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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Nice Smashfest today guys. Now I gotta train for Falcos, darned Eric and his darned speed.

btw, Adam, I just re-read the rules in Troy's first post and it seems like Princess Peach's Castle is banned :chuckle: My biggest weakness is now gone!!!!!!!!! hehe. I hate G-Dorf so much now..

Anyhoo.. it seems we all have exams for the rest of the month. Can't wait for Nik's weeklies after that :)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Awww, sorry I missed this guys. I told you, I'm pretty busy, I just spent a few hours (12) doing my final English essay, studying for English final, chemistry and math. My week is filled to the max, I have finals for almost all my courses this week and I have to focus on signing up for summer school and have to talk to my counsellor for bursaries (I am not going to pay full price for that, it's way too much, even if I have to lie). Yeah, I have been stressing, no smashing, all school work, I need to catch up from the bad marks that I got in math.

Aside from my problems, it seemed like everyone had a really nice time. It seems as though Eric has gotten even faster! I can't wait for Nik's weeklies now. Yeah, the castle is banned for tournament play, sorry bout that Tiep, but rules are rules, and I do believe everyone has agreed. But it is not like we cannot change it, we all just need good reasoning and majority should win then :) I'm just trying to picture Tiep's Samus on Peach's Castle... with short horiztonal distance and Samus being a little weak horizontally... Arrrr, I miss smash.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
Hahahaha Tiep i finally won best outta 3 :D

Just when your Flaco was warmed up Nick.... maybe next time you will get me:)

Didnt get to play Wilfred or Victa..:(

Comon Troy and Duong come play with us:p

gj guys hope to see yall next time...

EDIT: should we make a tournament here sometime? Discuss...


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
I'd be up for it. It would have to be after the 24th though. I've really been slacking and I wanna make up for it by studying for my exams. It's 40% of the year, so this is really where I can make or break everything that I've done so far.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
I vote Peaches castle on for Counterpick, because it's not banned in any big tournies like FC3 or ANY MLG tournaments. More BS has happened at stages like Pokefloats and other commonly allowed counterpick stages. So I say we allow Peaches Castle AS WELL AS Corneria for Counterpicks; because I know I've had some dispute between mostly Troy about corneria and now Tiep in terms of Peaches Castle and it being probably my best stage against his Samus. I don't see why we should go changing our rules from other tournaments.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
Peach's Castle... I don't see why it should be banned? It doesn't make any sense to me.

As for Corneria, well... Corneria's low altitude disbenefits so many characters that it's pretty much limited to a select few who can fight there well. In my opinion, the wing really has nothing to do with the stage's unbalance, I'm only concerned about the height of that level. The fact that it's so short vertically but horizontally isn't shortened in proportion makes characters like Fox, Falco, Ganondorf, and Pikachu extra effective, and playing with any other character besides those four is pretty risky, since those four characters have extremely strong vertical kill moves. In addition to that, the space animals are also resistant to vertical kills themselves. Basically Corneria is pretty unbalanced, but it's not "broken" per se, so it shouldn't be banned, but rather a stage to be extra cautious of. Corneria is different from something like Flat Zone, as Flat Zone brings in some very cheesy strategies into play, whereas Corneria doesn't. In Flat Zone, DK is top tier, heh.

Good luck on your exams guys.


Oct 29, 2004
Hey Vancouverites, I am a curious Melbournian (from Aussietown) and I just want to know how big and active the Smash scene is in the general region. I read the first post and it seems Vancouver has around 25 (which is okay... I guess), but what about your neighbour Washington or Alberta? Decent scene?

All of this has to do with the possibility of me of studying in UBC for a year, which stands at about 1/3 chance, as it's not my primary preference, lol. Seems like an awesome place to live though. I just need to make sure Smashwise it can make me happy, hahaha, cus Aussie is so deprived, you know?


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
heh.. I think you'll like it up here. Apart from the locals, which make up a fair amount, our neighbour to the south is none other than SKYPAL in Washington State. Although I've never played them myself, I've heard only praise about their crew. Alberta, our other neighbour is home to the Punch Crew and Mike Monkey himself who just proved how powerful he was in the last tourney that was held in Alberta. Anyway, if you do decide to come up here, then there'll be a good amount of competition for you :)

Now about the counterpick stages.
No comment about corneria.
Peach's Castle, although it wouldn't be in my favour to allow -.- I think we should unban it, and I'll just learn to play there. Unless someone else really wants to keep it banned, I guess having it unbanned wouldn't be SO bad..


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
So far the dispute will still go on, alright I have this so, I believe we should be good with the majority!

Peach's Castle Unbanned : Adam, Tiep, Eric, Darius
Peach's Castle Banned : -

Corneria - wasn't it unbanned from random only? I do believe that it is a counter pick stage already, just not a neutral stage (I recall discussing that with you Adam, I'm not sure, but I think we agreed and so did others).


Oct 29, 2004
Hahah, I have a crapload of mains. I can use a variety of characters fairly well (Peach, Marth, Falco, Jiggs, Mario, Zelda, Ness, Bowser) Depends on the character matchup who I use most of the time. Character I love using most is Bowser, although he's strictly reserved for the low tier scene and awesome dittoes. He's just for the fun I guess.

Wow BC sounds so cool. Hope things go to plan.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
I'll tell you right now CAOTIC, unless you've been to a couple tournies and ranked high (1st-10th), you won't beat all of us because there are just TOO many diverse playing styles in this area. There are some pretty dedicated and well trained smashers here with several years of experience under there belts. Besides the local tournies we hold here, some of us also have out of community experience as well ;) (sorry guys, had to bring it up some time). But yeah, we're totally cool about welcoming new smashers and I think you'd find this place to be abundant with smashing oppurtunities. UBC, I toured that place a month ago or so... effing beautiful surroundings and how they layed the whole place out, I definetly suggest UBC as your MAIN reason for coming here, not to mention all the smash you can handle. For myself... I am only here until mid July, then I'm off to Jasper (Calgary) for a job for 6 months. If u do come here b4 mid july then I look forward to playing you, if not, then I'll be sure to come back and play you. If you decide not to come... your loss :rolleyes:

On another note, I'm hoping we can change our local tournament rules to officially unban Peaches Castle. Yeah, and a heads up, the next time any of you guys see me your gonna be like WTF, I COULD tell you now, but I think I'll wait for the next time we meet. Until then, train hard ya'll :D


Oct 29, 2004
lol, I give you the impression I'd do good in BC Smash? >_> I hope not - cus I'm not that good anyways (there's about 5 people in my hometown who are much better than me) so it's basically what I want - that is, all the ownage I can take. But thanks for letting me know the state of Smash over there, and I definently wanna come to UBC as my main reason, otherwise I wouldn't have considered living there in the first place. I'll probably find out where I'll end up in a couple months though so I'll tell you how it goes later.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2005
NO! dont ban corneria! I know this doesnt affect me at all but its a great stage. the only thing problematic is the height which only jiggly players/peach players will ***** about. Yeah you can walltech the wing to mimic the cage in temple but its nothing important; just knock them the other way. Corneria is the 6th on my list of random starting stages.

Peaches castle can be up for debate, mainly cause of the infinates and marth camping. Its a good team level though

And wtf? im an imaginary person? the vid was gonna go unreleased but that was just low...


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan

I change my vote for Peach's Castle to be banned. Big Bill and the buttons that screw up your timing when you hit them. Those are the minor things. The more major ones are that no matter where you fight, fox can always get you to the wall and infinite. he can either waveshine you to the wall then infinite into an upsmash, OR he can waveshine to the edge right into a shinespike(Am I just overestimating Fox?). Those are Fox's advantages. Also, anyone with spikes have a decent advantage in this stage. The ledge for you to grab is pretty low, and a spike at low percentages can still kill you.

I know there's more, but it's 3AM and I just can't think right now.
Anyway, vote changed!


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Blunted_object10 said:
Should we put our thread into the Regional forums?

When shall we start the weeklies at Nicks? :)
I would like to move it to the Regional forum but the place we would get is "The World" as the major places there are actually in the USA. Anyway, I updated the rules so far, Peach's Castle is still up for debate and Corneria is not banned, but put up for counter pick. Remember that we have Dave's stupid rule, so if anything, just one Corneria match, sorry guys. I would fight against it being in random too lol.

About Nik, he hasn't really been posting and updating us, so we do not know if he is going to hold weeklies or not. If he does, he puts it up on his MSN name, so I guess I will try to update people just in case they do not see his MSN or something :) Weeklies we also have to ask him about, I do not know his plans for summer (eg. summer school, vacation). I hope we do get to smash a lot though, and I believe I said this, but I have summer school, so weekdays aren't good for me. Duong wants to work all summer, but he has to find a job first. Shu has summer school too. I hope if there are weeklies, weekends like Saturday could be held for everyone, thanks!


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
yea hopefully we have a tournament or go to a touranment during the Summer as well..

whenever Nick is on tell him if hes gonna have weeklies or not..

Also i think Corniea nor Princess Peachs Castle should not be banned and be in for Counter Pick because Corniea is good for team battles since its big and PPC is good because it has event happening which makes it interesting like the buttons, and the nuke that comes in once in a while..

i like these simlies... :bigrocket :teleportg :sniper: :enforcer: :tnt: :rocket: :chainsaw: :smash: :smiliegor


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Eric that had to be the post with the MOST grammatical and spelling errors I've ever seen. :ohwell:

Anyways smash at nicks on Sunday 1-5 pm. That's what I've been told, and that's what I'm posting about. HOPE TO SEE ALL OF YOU THERE :D

I just had my LAST Provincial exam today, so I'm done with school now. like... for good, or until I go back to college or whatever. So I'm free pretty much all the way through until mid july when I leave for Alberta.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Adam how long you gonna be in Alberta for? Was it for a job thing or permanent move thingy?

Eric - I believe I said I took Corneria off of the banned list. Peach's Castle is still up for debate.

Smash on Sunday, I gotta make sure to Nik and see if I can go. I can hopefully bring the new improved Shu and the non-practising SSB64 playing Weeg. BTW, sometimes Shu can easily destroy me, he's improved a lot. Weeg still owns.
I finished all finals too and I hope Nik did too, then we can have a pretty cool time.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
I don't even know how to quote properly... but this is what Karl posted b4

"Heh, Heh, Heeeeeeeeeeeeeh.....


Yeah that'll be interesting."

Well, yeah I'm actually gonna be @ Lake Louis (about an hours drive from Calgary) so I dunno if I'll be coming to Edmonton right away after I get there, but rest assured Karl I'll come for you soon enough :chuckle:

TROY, I'll be in Alberta for AT LEAST 6 months, because that's how long my contract is for working at Chateau Lake Louis. If I like it there and find that it's giving me good money and good chances for advancement then I might stay longer. Also, legal age is 18, it's gonna be hard to going from legally drinking, and then returning to BC to go through 7 months of illegally drinking :laugh:
I'm really not sure though, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Yo Troy, bring the N64 along with SSB, I'd money match anyone in that game (yes even Isai) because I am that confident in my skills. If you or Weeg or anyone wants to step up and challenge me best of 5 or whatever you want for any amount of $ I'd be more then happy to accept :joyful:

Yeah I just had my last exam on Friday so I'm done for good now :)
I hope Shu comes tommorrow cuz I REALLY want to play that guy, it's been so fricken long. We should DEFINETLY get some recordage happening tommorrow too.

One last thing. My brother and I have found a team that we agree is a deadly force. We need 2 ppl to prove us wrong, so let's see if you got what it takes Vancouver!!! :cool:


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
xXx-NoobKing-xXx said:
I don't even know how to quote properly... but this is what Karl posted b4

"Heh, Heh, Heeeeeeeeeeeeeh.....


Yeah that'll be interesting."

Well, yeah I'm actually gonna be @ Lake Louis (about an hours drive from Calgary) so I dunno if I'll be coming to Edmonton right away after I get there, but rest assured Karl I'll come for you soon enough :chuckle:

TROY, I'll be in Alberta for AT LEAST 6 months, because that's how long my contract is for working at Chateau Lake Louis. If I like it there and find that it's giving me good money and good chances for advancement then I might stay longer. Also, legal age is 18, it's gonna be hard to going from legally drinking, and then returning to BC to go through 7 months of illegally drinking :laugh:
I'm really not sure though, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Yo Troy, bring the N64 along with SSB, I'd money match anyone in that game (yes even Isai) because I am that confident in my skills. If you or Weeg or anyone wants to step up and challenge me best of 5 or whatever you want for any amount of $ I'd be more then happy to accept :joyful:

Yeah I just had my last exam on Friday so I'm done for good now :)
I hope Shu comes tommorrow cuz I REALLY want to play that guy, it's been so fricken long. We should DEFINETLY get some recordage happening tommorrow too.

One last thing. My brother and I have found a team that we agree is a deadly force. We need 2 ppl to prove us wrong, so let's see if you got what it takes Vancouver!!! :cool:

Adam, press the quote button under the post (to the bottom right). Then it will go to an automatic reply with the quoted part above, its like a shortcut to HTML. Alright, I talked to Adam and I am not sure if I can bring SSB64 as I do not have a copy, hopefully Nik does. It seems like the little get together is gonna happen, and Darius might not make it, Tiep might, Adam and Eric wanna go for sure, Shu is ?, Weeg might not wake up on time and I am trying to go. I need to see if Wilfred is going and maybe others like Jeremy can go too. I will bring my camera and try to record some good matches hopefully, Vancouver hopefully can still hold their own in smash versing Adam and Wilfred (you guys and your tournament experience).

EDIT: Oh and good luck with your job Adam, when you come back, I shall expect you to be like a lot better at smash because in your off time you might be able to play the Punch Crew.



Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
In case you guys aren't on MSN or something (or did not see the huge title change), SMASH AT NIK'S TOMORROW 1-5:30. Come on guys, sorry about last time when it was cancelled, hopefully everyone can make it this time. Shu and I are gonna try to make it for sure and we gotta wake Weeg up for it as well. I hope to see you guys there. It's the day before report cards for us, so hopefully our parents won't stop us from coming to any more of these after they see it (I HOPE).

Adam, Wilfred, Tiep - must play you guys. Adam and Wil for their experience at Edmonton and Tiep because we have not played yet. This does not mean I won't play anyone else, just that I want to play these guys a little more, sorry!

EDIT: SWEET, now Tiep is coming. Comon Adam and Eric, where the heck are you guys?


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
I'll be there for sure. I'll be late though, seeing as I have an exam. If you hear someone ring the doorbell at about 3:30, that's me :)


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
Today was great, lots of fun, lots of funky SDs. Adam and Eric couldn't make it, but hey, there's always next time.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Today was really fun, too bad you had to leave early Darius, after we got some more matches in too. I did okay, but I need to learn to counter pick with characters, sticking with the same character does not seem to help me. Nice matches with Tiep (FINALLY), I know now that his Samus is great, its tough to defeat. Nik's Falco has gotten better and I lost a set to him, nice job. Now people know the power of Link and Jiggs hopefully, I'll try to bring up some other characters that people don't know how to play against.

EDIT : Highlight of the day - Darius (Marth) vs Nick (Falco). Marth - catches Falco in the air, jumping AUA, mid air jump AUA, tilt up, f-smash.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
wow.. sry u guys...

Wow didnt know there was Smash at Niks.. well he told me but i needed to make sure it was gonna happen... well i had no internet to get on too... and also we had a dentist appointment today at 3:00pm.. **** i wanted to make it too and see how my fox would do against u guys..

Hey how about makin a small tourney at my house or somethin before my bro adam goes to Alberta eh?

hey Nick can u PM your phone number or next time your on msn? so i can know about this without having to use the internet when our parents take it away...


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
LoL, Troy. Those unfamiliar matchups are just the worst for me :dizzy: I can't remember if I won or lost, but I remember not doing too well against your Link. Also, I expected some super crazy infinite-happy fox. I was kinda nervous about your Fox when I saw you play him all the way back in the touney at Eric's house but it turned out to be not so bad :D It's just fighting C.Falcon that I have to really pick up the pace. He dances circles around Samus.

Eric, I would definately come to that tournament. I could beat Adam as his going-away present XD

Anyhoo.. just set a date, and time.. and limit of people, and we'll try to fill it up. :lick: Anything but a Sunday would be good for me.

EDIT: Hey guys, in case you haven't noticed; In the regionals section, there's a thread called "Rest of World." M3D wants to know whether the Canadians think being grouped with the Americans, or being grouped with the International Community would be better. Anyways, post your opinions on that, whatever it may be :)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Eric, I wouldn't mind having a little tournament too, I would just need a way to get over to you guys.

Tiep, my Fox can infinite... not very well against Samus, plus it takes a long time for me to get warmed up with Fox (NOT TO MENTION ALL THE SIDESTEPS YOU DO). Hopefully you get to see something, but I would rather not use Fox all the time. Put some variety in! (Infinites are cool to see but boring to do).

Comments on the American + Canada, I think it should be like that overall. I agree with Eric that is IT North America after all, Canada has a smash community too (BC, AB, ON, QB), that like at least 50 people in smashboards alone. Plus its not like we are too far from some US places, like the distance between us and SKYPAL actually isn't too bad, just getting there that is hard.

Reviewing the videos WHICH I FINISHED was pretty fun, I'll upload some of them and hopefully you guys are interested in them (the ones which are good to watch). Tiep's Samus owns! And Darius' Marth against Nik's Falco was Marth - up tilt, dash attack, up tilt, AUA, AUA, f-smash.

IT TOOK ME HOURS TO UPLOAD THE FOOTAGE - you guys better download it and enjoy. This link has a text file which has all links to the matches, the ones which are in .rar are sets, so use WinRAR to extract and watch them. PLEASE enjoy these guys. http://s35.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=29ISCC4TBNA263L1G2OR817XVF


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Smash at my house...

I can't think of a date yet.. but post here for either monday or tuesday of this upcoming week and I'll make my final decision. Time SHOULDN'T be an issue for either of those days, as I'm pretty sure I don't have anything I have to do on those days.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Eric, I'm all for having a tournament at Niks house soon. I'm just saying there will be a smash fest at our house either monday or tuesday. Come on people, let's hear what you have to say.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
And at that moment, xXx-NoobKing-xXx from Richmond BC, looked up to the skies and said, "god, I've been a smash noob for a long time now, and I think I deserve a title more worthy then that." Then god said to Adam, "Adam, I believe your right, and what I have planned in store for you is for no mere mortal, but a king among kings like yourself, therefore, I shall dub thee... SMASH JOURNEYMAN!"

And it was so....
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