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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
inbashkir said:
Lets have a tournament anywhere near Ontario!!!!!!!!!!

Who cares who's in it, edmonton vancouver everyone go. I just need a tournament a reasonable distance to go to. I've never been to one wanna see how I rank up. AAARRGGHHH
This isn't the correct place to talk of an Ontario tournament inbashkir, but that's okay because you Canadian competition is pretty scattered. There are people in Ontario though, you have to try to search and get in touch with them. Practice with them, friendlies, whatever until a tournament either comes to you or you make one, then it will be a test of skill. I hope you can find a lot of people in your area because I have heard that you guys got some talent there on the East side (Meta and some Quebec people).

Anyway, the past tournament, some matches were recorded, mostly semi finals, finals, and for teams like all on the big tv. Nintensity is going to upload them (or not?), so yea, the waiting game. I have Adam vs Weeg caught on my camera, I think I can do that practically by tomorrow.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
hey guys in B.C. near Alberta.. shall be back on thursday or Friday

well we didnt vs any other smashers cause we didnt go to Calgary or Edmonton.

Adam is in Lake Louise at his job. Very Nice senery there.

anyways im plannin a tourney in Augest (most likely late Augest) at my house ( the one in Gander) limit will be probably 16 people..

B.C. Rules for tourney

will give address to people who dont know where it is just PM me


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Cool stuff Eric. Too bad you didn't get to play anyone, and show how much BC can really smash it up. Anyway, I was doing the videos (only 3) and one messed up, this was Adam's Falcon vs Weeg's Luigi, sorry bout that, it is an old tape. The other 2 matches are fine and are being done.

Post tournament.
Match 1 : Adam (Sheik) vs Weeg (Luigi)

Match 2 : Adam (Ganon) vs Weeg (Luigi)


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
It's too bad you didn't get to play anyone Eric. I woulda loved to see Carl try and five-stock YOUR falco :laugh:

I'll definately be at the August tourney too. Be sure to set a date and time and entrance fee the next time you post so everyone can plan for it. Have you decided on the format for the tourney? Double elim brackets propbably. It's always the simplest way. Or we can have 4 groups of 4 and have best of 1 RR matches within the groups to determine the bracket seedings, just so it isn't random. Let's try our best to fill up spots on Smashboards first. If we can't fill the 16 spots, then I have 2 friends who would probably like to go if they're allowed to. BTW, SKYPAL, if you're reading this, GET UP HERE! :chuckle:


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
whattup ya'll? I would post here a bit about what's going on for me but then I don't have alot of time right now. They got comps here and unlimited 24/7 internet access for 3 months for 30 bux. Tiep if my CF played like he did on FD that 2nd or 3rd match... I WOULD be better than you. I can't stand your counterpick stages, you know the ones I'm talking about. Everyone who was at the tourney/smashfest good games with ya'll, good job making it over here Nick, have fun back home in Washington. I've got to get over to Calgary soon and take out their entire smash scene, I just don't know when I'm gonna have the time to do so :laugh:

As for best in BC. Well, it's not my title. Since Darius, Victa, and Wilfred didn't show up, I don't think we can just GIVE it to you either Tiep ;)

It remains a mystery as to who #1 is, although Victa will tell you differently, he really does think he is the best :ohwell:

I look forward to smashing with you guys sometime in the future. Maybe I'll come out and visit for a while. Until then, train hard, as I get worse and worse due to lack of practice ^_^


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
I hope your having fun Adam, even though you are going to be living there for 6 months, you are going to rep. BC! Victa says he is the best... then he should prove it to everyone! I know he has a pretty good record, but not showing up to events and saying that isn't proof enough for everyone :) I am finding some people on gamefaqs and see how they are doing, the smash scene continues to grow here!

BTW Adam! Yagi said he was interested in a Canadian tournament... just when you leave too.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2005
dark_dragon8 said:
This isn't the correct place to talk of an Ontario tournament inbashkir, but that's okay because you Canadian competition is pretty scattered. There are people in Ontario though, you have to try to search and get in touch with them. Practice with them, friendlies, whatever until a tournament either comes to you or you make one, then it will be a test of skill. I hope you can find a lot of people in your area because I have heard that you guys got some talent there on the East side (Meta and some Quebec people).

Anyway, the past tournament, some matches were recorded, mostly semi finals, finals, and for teams like all on the big tv. Nintensity is going to upload them (or not?), so yea, the waiting game. I have Adam vs Weeg caught on my camera, I think I can do that practically by tomorrow.
Just letting you know I'm in Mississauga, Ontario and had started an Ontario Thread (just to let you know so that you can have one extra person to contact). :laugh:


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
man I';m gettin drunk here every night!!! WHOOOO!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

ok then, I'm drunk, adn yeah, I hope ya'll are SMASHIN IT UP1 cuz I'm sutre noyt. gettin worse by the day. soon I won't be able to perfectly short hop neutral a fastfall L-cancel 100% of the time with CF. AWWWW ***, oh well, Im sure I won't ENTIRELY forget how to play. This is adam, signing out!

BTW, since me and Eric pwn'd teams, I think we are the best TEAM in BC :D




:chuckle: :chuckle:
:chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:



Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
First off, I'd like to apologize to everyone here, especially Troy, for coming on here while I'm drunk and making BS posts. I will try to avoid coming on SWF while intoxicated in the future.

Anyways... I've been unable to set up my N64 because were having trouble getting it to work on this TV/VCR. I'm a little nervous about going to Calgary and playing someone I've never met in SSB for $100 seeing as how I haven't played in like a couple weeks. Other then that, I talked to Steve (apparently the best SSBM player in Calgary) and me and him have agreed to $20 best of 7, so that should be interesting. If you calculate the round trip for me to bus it from here to Calgary and back, the most I can profit from this is like 20-50 bux and a very very hot Calgary girl in the sack.

Yeah, anyways it's crazy over here at Lake Louis. I live in the equivalent of college residence with people like 18-25. There's party's every night, all my roommates smoke, and the availability of alchohol is truly amazing. I work 5 days a week from 7:30 - 4:00 and I get 2 days off in a row (currently Wednesday and Thursday). since I've gotten here I've probably averaged about 3-5 hours of sleep a night but I'm happy cuz one of our roommates just left and I got upgraded from the top bunk to the bottom bunk. (trust me, it's much better to have the bottom bunk)

Anyways I hope you all are having a good summer and that you are all as good as SKYPAL when I get back cuz if I don't lose to each and every single one of you then either you didn't practice enough or u might just suck (haha's ya'll know I'm joking)

Enjoy the summer kids, and stay out of trouble

Adam, OUT


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Lol Adam, you remembered haha, cool. Sounds like a lot of work there and darn, no smash, jeez, how can you live now? Your money match should go fine, we all got confidence in you. I hope you win and do well there.

Question about the videos (Nik)... when are they coming?

EDIT: Oh yea, I need to see how my grades are and stuff to see if I can go to the tournament, so please be patient. I also hope SKYPAL tries to go too, we would get pwned so bad, but it would probably be LOADS of fun.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Yeah I hope I got what it takes to go solo against Calgary's smash community. I know I'll need a few warm up matches first to get my CF, G-dorf, or Sheik fired up, ESPECIALLY CF as Tiep and Victa well know ;) (I say tiep and victa cuz my CF has no chance against that quick samus and that ***** of a peach unless I'm WELL warmed up and playing 80%+)

On another note, I've taken up smoking. It's not something I had planned on doing AT ALL in my life, but living in a place with all smokers and going to party's and smoking the occasional cigarette when I drink has led me to smoking once a day, and now about twice a day. That's only within an effing week. I'ma try and keep it under control and not become addicted, but it's ****en hard when everyone around you is doing it constantly...

Adam, out

PS Nick I want some more FOOTAGE!!! If you don't have anything ready from our last smash session AT LEAST email me an attachment of some of the SSB matches we last had at your place. (Preferably the one where I hit you with Mario's down B spike ;))


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Just went without internet for the last couple days so I couldn't post here.

Adam, Glad you're having fun, but try to keep those bad habits under control. Sounds like you're hanging around with the wrong crowd :ohwell: I hope you win the money from those Calgary guys too. If you can ask other people for money matches also, then you can make taking their money like your second job :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Videos will be up soon. I've just been working like hell lately, TOTALLY doing up my whole room with new furniture and painted walls...

So yeah, I'm 100% sure that the videos will be up by wednesday the 27th, i just gotta figure out why theres soo much skipping (as in lag) in the videos.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Editing is your friend Nik, plus we don't want wasted posts :). Okay, the lag in your videos are due to your computer. Free up some virtual memory (RAM), pretty much make sure no other programs are running at the same time (I would suggest a fresh restart), then capture the video. Pinnacle also is quite resource demanding, so I would suggest windows movie maker to capture video (it is 30mb of memory compared to 100mb). Capturing HIGH quality also slows it down, so watch out for that. I hope that helps. ALSO, if you compress the videos and they skip/lag, then you HAVE TO RECAPTURE it (it's a pain, but has to be done). I hope you have a good time with your redecorating and such, and thanks for the update too man.

NOTE 2 : SKYPAL must come... lol


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Yo Mike, whats' you got against me smokin???

Anyways, yeah I don't have much to say, except I might be gettin some action tonite with this VERY hot blonde chick named erika. **** she's fine :p. gonnna go down to the pub tonite and see if I can bring her home with me :p


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2004
150km north of nowhere, Canada
Adam, I am looking forward to our match.

Hopefully you wont destroy me too bad ;)

and hopefully you can hook up with that chick while you are here.

It'll make the trip all worth it eh

and to all of you smashers in BC, I hope to be able to come pwn you all at Eric's tourney :chuckle:



Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Silly steve, smash is for Vancouverites!!!! w00t!!! :laugh:

nah, I gotta play you first, and depending on how good you do against me, I'll let you know how you'd fair against the rest of the Smash community in BC.

next week man, I'm coming to Calgary, I got my bus schedules and I'll let you know the exact time and place I'll be arriving the next time I post on here or talk to you on MSN.

55 bux ROUND TRIP!!! WHOOO! looks liek I can make more profit then I thought. 100 bux from the SSB match with this guy William, and 20 bux from the best of 7 with Steve... which equals 65 bux profit. don't worry, I won't lose ;)

Anyways, I look forward to playing everyone in Calgary, as well as getting laid in Calgary :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
Just a quick note to you guys, when my store opens, I will be working seven days a week, until we find which day has the least amount of business. That day will then become the day the store is closed, and then I will only work six days a week. The problem is that you can pretty much guarantee it will be a weekday, so when school starts I may never be able to smash with you guys because you all have school on my day off, and I have work on your days off. That's not to say I don't have to option to book weekends off, though.

Aside from trying to book August 27 off so I can go to the tournament, I would like to try to go to your house sometime before the tournament, so I can adjust to getting there via transit, as that is how I will likely get there, unless I can make arrangements with Tiep, Troy, or Wilfred.

Finally, note to Nick, if you ever have smash at your house, please notify me by email if at all possible, as I am practically never by my computer nowadays, so leaving me an MSN message or changing your MSN display name might not get the word across to me. If you don't want me to come, that's fine too =P.

I'm getting horribly rusty by the day, so don't give me bad looks if playing against me makes you feel like your Smash IQ is dropping. I might underrate myself a bit... but at the rate you guys are improving, I think not.

Well, that's all - take care you guys, and continue to enjoy your summer!

P.S. - Go watch the Celebration of Lights!


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Alright, have seen a lot of weird spam messaging in this thread, kind of a waste of a page don't you think? Try to keep it a bit more relevant to smashing everyone :).

Darius - last time I got to Richmond was from Tiep's mom (thanks to her again), that is the only way we got there (Duong and I). I hope you have fun with your family business's store, where is it, we can come visit right? The smash skills are going for you too (like Adam), darn. Some things are just a bit more important I guess, so much happens when you grow up eh?

From Victa's words, I would say that he is going to the tournament... I very bad assumption on my part though.

saliados - WHOA, welcome man, I hope you have a lot of fun here at smashboards and hopefully you will meet the smash community here! Add me to your MSN please - chinkboi253@hotmail.com Maple Ridge is ummmmm.... where in BC? I have only heard of it, is it too far away for you to travel somewhere here?

Whew with that aside, I wish I could go to the lights, but my mom has been getting mad at me not doing well in physics, so I gotta dedicate like 2 days of this weekend to studying (jeez who does she think I am).

PS - Nik... vids?


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Stevo - they do, but I wonder if it is West Coast like? They can't compare to Mike on this coast. Stevo - add me to msn please? chinkboi253@hotmail.com

Eric - good luck man, you better show them what BC is made out of. I am not too sure who is good there, but Tmoc and Metaknight I have heard of, so go after them first. I am not sure if pkmvodka and chester01 are there though, they are crazy posters on gamefaqs.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
Is anyone busy on August 6th? I think my parents are giving me the day off so I can meet up with friends at the beach at an ealier time (say 1 or 2pm, instead of showing up at 9pm after work) so I can chill before the fireworks. Of course, I could easily get some smash with you guys instead and be there at 6 or so =x. Need a place and need people to be free, that's my request.

Maybe some of you want to go to the fireworks with just us smashguys? rofl. Hey, we are like family now =P... sorta.

P.S. - Troy, Physics is evil, especially electromagnetism. I actually gave up on physics in post secondary, but I think I will study it again soon. I stopped because I found it a too hard, but on hindsight, I don't think I should avoid studying my area of interest just because it's too hard. I want to be an electrical engineer, so I need that stuff, heh.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Good luck Eric, I hope you pwninate while you're there.

Hmm, for August 6th, I'd be able to attend if we held a smash thing.
And I dunno if you were joking about us getting together to go see the fireworks, but that doesn't sound too bad. :chuckle:


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Hey guys, I'm drunk and browsing the forums... ONCE AGAIN!!! :laugh:

Just thought I'd drop a line and see how everyones doin, I've also had about 6 grams of shrooms tonite so I'm pretty ****ed up, it's pretty hard to even think about what I want to say let alone take 10x as long just to type it out properly ^_^

Smash.. is good..

wow that's all I can say right now..

maybe I'll post tommorrow morning with something relevant
payce guys ^_^


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
At this rate we'll never cross swords in smash again. You might be dead before you come back here =P. Stay in good health, man.

Smash Crew fireworks eh? Is Wednesday August 3rd good? xD It's China =o


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Heh, Any day is good for me. Usually not a problem to attend these types of spontaneous events. Anybody else up for it?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
At this rate we'll never cross swords in smash again. You might be dead before you come back here =P. Stay in good health, man.
No worries Darius, I'ma come back one day and I'll give you a run for your money regardless of how much time I go without playing... all it takes me is a few days at home with my bro and some good 3 hour training sessions in those couple days and I'll be ready to take all ya'll on ^_^

The drugs are a problem... up here it's worse then you think. like I live with 3 other guys, 26, 22, and 25, and they all smoke. We always have like 10-20 people over at our place at nights and there are people doing lines of coke and stuff... they've even offerred me a few times, but I've declined. Up here the only source of fun is hiking, drinking, sex, and drugs. That's why I've gotten a bit worse with those things then I was in Richmond.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
Tiep, if no one else is interested, the two of us can go on a date ;)
I'll go bug Nick and see if he can arrange something for this Wednesday or Saturday - I'm free on both those days this week. I've got some urges to play the game =).
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