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The Bakery - Realised I can still edit the thread title!


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Change title to KID is legit. ****, more good east good falcos. i thought bleach had no competition.

Ah it feels good hitting up the gym again. and playing falco again. though i still kinda want to quit competitivebrawl...
:( hope i can **** at hobo 19


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
mav said he would take over the tourney thread. Any objections??? I really don't care who does it as long as it gets done, i like to see how other falcos are doing in their respective areas.

If you are curious why I'm leaving, you can hope on over to aib and read my blog, lol don't read the whole thing it's like 20 pages, no joke, but just read the first part.

It's been fun and I've enjoyed all the falco dittos i've had.

let's see i've played

metal music man
cc light

.... I think that is everyone.... I might be forgetting someone... lol I don't want to hurt some ones feelings because I forgot a falco dittoed them but I think thats everyone. To all the falcos more pew pew and less QQ.


Smash Master
Aug 19, 2008
Change title to KID is legit. ****, more good east good falcos. i thought bleach had no competition.

Ah it feels good hitting up the gym again. and playing falco again. though i still kinda want to quit competitivebrawl...
:( hope i can **** at hobo 19
Me and Kid are going to become the next 2 east coast Falcos!!

Also regarding the tourney thread give it to someone you see aLOT on these boards.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
just placed 30th out of about 50 in a pretty large NC tourney. Did okay. Jon? out placed me though. plus i never got to falco ditto him. DAMMITTTTT.


Smash Ace
Feb 26, 2009
Ann Arbor, Michigan
yay! finally Im power ranked in MI. unfortunately. all the top ppl play falco counters. ( wario icee G&W snake, and meta -kinda sorta, but not rly-)


Lazer Fox
Oct 19, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
@ Kuro http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=237680

falcos favorite bread is def wheat whole grain, dipped in olive juice. then spread w/ some marshmellow orange jelly. then toasted at 403 degrees celcius. then honey glazed. and sprinkled w/ rainbow fairy dust. its my favorite.
actually, falcos favorite bread is whitebread with nutella spread on top. gg your done.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2008
Houston, TX
I like how you play. I don't like how others can camp for the whole game, I can't stand that.

If you can't tell, I play really aggresive, if the MM was recorded against Broly, you'll see, but the tourney set I tried to play campy.


Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
Lol Notra, I liked your match against mikey

He didn't know **** about phantasm and you showed him how it is
Oh, really? Please don't be so rude about people, mkay? I do know about Phantasm, but wasn't capitalizing on it. Notra is good, but please don't bash opponents like this. ;.;

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Oh, really? Please don't be so rude about people, mkay? I do know about Phantasm, but wasn't capitalizing on it. Notra is good, but please don't bash opponents like this. ;.;
Well every peach I've played and seen so far ***** phantasm with dair or bair, it's just logical to say you don't know anything about it seeing as every average player (which you are obviously not, you're better) knows how to interrupt it.

And saying you don't know **** about phantasm isn't bashing, it's telling it like it is. Obviously if you knew all of phantasms properties+a Falco's behavior in it, you'd interrupt it more. No johns.

Not capitalizing on something that's easy to capitalize on and often used is... well you know.

Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
I see no matter what I say or how I feel about your choice of words, you're going to continue speaking harshly to me, Xonar. You might not think it is and think you're 'telling it how it is' but word choice on the internet is all the difference. I would have been able to take your criticism with a lot more stride if you weren't treating me like a complete nub.

And I AM still learning the matchup, in spite of how 'good' I may be. I've been unable to really learn the timing because the only Falco I did play before, IrisKong, recently dropped Falco. So Notra is really the only practice I get with the timing of Phantasm anymore. It's good practice, since he knows the matchup very well, but it won't be as much as I'd like. Thanks for the tip on bair, by the way.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I don't even see how this discussion about Phantasm has any relevance tbh. Falco doesn't need to use that move a lot in the Peach match-up. What Falco needs vs Peach is utilt/SHNair to beat her dair, retreating lasers against her fair and jabs against her ground moves. These are imo the key moves along with ftilt vs Peach because they shut down almost all of her options. If I ever use Phantasm vs Peach it's to just get away of a sticky situation if I'm in a bad position (which is usually caused by a mistake anyways).

Just to clarify: I haven't seen the videos you've been talking about but I think if you talk about Mikey not punishing those Phantasms correctly then you miss the point. Imo, there's no need to use Phantasm in the first place in that match-up. If Mikey practices enough and learns how to punish it then it becomes obvious that the Falco actually shouldn't use it that much - of course I'm going to assume that the Falco player adapts and stops using that move too much as a result.

The only times I have to use Phantasm vs Peach (not counting recovering) is punishing airdodges from a bigger distance and to get out of a sticky situation. I think there are some videos up somewhere of Edreese vs SK92, they show very well how to play that match-up (from Falco's point of view).


#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I see no matter what I say or how I feel about your choice of words, you're going to continue speaking harshly to me, Xonar. You might not think it is and think you're 'telling it how it is' but word choice on the internet is all the difference. I would have been able to take your criticism with a lot more stride if you weren't treating me like a complete nub.

And I AM still learning the matchup, in spite of how 'good' I may be. I've been unable to really learn the timing because the only Falco I did play before, IrisKong, recently dropped Falco. So Notra is really the only practice I get with the timing of Phantasm anymore. It's good practice, since he knows the matchup very well, but it won't be as much as I'd like. Thanks for the tip on bair, by the way.
If you interpreted my words offensively I apologize because they were not meant to be interpreted as such.

Still I think that if you're still learning the match-up, and I tell you that you still don't have enough experience with Falco's Phantasm (in a harsh way), you shouldn't really criticize it, especially if you admit later on that you don't know the match-up well (yet).

I hope no offense was taken after all, don't want to start any DRAMAZ

*oh the humanity*

Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
That's all I wanted to hear. ^_^

I know a lot about the Phantasm, but I don't ever claim to know everything, since things with Peach in general are still being discovered. It was just the wording made me feel bad. Just please, in the future be careful how you say things. They can be pretty hurtful, especially when someone essentially tells you you don't know anything, true or untrue. ;.;

So, now we know, and no hard feelings! ^_^

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
That's all I wanted to hear. ^_^

I know a lot about the Phantasm, but I don't ever claim to know everything, since things with Peach in general are still being discovered. It was just the wording made me feel bad. Just please, in the future be careful how you say things. They can be pretty hurtful, especially when someone essentially tells you you don't know anything, true or untrue. ;.;

So, now we know, and no hard feelings! ^_^
I have the habit of assuming nobody cares about negative statements on the internet, with all the trolls these days.

It came automatically after months of trolls, so yeah.

Yeah nice that it could be solved, else I had to pull out my drama button.

I'll do it anyway!


Smash Ace
Feb 26, 2009
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Oh, really? Please don't be so rude about people, mkay? I do know about Phantasm, but wasn't capitalizing on it. Notra is good, but please don't bash opponents like this. ;.;
MIKEY, im not bashing u. in no way do i mean to offend u. i could tell u hadnt read to much on the match up. If u want i can tell u how peach beats falco. but i couldnt tell u at our match. for obvious reasons.

r u goin to LoLiS2. if u r ill show u it. TuTu actually alts peach. so chars like shiek peach and TL are actually the match ups i know best.

ur a better player, just didnt know the MU. ill admit that.
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