I forgot to mention this but there's like 3 people I've been wanting to find again. I've met them all quite a few times on BB. This one certain Link was funny. He always started off as neutral. I would always start off as green Zelda. We would sit by each other the whole match and do the crouching thing really fast towards each other. Whenever someone came in to fight he would immediately go fight them the whole match. Whenever the person died he would come over to me and do the crouching thing again until the person came back on stage. One stage that I can remember is being on Temple. I would go down to the little cave and he would follow then we would sit there and do our thing ;) After a few rounds I would switch to neutral Zelda to match him. Anyways, whoever you are, you seem like a cool person and a good fighter.

Person #2 is this red Ike. I would always find him at like 5 A.M EST (the other guy ^ was usually between 12 a.m-2.) I was always green Zelda when we met. He was the type of person that would ask someone to fight. He usually gave everyone in the group a chance to fight him. When I wasn't fighting him I would stand by the edge with my back to everyone. At the end of every match I would use Farore's Wind at the last second to make Zelda disappear when the screen stopped (hopefully you remember :p) Anyways, ggs. Good fighter. Every match each time usually took place on FD.

The last person was a neutral Marth. First time we met I was red Zelda (later changed to neutral). We sat by each other the whole time. He would always get behind me. Kinda looked like he was doing it to make Marth put his head on Zelda's shoulder (lol). We usually sat by the edge facing away from everyone. Last time, a few weeks ago, we met again but he was Daisy/Peach. I was dark Zelda. He must've recognized me because he changed to neutral Marth and I did the same with Zelda. Another thing he always did was stand by me while I did Zelda's waving taunt. He kept inching forward to get closer so it looked like they were kissing xD

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
was this ike a default color and marth white?
Yeah... was it you? My fault if I sound rude or something. I know I've brawled you before and you're no slouch. But uh... It shouldn't be hard to notice me... well sometimes I use Ike's neutral texture to show I'm not playing at my fullest which at times confuses people to think that there is another Ike main. There really isn't... just a Red Ike (which is you) Gold Ike (SmashKing) and Tan Ike (Me), of course you'll run into casual players that use these colors as well. There is a Blue Ike but it has to be you or SmashKing.Anyway I apologize for being rude, but why did you act so trollish?

In other news: Seriously I'm not making this up but I've met a Black Zero Suit Samus that is very Salem-like and I've brawled him/her before? Not sure but I've seen that familiar Zero Suit more than once. Any of you idolize Salem's style to the fullest? (Except my bro that doesn't get on Basic Brawl anymore). Funny thing is the Zero Suit Samus recognizes me when I'm my main as White Link. Once I do Bomb slides and just flashy tricks (like wave bounces with arrows, boomerangs, DACUS, Link's spin dash cancels on the edges on the stage, forward Smash with a bomb which leads to other moves, Drop Attack Catch bombs to areal-s and so on). The Zero Suit Samus would then start to glide toss her armor pieces and we'll just do flashy stuff X) I've also seen the same Zero Suit Samus style but with a different color which is the Redish, and Pinkish texture on Zero Suit Samus. So yeah whoever you are you're fun to mess around with on Basic Brawl :D I hope to run into you more often.

@H3PER, Sorry for not responding to you... I'll like your comment so you can get an alert and I won't have to double post.

Sounds good, just let me know when you'd like to brawl, hope all is well!

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Yeah... was it you? My fault if I sound rude or something. I know I've brawled you before and you're no slouch. But uh... It shouldn't be hard to notice me... well sometimes I use Ike's neutral texture to show I'm not playing at my fullest which at times confuses people to think that there is another Ike main. There really isn't... just a Red Ike (which is you) Gold Ike (SmashKing) and Tan Ike (Me), of course you'll run into casual players that use these colors as well. There is a Blue Ike but it has to be you or SmashKing.Anyway I apologize for being rude, but why did you act so trollish?

In other news: Seriously I'm not making this up but I've met a Black Zero Suit Samus that is very Salem-like and I've brawled him/her before? Not sure but I've seen that familiar Zero Suit more than once. Any of you idolize Salem's style to the fullest? (Except my bro that doesn't get on Basic Brawl anymore). Funny thing is the Zero Suit Samus recognizes me when I'm my main as White Link. Once I do Bomb slides and just flashy tricks (like wave bounces with arrows, boomerangs, DACUS, Link's spin dash cancels on the edges on the stage, forward Smash with a bomb which leads to other moves, Drop Attack Catch bombs to areal-s and so on). The Zero Suit Samus would then start to glide toss her armor pieces and we'll just do flashy stuff X) I've also seen the same Zero Suit Samus style but with a different color which is the Redish, and Pinkish texture on Zero Suit Samus. So yeah whoever you are you're fun to mess around with on Basic Brawl :D I hope to run into you more often.

@H3PER, Sorry for not responding to you... I'll like your comment so you can get an alert and I won't have to double post.

Sounds good, just let me know when you'd like to brawl, hope all is well!
I have played against a tan ike, a bunch of times, you've probably seen a blue falco, and a black shelled bowser that does flying slams in midair. I haven't ran into a white link hardly at all, but when I do most of the white links like to crouch during one game then they leave. Well hopefully i'll be more anticipative when looking for people from here, including you.

um I only use the default color scheme for my ike, (both red and blue combined) I have played against bright red ike though, idk who that was but that wasn't recent though.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
I have played against a tan ike, a bunch of times, you've probably seen a blue falco, and a black shelled bowser that does flying slams in midair. I haven't ran into a white link hardly at all, but when I do most of the white links like to crouch during one game then they leave. Well hopefully i'll be more anticipative when looking for people from here, including you.

um I only use the default color scheme for my ike, (both red and blue combined) I have played against bright red ike though, idk who that was but that wasn't recent though.
Wow.. I see.. If you find a Tan Ike that's very mobile and throws out a lot of Nair to back airs and quick draws to a sliding counter (for flash, fox trots and does a lot of Jab cancels to back airs or grabs or even pause from his second jab then goes for a forward smash) then that's me! So how did this Tan Ike's play-style do actually? Aw :( Well I need to use White Link more often, I don't use him a lot ( mostly because It's online and I mess up my tricks which annoy me). You serious!? Well um... okay then... guess there are more Ikes. But I know the Gold Ike is SmashKing and you said before that you played with Ike's Red texture. Also I'm thinking It's SmashKing. How? Because he has a Zelda friend that I found out a while back. Her name is SmashQueen. I know right xD She mostly uses Blonde and Black haired Zelda,Green Zero Suit Samus and a Red Marth. SmashKing did use a Red Ike before when they 2vs1 me before ha ha good times<3 Now I don't see them anymore :( So yeah it has to be him or maybe it's someone else... still doubt it though. Black Bowser? Thought Joey was the only one that used a Black Bowser xD So who's better ;), kidding!


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
Lol at this P3 Jiggs/Zelda/Olimar/ whoever else. He's also a Wario hacker. You keep making all the P2's rage-quit xD Lol at the Snake too. You have a dirty mind ;)


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
Lol at this P3 Jiggs/Zelda/Olimar/ whoever else. He's also a Wario hacker. You keep making all the P2's rage-quit xD Lol at the Snake too. You have a dirty mind ;)


The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
I forgot to mention this but there's like 3 people I've been wanting to find again. I've met them all quite a few times on BB. This one certain Link was funny. He always started off as neutral. I would always start off as green Zelda. We would sit by each other the whole match and do the crouching thing really fast towards each other. Whenever someone came in to fight he would immediately go fight them the whole match. Whenever the person died he would come over to me and do the crouching thing again until the person came back on stage. One stage that I can remember is being on Temple. I would go down to the little cave and he would follow then we would sit there and do our thing ;) After a few rounds I would switch to neutral Zelda to match him. Anyways, whoever you are, you seem like a cool person and a good fighter.

The last person was a neutral Marth. First time we met I was red Zelda (later changed to neutral). We sat by each other the whole time. He would always get behind me. Kinda looked like he was doing it to make Marth put his head on Zelda's shoulder (lol). We usually sat by the edge facing away from everyone. Last time, a few weeks ago, we met again but he was Daisy/Peach. I was dark Zelda. He must've recognized me because he changed to neutral Marth and I did the same with Zelda. Another thing he always did was stand by me while I did Zelda's waving taunt. He kept inching forward to get closer so it looked like they were kissing xD

That's adorable, I love when people take time away to just stand and taunt/crouch/whatever with me since I'm more than happy to just goof off instead of fight xD I always main dark Zelda first in BB, though depending on the group I'll switch around to whatever will suit me the best. Dark Zelda will always be my first and most used though, I love getting random Links to taunt with c;


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
That's adorable, I love when people take time away to just stand and taunt/crouch/whatever with me since I'm more than happy to just goof off instead of fight xD I always main dark Zelda first in BB, though depending on the group I'll switch around to whatever will suit me the best. Dark Zelda will always be my first and most used though, I love getting random Links to taunt with c;

Lol I do too. So many people complain that taunt parties are stupid and a waste of time but I like it like that. I do enjoy fighting sometimes like when a party crasher comes into the group. I love doing taunts and just messing around with Link's, Marth's and sometime's Ike. I'll always start off as either pink, green, or dark Zelda. Usually green. After awhile I'll switch to Marth and/or Lucas. How often are you on BB? I'm usually on all the time.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Good games to a Snake I just fought. You were really fun! Although I'd have better luck avoiding your nades if my movement wasn't so laggy :/ Ha ha I apologize for taunting so much. I forgot I was an aggressive player xD I messed up so many moves with Ike that it's not even funny... buffered too many jabs and couldn't jab cancel at times because of lag, I even jabbed instead of a forward tilt because it's a great shield poke (especially when you had a grenade in your hand). To be honest you''re the best Snake I've ever fought! Even players from Aib. Like Diska, Kyle, Waldo, XXD, and S2H. I hope to find you and have us some great brawls. Meh ToonLink is ToonLink xD Thanks for the games!


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
I wasn't the person you who were fighting but I just have a question. Were you tan Ike (I think) and then purple Toon Link? I got into a group and saw an Ike who later changed to Toon Link fighting a Snake. I remember us being on Temple, FD, and Smashville. If that was you then you were really good.


The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
Lol I do too. So many people complain that taunt parties are stupid and a waste of time but I like it like that. I do enjoy fighting sometimes like when a party crasher comes into the group. I love doing taunts and just messing around with Link's, Marth's and sometime's Ike. I'll always start off as either pink, green, or dark Zelda. Usually green. After awhile I'll switch to Marth and/or Lucas. How often are you on BB? I'm usually on all the time.

I'm usually on in the evening and late night, I stay up crazy hours like right now lol. I love seeing other Zeldas in game, I feel like absolutely everyone in the community hates her because of the notorious Din spammers. Oh yeah, I was fighting this one Zelda who spammed nothing but Farore's half the time, she was very frustrating. I would've stayed out of it but I swear she wanted everyone to fight. But I digress; I always start off dark Zelda, and usually switch between Pikachu, purple TLink, green Peach, and gold Link mostly. Hope to see you around, I'll be the one ducking like mad first thing!


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
I am too. I love to stay up all night and play this. I'm addicted :p I know what you mean though. Every Zelda I meet online seems to be a spammer of one of their attacks. Speaking of spammers, there's a Zelda right now who's spamming Farore's Wind all over the whole stage. I don't like the people who hits someone then they don't even care. Lol I want them to say sorry xD It would be cool to see you online. I'll usually start off with the running on the edge glitch. If you see a green Zelda do that it's probably me.


The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
Was she directing it specifically at other people or just being careless? If the first one, it might be the Zelda I was dealing with earlier tonight. She changed from neutral to dark Zelda after our first round which made me turn lighter since I was technically p4, and then just proceeded to get everyone upset. She'd stand there motionless for a couple of seconds at the start of a match, too, then when everyone calmed down she's start up again. People will do what they do I guess. I try to stick it out through situations like that until they leave xD the party must prevail..!


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
Yeah I think it was more of the first one. When I got into the group she wasn't neutral though. She was pink. This particular Zelda changed to black a few rounds later too. She was spamming Farore's Wind the first round then the second I think is actually when she changed to dark. In the second round she started fighting this MK who got fed up with her. She was surprisingly good. I figured she wouldn't be since she was spamming one move the whole match. I guess that was her way to trick us.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
I wasn't the person you who were fighting but I just have a question. Were you tan Ike (I think) and then purple Toon Link? I got into a group and saw an Ike who later changed to Toon Link fighting a Snake. I remember us being on Temple, FD, and Smashville. If that was you then you were really good.
Yes that would be me, I have a question to ask you. Do hang with a Red or Gold Ike at times? Just wondering and I couldn't really do flashy tricks (well my ToonLink was pretty flashy in some cases). Anyway glad you liked the show :D

So I'm done for tonight. Good games to a Blue Kirby! Thanks for the matches! Alright all goodnight! He he ;D


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
Yes that would be me, I have a question to ask you. Do hang with a Red or Gold Ike at times? Just wondering and I couldn't really do flashy tricks (well my ToonLink was pretty flashy in some cases). Anyway glad you liked the show :D

So I'm done for tonight. Good games to a Blue Kirby! Thanks for the matches! Alright all goodnight! He he ;D

Yeah I'll sometimes hang with them. Why? I thought most of the stuff you did was pretty flashy though xD Anyways, yeah. Sometime's I'll enjoy watching people fight but it gets boring after awhile :/


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Yes, good games! That was definitely the scariest Ness I've ever played, lol.

All the matches were on FD, right? I was the Link.

I recall a Marth, Wolf, Jigglypuff, and a Ganon. Were you any of those?
no way, you were the link??? I was the one who came in as the Marth, but for some reason it kept dropping me out, so I came back in as Ike, then dropped, came back as MK, dropped, came back as Marth again. I went Kirby a couple times... the 4th person was the one who went Peach, Wolf, Ganon... I was mostly Marth, but I dropped for the last time as Captain Falcon.

come to think of it, that could totally have been you, you're in Florida? I'm in Mississippi, they're close enough it could have been us...


The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
Yeah I think it was more of the first one. When I got into the group she wasn't neutral though. She was pink. This particular Zelda changed to black a few rounds later too. She was spamming Farore's Wind the first round then the second I think is actually when she changed to dark. In the second round she started fighting this MK who got fed up with her. She was surprisingly good. I figured she wouldn't be since she was spamming one move the whole match. I guess that was her way to trick us.
Yeah that's probably her. She was surprisingly good, that was the frustrating part. I fought back with my own Zelda part of the time, part of the time Pikachu, though mostly I tried to specifically ignore her and run to the other side of the stage if she came near me. Pretty sure she was the one spam-picking FD the whole time too, so that didn't help. Good for close combat, not good for avoiding someone annoying. I guess after a while she got tired of the 3vs1 (even though she won half the time, bluh), and after like 13 rounds or so stopped moving and let people KO her on purpose, even going so far as to KO herself to say "I give". Dropped out the next round, so we were like ...okay. Interesting, but annoying fighter xD

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Yeah I'll sometimes hang with them. Why? I thought most of the stuff you did was pretty flashy though xD Anyways, yeah. Sometime's I'll enjoy watching people fight but it gets boring after awhile :/

The reason why I'm asking you this question is because, I'm the one that would 2vs1 you guys all the time and win :D You'd feed each others kills so you both could be on Sudden Death without intrusions occurring. Thanks to you guys 3vs1 or 2vs1 are cake for me now :D I miss your Ike friend :(, where is he? And thank you for the complement about my ToonLink. If there isn't too much lag next time and you find a Purple ToonLink that does arrows, quick moves, and all that jazz. Then sit back and watch the show:cool:

Also I fought that Zelda you were talking about. She was a Black Zelda that would like poke at me with her recovery (forgot the name) and the other two ducked as If there was going to be a show. Then after ten times and the Zelda kept doing that move directly towards me. The next game I switch to a female character (to not look all abuse) and beat her up with girl power! I was a Green Zelda and won pretty commanding-ly then she went MetaKnight and I went Ike and won comanding-ly, then she left and here I am. Seems that Zelda player likes to troll or try to troll but Isn't very good at it also I wish I'd find a group of Zeldas that would just fight and I would watch. I never ever saw that happening before. All other Zeldas just sit back and relax. Try to make it happen :D I want to see three Zeldas fight each other and I watch the show (like you have been doing that for so long.) Never ever saw it happen, and I don't think It will ever happen :( I wish it would happen though!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2006
no way, you were the link??? I was the one who came in as the Marth, but for some reason it kept dropping me out, so I came back in as Ike, then dropped, came back as MK, dropped, came back as Marth again. I went Kirby a couple times... the 4th person was the one who went Peach, Wolf, Ganon... I was mostly Marth, but I dropped for the last time as Captain Falcon.

come to think of it, that could totally have been you, you're in Florida? I'm in Mississippi, they're close enough it could have been us...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we played. I saved replays of most of the matches, and one of the things I noticed about your Marth is how you would crack walk in place for finer spacing. Also, when you were Kirby you timed a footstool to hit me right as my Nair ended, and killed me at 31%. :p


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2013
Had a fun/weird taunt party with someone who I think was lucario/default toon link, maybe more.
He originally teamed with me for one match, then turned on me for many more matches while finally siding with me again.

There was also a default kirby, don't remember their other characters but they teamed me when
they got caught in my attacks, but joined me with the other player later on.

I spammed falcon punch alot, and grabs.
Last match I falcon punched constantly as I couldn't see lol.


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
Yeah that's probably her. She was surprisingly good, that was the frustrating part. I fought back with my own Zelda part of the time, part of the time Pikachu, though mostly I tried to specifically ignore her and run to the other side of the stage if she came near me. Pretty sure she was the one spam-picking FD the whole time too, so that didn't help. Good for close combat, not good for avoiding someone annoying. I guess after a while she got tired of the 3vs1 (even though she won half the time, bluh), and after like 13 rounds or so stopped moving and let people KO her on purpose, even going so far as to KO herself to say "I give". Dropped out the next round, so we were like ...okay. Interesting, but annoying fighter xD

When she fought MK I just sat back and watched. I usually don't fight unless I have to. I'll pick FD, Battlefield, or whatever if I can handle someone but if I can't and I start getting annoyed, I'll choose Temple then lead them down to the bottom part. It's easy to rack up damage down there. She never stopped moving for a whole round. She kept on fighting... it really sounds like the same person though. I guess her way of telling people she wants to fight is spamming a move and making sure she hits them.


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
The reason why I'm asking you this question is because, I'm the one that would 2vs1 you guys all the time and win :D You'd feed each others kills so you both could be on Sudden Death without intrusions occurring. Thanks to you guys 3vs1 or 2vs1 are cake for me now :D I miss your Ike friend :(, where is he? And thank you for the complement about my ToonLink. If there isn't too much lag next time and you find a Purple ToonLink that does arrows, quick moves, and all that jazz. Then sit back and watch the show:cool:

Also I fought that Zelda you were talking about. She was a Black Zelda that would like poke at me with her recovery (forgot the name) and the other two ducked as If there was going to be a show. Then after ten times and the Zelda kept doing that move directly towards me. The next game I switch to a female character (to not look all abuse) and beat her up with girl power! I was a Green Zelda and won pretty commanding-ly then she went MetaKnight and I went Ike and won comanding-ly, then she left and here I am. Seems that Zelda player likes to troll or try to troll but Isn't very good at it also I wish I'd find a group of Zeldas that would just fight and I would watch. I never ever saw that happening before. All other Zeldas just sit back and relax. Try to make it happen :D I want to see three Zeldas fight each other and I watch the show (like you have been doing that for so long.) Never ever saw it happen, and I don't think It will ever happen :( I wish it would happen though!

That was you? I remember quite a few matches with a certain red Ike who was really good. I sometimes do better at fighting when it's not a team-up kind of thing. Those other people get in the way too much, we hit each other, then we're all mad. I'm the kind of person who just wants to get in there and fight without any distractions. Lol idk who that Ike is but I kind of want to know. I've met him a few times on BB and I think I met you a few too. I think we had some matches a few nights ago but that could've been someone else. I don't really remember all who was there but I remember a really good red Ike. I always wanted to be a fighter like how you are. Quick moves and all that. I watch videos, one of my friends tried to show me, but nothing helps xD so when I go on BB I'll just show off by running/walking on the edge, pivot walking/throwing, stuff like that. I'm not a bad player but I'm not good either. Just average, I guess. If I see you again I'll watch the show. Lol I enjoy watching people fight. Especially when they're a competitive player. Did you ask because I seemed familiar?

From what I've seen, you're the type of person who could beat anyone up and win everytime. I'll be honest, when I was watching you fight that Snake I was hoping you'd win. You would've enjoyed it last night if you were in my group. There were three Zelda's in the group. One being that black Zelda. The other one was just chillin' but she started getting mad at all of us so it was kind of like us three fighting but at the same time the Zelda (not the black one) didn't want to hurt me. I could make it happen next time but my problem is a team-up. If I were to start it then they would just attack me... I'm not good in team ups. That's why I just chill in BB and don't fight unless someone wants to.


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
Sorry for the triple post but Twili, is this you in BB? There was a neutral Sheik, white Peach, and dark Zelda. Dark Zelda changed to TL, and Sheik changed to G&W?


The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
Sorry for the triple post but Twili, is this you in BB? There was a neutral Sheik, white Peach, and dark Zelda. Dark Zelda changed to TL, and Sheik changed to G&W?
Omg yes that was me, I thought that was you! I'm at my friend's house and handed the controls over to her so she could play after a few rounds. Got my good exit as Peach on Temple but couldn't save the replay xD glad I finally found you!


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
Omg yes that was me, I thought that was you! I'm at my friend's house and handed the controls over to her so she could play after a few rounds. Got my good exit as Peach on Temple but couldn't save the replay xD glad I finally found you!

As soon as I saw that dark Zelda ducking I was like "Is that her!?" I changed over to Lucas and Marth to show it was me. Yeah I was wondering why you left. Will you be on again later. Lol that was fun while it lasted!


The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
Yeah! I saw the green Zelda and waited, once I saw the ledge running I was like "OMG it has to be her!!" and I bounced in my seat, much to the questioning of my four friends in the room. I stayed as long as I could, switched between TLink Pikachu Link and Peach to show it was me, but yeah that was amazing! Btw I'm back home now where I actually have a computer and good internet, and yeah I'm about to get back on :D hope we get together again!


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we played. I saved replays of most of the matches, and one of the things I noticed about your Marth is how you would crack walk in place for finer spacing. Also, when you were Kirby you timed a footstool to hit me right as my Nair ended, and killed me at 31%. :p
holy crap that WAS us, nice!!! Yeah, I do a lot of pivot walking as marth, especially. Your link was badass, tho, I never run into good links... and yeah that ness was ridiculous, haha... well shucks we oughtta play sometime, we can see how we do 1v1 :D


The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
Also I fought that Zelda you were talking about. She was a Black Zelda that would like poke at me with her recovery (forgot the name) and the other two ducked as If there was going to be a show. Then after ten times and the Zelda kept doing that move directly towards me. The next game I switch to a female character (to not look all abuse) and beat her up with girl power! I was a Green Zelda and won pretty commanding-ly then she went MetaKnight and I went Ike and won comanding-ly, then she left and here I am. Seems that Zelda player likes to troll or try to troll but Isn't very good at it also I wish I'd find a group of Zeldas that would just fight and I would watch. I never ever saw that happening before. All other Zeldas just sit back and relax. Try to make it happen :D I want to see three Zeldas fight each other and I watch the show (like you have been doing that for so long.) Never ever saw it happen, and I don't think It will ever happen :( I wish it would happen though!

I have this replay saved where I was dark Zelda chilling with another dark Zelda and a blue Peach, when, of all people, another dark Zelda shows up and starts attacking Peach. She wanted nothing to do with it, so the other Zelda and I teamed her. Because honestly, if there's a Zelda wanting a fight and hits me to show it, I'll usually jump to fight them. I like seeing if the other one is good or just a spammer or poser. This one was pretty good, wasn't the Farore's spammer we've seen recently, and I won from an initial kill plus a bomb blew everyone off the stage in the last five seconds, one of those WHAT JUST HAPPENED moments. It was fun, honestly, fighting Zeldas/Sheiks while Peach just sat back and watched.

Also, weird, I'm in this BB with a white Ice Climbers who appears to be AFC, and a red Link who's doing nothing but jumping in place. Perfectly, too. And nevermind, I thought his controls were wigging out, but as soon as sudden death started he bombed himself, and IC moved once I leaped off the stage. Weird bros, y'all weird. xD


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
ggs to a purple lucas I just left in BB (yay for 1v1 in BB) the yellow kirby that was in our group before it was just us was good too!


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2013
Yeah! I saw the green Zelda and waited, once I saw the ledge running I was like "OMG it has to be her!!" and I bounced in my seat, much to the questioning of my four friends in the room. I stayed as long as I could, switched between TLink Pikachu Link and Peach to show it was me, but yeah that was amazing! Btw I'm back home now where I actually have a computer and good internet, and yeah I'm about to get back on :D hope we get together again!
I had to go off for an hour because I was trying to fix my laptop of viruses so I would only focus on that and not really the game. Anyways, I'm gonna go back on BB now. Lol I bet your friends were like "....are you okay?" Once I saw you switch between all those characters I got excited because I knew it was you... well I kinda guessed when I saw the dark Zelda repeatedly ducking xD I remember something me and my friend always did. She lives in Florida but we wanted to find each other on BB. We did this for months but now she has a lot to do so she doesn't go on as much. Anyways, when we were looking for a group we would tell each other then if one of us had someone we would say "1 person" and then when we got someone else we would say we had two people, and so on. If 3 came on at once we would just say "full". We did that until we both had the same amount of people coming on at the same time. If we didn't see each other once the match started, we would drop out right away then try again until we got it. Lol I know it might sound complicated but it worked. I hope to find you again too! Like I said earlier, it was fun! ;D


The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
I had to go off for an hour because I was trying to fix my laptop of viruses so I would only focus on that and not really the game. Anyways, I'm gonna go back on BB now. Lol I bet your friends were like "....are you okay?" Once I saw you switch between all those characters I got excited because I knew it was you... well I kinda guessed when I saw the dark Zelda repeatedly ducking xD I remember something me and my friend always did. She lives in Florida but we wanted to find each other on BB. We did this for months but now she has a lot to do so she doesn't go on as much. Anyways, when we were looking for a group we would tell each other then if one of us had someone we would say "1 person" and then when we got someone else we would say we had two people, and so on. If 3 came on at once we would just say "full". We did that until we both had the same amount of people coming on at the same time. If we didn't see each other once the match started, we would drop out right away then try again until we got it. Lol I know it might sound complicated but it worked. I hope to find you again too! Like I said earlier, it was fun! ;D

Yes, yes they were giving me weird looks xD like "who is 'her'?", me going "OMG it's her it's her". Idk it just seemed exciting to find someone I've been talking to on here, on there lol. And I know how you feel about viruses, pretty sure my laptop has one too since it's failing to boot; I'm working out of safe mode with networking right now. My friend and I were doing something like that, too, when I introduced her to taunt parties; we only matched up like twice out of about a hundred attempts though, sucked xD

And I'm pretty sure I just found you again! Way to team that CF, and man those bumpers, I was laughing hysterically the way we both kept bouncing off the stage! Felt bad for the Kirby though, I couldn't help KO'ing him a few times.
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