Yeah, Sorry Adam that I offended Conclusion that Mike Is the best in Canada... I guess I was a bit over-confident of myself...Its just been a LOOONNNG time since I last smashed up with you, and that I hope that sooner or later, we will be in the finals again when the next tournament starts... With Skypal.
ALSO, Vancouverites, we NEED a team name here, Like Troy's X-Kamikaze team. without it, we're all individuals, fighting to see who's the best here.
That's not what a team is supposed to be though.
Its about teamwork and cooperation.
Now we've prooved ourself, we can unite as one agianst SKYPAL and Edmonton... and TOGETHER, we can beat them.
Ok, so who has Ideas for a team name? Something that's not should be something unique, and sounds cool. ^-^
LOL. yeah, Tiep, my mom works for the Airlines...for 31 years O_o
I CAN be a hacker and get the tickets to edmonton for free though ^-^
Let me ask my mom first, I'm really not that quite sure that I can get you really cheap tickets, instead of paying the whole 300 bucks for it, but i'll give it a go.
EDIT: Ok, Well, my mom said that we have to travel with her to get the deal, or it won't work >_<
Also, only 4 people can come with me.