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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Darius I've been craving for this game since that night at Nick's house where I played Tiep in the 1v1 finals. I've been craving it more and more every day... and I've decided to go to Calgary and buy a second hand GC and get my dad to bring over our spare TV


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
Instead of fireworks, we can go to the PNE too!
Except Nintendo of Canada isn't doing anything in PNE this year... which sucks =(
If they did and they had smash there, the lot of us could go clean house =P

Anyhow, I talked to Nick, and he is free this week. Hopefully he can have people over tomorrow.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
PNE sounds good. BTW, are you talkin' about PNE or Playland? Cause Troy's right about PNE being expensive :dizzy: Be sure to keep us posted here about Nik's house. I could sure use the practice for August 27th at Eric's.

If Nintendo was holding smash at the PNE it would be OUR event :laugh: Too bad they're not though cause they usually give prizes.

Adam, maybe you can teach the people there how to play Smash so you don't completely rust up. I'm expectin' to play you again when you get back :)


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
I guess I meant Playland =P. They've got two new rides too, so I'm somewhat interested.

As for Smash, I'm messaging Nick right now, and he seems busy at the moment (probably playing CS or something?), so there is no confirmation on the smashfest at his house tomorrow or this Saturday. People can come to my house as an alternative, but I live very far =o.

Well, it's only 9pm right now, so there's still time to hear from Nintensity. Look forward to seeing you guys soon, more so than playing the game =P


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Guys, I have some news. Just the other night a couple of us were going back to this dude's place to smoke a joint. Anyways, were in there, and I guess someone forgot to leave the door closed or something and yeah this chick is busting out the weed on the table when WHO should walk in but SECURITY!

Long story short, I'm evicted from this place in 3 weeks and that's assuming I don't **** up at work as in being late or missing any shifts because then that'll be changed to 24 hour notice until eviction. To be quite honest I do miss home already and wouldn't mind coming back there... but I think I'm gonna make an effort to find work and a place to live in either Banff or Calgary. In the back of my mind, my best bet for you guys is that I'll make an appearance at the August 27th tourney I'm hearing about. But I dunno yet... I'm really bummed out about this at the moment, I just need some time to think about what I'm gonna do and take some action... :(


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2005
Calgary, AB, CA
hey! alright, im coming down to B.C from Calgary for a week from the 9th to the 16th and i wanna join in a smash tournament, any available?

we dont get much smash tournaments here, or at least no one advertises them so i never get to play good comitition. I hope your up to my standards or i get to fight you at all.


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2005
Calgary, AB, CA
dark_dragon8 said:
kithkin - we'll probably set some smash fest up, I hope you can make it. It's been so cool meeting all these new people from all over!

alright, thanks

i havent actually played with people i dont know well like alsmost at all.
so i think this'd be great, just now i need to convince my parents to let me go to a tournament that might just be in some guys basement


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
For people who check the boards more often than Nick's MSN name -
Smash tomorrow (in reality it's today August 4 - it's 12:20 am right now =o) from 1 to 5 pm!


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
I hope your up to my standards or i get to fight you at all.
Have you played Steve from Calgary or any other good players there? Have you played against Mike and the Punch crew and the masses of other smashers in Edmonton? I dunno about your standards and I'm not trying to be rude here but I think you'll find a couple people in the greater Vancouver that meet , if not are ABOVE your standards. To speak for myself.... I'm ok, I really don't have alot of cred to back me except my buddy (Wilfred) and I attended a smash tournament on May 21st in Edmonton and we were hangin with Mike and the Punch crew. We were also the only team to play in the same league as the punch crew teams just narrowly missing out on 2nd place to Jarrod and Nick , I hope you've heard of em', otherwise your probably in trouble ;) Other then that I'm just your average smasher, don't go expecting anything OUTSTANDING from me... You go to Vancouver though and you'll get a good welcome from our best. We got our crazy Technical style players, like Troy, Nick, and Eric; we got our smart players that can **** with your mind like Duong and Wilfred; and we got our players with an outstanding amount of knowledge about certain aspects of the game and very good placement and timing with their moves, like Darius. Not to purposely leave everyone out, but I'd say the names I mentioned above best fit with those categories. We have a REALLY good Samus player named Tiep who has a very good overall understanding of the game and is generally one of our top contenders as BC's best. We have a low tier player named Peter who you dont' want to underestimate. We have THE most knowledgeble player that I've ever met named Jeremy. Tiep's younger brother who we can only assume as his apprentice will become one of the best if he keeps it up. I think that about does it for all the people in our smash community. There used to be a REALLY insane Ness player named Ryan but he goes to UBC now and he quit smash at the beginning of last summer. We did have a few people in Richmond (just outside of Vancouver) that played the game and were decent but I don't think they play anymore. There is also one player in Richmond, my friend named Mark, whom I've been training personally for the past 3 months and he has already brought himself up to the level of gameplay you could expect from many of the regular smashers in our community. He's actually a CS pro and he gets paid $140 a week JUST to play in a clan and win matches for them. I think that's about everyone. Anyways I thought it'd be nice to give you a run down of all the smashers out here and maybe even give u a sort of Advantage when your playing against the different playing styles that are out here so you know before hand.

The only thing I have left to say is..................
"I suck, money match?"


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2005
Calgary, AB, CA
xXx-NoobKing-xXx said:
Have you played Steve from Calgary or any other good players there? Have you played against Mike and the Punch crew and the masses of other smashers in Edmonton? I dunno about your standards and I'm not trying to be rude here but I think you'll find a couple people in the greater Vancouver that meet , if not are ABOVE your standards.
actually to be honest i havn't played with anyone other then my friends and relatives and people like that. so no, i didnt even know calgary had any tournaments which supposedly people are saying there has been


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
hey in Coe Hill Ontario

havent played any smashers here and probably wont cause of my parents..

any more people plannin to come to my tourney?

Hey Steve have u played any other Calgary players?

until next time... keep smashin


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Eric of course Steve has played other Calgary players.

Kithkin, if you've only played friends and relatives then your probably in a bit of trouble if your playing against the good BC smashers. good luck to you.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Crew Battles

Okay guys, did some discussion with Adam, and there might be a mini crew battle between Richmond vs Kamikaze (3 vs 3). It's a little thing for fun, so I hope this can happen before the tournament (so the tournament runs smoother and we get more time).

NOW THE BIG IDEA: We talked about a huge BC smash crew tournament. This is just an idea for now, so any changes and suggestions are welcomed (and needed).

-2 Captains (selected, chosen?) picks one player at a time from the list.

(I hope everyone is interested in doing it though)

Then after the teams are made, a date wil be set up at a smashfest before or after the tournament date (again, to not interfere as the tournament takes a long time to finish).

You pick a character to play with, and have to stick with that throughout all of your matches in a battle. So if I choose Fox vs Adam's Falcon, whoever wins has to keep going with the same character. EDIT: how about secret registry of characters. Only your crew will know which character you will go with at the time, and you HAVE to stick with that character throughout all the battles that will happen. No change in character pretty much! This will cause surprise to the winning team and make room for different people to battle and such!

20 stock (hopefully if everyone goes in, I know there is an odd amount of people, but it can be dealt with). 20 stock is distrubted as the crew seems fit, one person could get 20 stock, but that isn't too fair is it now?

Stages : Most likely just use the neutral stages only, from the GS2 vids, all I have seen are neutral stages (FoD, Dreamland 64, Poke Stad., Battlefield, Yoshi Story and FD).

This is probably going to be free play and just for fun, but if any side bets are happening, I guess we can allow it between individuals and not the entire team.

To set an example of how this works just in case people are confused.

Troy (Fox) vs Adam (Falcon) - 4 stock match
-Adam wins, but has 1 stock left
Tiep's Samus comes out to counter, Adam must kill himself until he has 1 stock left
Tiep (Samus) vs Adam (Falcon) 4 stock vs 1 stock now.
-keeps on going until the crew with remaining lives wins!

Now remember, this is only an IDEA, so whoever wants to participate, just say it here or msn and then we can get started with this. We'll probably ask around too, just in case people don't check smashboards.

Now the team picking... Some people want to be with others, we all know that! We probably wouldn't want crew members going off against each other if they don't want it, or brothers vs brothers. Maybe we all get to pick one person to parter with, and they get chosen together? Or maybe you guys already have a team made and just want to leave it like that? Others are welcome to join, this doesn't HAVE to be BC, but post here if you are in the area at the time and are interested.

First - need names
Second - time and place
Third - find captains? or somehow make the teams
Fourth - prepare... (little step)
Fifth - have some fun while playing this to work with each other and get ot be closer with everyone!


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2003
Ontario, Canada
Blunted_object10 said:
hey in Coe Hill Ontario

havent played any smashers here and probably wont cause of my parents..

any more people plannin to come to my tourney?

Hey Steve have u played any other Calgary players?

until next time... keep smashin
= ( *peels another potato in sadness* </10 character limit>


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
Woo, I had a lot of fun at Nick's house today. Jeremy, Tiep, Nick, and I messed around in smash with Giga Bowser and played Special Melees, and played a little bit of Soul Calibur and F-Zero. Didn't get around to Smash 64 though lol.

For the crew battle, whoever picks me on their team will have a hard time, because I'm going to use ____ and there's nothing anyone can do about it, and that will probably end up being a setback XD.

EDIT - reason why almost all my posts have edits: I keep forgetting to hide my signature.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Darn, missed a smashfest due to school day and huge test tomorrow, sorry guys. Nik, we will get a match in next time okay? Oh and sorry for not changing the topic name, I could have warned more people!

Darius - I wouldn't mind who you use because I know you have the brains to pull it off with whoever you choose. Just make sure you get a match up you like and you can own in crews. It's for fun anyway! That is 3 people so far, yes, coming along.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
Haha, I'm not so sure about that. I thought I might still be able to maintain my ability without playing regularly, but after today I can feel some rust coming along. Nick gave me a very hard time - out of 4 Marth vs. Falcos (Nick being the Falco, of course) I won 0 rofl. Tiep I didn't get to play against today, so my life got spared... for now =P. Oh, I did win one match against Nick though, but that was when I was Giga Bowser lmao.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
LoL, Darius, you didn't do THAT bad. Remember all those times when you got 10 kills? :laugh:

Ooh, and who's in the Richmond team for Richmond vs Kamikaze? I figure Adam and Eric but I don't recall a 3rd person. BTW, I just moved to Richmond ;)

As for the crew battle, count me in definately.

PS. Kithkin, you're almost coming over to Vancouver. Had any thoughts about some friendly money matching with some of us over here? :)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Tiep gone to Richmond now!! Adam and Eric can hog him all they want now! Very cool though man, we have so far:


The Richmond team consists of Adam, Eric and Mark (a friend who was trained by Adam himself). No changes to that team now!!! It's so unfair if you add Tiep to that hahaha, his roots are from Vancouver if anything! j/k, you guys decide on it, either way, we are gonna have fun.
Nik was thinking of a big idea of Kamikaze vs Richmond+Vancouver vs Burnaby. That is a bit big and needs a lot of people and the crews would be 4 men each, we don't know if that would work yet. So people sign up and we can all take a vote or something, I personally like the 2 crew thing.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
I just moved to Richmond
PS. Kithkin, you're almost coming over to Vancouver. Had any thoughts about some friendly money matching with some of us over here?
Tiep, MY MAN, your in Richmond now eh? Wow this is gonna be fun when I get back. We're gonna get REALLY GOOD off playing eachother more often methinks. :chuckle:

HAHA Tiep that's the way man, that's what makes me good at smash is confidence (without it I would suck). Show him you not scared and throw up the idea of a money match in the air.

The Richmond team consists of Adam, Eric and Mark (a friend who was trained by Adam himself). No changes to that team now!!! It's so unfair if you add Tiep to that hahaha, his roots are from Vancouver if anything! j/k, you guys decide on it, either way, we are gonna have fun.
No man I wouldn't THINK of changing my 3 man team of Mark, Eric, and myself. But I DO know that the 4 of us (Me, MArk, Eric, and Tiep) are gonna start a crew of our own ^_^
I'll think of a name. But I'll have to assume leadership cuz I'm actually gonna put some effort into creating this ;)

BTW Troy, lets REALLY try and get a date, time, and place, that You, Duong, Peter, Eric, Mark, and myself can ALL agree on and try and make it b4 august 27th.


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2005
Calgary, AB, CA
Patooty said:
LoL, Darius, you didn't do THAT bad. Remember all those times when you got 10 kills? :laugh:

Ooh, and who's in the Richmond team for Richmond vs Kamikaze? I figure Adam and Eric but I don't recall a 3rd person. BTW, I just moved to Richmond ;)

As for the crew battle, count me in definately.

PS. Kithkin, you're almost coming over to Vancouver. Had any thoughts about some friendly money matching with some of us over here? :)
hahaha, maybe, but really i dont even know how good i am. because i havnt played anyone other then my friends and relatives so i could be to the point where i dont even touch you guys or i could be twice as good. you never know


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
i could be to the point where i dont even touch you guys or i could be twice as good. you never know
That's the point. :) It's a great way to break the ice on playing and see who's greater. Money matches are great once you get to know the person's skill/play style and everything, but there's only one "first time" with a person.

Adam, great to hear that you're thinking of starting a crew of our own. Sounds really exciting. How are things going for you over there, btw? You started to pick yourself up yet?

As for that big crew battle, I think we should wait and see how this one works out first. If all goes well, then having a bigger one will be even better next time. The hardest part though, is finding all the people and a place to put them.

**Edit: Hey Nik, you have the vids from last time ready yet?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Adam, great to hear that you're thinking of starting a crew of our own. Sounds really exciting. How are things going for you over there, btw? You started to pick yourself up yet?
I'm doing good, I guess you could say that... Monday morning I'm bussing over to Calgary and I'm staying at Steve's (AKA Marrakah the crazy Zelda player, or so I've heard) house for 2 days and hopefully raking in some doe while I'm there. HAHA it's funny though cuz I feel if I picked up a Gamecube controller right now and popped SSBM in the GC, I wouldn't be playing that good AT ALL!

After that I might just come home kids so a week from today, there's a GOOD chance of me showing up at your next smash gathering/tournament.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
Patooty said:
LoL, Darius, you didn't do THAT bad. Remember all those times when you got 10 kills? :laugh:
Hohoho, that means I've gotten great at kill stealing! It's a great skill to have in 2v2s! jk =P
Adam and Tiep being able to practice together more often is just wrong lol. We'll all fall behind, won't we? :3

EDIT: P.S. - Tiep, Richmond to BCIT is far =o


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Adam and Tiep being able to practice together more often is just wrong lol. We'll all fall behind, won't we? :3
Yeah Darius I think if Tiep and myself play eachother more often there will be a sufficient amount of improvements on both our parts. I can teach him CF and he can teach me Samus and the next thing you know I'M using Samus as my main at a tourney and Tiep is using CF as HIS main at a tournament... AND we take 1st and 2nd place with our new chars!

yeah I dunno, it COULD happen, but I doubt it. We for sure's gonna get better, all FOUR of us (Tiep, Eric, Mark, and myself) and we are gonna be somethin great :chuckle:


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
kool Tiep lives in Richmond now (where do u live in Richmond Tiep?)

I like the crew battle idea Troy lets try it out sometime

ill be back in Richmond by Thursday Morning, so set a smashfest or somethin or i will during the weekend :)


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Cool, another Smashfest! For anyone who plans on holding it, do you mind if I bring my lil bro along to play some games with us? I'm trying to prep him to see if he could be ready for the August 27th tournament. He does well against me, but I don't know how he'd do against you guys. The last time I brought him he could still beat me from time to time but Eric beat him in the Winners AND Losers bracket -.- Hopefully he's better now.

Anyways, just wondering if I could bring him along for him to test his mettle.

BTW, I live near Alderbridge and No. 4. It's not too close to you guys, but not too far either. I'd say a 10-15 minute drive.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
xXx-NoobKing-xXx said:
"Should I do it Troy? I mean, I'M CRAZY ENOUGH TO DO IT!!!"
YEAH MAN, DO IT ALL NIGHT LONG! -inside joke... or is it?

Cool, that means Eric is in. How did smashing go in Ontario? Anything happen?
Tiep, you probably don't have to ask to bring your brother, he's a cool guy, we all know that, most likely he is welcome to come. Young talent man, potential there. He gave me some trouble in smash too. Next smash fest, I have to be there, all this mind work for school has given me the need to play, not as bad as Adam though.


Smash Cadet
Aug 10, 2005
Vancouver, Canada

I'm new to the site. I'm from Vancouver. I never really get to play anyone good. It's just my brother and I that have been playing SSBM since the day the game came out. We bought GameCube solely for this game. I feel we are prety good, but we never get a chance to measure up against other players because we dont know anyone else who can play. I'm not particularl familiar with the moves that a lot of people are talking about in this forum, so i'd assume that most of you would kick my *** in a 1 v 1. But that would give me a great chance to improve. Are there going to be any Vancouver tournaments coming up soon?

Can anyone post up any links of threads i can read to familiarize myself with some of the terms used on this site.

I primarily use Samus, so any slang for samus moves would be apreciated (i want to know what an F Tilt and bomb canceling and stuff is?)

Also, is there some way of marking this forum topic so it is easier to come back to so I dont have to search for it every time i want to see if someone replied to what i said?


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Sm_Sheba said:

I'm new to the site. I'm from Vancouver. I never really get to play anyone good. It's just my brother and I that have been playing SSBM since the day the game came out. We bought GameCube solely for this game. I feel we are prety good, but we never get a chance to measure up against other players because we dont know anyone else who can play. I'm not particularl familiar with the moves that a lot of people are talking about in this forum, so i'd assume that most of you would kick my *** in a 1 v 1. But that would give me a great chance to improve. Are there going to be any Vancouver tournaments coming up soon?

Can anyone post up any links of threads i can read to familiarize myself with some of the terms used on this site.

I primarily use Samus, so any slang for samus moves would be apreciated (i want to know what an F Tilt and bomb canceling and stuff is?)

Also, is there some way of marking this forum topic so it is easier to come back to so I dont have to search for it every time i want to see if someone replied to what i said?

Welcome Sm_Sheba! Don't worry about not being able to look around and stuff because we all start off as noobs to sites. The terms can be found http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=42749 (The Compendium of Knowledge, don't mind the title). There are a lot of advanced techniques out there and I hope you learn from this. There is going to be a tournament in Richmond http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=53357 (like 45 mins away from Vancouver), and we have random smash fests in Vancouver at Nintensity (Nick)'s house. I will update when those occur, so all you have to do is look in this thread.

F-tilt = Forward tilt, so it is Samus kick forwards in lamen's terms. Bomb cancel, I have never heard of, maybe you are thinking of a bomb drop and missle cancelling. Bomb drop is for returning with Samus and missle cancelling is when you shoot a missle before you land to cancel out the lag of the move.

The topic is almost always on the first page of tournament discussion, so you can just look for it easy there.

It's really cool that you have played this for a while, but to get no outside competition really sucks, I hope we can smash with you sometime. Add me to MSN if you have. chinkboi253@hotmail.com

EDIT Whew, just checked the Anime Evolution forums. It is an anime convention in Vancouver happening at Simon Fraser University. There might be a small tournament, but then you have to enter the convention which is like 35 bucks now. You get to do a lot like watch anime, meet voice actors and such, it's pretty cool. It is 3 days straight as well :). Anyway, just saying that people there play smash and are going, so I'll play them in some friendlies hopefully. Anybody interested?


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
LoL, Hey new guy. Your story sounds exactly like mine when I joined Smashboards. Now if your brother is younger than you and uses Fox, then I'll be creeped out :freak: Anyhoo, welcome to the boards. Can't wait to play you and see what your sammy is made of :)

Troy, I'd be interested in going. I'll check out their boards too and see whassup, and I'll get back to you on whether I'd be able to go or not.

EDIT: Just checked their boards, 'n I don't see anything on SSBM. I think I saw a mention of it in the Videogames/Fighting game tournament section of their boards, but that's about it. Am I missing a bigger picture or is that mention of it all there is?


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Tiep, go here:

It was just a person asking which games should be brought to anime evolution. The gaming room was quite small last year and didn't have smash so I brought my own copy. This time I hope they have it and I will bring my memory card just in case (hopefully I remember). I doubt a full scale tournament with good rule set will be run as there are SO many other games there, sorry dudes. This is most likely a couple of hours worth of friendlies, then another game would be played on the cube. Tiep your welcome to go to anime evolution too, it's quite a sight. You like anime too? BTW, Naruto 146 sucks


Smash Cadet
Aug 10, 2005
Vancouver, Canada
Patooty said:
LoL, Hey new guy. Your story sounds exactly like mine when I joined Smashboards. Now if your brother is younger than you and uses Fox, then I'll be creeped out :freak:
Lol, Well, i suppose you best sit down. My little brother is 14 and he plays fox. Hes prety good, but he wasnt the brother i was referring to. My other brother is 16 (I'm 18), and he plays link - he is the one that gives me the msot competition. Any chance your little brother is a little chubby aswell? haha.

I'm so excited at the chance of playing good people. I'd love to play a match against someone other than my little brother who can give me a challange. Other than him, i have played about 10 other smashers but they all suck donkey nuts and i just used them to practice using my bombs and meteor smash against them.

My brother who plays link is so god **** fast with him though, whenever i play link i get pissed off using him because i find his reaction time to be so slow, and whenever i slash, i end up jumping ni the air, but when my brother uses it he does everything so quickly and doesnt make controller response related errors.

My brother who plays fox gives me a run for my money on occasion. He doesnt play smuch much, but considering the time that has played, he is really good. I'm not sure if he woudl be as good against other people as he is against my samus though, i find fox's to be particularly hard to kill (god **** up A). I always win though.

I am kindof worried that i've been so conditioned to play against link that i wouldnt be very good against anyone else. Yesterday my brother faught me samus vs marth and a nother 1 with falcon, and i beat him in a 5 life game only losing 1 life - i suppose it only says that he sucks with those 2.

I dont wavedash or do any of those ___ canceling things (i dont think) however i may do that misssle cancel thing by accident quite frequently. I dont know if this is a good way for you to get an idea of it i'm good or not, but when my brother and I play 1v1 with 5 lives, we earn about 3 coins for the game. We dont play on any levels other than the final destination - with an occasional game on hyrule.

We are prety **** far away from richmond so i duno if wed eb able to make it out there for a competition. I may be tempted to though, i lvoe this game so much.

So ya, theres a bit about me, so you can kindof get familiar a bit with who i am. Would anyone else like to share a bit about themself so i can learn more about you.
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