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The B.C. Canada Thread

Konkey Dong

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2003
Edmonton Alberta
so this really begs the question, who is the best smash player in british columbia? i nominate adam because he told me he wins every match vs other bc guys or at least he might have said that im not sure, either way, i would like to know who is the best.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
I nominate Weeg, I don't believe he has a losing record yet. If anybody cares to prove him wrong, be his guest. Adam, lol saying that you have winning records vs everyone and forgot to mention Victa and possibly Tiep. Sometimes you say you have losing records versus your brother too hehe. Wilfred, Adam, Victa, Duong, Darius and Tiep all have a great reputation here, so anyone of them would be fine and you get quite a variety of characters there too. So Mike, there is not a proven best yet, and IF there were, then when the tournament occured, it would be Wilfred.

I wonder if I can make it to Nik's today, my mom got mad at me because I don't read enough and I am a lazy bum. She screamed at me and one part was "Your friends cannot come here and you can't go out ever!" - that does not look too good right now.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
"he told me he wins every match vs other bc guys"

Nope, that's not something I would say, I know that. Ok, best in BC... umm, I'd say some days I CAN be, depending on how well myself and others are playing on that day. But I definetly would not officially declare myself, OR ANYONE ELSE, "the best in BC" because nobody around here beats everyone consistently enough to be worthy of such a title. Not me, not Victa, not Wilfred, not ANYBODY in BC is, in my mind, worthy of being considered the best in the province. However, if you wanna talk about SSB N64 then I'm already declaring myself the best in Canada ^_^ no joke :D

"I think Victa is the best because he pwns Adam"

Eric, first of all, no, he doesn't, at least not like he used to, because I now have 2 characters that can beat him 50/50 when they are warmed up; CF, and G-dorf. Second of all, Victa is not the best in BC ^_^

As for my vs record against Weeg, it's probably dead even. Against Tiep, it's at least even, if not in HIS favor. Against wilfred, it's about even. Victa is the only person I can definetly say I have a losing vs record against overall.

Konkey Dong

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2003
Edmonton Alberta
k well one of u needs to step up and be the powerhouse leader to rep your province. like win 3/4 of the time at least. train for 8 hours a day if you have to.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Ok, Mike, I know you want to know "WHO is the best in Canada, who is representing", We all have our strengths and weaknesses, so its very hard to say who is the "best" around here. Sooner or later, this whole thing is gonna turn out into one, big arguement on who's the best in BC or something. Ho-hum.

I assume its sorta have to do with Counter Characters though. Me, my Falco is decent, but certainly not the best when I go against a lot of Shield Grabbers, such as Darius and Troy. Both of their Marth's own my Falco, due to the fact that Marth has the Chain Grabbing, and the up tilt -> Forward Smash that can brutally kill Falco at 50%. I've seen it happen in all of my videos.

Tiep, is very good with his Samus; He's not your average type of Samus with her Bomb combos and crap ... I dunno, IMO, Tiep's Samus is very good with her Aerials... It just hits me, and its hard to avoid, since Samus can just jump over my SHL. That's why, I'm gonna drop Falco for a little while, and start anew with Luigi. I'm really reckless with Luigi's wavedash combo's and crap, but with more human-to-human experience, I just Know that my Luigi will be a bomb.

Eric, on the other hand, he's fast, and supposedly kills my Falco using his own Falco. I know that all of you guys know this, but I suck horribly to Falco Dittos; its own SHL stops me; I just need SOMEONE to play with... AGHH I can't believe all of you guys have a brother or like a neighbor to play with, but all i got is my FREAKING CPUS, TRAINING MODE, AND MY PRON DOLL >_>. I dunno how Eric does it, but it works. =\.

Adam, he's just Nasty with the Falcon and Dorf. He puts the Raptor Boost as his "starter-up" combo against my Falco and other characters. If I don't DI, he'll then Up-smash me, and then Knee me to death. I'm dead serious, Adam loves to use the powerhouse killers. (I dunno if that's a bad thing or a good thing, it just works...haha i gotta do more sidestep dodges and stay away from Adam's G-dorf Aerials.)

Wilfred, and Victa: your Peaches are very nasty. I dunno how you guys do it, but both of you pull at LEAST 1 Grandpa Turnip IN EVERY MATCH. pwn. I see that Wilfred is now starting to give his peach more Aerials now technique... Its getting crazy. I just KNOW that my Falco has a chance; After playing with them for 6 months, I can almost read their mind.

it seems that ALL of you guys tend to jump into my Spike EVERY SINGLE time I back throw you at the edge of the levels XD... Its becoming like a second-nature habit to all of you guys... Quit it!

Oh yeah, when you go onto MSN later, check out my DP. You'll be VERY surprized on how crazy I made myself into a DBR guy - I almost look like a Pedofile in that pic ....CRAZY, EH? XD


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
heh, Nick, glad to know that I made you change characters :p
As for a best, I honestly don't know who that would be. I haven't seen anybody beat everyone else consistently enough to declare them "better" yet. It's good that a lot of us play on a similar level because then that gives us better opportunity to grow in skill. Mike, maybe if you come to Vancouver sometime, you can play everyone and declare a best for yourself :)

Wow, I just watched those vids, and the ones that I were in didn't like all too fantastic. Not fantastic at all -.-' That was the first time ever watching my own replays, and a lot of time when I made mistakes were because of the danged controller .. heh, wow I look like a pretty junkie player upon rewatching myself. :urg:

Adam, if you're still gonna hold something this week, then I think the Tuesday would be better than the Monday because, well, it's already Sunday and holding it tomorrow would kinda be short notice for some people.

PS. Troy, I'd love to take up that offer to play Duong seeing as I've never played him yet. I can only imagine what his Luigi is made of after playing Nik's. Nik barely even play Lui and it's bad enough -.-'

EDIT*: I forgot to add that we should set a date for a tourney sometime soon. I find that it's always easier to get things done and organized when we have a deadline. Howabout sometime near end-july or beginning-August? If we have one then, then that might give us enough time to hold one last one before summer's over.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
HEY, my luigi is decent... It just needs more control, I'm like, all over the place...Don't worry, another 2 hours a day should make him a viable character in tourney play, just note that I have noone else to play in my house =\.

ALSO, I just played Victa today. Close matches, we was 2 matches of best of 3,
Match 1: 2-1 for Nick (Falco) Vs. Victa (Peach)
Match 2: 2-1 for Victa (Peach) vs. Nick (Falco)

VERY close near the last game of Match #2, I was at an advantage over Final Destination, because I lost first game at Yoshi's Story (NO SHEIT), but near the end, I'm pretty sure that Victa's Peach pulled out a Grandpa Turnip, if not, its the other one that does like, 10-18 damage to you. GOT LUCKY AGHH

Victa: I absolutely love your Peach as a practice character. Within one game, i'm all warmed up... we should play more often ^-^

**And don't forget about me 3 Stocking your Peach with my Falco on Stadium, Victa ^-^ I SHOULD HAVE RECORDED THAT AGHHH


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
I agree with Tiep on when we should have our tourney around then and how many people should we have.. and what place?

good matches Nick on my Fox vs your Falco, have u got the videos done yet Nick!?

So wut day would be best for u guys to come to our smashfest sometime this week?


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2004
Queens, N.Y.
Charlie in the trees, go go go.

I am not sure but I think I heard of a tourney happening in Canada around the time of FC?

If so...me and a fellow soldier of mine, the handsome C0mP, will be showing up to have a bit of fun.

We are of DA (Deadly Alliance)...i'm sure some of you have heard of us :colorful:

We're pretty O.K. and will be training VERY VERY much for Canada's unstoppbales.

C0mP...it's done like a cinnamon bun.


Konkey Dong

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2003
Edmonton Alberta
dire game and watch u prolly talking about an east tourney in montreal or somewhere around there, there a few really good players over there (chesterr, pkm, testrider) id like to see how that turns out but u never battled canadas best till u come to WEST SIDE.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
w3rd to that Mike. You gots to take out the best of BC and den turn your attention to Edmonton if you wants to say to yourself, "well, I'm better than everyone in Canada" because if you can't handle the west COAST then you sure as hell can't handle west SIDE :laugh:

PS: ppl, I'm here for 9 more days, then it's off to Alberta


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Yo, are any of you guys free this weekend?

My house is prolly available for Smash this weekend...



Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Saturday if anything, but I don't know what the guys are doing or if they are doing anything. Summer school is a bit hard, and I got to try hard, so that has a huge priority right now, I think I would need to break. Saturday (like I said) would be the best for me as Sunday might be homework day or study day because I am having quizzes and tests left and right. I shall tell you now that I am like 80% sure Shu and Weeg will not go (they never do..!!!, but I will see what happens). Hopefully everyone is available still, and Adam and Eric, I hope you guys make it out this weekend if this thing is on.

You know who should come here... MIKE!


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Either is good. Oh, and we should have like a mini-tourney or something before Adam takes off for Alberta. It'll be his last one here until he comes back.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC

Adam and Eric can't come; they'll be in Victoria for the Weekend.
But anyone who's free, come!



Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Sorry, the guys and I probably aren't going to make this. I'll update the topic to help spread the word hopefully.

EDIT: I actually (when looking over the rules) want to change the time on the matches. 10 minutes for the semi-finals and finals are a bit too long. I would suggest leave it at 8 minutes, comments?

Next - before ANY match I suggest one player can call 2 minutes of practice (2 minutes or so, suggestions?). I know myself that sometimes people are rusty, technical players might need that little bit of time to get that little warm up time to get ready and stuff. I say as long as both players agree, they can go to a practice match/training mode to do whatever. Of course this is only proposed for singles. - I'm just afraid this might eat away too much time if everybody does it!

Plus : if possible, work out crew rules. Like work in stocks, how many on a team, other rules like those, if anyone is interested and IF crew battles are going to happen - most likely focus on this IF a crew battle starts.

Konkey Dong

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2003
Edmonton Alberta
dude of course west is unstoppable, history has proven it time and time again.


war of 1812
world war 2

i can go on, but i think my point is made.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
heh. I'm glad you think west coast is egotistical. Trash talk raises interest in playing your opponent :p

Anyways, what do you guys say for having a small $1 - $5 tourney next week? If Nick is gonna hold something at his house then we can do it there, or if not then we can do it somewhere else. It'll be our last chance to take Adam's money for at least 6 months guys XD It'll also be good to have some nice attendance of us again. Haven't smashed with everyone at once since forever.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Well, I MIGHT be busy this weekend, I'm really not that quite sure >_> The thing is, I have this Taekwon-do Seminar i'm supposed to attend at PoCo, but I dunno when it ends... It supposedly starts at 9 A.M, but I dunno how long this thing is gonna last. If it ends early, then I WILL HOLD A SMASH TOURNAMENT AT MY HOUSE; PROBABLY SATURDAY. I just want to make a free time for TROY, just because of his mom (Is she THAT strict? You should see my mom when she get's angry at me.) just bring at least 10 Dollars you guys, cause that'll supply yourself with the tourney fee, and Pizza (from PizzaHut), Pop, and Chips.


That way, the more PEOPLE, THE BETTER...ALSO, THIS WILL BE THE LAST WEEK BEFORE ADAM IS HEADED TO ALBERTA, SO WE SHOULD AT LEAST MAKE IT THE BEST FOR HIM (Goodbye present: Beating him up in SSB original...In which I think its kinda impossible, considering I saw ADAM just 3-4 stock ERIC many times...AGHH

Oh yeah, Tiep, Nice smashing with you, man. Your Marth Killed my Falco... **** Forward Smash...But I manage to put up a Fight against your Samus. I completely lost concentration in the second "Best of 5"; I Suicided countless times cost me the match, Tiep...


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
heh.. I started playing different characters way too much, and for some reason, that has given my Samus a defensive playing style :urg: I gotta go back to a strict Samus now. Forget about dem counter-chars :p

Anyways, I'm most likely gonna be at that tournament. Nothing to stop me from going so far. Hopefully we get a good turnout. At least Adam should be there before he leaves for Alberta. The more the better :) Hopefully Nick will be able to hold this too.

If I had my old skill in SSB then I'd money match Adam in a second. But sadly not. I can play a bit of SSB to see if I can get back in the groove though. :)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Guys, I've been really busy lately. Physics 12 crammed into like 5 weeks of school, I find myself studying 4+ hours a day... If on Sat, I will see if I can go, if there is how long is it going to last (usually its 5, and I dunno if that is enough time for the "x" amount coming). Well at least I know ahead of time to hopefully plan my way through the week. I'm tired, I'll edit or something later (almost 1am, was studying for a while).

EDIT: Recovering a bit, still tired but I was playing smash today and training up. Luckily now I know its not on Sat and since Adam is leaving on Sat morning, Friday is the set date. I shall wish and hope and pray!


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Be it my house or Nik's house, I REALLY would like a tournament to happen. I'm leaving on Saturday morning, so the latest it could be is Friday. There's this guy in Calgary, his name is "Wolfe" or something on smashboards, thinks he can beat me in SSB, or at least he said up to $100 money match. I'm gonna go to Calgary, and defeat their best SSB and SSBM players and win alot of cash :cool: :cool: ( at least that's the plan anyways ;) ) Anyways, I'm bringing my N64 with me where I'm staying so I can at least stay good at SSB. As for melee, I'll just have to hope the skills and experience that I have stay with me and are enough to beat all the Calgary ppl like I said I would :laugh:

Tiep, you say you used to be good at SSB eh? Too bad you didn't keep playing it, I really would have liked to see what you and me think "good" is. Heck you might have been tonnes better than me, or vice versa. Guess we'll never know :confused:

MetaKnight0, I really want to play you. Too bad... your in Montreal rite?

DireVulcan and DA guys, come to Edmonton or Calgary for a day or two, and hopefully I can make it down there to play you guys. I can't say I'll put up a great challenge if all you DA ppl are crazy like Dave and Wes, but it'd be coo to play you, and see how you fair against Mike if you get the PRIVILAGE to play him as well ;)


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Yeah... Back when I used to play SSB I went around challenging everyone, and met my fair share of people who told me they were unbeatable. However, as you said, everyone's perception of good is different :p Woulda been awesome to play you though, Adam. Seems to me you really know what good is. My main was pika, and I loved stomping those Kirby's the most :chuckle:

As for SSBM.. Yeah, I'd be able to make it on Friday also. I should be free this entire week, so any day should be fine. I'm wondering if Nick, would be able to host on Friday though. If not then I don't mind taking the extra 15-30 minutes to get to your house. Hopefully Troy gets outta school early so he can be here too.

I won't be able to get on MSN much in the next couple'a days, but if people go on MSN then it would be a lot easier(and faster) to get this thing organized. I'll be checking back in this thread very often in the coming week for updates, and I'll be on MSN at some random times too in case nobody feels like updating me -.-;

Anyhoo.. Anyone have any other thoughts on a date for this. The later we can have it, the better I guess because it'll give people more time to schedule this in. Right now, I'm hoping for Friday unless it conflicts with anybody else's doing anything. As I said before, I'd be available anytime during this week.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2005
Eric!!! message me!!!

If not email me this week before you leave.

And Adam, I look forward to being able to play you again! I must redeem Edmonton falcon ditto pride!


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
Friday sounds good... and hopefully everyone will come.

and for FalseFalco ill email u when im comin but sounds like a bad chance cause i thought that Lake louise was closer to Edmonton but its about a 3hr drive...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Ok, Adam can't make it on Saturday, do you guys want to try to aim for FRIDAY INSTEAD? yeah, if so, i'll supply Pizza and the pop and chips (Dinner) ... Price depends on how many people are coming... the more, the merrier!

I'm comfortable with the times 4:30-10 P.M, at my house. I'm pretty sure my mom would let me, just make sure to say "Hi, Ms. Louie" when you enter. She just hates it when we all go straight downstairs after you guys enter the door... Oh well, no biggie XD

SO smash guys in VANCOUVER, MSG ON MSN/POST HERE/OR PM me to see if Friday night works best for you guys.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Let's try it! Of course we'll say hi, don't worry, we all have manners. Does it have to be at 4, can it be earlier? I'll see if I can go though, I got to finish my homework and then I would probably see if I can go. I need to get some people there too, hopefully.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2005
Burnaby, B.C.
Haven't been here for some time...

Anything eventful happen in the last month and a bit?

I'll try to see if I can make it over to Richmond at least once this summer and play you guys.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
TheKoopaBros. - Nik lives in Vancouver if that helps! Nik, please post your address because outside competition could come. I'll ask from people from BC and see what happens too. What is the limit to the amount of people in your house Nik? Or should you just not say anything and see what happens?

EDIT : Troy, Duong and Peter are ??????? so far!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Ok, here Are the Details:

Name: Nick Louie
Address: 2959 Rosemont Drive
Vancouver (NOT Richmond), B.C
Phone Number: 604-432-9267
Time: 4:30 - 10ish

Make sure to BRING YOUR OWN CONTROLLER, and SOME MONEY for PIZZA, DRINKS, AND SNACKS. Also, I haven't calculated the Tournament Singles or Doubles Fee, but I'm pretty sure its MINIMUM 5 dollars. It all depends on HOW MANY PEOPLE come... the more, the FUNNER >_>

ALSO here is the THING: MY mom is limiting the number of people that come through her front door; but she won't know that you guys are gonna Arrive through the BACK BASEMENT DOOR. Besides, she never comes down to check on us, so its all good. I'LL POST UP A SIGN ON THE FRONT OF MY DOOR, SAYING TO GO AROUND THROUGH THE BACK, TO THE BASEMENT. Please do this, people! If you guys don't, my mom will get kinda CURIOUS that i'm inviting random people over >_> Seems logical? Maybe. If she comes down to check , i'll handle everything.

Nick (Me)
Adam (of course!)
Nick (From Western WA) and his Friend

Hope you guys can come!
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