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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Heh, well, with other characters, I do, but for some reason I don't with Samus. Perhaps it's just a thing with my habits. I've played Samus a very long time without l-cancelling so I guess I'm just not used to it. I can't say I do it more than 70% of the time with her, so it's definately something I need work on.

I might be able to make it on Saturday, but yeah, just give me a call whenever and we'll see. I know where you live now thanks to Adam. Just need a little refresher when I actually get there though. I forgot my way in -.-'


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Yeah Tiep, Nick is coming too, so the four of us can get some good practice in.

In regards to MLG seattle. I've convinced my mom and step dad and they are driving me and Eric there on Friday and we are staying in a hotel for 2 nights. Tiep Nick said he can take 2 extra people in his car as he is going with his mom, you should ask him about it and see if you can go with him. Maybe we can find one other person within our community that is also interested in going. However, anyone who WANTS to go to this SHOULD talk to nick unless they can find their OWN mode of transportation because Nick is the one with 2 free spots in his car... I can't take any people >.>


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Whoah man, that's AWESOME news that Nick has spare room in his car. Now if I can convince my mom to let me go then i'll be good to go. I'll be over for some practice for sure now man. Hopefully Nick's mom will agree to giveing me a ride :)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Oh my gosh, you guys are so lucky that your parents are understanding... especially during school time. I hope you guys train up, and if there any training sessions at Nick's or something, I'll be glad to help you guys out (remember, I can play a lot of different characters to help you on character match ups). This is going to be extremely crazy experience for everyone, I expect you guys to be sooo much better when you guys come back and to beat me to a pulp. Chu, Azen, SKYPAL, Isai... too much man, it's almost like a smash orgy. Remember that Azen is a nice guy and you can ask for friendlies (from what I hear). SKYPAL too! I'm not sure about Chu and Isai though, but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask. Just remember that not everyone is willing to accept friendlies, and during tournament time, you shouldn't friendly unless you know you have the time for both people (MLGs run very smooth from what I hear). I wish you guys good luck, and I hear Adam's going all Ganon? Good luck with that, just watch out for Peaches.

EDIT : BTW- Tiep, I think you should update your Location!


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Oh my gosh, you guys are so lucky that your parents are understanding... especially during school time. I hope you guys train up, and if there any training sessions at Nick's or something, I'll be glad to help you guys out (remember, I can play a lot of different characters to help you on character match ups). This is going to be extremely crazy experience for everyone, I expect you guys to be sooo much better when you guys come back and to beat me to a pulp. Chu, Azen, SKYPAL, Isai... too much man, it's almost like a smash orgy. Remember that Azen is a nice guy and you can ask for friendlies (from what I hear). SKYPAL too! I'm not sure about Chu and Isai though, but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask. Just remember that not everyone is willing to accept friendlies, and during tournament time, you shouldn't friendly unless you know you have the time for both people (MLGs run very smooth from what I hear). I wish you guys good luck, and I hear Adam's going all Ganon? Good luck with that, just watch out for Peaches.
That's really up for debate in my mind right now whether or not I'm gonna go all Ganon. If I think I can pull it off with another character at any given time I may switch up to CF or maybe even Jigg's, Sheik, or Doc. All I know is that me and my bro will be practicing ALOT for this and hopefully we'll do alright in teams ^_^. GAWD **** I better get luckier with brackets this time too!!! :laugh:


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Ok, my mom agreed to let me go as long as a grown-up is driving so if your mom can drive, Nik, that'd be great. Were you planning on picking me up or is it more conveniant if I drop by at your house? Just be sure that she is able to drop me off and pick me up from Yagi's :) If you need to talk about anything then just give me a call (604)999-1932.

Oh yeah, do you know how long we're gonna be over there? I gotta get back for school ya know :ohwell:


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
So Tiep and Nick u guys coming over to my house Monday?

well since nobodys got school then but i think my parents wont be back till dinner time.. so ill have too see wuts goin on until then.. could u guys come over if u could?


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Darn it, I'm so jealous of all the practice going on. Oh well, you guys better be smart and if you want any tips you can ask me for some? I got some little things which could improve your game, I don't believe it has been discussed before. Adam, if Isai accepts your money match, you better tell me all about it because it would be cool to see some old school smashing going on where one of us from BC is on the same level as a legend such as Isai :)

Eric - if you have a date ready for the next Richmond tourament, post it up! The earlier the better because it gives people much more time to get ready to arrive and such.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Alright, Troy, if you know any flaws in my game or have any general tips, or can hax my controller or anything like that, now'd be the perfect time to tell me. I wanna be as ready as possible for this.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Iv'e thought about it, and I think the tourney at my moms place is going to be hosted on OCTOBER 29th, which is a Saturday. This should be convenient for most of you I hope and having it that far ahead will give EVERYONE lots of time to plan things out. Also, don't get TOO excited... but we may be having a special visitor drop by for the tourney and staying for a few days on his way back home from China. One thing I ask though is that SOMEONE ELSE does brackets for this tourney. I STILL don't understand how to stagger them properly and I'd really appreciate it if one of the Richmond or Vancouver people could come early and help me do brackets on the day of the tourney. ALSO, our last tourney was fully booked up and even more people confirmed then we thought. Since you guys were all so great last time, my mom agreed to having 20 people over instead of the previous 16. So we're expecting another FULL 20 person turnout this time ^_^




Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
It's great to see there is another tourney so soon... and on a Saturday also. If theres a list for it can put me on the list again. This time with more people going I hope there will be new people to vs. against. I would also like to get that rematch against Tiep that I didn't get last time.
And this time, I'm going to be ready for this tourney because now that my friends know how to play as good as me. I can now have someone to practice with and not with the lame CPU.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
We're planning on being there sometime on Friday. Either Friday afternoon or Friday evening. I'll give you more details as I get them, or Nintensity will because his mom's the one driving, so he'll probably get the details before me.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Yagi, I'll phone you later tonight...I phoned you yesterday, but you were away, and i left this wierd message on your answering machine....I really don't know what to say... X_X

Tiep, I have to get your Address and Phone number from you, just in case something comes up. Oh, and i'm verry sorry that your brother can't come: My mom said that its too much responsiblity, and that going ACROSS the border might be tough (You know the strict U.S rules).. Again, i apologize for not gonna bring you to MLG.
Tiep, I'm gonna stay with Yagi as well, while my mother and her boyfriend book a room at the hotel Adam is staying at. Also, my mother was wondering (kindly), if you can help pay a bit for the transportation. She says 20 dollars to Seattle, and another 20 dollars going home. I apologize for the inconvenience. Tiep, since you live in Richmond, we'll pick you up along the way to Seattle.

YAGI, BTW, if you want to know me better before I can house with you, my name is Nick, I'm 15 years old, i'm chinese...you know, the Falco whom I played against you at the Richmond tourmament? I was wondering if Tiep and I can stay there for 2 nights, Friday AND saturday night, because my Mom and her Boyfriend are going to go to a party back at Bellingham (or somewhere around there), and that she says that its too stressful going BACK to Bellevue to pick me and Tiep, and then drive ALL the way back to vancouver. Well, 2 nights Smashing with you, Kei, AND ISAI shouldn't be too bad, should it?
Don't worry, my Mother offered to pay a bit for the housing at your house... I'll call you later for Details...

Also, should I bring a sleeping bag for housing at Yagis? =]


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
****, that stinks. My brother has his passport and citizenship and everything already so I'm about 100% sure that he won't have any border problems. And if he does then I guess I can stay at the border with him and call my parents to pick us up. Also, he's gonna be staying with me at Yagi's place so I'm gonna be responsible for him for the whole trip so your mom doesn't have to worry about that. The $20 I guess should be fine, but do you think you can ask your mom again for my bro? She doesn't have to worry about him at all.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2002
Washington State
nik: i got your message. it made me laugh. but if you call me again it has to be before 4pm or after 10:30pm because i have work. regardless I will be able to house you and whoever else is from canada. for however long. and no need to pay for housing, just get some money for food since we will probably just going to get fast food or to some restuarants. and bringing you own sleeping bag would be the safe thing to do. i have blankets but i can not gaureentee that you will get one, so you should bring one just in case.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Hey, Nik. My parents said that I could go with my brother on the Greyhound, so you don't have to ask your mom anymore. Tell her thanks for her troubles, and thanks for letting me go with her, but I wanna take my brother on this thing, so I think we're gonna stick with Greyhound. Yagi agreed to pick me up from the station(thanks a LOT man) so I'm set to go now. I'll be there on Friday at 10:30PM.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
You sure, Tiep? I'm gonna ask my mom again if you would like to. Trust me. If she says yes (taking you and your brother) , then we can ALL arrive at Yagi's at around 5:30ish instead of your 10:30 arrival. That way, we can have more practice ^_^

Yagi. I'll call you later about the location on where you are. And yeah, thanks for reminding me to bring money for Food.

OH YEAH, I forgot, its in the States.... Meaning I need to bring over American Money. **** Americans.


*out of nowwhere, Isai comes up behind me, and Meteors me down my stairs*
Nick: I'm sorrrrrry!


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Well I'm MM Isai so I'll probably get to play him in melee as well. Chu I dunno. You guys ask to play him and such on friday night and maybe tell him about me and how I would like the opportunity to play his IC's if you could, THX ^_^

BTW NICK: I dunno what it is, but something tells me you still think that Canadian currency is okay for entrance fees. To play it on the SAFE (and most likely) side, GO TO THE BANK SOME TIME BEFORE FRIDAY AND TAKE OUT OR EXCHANGE FOR AMERICAN MONEY!!! Food, tournament entry, money matches, EVERYTHING you pay for there or use money for in any way SHOULD be American. It's just something that I realized more and more on my own after thinking about it for a while... >.>


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Well, no crap, because it IS America... No crap that Americans only accept American Money. If we gave them Canadian $$$, they'll think that we are being cheap bimbos, you see.....


Smash Cadet
Aug 10, 2005
Vancouver, Canada
I really want to get better so that i can compete with you guys if i ever play you again. i need a starting point for how to improve. i beleive that if i can master the L recover thing i will be able to compete? do you guys think that mastry of the L recover is the biggest thing that separates experts from newbs?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
I really want to get better so that i can compete with you guys if i ever play you again. i need a starting point for how to improve. i beleive that if i can master the L recover thing i will be able to compete? do you guys think that mastry of the L recover is the biggest thing that separates experts from newbs?
First of all, WE are no experts. Only semi-pro. L cancelling is probably one of the BIGGEST factors that separates a not so good player from an AVERAGE player. After that, SH AUA, ABA, AFA, and ADA tactics as well as WD --> Fsmash, Dsmash, and Usmash tactics are very important. Dash dancing and pivoting and (ken dashing) are also very important. The Ken dash is tough, you have to have MAD good control with the joystick and already have pivoting down pact. IF you can do all that then you are semi-pro / pro. The thing that separates the pro's from the world class players I say is how smart you play the game and how much control you have over your character and how consistent you are. I can do all the combo's and tricks that Isai can with Captain Falcon. However he pulls of WHAT he wants to, WHEN he wants to. You gotta predict what your opponent is going to do and you must KNOW that what you do is going to work on him because you've chosen to do the right move at the right time with near perfect timing and placement. It takes MAJOR time and experience to get to that level. I'd say I'm far from it, but I've come a LONG way , and so have alot of us around here, but to be the best you gotta beat the best, simply put.

There are many other advanced techniques and stuff. If you want to know more, just ask about a certain character, and most likely someone like Troy (darkdragon) or myself will post here to help you out. I'm one of the more knowledgeable players as of late because I have been reading alot of faqs and stuff, but there are quite a few smashers in B.C with more knowledge about the game in alot of aspects then me....


Smash Cadet
Aug 10, 2005
Vancouver, Canada
i wont be able to come to any tournaments until at least december, if not next summer. i am in nanaimo right now because i go to malaspina university. i come back every couple weeks to see my gf but i probly wont spend 2 much time practicing ssbm. hopefully over christmas i will get to play some of you, most likely not in a tournament.. would be a wast eof my money anyways ;). il try to get the l canceling down before i waste any of you guys' time playing me.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Thanks for the ride offer Nik, but Greyhound requires that we purchase tickets 3 days in advance, which was yesterday, so I had to go for it just in case the ride with you didn't work out.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
OH, ****, I was thinking that I could go with you, cause my mom just realized, that it would be a LOT cheaper bussing there via Greyhound....So, last night, i thought that i would come with you guys...

...But i guess i cant.... =[

Dammit, that leaves my last option, which is flying there.
theres really no sweat, cause the airplane tickets only cost me 35$ round trip =\

but the taxi ride TO Yagi's take half an hour to get there.... half an hour in a taxi = a ****LOAD of money.... I can't believe this taxi ride is more than my plane ride....


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
What day and time do you need to be back at the greyhound?
Bah, so sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. The closest time I could get was Sunday 3:30, which I guess doesn't make it a great deal easier for you :ohwell:


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2002
Washington State
Patooty said:
Bah, so sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. The closest time I could get was Sunday 3:30, which I guess doesn't make it a great deal easier for you :ohwell:
Well, just so you know, I have work immediately after I drop Isai off, therefore it would be impossible for me to give you a ride. So you will either need to find a ride with someone else, or you will have to get dropped off when Isai does and just wait... I am sure if Ratking hasn't left by then, he will be able to give you a ride. >_>


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2002
Washington State
double post!

Canada guys!

I have a very odd request (not mine >.>). If anyone is willing to bring big bags of kit kat with them, I know someone who will pay you double in american money. So if anyone wants to make some extra cash, just bring down some big bags of kit kats, lol.

Also, Nik, if you were to bring some of these bags of kit kat, I know someone would be able to give you a ride from the airport. That way you wouldn't have to take a taxi and you would save money.

So, if anyone is willing to do this for me, let me know cause I could use like 5 bags, lol. And the first person to confirm they can do this for me gets the deal.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2004
Portland Oregon
OMG! What A deal with the kit kats.! Btw I can do some rides for people like the taxi person and I can do a drop off on sunday more then likely


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2004
Vancouver, BC
Ok, Yagi, I was thinking about your offer of Kit Kats, and I think I really need the deal, like, now that the greyhound bus offer already expired (I was thinking about bussing with Tiep&Ryan), I now have to go by Airplane, and THEN by taxi for 30 minutes, and that definitely ISN'T good. ($$$)

So, after school, my mom will try to get me 4-5 boxes of Kit Kats at like, Cosco (This Wholesale Store that sells everything in BULK) . I'll contact you later (via Phone) IF or if not you can actually get me a Friend of yours to pick me up at the Airport, That would be very generous of you man, and I might Knock down a bit of money off the Kit Kats too ;)

Thanks A lot Yagi ^-^
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