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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Cadet
Aug 10, 2005
Vancouver, Canada
Ya, i saw that threat about the tourney, and i am very interested. I wish my link brother could come, but he is going to be away. I have to try and convince my fox brother to come with me. He isnt that good, but i guess we have 2 weeks to practice. It would be good for me to get some quality experience vs someone who isnt link.

As i mentioned above, it is a long drive. So i'm going to have to watch a couple vids on the hub and make an educated quess if id be able to hold my own vs those types of players. Its likely that i will come if i can convince my brother to come though. even though i dont expect to win.. it would be great to have the experience of playing other players - my only other objection is that i may die driving in richmond ;)

My brother and I will bring our own controllers if we come, we are used to the ones we have because we have practiced with them so long. i have a regular controller - but he has one of those ******** controllers with the turbo button on it.. god knows why he usesit. But he is best on that.. even though the turbo button always goes on and messes his playing up.. i need to try and convince him to use a regular controller.

Sooner to that date, i will update you on if we can come though.. i really hope we can!


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Just don't make him use the turbo or anything that is shortcut and then it is fine. BYOC (Bring Your Own Controller) is like a universal rule at smash tournaments, so you are more than welcome to bring that.

Troy Tham's Bio -
Born in 1988, male, chinese, goes to Vancouver Technical Secondary (going to grade 12). No brothers but do have a sister, only smashing I get done is against computers and sometimes versus some friends. I live on the East side of Vancouver, so I hope that is close Sheba.

I can pretty much use all the characters in the game, not well, but not bad. I know some of the little tricks with the characters and love to play Marth and Falcon the most. I wish I had a brother to practice against like Tiep, Adam and Eric, but it's all good. I'm a dedicated smasher and I doubt I will ever quit.

I got the game like 3 years ago (version 1.2), I only got interested in it playing it at a friend's house. I eventually got to buying the game and system and by then the latest version of smash was out. I have gone and burned one controller (which feels horrible and some buttons don't work) and am currently ruining my platinum one lol. As a technical player in melee, I am only good with those worn out controllers, and my new ones aren't doing me that good yet.

I have pretty strict parents so at times I cannot go to smash fests, and I usually have to lie and say I am going to somebody's house or something. I know 2 very talented people in smash, Duong and Peter. ... I think that's it, pretty cool having our smash bio's here lol.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2002
Washington State
Yo! I am probably going up to Vancouver this weekend (Sat and Sun). Is there going to be any smashfests going on this weekend in the area? If so, I want to go.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Yagi said:
Yo! I am probably going up to Vancouver this weekend (Sat and Sun). Is there going to be any smashfests going on this weekend in the area? If so, I want to go.
I'll ask Nik (the usual host of smashfests) if we are allowed as he doesn't reply in this thread too often. Is it going to be just you Yagi? It would be really cool to smash with you.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
1. Cool Troy, I just read that thread and it sounds pretty interesting. Maybe you should elaborate on rules for the guy a little bit though cause it doesn't sound like he knows TOO much about what he's doing. And maybe get rid of the smash jargon too. He might be thinking like "Whats a Neutral stage, and whats FoD." Just want things to run as smoothly as possible. Many people were dissapointed with the Nintendo tournament held in NYC because of the ruleset, and especially because it was FFA. Anyhoo, it sounds pretty good so far. Oh btw, are the tourneys money tourneys? Were they money tourneys last year? I need to know in case I have to bring in extra few bucks. Also, do you have a ride up to SFU yet?

2. Sheba, I hope you can make it to the Richmond tournie. It's actually not too far. Even in very heavy traffic, you'll make it there in under an hour. And with the start time what it is, I doubt there will be heavy traffic. It'll take you maybe 20-40 minutes depending on where you live in Vancouver. I'd love to see how you and your brother play. I guess I'll follow Troy and post a bit about myself too:

My real name's Tiep (pronouce Tee-up.... sorta), I'm male, Vietnamese, and just graduated from DT Secondary. As you probably woulda already figured, I have a younger brother who plays Fox that does quite well in matches against me but im better than him :chuckle: I used to live on East side Vancouver too but recently moved to Richmond.

I can use all the characters in the game, although not as good as Troy can. I main as Samus, and characters that I might use in tournies if I needed to counterpick, and I felt daring would be Falco, Marth, CF, and Sheik. I'm a dedicated smasher and the only thing in the foreseeable future that would have me quit is SSBR.

I got the game when it first came out, so I have the very first verion (I think discontinued now.) I played quite a bit back then for a while. I won some events at the PNE when they held smash tournies :laugh: I can honestly say though, that this community's skill is of a much greater calibur. As for tech skill, unlike Troy, mine is lacking. I'm still amazed whenever I see troy use his infinite -.-' For me it's all about the playstyle and mindgames. I can switch between defensive, and offensive play because I use Samus, but I would venture a guess that I'm offensive by nature.

Oh yeah, and if you find some amazing vids on DC++, remember that we're not as good ;)

3. Wow, Yagi in Vancouver. I finally get to see how far I am behind them SKYPAL'ers. I mean, I know you guys are up there somewhere, but you can't be too far away, eh?

Now my left pinky hurts from all the typing. I use the letter "A" and the left shift key way too excessively =\

PS. Like my new siggy? :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
WHOA, Tiep that looks crazy man, nice job (Photoshop I presume?). Eric, just like the last smash fest at Nik's house, is it alright if we confirm with him first because it is possible for you guys to get a ride there, but some of us here cannot make it out to Richmond. Just in case, we should ask Nik (unless you already did that with him). Then more smashers = the better. :)

Tiep, the Anime Convention last year didn't really have a tournament in the games room, it was held by this company DSX. It was horrible... timed matches and only 2 wavebirds to use, so it had to be 1 v 1 (which was okay) but all items on high and the stages aren't even complete and all are on random. This tournament to be good needs experience in the game, so yea, I hope they understand all this smash mumbo jumbo that I said lol. If they don't, I guess I gotta go there and personally teach them, and if your making it to this, we might end up running it. As for money, I doubt there will be any involved, but then again there was no tournament held at the games room last year, so I would not know (it's just that nothing is mentioned, I'll look around and see). I am probably getting a ride from my dad there (he drove my friends and I back and fourth all 3 days! How nice of my dad!)

Speaking on anime convention - how about people just coming for the anime? I am like 95% for the anime! Anime Music Video contest, Cosplayers, Shopping in the dealer's room, events like Anime Idol. The only thing that isn't too good is the lack of food at dinner time and possibly they need more stuff there! They show in classrooms all licenced animes (the typical like Love Hina, Gundam Seed, most likely newer ones shown this year).

EDIT: Darius! We care man! When one of the BC smashers can't go, of course we care. You already said your quite busy, so we understand. Sucks that you can't make it though.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
Well i said it was at my house for smashfest because Nick is gone Camping until Augest 26

Darius we care thats y i invited u to my tourney in the first place!

Nice siggy Tiep!

Also some confrimations for my tourney on whos coming would be nice :)


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Hey Eric, you know if it's gonna be Saturday(tomorrow) or Sunday yet? I'm gonna try to make it out to this, but I might be busy this weekend so no gauruntees. Man, I really wanted to play Yagi. Anyhoo, decide on a day and I'll try to be there :)

Troy, for the Anime convention, do you know if they sell merchandise there? I've been itching to get a Naruto forehead protector ever since I knew those things existed. BTW, $35 and we're covered for the whole time right? Do they give you a ticket or something so you can get back in?


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Eric, I meant the smashfest (if it were the tournament, I would probably say it in the tournament thread). Also, I do not know how i would go to the tournament lol.

Tiep - the convention has a "Dealer's Room", but the Naruto headbands are like the first to go, seriously. They only have so many too, so you have to line up hours before the dealer's room opens, literally HOURS. 35 bucks (which sucks now because I registered in May and paid 25) for 3 days full, that's it! You get a badge and you can come and go as you please. Most likely you can roam around the area without a pass, but you cannot buy or see anything unless you have the pass (goes around your neck).

BTW - To register there... the line up will literally take like 6 hours. Go early to register.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2002
Washington State
I am still ironing out the details of my trip, like trying to find a hotel in Vancouver that isn't sold out. But it looks like I am for sure heading up there. I am planning to head up there around 10:00am, so that means I probably won't get there until after 1:00pm, but that will still give us some time to play. Would there be a number I could call in case I get lost or something?


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Awesome, Yagi's comin'. I'll try my best to make it tomorrow so you guys don't get too lonely. If I can make it, my brother might wanna come too.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
OMG videos better be done. Anyway, have fun guys, I have plans and also no trip there so yeah, like I said before I'm stuck.

Yagi - I hope you have fun here and these guys seduce you to come over for the tournament. What is your business in Vancouver anyway?

Tiep: bout the convention. Registration is
The times are as follows:
Thursday: 4pm - 9pm
Friday: 9am - 8pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 7pm
Sunday: 9am - 1pm


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Thanks for the info, Troy. I was just about to ask how I would go about registering. The days that you posted are for this week right? (the 13th right now) Oh, and just to make sure, it starts on Friday the 19th? One last thing, do I have to go up to SFU to register? If so, where am I looking to go on the SFU campus?


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Patooty said:
Thanks for the info, Troy. I was just about to ask how I would go about registering. The days that you posted are for this week right? (the 13th right now) Oh, and just to make sure, it starts on Friday the 19th? One last thing, do I have to go up to SFU to register? If so, where am I looking to go on the SFU campus?
It starts on the 19th (Friday) so I would suggest register early on thursday if you can or Friday earlier. You have to go down to the SFU campus and go to register. If you can't find your way around, I am really sure there will be people to guide you. I was lucky because I had two friends who went the year before last, and we know how to get to the place. I believe it was the Academic Quadrangle building, something like that is the main place's title. It's a big thing there, so if anything, front of the school and front desk won't hurt, sorry I can't be too specific though.


Hi I'm new here and lemme tell you how suprised i was when i found there actually WERE smash tourneys goin on that i can actually go to! None of my friends are a challenge anymore so i was really hoping for some competition and here i find a boatload o ppl who at least seem good. (Can't really tell cause i haven't played any of you ^^) Anyways i'll most likely be in the smash tourney at anime evo and i'm hopin to see you guys there XD Got a job at playland recently so i dun think i'll be able to attend any of the other tourneys though unless my sched allows for it but after that i'm *so* going to any smash tourneys that'll be held through the year XD


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
k, I guess I'll try to get up there early thursday to register. I assume the thing starts at 9AM Friday? Do you know if there'll be any marathons? Like where they show a whole bunch of episodes from a series? It would give me something elese to do other than play Smash, buy merchandise, and check out all the cosplayers.

BTW, are you going with a big group?

Edit: Wow, nevermind not having anything to do. I just checked out the Events section of their site and looks like they've got a lotta stuff planned.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Patooty said:
k, I guess I'll try to get up there early thursday to register. I assume the thing starts at 9AM Friday? Do you know if there'll be any marathons? Like where they show a whole bunch of episodes from a series? It would give me something elese to do other than play Smash, buy merchandise, and check out all the cosplayers.

BTW, are you going with a big group?
It starts on Friday, 11:30am is the opening ceremony. Check the anime evolution site, go to events and look on the right hand column to find out more. Marathons are more like 3 or so episodes of a series. There are schedules out and they list in which room is playing what at each time (so convenient eh?). They probably will show more though, just look and see, there are a lot of animes to play in the rooms too. Events like the AMV contest, Anime Idol and stuff are cool to watch as well. Sometimes it does get boring, so bring like cards to play with your friends and such. I am not going with a big group, it has like 4 people alltogether. I want to get more, but I don't know if they are coming. The group I am with might be divided too, some people are having problems. I know some people from my school going too, but they are too busy volunteering I believe.

Welcome Jin to the forums! I was going to link you, but you found it. Tiep (hopefully) and I will be there, and like I said in the anime evo thread, I will proabably play you. This site has a lot to learn, so go check around the Melee Discussion room and learn some things you might not have known.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
OMG a playland worker!!!
Think you can smuggle us some toys? XD

Hmm.. Just had a strange ponder as to why we're all like... nocturnal..

O NOEZ! Can you help me out on finding when/where smash is gonna be? Also, do I just walk around looking for merchandise or what? I'm really looking to get a forehead protector here. The shipping and handling charges on Ebay is ghey, and signing up for stuff is also ghey.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Patooty said:
OMG a playland worker!!!
Think you can smuggle us some toys? XD

Hmm.. Just had a strange ponder as to why we're all like... nocturnal..

O NOEZ! Can you help me out on finding when/where smash is gonna be? Also, do I just walk around looking for merchandise or what? I'm really looking to get a forehead protector here. The shipping and handling charges on Ebay is ghey, and signing up for stuff is also ghey.
Smash is in the games room, it took me a while to find it but you gotta follow either a map that will be placed there or there are signs around the place. You gotta go from building to building to look where it is, and who knows, it might change this year to be bigger? The dealers room (to buy stuff) is also in a seperate place, there should be a map saying where it is because it is a big thing there. I think I will join you on Thursday because I will go and pick up my badge early, I don't want some big crowd there!

The Anime Evolution tournament is ummmm, weird. The guy who is the messenger for games seems like he is making up his own rule set or something. I want to know what the heck is going on because I do not want to compete in some timed, filled with items and all random stages on crap. I want to make sure this is like... something worth showing skill instead of this other way. I know I would not compete with those things, at LEAST do a census of what the people like instead of doing that! Either way, I'm gonna go there and play people in NORMAL rules (I know some people may not know it, but they should learn if they are smashers). You in Tiep? haha. (cough *Team* cough).


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Ya the guy at AE is wierd... making a rule about something of just bombs as items or something like that. If he is going to have rules like that I doubt much people are going to join that tourney there. I know I wouldn't if it was like that and if it had maps like Hyrule, or Planet Z.

And Tiep if you want that Naruto headband I suggest going early on Friday morning before the line up because last year I went we waited in line for about 3 hours or so.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Ouch, 3 hours of lineup. Did you guys get there early? Also, how much did the forehead protectors cost you? And what do you mean by "get there early". Should I be there before the opening ceremonies begin?

Troy I'd be up for anything smash related. I could sit there all day pwning n00bs if they wanted me to :laugh: Hey Troy, do you have a ride up to SFU for Thursday? I wouldn't mind pickin' ya up (if I can drive) and heading down there with you. I'd probably get totally lost by myself there anyway. My anime-freak friend left for Europe for the summer so I have nobody to join me :(

PS. Someone should post normal rules on that thread so that he can get a feel that everyone wants these kinds of rules and then he'll cave in and just leave it to us to have it our way. Thank God he didn't go through with the glutton and miners mode and stuff. Sounds like stuff I'd do with my little cousins and stuff :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Yeah, 3 hours was pretty long but we lined up about 1 or 2. So right after the opening ceremony just make your way down there or if you don't want to watch the ceremony you will be one of the first ones in.

The naruto headbands last year were pretty much the first things to go in the dealers room since last year naruto was the anime everyone was most interested in but this year I think there will be a few there so theres no need to worry if its sold out or anything.
The naruto headbands also ranges from $10 - $20.

HaHa YEAH! The guy at AE did cave in. 3 of us were telling him we hated the rules and rather just have friendlies but now he is going to have the regular rules. Yay!
What a great opertunity to meet new smashers and to finally meet Troy.

Ughhh darn sig. I can't get it to fit the way I want it :( gonna go back to editing.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Victa - WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! lol, you going or what?

Tiep - let's do it! I can sit and play smash all day too, it's just that great of a game. It's nice to see that the guy caved in and said we will use normal rules. Thanks for the offer for the ride but my dad has time to drop me this year, but thanks anyway.

Hitsugaya - whew, can't wait to play you man, I'll talk to you on MSN and stuff, should be loads of fun.


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2005
Calgary, AB, CA
aw dang i cant go to any smashfests cause im in whistler.....oh well hopefully ill see some of you t the calgary tourney


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
hmmmmm.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................FRESH MEAT! :psycho: :p :psycho: :p :psycho: :p :psycho:


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Looks at the last 2 posts and I shall give a weird :confused: look.

TIEP : IMPORTANT! I looked at the anime evolution site, and I guess I missed seeing that on Thursday is the day for PRE REGISTERED people (so people who paid and mailed and stuff before July 29th or some date like that). This means that Friday is the day to go for non pre registered!

We will not be taking in registrations on Thursday, as that night is reserved for those who have already registered prior to the convention. Please do not attempt to regster at that time on Thursday as none will be accepted. Please ensure that you have the appropriate information (ID, parental permission) for the registration table so to make registration much quicker.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Tiep, I dunno why we don't have eachother's phone numbers yet. But today my buddy Mark said he wanted to smash so that means all 4 Richmond people could meet up to play smash. He really wants to play your Samus and for you to teach him a thing or two with Samus. Sometime this afternoon he said he'd give me a call. So, if you get this before like 4pm, feel free to call my place @ 604-275-1508

Edit: If I'm not home at that number and you call b4 4pm then here's Mark's #... 604-277-9944
ONLY call that number after calling my place first, thx ^_^ I hope you can make it.
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