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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Yeah my brother and I went to Marks house to play smash for a while. Let me tell you guys, even when I've been gone, Mark has still managed to improve playing against his noob friends. To give you guys an idea of how good he is getting he beat me in a CF ditto yesterday. Most of our matches I won with 1 stock left. However He didn't do too well against Eric as he found a good Falco/Fox player to be too overwhelming. I keep bugging him to check out smashboards and sign up and post in our thread but I guess he just hasn't gotten around to it. He did JUST get his new computer up and running so we'll see how it goes I guess.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
xXx-NoobKing-xXx said:
Yeah my brother and I went to Marks house to play smash for a while. Let me tell you guys, even when I've been gone, Mark has still managed to improve playing against his noob friends. To give you guys an idea of how good he is getting he beat me in a CF ditto yesterday. Most of our matches I won with 1 stock left. However He didn't do too well against Eric as he found a good Falco/Fox player to be too overwhelming. I keep bugging him to check out smashboards and sign up and post in our thread but I guess he just hasn't gotten around to it. He did JUST get his new computer up and running so we'll see how it goes I guess.

WHOA, fast learner! That's pretty darn good if you ask me. I wonder how he'll handle my Falcon too? I can't wait to play him. This reminds me of a friend who wanted to learn smash in the summer, I think I should go help him out. Gotta find time though.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2005
I was wondering if there are any big tournaments in Canada near the Washington/Canada
boarder because i live near seattle and am look for good tournaments.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Hey Troy, I'm probably not gonna be able to make it to SFU tomorrow. I gotta go with my dad, we're finalizing some paperwork for a new car. It wasn't as quick as I thought it would be so my plans got cancelled. If you could pick me up one of those Naruto headbands (or if you could, John) then it was be VERY appreciated. Of course I'd reimburse you, and if it doesn't cost so much then I might just give you something extra for your troubles. Anyhoo, Troy, make sure you represent the competitve scene like I know you will. :)

I'll see you at the Smash tourney guys. Oh yeah, Troy, if you can get me a headband, I might go all the way over to your place to pick you up for the tourney so that I could get my merchandise too :laugh:


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Patooty said:
Hey Troy, I'm probably not gonna be able to make it to SFU tomorrow. I gotta go with my dad, we're finalizing some paperwork for a new car. It wasn't as quick as I thought it would be so my plans got cancelled. If you could pick me up one of those Naruto headbands (or if you could, John) then it was be VERY appreciated. Of course I'd reimburse you, and if it doesn't cost so much then I might just give you something extra for your troubles. Anyhoo, Troy, make sure you represent the competitve scene like I know you will. :)

I'll see you at the Smash tourney guys. Oh yeah, Troy, if you can get me a headband, I might go all the way over to your place to pick you up for the tourney so that I could get my merchandise too :laugh:
Alrite Tiep I'll try man. I wonder if you will end up with like 2 headbands if John sees your post and not mine or something drastic happens. I was soooo going to head off now but I saw this luckily. The convention is like 24/7, so you can still make it later hopefully, but the headband might not be there for you (they sell like nuts). If Konoha isn't there, anything you would like?

EDIT : Shizzz, I'm going now so I shall assume your like everyone else and would not care what foreheard protector you get then. I will try for Konoha.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Bleh, sorry for the delay in replying, man. Yeah, Konoha is choice #1. As for a choice #2, I dunno. Surprise me :chuckle: For real though, I really hope you get a Konoha one. Be sure to post which one you get for me :)

Oh yeah, Adam, couldn't get to your house before cause I was browsing cars with my dad. If you ever wanna get in touch for some short-notice smashing then you can reach me at (604) 999 1932. It's my cell so don't be shy.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Ok cool... I'll try to get a time set up that both YOU and MARK are available so we can all smash together b4 the tourney ^_^ I have laiter today, and all of tommorrow available... how does tommorrow work for you?


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Hey Troy, I hope you get this second message in time. If not I guess it's okay too. But now it's konoha only. If there's no Konoha then you don't have to get me any other one. kthx.

Adam, tomorrow might work better for me. Oh, and I hope you don't mind me bringing my bro again cause I really want him to be ready for this thing, so until the 27th, me and him are gonna be like smashing buddies. I look forward to playing mark. I might even have to counterpick since I don't really like dittos :dizzy:


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Yeah of course you can bring your bro man. I find him a good challenge myself to play against. I don't know if Mark can make this FOR SURE yet. But I'm gonna give him a call laiter and see whats up. Just give me a call tommorrow around noonish to let me know when your coming over.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Hey Tiep don't worry about not making it to the smash tourney at AE... The one today(Friday) was just terrible... They guy is like you guys decide if you want items, and what stage to play. It was also double elimination with about 16ppl playing. 5 stock FFA games where only 4th person gets 1 loss. I played like 4 games in about 2 hours. Only one I think that was able to play good there was Victa. I noticed him pretty fast ever since Troy mentioned he down smash alot with peach :laugh: so your not missing much. I lost 1 match (4th) and it was also on rainbow cruise :mad: but I only lost once so I still got a prize which was some anime CD or something. I can't check it today because I left it and a friends house.

EDIT: Oh ya its still tobad you cant go though. Woulda been fun seeing you again. And apparently Vicky Tateyama, same grad as you said she knows you and wanted to kinda see you also or just say hi.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Darn it John, I harsh didn't see ya man. The SINGLE elimination tournament which WE held (due to time left) was okay. Victa won... Peter's Y.Link beat it first match, Victa came back and beat his Falco then Peter went Y.Link again but lost. I lost against Victa before that with Sheik, it wasn't too bad though, and yeah Victa, I was a bit nervous. Probably get to play tomorrow though, better be fun.

TIEP - MAN I GOT YOU KONOHA HEADBAND. I WAITED IN LINE FOR LIKE MORE THAN 3 HOURS. The dealers room I thought opened at 9am, overall it opened at 1:30pm, I was in line at 8:40. It's 18 bucks, so yeah, next time I see ya then! I got a cool Kakashi dog tag and a poster for a friend. I played smash for like a little while, too many noobs. I did Link's up throw bomb to up+B and up+b again to return at these guys are like WHOAAA, never knew Link could do that. And some random guy shouting out crap and he knows nothing bout the game. One FORWARD SMASH Marth, so pissing. Kaze took him out with my strategy of AFA only hahaha, it was funny. Yeah, these guys were scrubs, except my crew, Victa, Victa's friend and this one guy Truong to beat Peter one match. The one Samus who came for like 1 match was missle cancelling and we ruled in teams, but overall that's it.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Ya I think right when I left you came LoL... I dunno maybe ask Victa. He was in the same tourney I was in at first. There was another tourney of smash like 10 min after the last but I left because my friends and I were selling Bleach Bears in the Artist Alley. Were going to be at the artist alley tomorro so if you see anyone selling Bleach Bears thats us! I will also now be in a Kira Yamato Suit from Gundam Seed.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Okay, first things first, I gotta say w00t! and thanks to Troy for getting me the headband!
:bluejump: :joyful: :bluejump:
Sorry for makin' you stand in line for 3 hours man, lol, I'll definately be pickin' you up for the 27th tourney for that one :laugh: Good to hear that you impressed the noobs with your tricks :) Wish I coulda been there to SWD back and forth :p I'm gettin it down pretty consistently now. Peter sounds like he's gettin REAL good. Last time I saw him he did really well against Eric's Falco(which is extremely tough), and now I hear him almost beating Victa. It's amazing stuff that YL is.

John, at least it didn't sound like it was too bad. What was first prize? :confused: I hope you're gettin' some good practice in. If you meet Troy tomorrow(technically today) then you'll see some amazing technical stuff. Pick C.Falcon and watch him infinite you :chuckle: Oh, btw, if you see Vicky again, tell her I say hi and I hope she's doing well :)

Adam, we'll probably be over tomorrow at around Noon - 1PM. I'll call you before I come over though, just to make sure.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
No problem Tiep, all in fun. Oh and there might be a good chance of SKYPAL coming to Richmond for that tournament, I asked Victa and he said he would money match them. He will probably confirm it with them hopefully, once he posts. Anyway, gotta get ready for playing around. Peter has gotten a bit better yeah, Y.Link vs Peach isn't something you see all the time (BTW, my Y.Link got 3 stocked by Victa's Peach haha).


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
so Victa IS interested. Well that's good, because Wilfred also said he is probably coming. He only won't come if he's "too tired". So yeah, that's good. Also Tiep should be here in like 5 min and then Mark will come too so it'll be the entire Richmond crew except Eric who is still away on the Island. I look forward to watching Samus vs Samus ^_^


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
so Victa IS interested. Well that's good, because Wilfred also said he is probably coming. He only won't come if he's "too tired". So yeah, that's good. Also Tiep should be here in like 5 min and then Mark will come too so it'll be the entire Richmond crew except Eric who is still away on the Island. I look forward to watching Samus vs Samus ^_^

Also, Troy, is Duong and/or Peter coming with you? If one or both of them is able to make it as well then please let me know so I can update our list of people coming to the tournament. Thx ^_^


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
ganondorf, ganondorf
May I ask why you made that post? (Ganondorf does kick *** though ^_^)


Tiep: Tiep proved to be good with more than just Samus as he beat me in a Sheik ditto yesterday. Tiep also played a decent Falcon and his Samus was good as usual.

Ryan: Ryan has gotten hella better. You all better FEAR him at the tourney ^_^.

Mark: When Mark first got there, his FIRST match was a Samus ditto with Tiep. Mark got Tiep down to 1 stock with 60%. Mark and myself did pretty well in teams with Doc and Ganon. Mark and Tiep also had a team Samus thing going for a while which was pretty tough to beat.

Adam: I played soso.... I was tearing it up with Ganon for a while. Tiep, Ryan, and myself were playing "winner stays on" b4 Mark came; and my Ganon was on for quite a while at one point until Tiep finally beat it with Sheik ^_^. As usual My CF and Tiep's Samus were having these good battles on FD and stuff's ^_^


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Patooty said:
John, at least it didn't sound like it was too bad. What was first prize? :confused: I hope you're gettin' some good practice in. If you meet Troy tomorrow(technically today) then you'll see some amazing technical stuff. Pick C.Falcon and watch him infinite you :chuckle: Oh, btw, if you see Vicky again, tell her I say hi and I hope she's doing well :)
First prize was the same thing I got LoL. It was a CD called "Record Lodoss War" which I still havent checked out yet. And tobad I didn't get to see Troy infinity me. I only played C.Falcon once when he was playing though and against Peter. My main is Falco now and starting to practice with Samus. I'm losing my touch on C.Falcon.

Your right... Peter does play a killer Y.Link, Haha Roshan wasn't even there to see it.

And Troy... Vicky (The girl I was with) says she hopes to see you at AE next year and have a game of smash bro's because she wants me to teach her how to do all the advanced stuff. So far she is doing pretty good. In one night I already taught her how to Wavedash and short hop blaster.
If you don't remember her, she was the one always using shiek and to me it looked like she kept going for you lol.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Hitsugaya said:
First prize was the same thing I got LoL. It was a CD called "Record Lodoss War" which I still havent checked out yet. And tobad I didn't get to see Troy infinity me. I only played C.Falcon once when he was playing though and against Peter. My main is Falco now and starting to practice with Samus. I'm losing my touch on C.Falcon.

Your right... Peter does play a killer Y.Link, Haha Roshan wasn't even there to see it.

And Troy... Vicky (The girl I was with) says she hopes to see you at AE next year and have a game of smash bro's because she wants me to teach her how to do all the advanced stuff. So far she is doing pretty good. In one night I already taught her how to Wavedash and short hop blaster.
If you don't remember her, she was the one always using shiek and to me it looked like she kept going for you lol.
Yeah, I played Fox once against you John, Doc is able to be infinite comboed, but I would rather not on Yoshi Story. It takes a while for me to get warmed up with Fox anyway, and you won that match cuz of that darn cape! hehe, no "Johns" (no pun intended). Yeah, it was fun leaving John alone while trying to take out the 3 others, then saving John to be last to fight, it worked every time except when I didn't know he was Ganon and I took him out quick.

Vicky, that's her name! She's a good sheik, if she learns those techniques in a night, then she got some talent in the game! It did seem like she was going for me at times, but that's okay, Sheik vs Sheik for me was pretty fun. I think I taught her some things when I was playing Sheik too, like combo to AFA and such. I will be there next year man, count on that.

Also you Falcon is good (according to Peter). He said he thought it was me for a second, but he should know what colour Falcon I use, and also I would probably die with him if I played Falcon vs him. Just don't expect anything big outta me, I am not that good at the game (knowledge wise I am pretty decent, smash is like a meh or okay level to me).

Now for Adam's post.
It is good to see young talent in Ryan, I remember his Fox hitting those AUA's well and the ground game was better than my Fox's at the time. He's too quiet though!

Mark - man it's getting exciting each time hearing of him and his fast learning. It's cool to see the community getting better much faster.

Tiep - can't expect anything less from him. Not only a Samus man, but his other characters are deadly, but Samus is still the scariest. In that Samus ditto with Adam, there better not be any of that chain throwing!! Well maybe that's me, I dislike it because it takes away from the excitement, if I use Sheik, I will not chain throw any other Sheiks (maybe other characters hehe).


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
And Troy... Vicky (The girl I was with) says she hopes to see you at AE next year and have a game of smash bro's because she wants me to teach her how to do all the advanced stuff. So far she is doing pretty good. In one night I already taught her how to Wavedash and short hop blaster.
Actually Troy I think she wants to get with you. BA BOOM! :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2001
Stop posting and get to practice! You've only got 3 days to refine your weak points ;)


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
I decided i will make another tourney sometime in October!

before adam leaves ill host another tourney here!

This time the limit will be 20 since u guys were nice (good job) :chuckle:
so when would the best day for u guys be? probably a Saturday right?

wut do u guys think?


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
We do need more tournaments to get better Eric, so thanks for the idea and I hope it goes through. This year for Duong, Peter and I is going to be hard (grade 12), so if there is a long weekend or something then hopefully we can make it. The transportation is the hard part though.

Tournamament discussion. Since nobody answered me last time or I didn't read everything properly, Princess Peach's Castle was removed from the banned list at the tournament. Did majority rule on it before and did I forget to remove it? Stupid me lol. But maybe I need to hear more opinions and get more votes before anything changes because I know that Princess Peach's Castle was used at the tournament.
My vote = PPC should be banned.

Also, make everything 4 stock should we? Takes like a few seconds more (except for Victa vs Tiep matches, that would take 2 more minutes a stock haha, no offence). Kei suggested it and he has been to a lot of tournaments, I guess it could make room for more interesting matches if it is a bit longer :)

Where's Adam going, is he going on another few months work related thing? Or living off on his own and he can't join us? Saturday would be an ideal day btw.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
ya adam is leaving on November with Timivik or somethin like that and he will be traveling across Canada

PPC was not banned cause i dont think its not that bad for singles and adam wanted it unbanned so i unbanned it just for singles

I agree that 4 stock should be used next time too
just that if we get 20 people we should have 5 T.V's


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Ok, my mom is deciding that we are gonnna go to Seattle on the 10th of September. Guess what that day is: SEATTLE MLG!!! Apparently, I had to sweet talk my mom into finallly going somewhere other than Calgary for a tournament. WOW. She really wants to see the Blue Jays kick ***, or probably the Seahawks there.

Its not really confirmed, but my mom sounds pretty confident into driving me.

And Eric, I might want to get my TV back this weekend, so is it Ok I come by this weekend and play some 1vs.1 against you? I NEED my practice for MLG Seattle if I want to do good...


Smash Cadet
Aug 10, 2005
Vancouver, Canada
In that tourney you guys all impressed me so much. As i'm sure every smasher thinks at some point "i'm so good, theres no way i can get better, no one can beat me." and then i got my *** handed to me at the tourney by everyone, and not only using their best charactors. Some people beat me using like, 5 different charactors. I think the biggest **** of the day goes to eric who 4-0'd my samus with 2 different charactors.

Though it is crushing to my pride in this game, it gives me hope of getting better. For anyone who played me and remembers who i played any tips would be good. Eric was telling me about the L recovering. I know how to do it well enough to be considered a noob at it, so i guess i have the idea and just need to practice more. But im getting off track. Anyone who can tel me anything to practice to get better would be really appreciated.

I noticed a lot of people using grabs, i dont use grabs with samus because she is so slow.. should i use more grabs with her?

Should i do those L recovery things every time i land on the ground? is that what makes all you other guys so fast?

Is wavedashing really that important? for the peoplewho kicked my ***, i didnt really see too much wavedashing. I can roll well with samus though and i think im pretty good with her sheild.

any tips on how i can practice, what i would practice, or anything that would make me better would be appreciated. im sure if i getg bettter it will benefit u guys too (if ig et good enough) because then it will be new challange for you.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
Sm_Sheba said:
In that tourney you guys all impressed me so much. As i'm sure every smasher thinks at some point "i'm so good, theres no way i can get better, no one can beat me." and then i got my *** handed to me at the tourney by everyone, and not only using their best charactors. Some people beat me using like, 5 different charactors. I think the biggest **** of the day goes to eric who 4-0'd my samus with 2 different charactors.

Though it is crushing to my pride in this game, it gives me hope of getting better. For anyone who played me and remembers who i played any tips would be good. Eric was telling me about the L recovering. I know how to do it well enough to be considered a noob at it, so i guess i have the idea and just need to practice more. But im getting off track. Anyone who can tel me anything to practice to get better would be really appreciated.

I noticed a lot of people using grabs, i dont use grabs with samus because she is so slow.. should i use more grabs with her?

Should i do those L recovery things every time i land on the ground? is that what makes all you other guys so fast?

Is wavedashing really that important? for the peoplewho kicked my ***, i didnt really see too much wavedashing. I can roll well with samus though and i think im pretty good with her sheild.

any tips on how i can practice, what i would practice, or anything that would make me better would be appreciated. im sure if i getg bettter it will benefit u guys too (if ig et good enough) because then it will be new challange for you.

even though its slow u would be good to use samuses grab ( but i think u should ask the samus players like Tiep (Patooty) )

Yes u should use L cancel every time after u use an aerial attack cause it cuts of the lag after the attack by half!

Also u should use Wavedashing for Mindgames and possibly moving around the stage more quickly maybe (again ask someone who plays samus as their main like Patooty)

i suggest u practice against humans when u can!
also watch some videos of Samus that will help u also
also practice, practice, practice L cancel and Wavedashing
when u get better.. short hop, fast fall then L cancel
hope to see ya again Sean!


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
Sm_Sheba said:
i can only consistenly do shorthop with yoshi, how do you do short hop? any wya i can do it more consistently?
Your short hop by lighty tapping the X or Y button on the controller
and just keep lightly tapping the X or Y button dont worry u will get it


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
In case you didn't pick up, strategies are picked up when using mind games. Learn the dash dance (dash one way, and before the animation finishes, dash the other way. Do it several times for confusion, although Samus's dash dance is not that good). Grabs could or could not be used, it all depends on the player you are versing. Grab if they try to play a ground game, if they are in the air, it is less likely to grab them, but you can do a thing called sheild grabbing (sheild and then press A after to grab quick).

The wavedash is an important thing to Samus. A wavedash back to f-smash is amazing. An easy way is to use the c-stick, it does wonders (right Tiep?).

Try to get to know Samus's moves more and how they work against different characters and people, but the only way to do that is with more experience. Missle spam is also big with Samus's game because it is a fast way to shoot a strong projectile.

For short hopping, what Eric said is true but a bit more of a help I find could be this:
For Y - Use your thumb and push on the top of the Y button, light and fast
For X - Use thumb to flick off to the side of flick down on the bottom of Y
Control stick - do not use control stick, it is very hard.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
heh, unfortunately Samus' U-Air doesn't spike, Adam. Sheba, if you're planning to stick with Samus then it's quite essential that you learn to wavedash. Once you've completely got it down, it becomes another form of movement for Samus, and even makes some other types of Samus' movements almost obsolete such as the roll, or even running. Wavedashing gets you from point A to point B faster than running, and is sometimes a complete substitute for the roll because of it's speed and distance. It has more uses than that, as you'll discover for yourself if you decide to pursue it :)

L-Cancelling is VERY important. ALL of Samus' aerials end with 15 frames of lag. (that's 1/4 second) In the world of smash that's quite a lot. When you l-cancel, it reduces the lag to 7 frames, which is just a bit more than 1/10 of a second. I can honestly tell you that my tech-skill sucks and I find it hard to l-cancel. Not being able to l-cancel at least 90% of the time gets me in some very nasty situations when I don't have to be.

Samus' grab game is a weird one that is totally dependant on your opponent's playstyle. I'm not used to grabbing, but I did it quite a lot in the tourney, although not enough. The person who I could've played a very good grabbing game against was Yagi's Sheik, but I'm not the greatest grabber ever. Just remember everytime you grab that if you miss, you will be punished big-time. Dash-grabs are way better than sheild grabs for Samus because of the speed of it, and because you'll only usually grab if your opponent is sheilding and waiting to be attacked so he could sheild grab you. Sheild grabs do happen though, and that's purely for it's range. I also like to play with the extended grapple, but that's totally up to you.
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