1. Cool Troy, I just read that thread and it sounds pretty interesting. Maybe you should elaborate on rules for the guy a little bit though cause it doesn't sound like he knows TOO much about what he's doing. And maybe get rid of the smash jargon too. He might be thinking like "Whats a Neutral stage, and whats FoD." Just want things to run as smoothly as possible. Many people were dissapointed with the Nintendo tournament held in NYC because of the ruleset, and especially because it was FFA. Anyhoo, it sounds pretty good so far. Oh btw, are the tourneys money tourneys? Were they money tourneys last year? I need to know in case I have to bring in extra few bucks. Also, do you have a ride up to SFU yet?
2. Sheba, I hope you can make it to the Richmond tournie. It's actually not too far. Even in very heavy traffic, you'll make it there in under an hour. And with the start time what it is, I doubt there will be heavy traffic. It'll take you maybe 20-40 minutes depending on where you live in Vancouver. I'd love to see how you and your brother play. I guess I'll follow Troy and post a bit about myself too:
My real name's Tiep (pronouce Tee-up.... sorta), I'm male, Vietnamese, and just graduated from DT Secondary. As you probably woulda already figured, I have a younger brother who plays Fox that does quite well in matches against me but im better than him
I used to live on East side Vancouver too but recently moved to Richmond.
I can use all the characters in the game, although not as good as Troy can. I main as Samus, and characters that I might use in tournies if I needed to counterpick, and I felt daring would be Falco, Marth, CF, and Sheik. I'm a dedicated smasher and the only thing in the foreseeable future that would have me quit is SSBR.
I got the game when it first came out, so I have the very first verion (I think discontinued now.) I played quite a bit back then for a while. I won some events at the PNE when they held smash tournies
I can honestly say though, that this community's skill is of a much greater calibur. As for tech skill, unlike Troy, mine is lacking. I'm still amazed whenever I see troy use his infinite -.-' For me it's all about the playstyle and mindgames. I can switch between defensive, and offensive play because I use Samus, but I would venture a guess that I'm offensive by nature.
Oh yeah, and if you find some amazing vids on DC++, remember that we're not as good
3. Wow, Yagi in Vancouver. I finally get to see how far I am behind them SKYPAL'ers. I mean, I know you guys are up there somewhere, but you can't be too far away, eh?
Now my left pinky hurts from all the typing. I use the letter "A" and the left shift key way too excessively =\
PS. Like my new siggy?