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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
Tiep talking about yourself? lol

haha Tiep=Patooty.. talkin about yourself there Tiep?

Yeah i shall get u.. i thought my Mario could beat ya.. guess not:p
Next time u shall get the ULTIMATE CHARACTER DAH DAH DAH!!! (suspensful music):D


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Hey guys, concerning the Edmonton tourney. Those who are going should consider buying tickets soon because the longer we take, the more it costs. But I'm just wondering when exactly the flights you guys are booking for? Like.. time-wise. Going MIGHT be an option for me if it's a late flight. I'll have that sorted out by tomorrow. And then I have to see if I can dig up $300. But those who are going for sure should start finalizing things now.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Adam, watch your posts, this isn't gamefaqs where you can just bump something up :) So next time, try to use relvant information on smash to update this thread, like I put in the rules on the first page and first post. Thanks.

Anyway, is there smashing going on this weekend at Nik's? I'm sure you guys need some practice before the Edmonton tournament.

EDIT : Nevermind what I said before, Nik is going to Whistler this weekend for some fun in the snowwwwww.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
LOL, i hope there IS snow ^_^

Anyways, regaurding last weeks tournament, I'm sorry that we didn't have enough time to play; next time, i'll have it 12:00-5:30


1. Victa
2. Tiep
3. Adam
4. Eric
5. Nick
6. Jeremy

AGHH you guys....I KEPT ON getting 1 STOCK'D and at a high %...Arg...SO CLOSE...gotta keep on practicing on my Falco. ERIC i shall become better than you...hopefully.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
It's on Sunday, you've probably already heard - he's telling everyone about it right now. $2 for each tournament? Darn, I should've cut down on one bubble tea so I could afford it =P.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Yeah I already told this to Nik but I got homework to do on Sundays, which I shall tell everyone is my homework day, so I am never available. Just to tell you guys, and most likely Kamikaze won't go because Duong/Weeg is a bit sick and Peter/Shu is not interested in money tournaments. Hope you guys have a fun time.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Anyone have results for today's events? I couldn't make it out today and am curious as to what happened. I hope next week gets to be a Saturday. *hint* Nik *hint*


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
I want the results too, sorry I couldn't make it again. Also Patooty, isn't next week the Edmonton tournament? So no smashing I would presume, well not at Nik's I think (he is going right). Also, we have not faced each other Patooty, so let's say we set up a friendly match? Best out of 3, B.C. rules?

Stock : 4 stock
Time limit: None. Higher stock/percent wins, if exact draw, then match restarts with each player having one life and lasts until one wins.)
Rounds: Best 2/3 matches
Stages: 1st stage random, following by Advanced Slob Picks -- Loser may choose the next stage or elect to go random, then winner may choose to change characters, then loser may change characters
*Dave's Stupid Rule: No stage may be used twice in a single match, either by random select or by picking.
Random stages: Pokemon Stadium, Battlefield, Final Destination, Fountain of Dreams, Yoshi's Story, Kirby64.
Banned stages: Hyrule Temple, Venom, Fourside, Princess Peach's Castle, Mini Hyrule, Corneria, Yoshi's Island 64, Brinstar Depths, Onett, Flatzone, Icicle Mt. All other stages allowed.
Items: Off

Additional rules:
Double Blind pick may be called at any time
Banned stages can be picked if both players agree


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
I think the Edmonton Tourney's on the Victoria Day long weekend (May 20-23), so I still got my fingers crossed for next week. Last week at Nik's house we had round robin's. If this is the case for next week (and it's Saturday) then we'll definately be playing each other in the tourney. If not then we'll setup a friendly between us for sure :) BTW I see you put in Dave's Stupid Rule. I think we should make that a permanent rule. Being counterpicked on the same stage all the time isn't too great :mad:

Oh yeah, just a quick question. Does DSR apply to random stages? Like.. if FD was our first random stage, is it then closed for future counterpicking?


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
According to the SSBM Compendium of Knowledge: Expanded

"Dave’s Stupid Rule (DSR): No one stage may be played twice during a set. " so that would mean if FD came up on random, we cannot play it again. We can also agree to a stage, but it cannot be played more than once. Another thing, RR at Nik's, didn't that take a really long time to finish, even with just like 5 or so people. Then determining who wins might be a hassle if not properly taken care of and recorded. There can also be ties, so would that put the two or more who tie up against one another? Yeah, I just wanted to play you Patooty because like I said before, I want a guaranteed match against you because we have never played one vs one.

I question the RR, the only thing I have against it is that we can verse people in our crew/are close. Say Duong and I HAVE to play, usually in bracketed play, we are put as far apart as possible to fit with the rankings, we play each other almost all the time. (Same would go for Adam and Eric, would be a boring match to them). But that is just my little beef, RR does make things more fair when there are less people and people do get to play everyone. I was just wondering if time permits everything to finish, like team matches. Maybe just for times sake you can do random brackets, and any other occasion like free tournaments, it can just be RR.

P.S. - I just checked, yeah the tournament is on the 21st, my bad guys, sorry if I mislead anyone. There is still time for training then, that's good. If the next tournament is going to be on a Saturday, I hope I can make it and have no plans, but I would like to know ahead of time please.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Random brackets are still good. To try and accomodate people, we can just pick names out of 2 hats. That way, if there's one person that you don't want to face (until the finals) then you could just be in seperate hats. So you wouldn't have to face somebody that you often play with, unless of course both of you make it to the finals. And then anybody with no preference will be evenly distributed between hats so that we have 2 even brackets.

Anyhoo, if anyone happens to talk to Nik on MSN (or if he comes here) then can they post details on next week? Thanks.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Okay I agree that the Round Robin can be done with people who will try to not play each other, but there still is the issue of time. So far there has not been a doubles part for a tournament yet because the singles takes so long. If RR happens, maybe singles one week and doubles the other? Just a thought, maybe this week can be doubles?


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
I was really reffering to having random brackets when I typed that.. It would look kinda like this

.......Hat 1...............Hat 2
.....—........ —........—..........—

We could have a loser's bracket too, but this is the underlying idea. The winners from Hat1 and Hat2 would be faced off in the finals. This way, you can choose to be in a seperate hat as 1 other person so that you don't have to face them in round 1, which would especially suck if you play with them regularly.
Semi-random brackets. I dub thee, hat-format. :chuckle:
I would have no problem with this if RR was to take too long.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Ohhhh, I see what you mean by hat now. Yeah 2 random brackets could work, but that is like 2 tournaments and the winner from each one faces off, it's a differnent type on concept, not really loser's bracket but is fair. Maybe from those 2 brackets, loser's go into ONE bracket of their own? But then this is I guess more fair if you REALLY do not want 2 people to face each other now that I think about it. This might take longer than one bracket to set up though?

P.S. sorry for the misunderstanding of hats.

Also, results from this Sunday guys? I messaged Nik about it like twice and he has not responded yet. I want to know the placings and how it went?


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
I guess it looks like 2 seperate tourneys, but it's not really. In essence, any set of brackets ultimately results in this way. It's easier to visualize if you go to tournament mode in SSBM. You'll see that ultimately, all the brackets are seperated into smaller ones which converge into bigger ones. The brackets that I drew out is just like a normal 8-player bracket, but then I split it in two so that it's easier to see how it works so you don't have to face a certain person until the end.

Of course you can't pick the bracket you're in though :p
It would work like, say... (you) got picked to be in Hat1, then Duong would automatically be assigned Hat2. All the names would still be picked at random, but you can be seperated from a certain person if you wanted.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Ok, you guys just suck. You guys didn't go to sundays' smash, just Victa and Wilfred. XD

I basically won all the matches against them in singles, but i got my *** handed to them in FFA. it was no tourney because no enough people showed up.

Also, I'm doing some filmimg for my school project, so i'll be busy on Sunday. HOw about smash on saturday?

Ok, Round Robin, IMO isn't really good.
I guess we should have the Winners' Bracket and the Losers bracket this saturday. Still, its a 2-buck tourney.. Bring 2 for singles, and 2 bucks for doubles. that comes to a total of $4.00.

Also, I'm flying to edmonton on friday morning, just gonna miss school. and i'm flying home on sunday night. I'm entering my TKD Nationals on the 20th; the day i'm leaving. and hopefully, i can stay with mike for the rest of the weekend, playing some smash.

Good Luck.



Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Sounds good Nik. If it's on Saturday, I'll likely be there. LoL.. sorry last week was a bust but I was pretty busy. What time we gonna be playing this week? Oh, and just FYI, the beginning of the Edmonton tourney is on the 21st, so you'll probably be there in time, if you decide to join it. :)

One more thing, for all the other Edmonton-goers. If you haven't already seen, Jarrod has posted up a link to a site that can give round-trip tickets for $218. Including tax and airport fee both ways, that's $288. It should be around that. I don't know how much airport fees are over there, but over here it's 20 bucks.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
just got noticed that SMASH IS NOT GOOD THIS WEEKEND...sorry guys, i just realized that...I have city championships this weekend..on saturday, so i can't host it at my house...JUST TO LET YOU KNOW


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Alright Nik, thanks for the advanced notice. The week after's gonna be the last one before the Edmonton tourney, and we should really prep our boys. I'm not gonna be able to go an' represent a kickin' Samus but I'm Hoping that our players will really show'em what we're made of. Maybe in the summer we can host something for them to come to. And we can invite SKYPAL too. I got an itch to play Mike and the fellas from SKYPAL.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Hey guys, just wanna confirm that we're on for this week. I'm not gonna be available Sunday, so hopefully we can do this on Saturday. Also looking forward to battling Troy if he could make it. Well, if we are on for this weekend, preferrebly Saturday, then please post, and also state the time. Thanks :)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Nice sig by the way Patooty! I would like to ask if smash is happening as well, the tournament is next week and hopefully you guys want to get some practice in. I do not know if I am able to make it on Saturday, but that is my best day and I might not have plans for that day :) Sunday is no for me, and Friday is a day to rest after school, so Saturday is my ideal day. If there is nothing planned, then GOOOOOOD LUUUUCK to you guys the week after, and I send my good luck to you guys later.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
wow nice sig Tiep!
Also nice Avatars as well both of u!
Ive always wonderd.. how do u make a signature like that?!

im sure me and adam will be there this saturday if there is a tournament:)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Eric, most likely you make the signature by yourself with a picture editing program (Adobe Photoshop is probably the best bet, many people use that program). Great to hear that Tiep, Adam and Eric will try to be there, looking good so far.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Yup, image editing. Fireworks MX to be exact. I couldn't find my photoshop CD so I just downloaded a trial version of Fireworks and whipped something up.

Hey, if someone stumbles upon Nik on MSN then can you ask him about this week? He doesn't seem to be checking here recently and the weekend's coming up.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Edmonton Tourney

Well my ticket has been paid for and I'm set to go for the 7:45 AM flight on Friday May 20th with Wilfred. I've been training, and I'll let you guys know who I'm going to represent Vancouver with.

1v1: Sheik (primarily) along with CF and possibly a fox or falco. (It's all about the counterpicks baby!)

2v2: G-dorf (I've watched probably EVERY video of G-dorf players I could find on DC++, which is seriously like 100 vids, I've read 5 different character faqs on G-dorf, and gone to training mode against every other character and practiced getting used to facing the different physics of each character with G-dorf and how to adapt to each of them. On top of that I've been practicing with him like mad!) and maybe some Falco, Sheik, or CF as well, but NO fox.

I'm super hyped up about this, only 5 more days to go before I fly out there. I got it all planned out too. @ 10:15 AM (Alberta time) Jarrod will be picking up Wilfred and myself up @ the airport, and driving us to MIKE's house where Jarrod, Mike, Wilfred, and myself, will engage in some intense SSBM matches. Then, Jarrod is giving us a ride to Sid's house (AKA "Lemonlau" (or something like that) on smashboards) where we will be staying for 2 nights. Saturday morning after a good and wholesome nights sleep (yeah right, SMASH ALL NIGHT!!!) we will roll up to the tourney with our 20 inch rims spinnin :rolleyes: and Wilfred and I will commence to rep Vancouver and **** Edmonton

The rest will have to unfold itself. Our return flight is on Monday May23rd @ 9:45 AM and I'm hoping that Mike will be able to house us for one night. I think were also planning on checking out west edmonton mall :) .

Anyways, I'm looking to see if I can borrow either my moms or someone else's video camera to maybe record our trip there before, durring and after the tourney, etc. Make a compilation of ppl we meet and matches and stuff. Perhaps edit it and make it into one sweet *** video.

BTW guys, I'm one who can deal with pressure and stuff, but this is an ACTUAL tourney, where someone went and rented out a big place, and like 30-40 people are going, and I dunno, I'm excited, but I get the feeling I might crack under all the pressure, I NEED REASSURANCE!!! :cry:

I'll try not to make us look bad, but sorry if I do guys, I don't know how good or bad everyone is over there in Edmonton (besides the fact that I KNOW Mike is godly at this game), but from what I've seen/heard/know, everyone who plays over there is at least decent.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Man Adam, you and Wilfred are crazy lucky to go to this, I wish I were older and had a bit more freedom. Too bad I heard that Nik couldn't go to the tournament, and we only got 2 guys from B.C. going to this, well at least it's the TOP TWO BABY.

Adam, confidence is a lot of the game. When I was facing you in the Richmond tournament, I lost confidence in myself and my controller, I knew I could do better (and did because we had some friendlies before), but I was scared when I had to step it up. If you practice enough, you should have enough confidence and faith in your skills, no matter who you use. You Falco is great for spiking, Sheik is a great 1 v 1 character, Fox is pretty good too (sorry, but I can't really say too much on your C.Falcon). I hope you learn some good things from the friendlies that will go on, and MAN YOU BETTER TELL ME EVERYTHING ON YOUR TRIP!!! I hope you can record something, at least, or if anything, the Punch Crew has a camera, hopefully they will bring that and record some matches. I wish you great luck in this.

Wilfred (if you read this). You're a great smasher, you know the habits well of your opponents. Your Peach is amazingly strong against the fast fallers, so I hope you kick some Fox and Falco butt man. You got crazy skills and I wish you luck as well.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Mentally prepared...

RGR that, my balls have dropped, I ain't gonna crack under **** all!!! :grrr:

Troy: You weren't at Nick's house the last time I was there, but Darius and myself were on for teams, and I was told my CF ***** with knee and stuff, not to say that I have an even decent CF, but apparently he knows how to ****, hey, better then nothing ;)
We really need to get one more practice session in, but as of right now I don't think that's going to happen... basically I got 4 days of school, and then I'm off for the tourney. I'll speak good of you guys back home, I'll tell them I'm the least of their worries if they come out here to VAN-CITY!


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Although I'm jealous that I can't go :p , I sincerely wish you two the best of luck. I can take an afternoon off to practice if we could pull something together during the weekday. Adam, you're probably gonna run into at least a few Sheiks in 1v1 so be sure to practice up that matchup. Eric's quite good with just about everyone so if there's no get-together, then he could give you some pretty good practice. I hope you can record lots of stuff for us back home to watch. I'll be checking on smashboards a lot for updates :) Good luck, and rep' us well. I got high hopes for both of ya!


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Eric has this thing about playing me too much...
he plays me a few matches, and if either I or him win TOO much, he stops playing, I dunno, but he's REALLY getting in the way of my practice, as in, he RARELY plays against me! I was super nice about it too, like "come on man, I need to get better for the tourney, I NEED to practice against you" but he's like "no" and now I'm all pissed off at him, and we probably won't play together at all for a while because Eric won't suck it up and just train with me for a couple hours.:mad:

*convinces parents to adopt Tiep, Wilfred, Nick, and the rest of the Vancouver smash crew*

NOWWW were in business!! :D
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